2 minute read
Mushroom Chicharon
Dr. Rein S. GRAN

Edible mushrooms are an often ignored food, when they actually give health benefits in the most inexpensive way. Experts, especially medical scientists from the National Cancer Institute as cited by the www. cancer.gov , explain that mushrooms such as the maitake can actually boost your immune system and can possibly stop the spread of cancer cells. Aside from this, mushrooms have natural B-complex vitamins and are rich in protein and fiber.

Mushroom Chicharon

PAN 2-4 EASY 1 HR 30 MIN
oyster mushrooms ground chicken powder cornstarch all -purpose flour ebun (Eggs) salt (Asin) pepper
The mushroom recipe in this article is one I learned from the local restaurant here in Guagua called the Mushroomdelight Foodhub. The owner is a good friend of mine who has a farm in Lubao, Pampanga where he cultivates mushrooms.
II use oyster mushrooms for this particular mushroom chicharon bulaklak recipe. You can buy this at the Mushroomdelight Foodhub restaurant, as they sell the uncooked mushrooms in plastic wraps.. Prepare ¼ kilo of fresh oyster mushrooms. To begin the process, combine salt, white pepper, ground chicken powder,
2 tablespoons of cornstarch, all purpose flour and 2 eggs. Mix these ingredients thoroughly. This will serve as the batter for your mushroom chicharon.
Heat the vegetable oil for deep frying. When hot, dip each piece of mushroom in the batter, coating it completely.
When frying, it is better to slide the mushroom into the cooking oil in the pan one at a time to avoid sticking with the other mushrooms. They should be deep fried. They are cooked once they start to float in the cooking oil and turn a golden brown color.
Clean off the excess oil by thoroughly drying with paper towels. Serve them with aslam.
I suffered from being overweight in the past. But after having some health issues I realized how important health is in our lives. One of my mantras in eating and enjoying food is that you let your food be your medicine. Aside from being a doctor and family man, one of my passions is to be a chef for my family and friends. I always enjoy explaining how everyone should eat healthy food, with an emphasis on living a healthy lifestyle.