3 minute read
Dr. Maria Rosario P. GAMBOA

The name of the carabao milk pudding called Tibok-tibok is derived from the word ‘’tibok’’ which is the translation in Tagalog of the word ‘’pulse,’’ or ‘’beat,’’ as in heart beat. Perhaps it is the small sound of the pops coming from the pudding while being cooked that inspired the name. The pudding starts to pulse as the bubbles try to break the surface as it cooks. In my teenage years my mom taught me how to prepare this dessert.
Kapampangans are very particular when it comes to food. Even the smallest thing makes a big difference. What makes this tibuk-tibuk special is your willingness to go the extra mile just to find some gatas damulag, which is not easily available in the market.


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PAN 6 - 8
1 liter of gatas damulag (carabao milk) granulated sugar cornstarch 2 gatang ngungut (coconut milk) dalayap (lime fruit)
To start with, combine the granulated sugar, cornstarch and gatas damulag and mix until the texture of the liquid becomes smooth. Put the remaining milk in a pot over a medium flame. Simmer this for a few minutes, then add the liquid mixture you initially prepared, using a strainer to remove any lumps or solid particles. This is a slow boil cooking process and you need to wait patiently until the liquid thickens and turns solid to become pudding. Once you achieve the
EASY 3 HR 30 MiN
correct consistency, transfer the pudding to a flat pan that has been greased or oiled,to avoid having the pudding stick to the surface. Let the pudding cool down so it will set nicely. You need to examine the pudding, as it may still contain some air bubbles. Tap the top surface of the pudding to let them come out. Let the pudding cool, then refrigerate it.
Dalayap can also be added, by grating the skin of the fruit and distributing it evenly on top of the pudding.
On the other hand, while waiting for the pudding to solidify, using a saucepan, pour in some pure gatang ngungut and let it simmer until it evaporates completely. This will leave the solid latik.
This is best eaten directly from the refrigerator, depending on your own preferences. Top this with the latik to make it more tasty.
During my school days, my friends called me “Alice Kamatis” (just rhyming the words).I was usually first in line during assembly for Monday flag ceremony.. I’ll let you figure out why. My ambition was to be a lawyer, to defend and protect others in court But, as it turned out, I became a doctor. It was the same intention, but in a different way, to defend and protect others from illness. I am an Obstetrician-Gynecologist. Behind every child who believes in himself is a parent who believes first. I fulfilled my dream of becoming a doctor because of my parents, as they never doubted my capability on the journey of my life. One day I would succeed and people would ask me which university I attended. I’d say, ‘’ It does not matter, because it’s my parents who made me what i am today. To my mom and dad in heaven, my forever love and endless thank you for the wonderful life that you gave me.