CONTENTS: (below is the basic requirements and you are free to add more or change to suit. Throughout the journal cross reference relevant precedents, lecture materials, required readings, independent research & personal design work) 1.0 THREE RELATIONSHIPS 1.1 Point/Line/Plane: Selected Precedents from your Blog + Selected images of your P/L/P model 1.2 Frame & Infill: Selected Precedents from your Blog + Selected images of your model and clean scans of your F&I drawing(s) 1.3 Mass: Selected Precedents from your Blog + Clean scans of your Mass drawings Integrate images with approx. 100 words describing the work 2.0 CONCEPT MASS 3D MODEL 2.1 Design development intro & Digitization: 100 words that outline how you moved forward from your mass drawing to a three dimensional mass design and how the use of different techniques/technologies affects and broadens the outcomes + Images showing three stages your digital concept model development in Rhino 2.2 Outcome: Document photographically final 3D print carefully Integrate images with approx. 100 words describing the work 3.0 HERRING ISLAND. SOMETHING LIKE A PAVILION 3.1 Site analysis and Conceptacle: identify clearly with images what are the aspects of the site that interested you and the opportunities that you identified. Show and make sense of your Conceptacle as first approach to the brief and site response. 3.2 Concept and Sketch design: Sketches/Diagrams/Models of design development in reponse to the site and the brief 3.3 Design Development: Plans, sections, elevations, axonometric and /or models 3.4 Final Design drawings: Plans, sections, elevations, axonometric 3.5 Final Design Model: Include a photomontage Integrate images with approx. 100 words describing the work 4.0 Reflection. This section should be a critical reflection of your overall design process and experience. What have you learnt, what aspect of the studio did you find challenging? How can you improve your design and where do you think things went wrong or well? 5.0 Bibliography: Use Harvard system;
The relationship of three concepts of • Point line and plane: the idea of points becoming line and lines becoming plane to create a sense of space. • Mass • Frame and infill Are defined through different designs on different site bases. Designs are varies according to topography landform of the site.In my case I have designed an imaginative base as my reflects the idea of earth which in my point of view earth is nature, grass clay rocks gravels soil anything related to the mantle.
This design mainly was based on the idea of Point line and plane structure which, fits into one of the tectonics of architecture. Being something and becoming something else naturally. The language of symmetry and order as physical substances have been considered significantly. Although, scale ,space and movement through that space have been strongly associated with this design to create a place for sitting waling lying down as well as having the potential of accommodating a secret. In this design,a triangle as my initial module developed into series of triangles in an ordered size to create a sense of line and by placing them on top of each other on a particular proportion created a plane. The base of the site is naturally represent earth which reminds me natural material of earth and whatever is related to mantle on earth.
Visual communicationdrawings out of model Idea of anti-gravity /transparency Offers a dynamic place for keeping secret Language of order and asymmetry has explored. It express the relationship between different spaces/ elements in a design. It has a designed to address a place for keeping secret while still is open to more exploration in terms of relationship to other concepts such as mass and point and line and plane. For me it was a very good challenge in order to express my idea and concept of my design via drawings perspective or isometric. Totally in this design i left room for develoment to be onbined with 2 other concept od design which is point line and plane and mass.
1.3 MASS
This design is based on the concept of mass in architecture. This design is expressing the idea of carving and also layering of multiple material to create a monolithic volume. The two pile up of the masonry brick that together created a shape of pyramid is considered as volumetric density to represent mass concept. Also the stair cases that have been carved out of earth have created a language of defamiliarizatioin by creating sences of exploration and secrative space.The little room are designed to intensify the concept of transformationa as well as secretive palace.
The concept of Designing in context can be explored in designing a pavilion for keeping secret in Herring Island. Analysis of the site is playing an integral role in this design. I explored the interaction of the site with existing buildings (cafĂŠ, pavilions, and residential areas), historical factors (sculptures and gallery) to propose the more successful design that suit the site without compromising on the surroundings. Moreover, Topography of the site has to be considered to address the relationship between the interior of the design to its surroundings.
3.2 CONCEPT AND SKETCH DESIGN/precedents This design is strongly explores the last three ideas of point line and plane, mass and frame and infill. In this design the idea of the designs is used mainly instead of elements of the design,. For example the connection of the t different slopes are coming from my point and line and which, I was exploring to connect two different topography of the site via cluster of triangle to create a path. This idea is explores in this design by connecting different elevation of site to each other by staircases. Moreover I used the language of transformation from this ex-ercise, something becoming something which I reflect this language via the shelter and its transformation to different space as I explained further down. The concept of mass is represented by the pyramids and cluster of staircases as I explored these ideas strongly in my mass design. Also there is a sign of frame and infill in which it is applied in shelter and the transparency of the floor of the room inside it as well as the OPEC fence around the ground and stairs. I had the idea of transparency mainly driven from frame and infill. Last but not least, I developed the design via looking at some precedent from internet to help me get more inspired by some new ideas that can be explored into my design. For me studying precedent is important as I believe that we can use typology of different famous designs and apply them in my designs in many different ways to create different de-signs. I usually like to use the specific language of architecture from historical buildings as my starting points to give me hints and new ideas. I used many of those buildings in my blogs and each gave me fantastic new ideas in designing that project (mass, frame and in-fill, point line plane. 23
After having hours of contemplation about the design, and exploring and researching about the site I came to this idea that, pristine nature is an essential fact of Herring Island. As this land is owned by aboriginals, and they always attempted to keep the originality of the nature, thought it would be interesting to develop this idea into my design. Something that still preserve nature and is structurally in harmony with the nature around it. I am integrating the tranquillity of the site into my design. the shelter in the middle can represent the flowers trees and even branches of tree that can be a perfect landing place for bird to create a stoning atmosphere for the site .on the other hand the spiral curved sculptural structure inside the shelter can represent the spiral and twisted motion of some trees of the site that they are intertwining into each other amazingly. The stretch of the shelter down to the lower ground is representing the roots of the trees and still back to the nature. Even the pyramid structure can represent the majesty of the mountain. indeed i tried to explore the language of transformation by carving and clustering to represent my concept of harmoney with nature as a secret through my design.
PROPOSED DESIGN The secret behind this design is to create an exploration feeling for the site user to reveal the secret. Meanwhile they might approach the main secretive concept of the design which is harmony. This design is structurally in harmony with the nature, as a secret to be revealed. Many elements of the design is driven from earth. For example the stair cases are carved out of ground to form steps These are two levels that are connected by a parametric shelter that has an architectural secret in its design and construction. The shelter continuing from upper ground to the ground level while it is transforming to a round secretive space in the lower level for children to explore the secret. Additionally, it surrounds a strong architectural secretive sculptural structure that a family could explore to reveal the secret. This space has a transparent floor to create more of a floating feeling for the visitor. Clustered stair cases create different path of movement for site users, as well as encourage them to explore more of the site. The placement of each stair case is done insightfully in order to create a circulation movement for the visitor and create a sense of exploration in the user to look for more possibilities or secret to explore. As we move down the language of transformation is still omnipresent, something becoming something which the pyramids are transformation of the ground above it that becoming two origami pyramids shape rooms. One for display object and one to lockable storage. Apart from their main function, another function of these rooms are to support the roof from above. The roof above now functioning as a shelter, so people ca dwell underneath ,however according to the way that it will be decorate so the benches and chairs are going to be enough only for three families at a time.
I aimed to consider the sustainability of the nature of the site and less environ-mental degradation. so I chose the most extreme topography of the site to make it more intresting for th evisitor and dimisish the danger of the elevation diffrence of that part of the site. As it is obvious in the diagram of elevation of the selected site, there is a 6 meter difference from the ground level to the highest point of the site. 29
For me analysing a design brief to create different possibilities of designs, to use the space in wised architectural language was the most important achievement in this subject. Moreover, my drawings, drafting and model making skills were improved noticeably during this semester by experiencing different exercises in this subject. Additionally I profoundly experienced the concept of earth related to architectural design by exploring the concepts of mass, point line and plane and frame and infill during this subject. Also, learning how to draw relationships between those 3 mentioned concepts to create a new design as a pavilion that has to carry the concept of secret; in other word exploring and synthesising different ideas into one concept. Furthermore, getting more familiar how to do a great site analysis for a site to research the best location for my design was very challenging but fun. Studying and analysing the site from different perspectives such as topography, noise, vegetation, flora, animal, climate, structure and even environmental culture of the site was very educative in my design process. Now it comes to precedent research to get inspired by in my design journey; it was the best part of this subject. As each time I was researching to do the blogs I learned a new concept in language of architecture, such as transformation, carving ,grid, symmetry , order, structure , context, analysis, scale, light ,geometry, mass and among others. Also I learned how to communicate visually and convey my ideas via my drawings and model. Observing other students design ideas and participating in class in terms of contributing feedback to our classmate was a very bright idea, as it could engage me better with studio as well as encouraged me to look at other student’s designs critically. By doing that of course a lot of new ideas and stoning ideas could be achieved. Last but not least I really learned how to sell my ideas how to argue a case in my design to be able to draw the interest of my tutor towards my design. I learned how much a concept behind a design is important to lead a design to be successful or let the idea just collapse and fail. 37
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BIELEFELD, B. & EL KHOULI, S. 2007. Design ideas, Birkhäuser. DORST, K. 2015. Frame innovation : create new thinking by design, Cambridge, Massachusetts ; London, England : The MIT Press, [2015]. JORMAKKA, K. 2014. Basics design methods, Basel : Birkhäuser, 2014. LISTER, L. F. 2015. Simitch, Andrea. The language of architecture: 26 principles every architect should know. American Library Association CHOICE. http://cdn.homedesignlover.comwp-content/uploads/2013/08/<?>