2018, SEMESTER 1, By Alessandro Liuti Sophia Buhm 916964
Sophia Buhm 916964 ABPL30048 2018 S1 Tutored by Alessandro Liuti
“Every great architect is a great poet. He must be a great original interpreter of his time, his day, his age.” by Frank Lloyd Wright
Throughout history, architecture is one of the most prominent heritage of civilization which presents the culture, social, politic and development of the age. Frank Lloyd Wright, a famous modernist architect in twentyfirst century stated that the every architect should represent their own thoughts into the work. In the other word, the architecture should be existed within the architect’s own interpretation of the time. Further, It also suggests that the architecture is a great narration of history, which is capable to vision our future. Through aove statement of past pioneer in architecture, I believe that I am required to practice with multidisciplines to represent the age appropriately. Some argues that the contemporary architecture is de-classed as a composite work of engineering project rather than traditional meaning of architecture as cultural heritage, I believe that it still plays an important role to suggest a new direction to the future development of civilization.
CONTENTS Part A Conceptualisation
A.1 Design Futuring A. 2 Design Compulation A. 3 Composition/Generation A. 4 Condusion A. 5 Learning Outcomes Appendix - Algorithmic Sketches
Part B Criteria Design
B.1. Geometry B.2. Case Study 1.0 B.3. Case Study 2.0 B.4. Technique: Development B.5. Technique: Prototypes B.6. Technique: Proposal B.7. Learning Objectives and Outcomes Appendix - Algorithmic Sketches
Part C Detailed design
C.1. Amendment C.2. Synthesization C.3. Final Proposal C.4. Learning Objectives and Outcomes
A.1 Design Futuring
Against the defuturing unsustainability which leads an ecological collapse, he new term in post modernism architecture : design futuring requires a necessity of comprehensive understanding in design practice. It addresses problems during the design process by implementing technological advancement and human intelligence1. To accommodate the design futuring in architectural practice, it requires having a clear sense of what design needs to be mobilized for or against. Even more specifically, it is hanges our thinking to how and what we design. Bringing back an idea from Peter Kropotkin, an activist in the nineteenth century after the industrial development, arguing to restore the quality of the natural environments. ‘Redirective practice’ is a reference to design throughout all design practices, including architecture as well as all design area by rethinking process in the context of the Sustainment. Based on these, design futuring aims to revolutionize the conventional ideologyof design. 1 Tony Fry, Design Futuring : Sustainability, Ethics and New PRactice(Oxford :Berg, 2009),pp,1-4
Case study I
Dutch Maritime Museum By Ney + Partners
During recent renovation, a vast space of the building inner courtyard has been covered by glass roofing, creating a pleasant space for the visitors. In the evening hundred of tiny LED lights placed between shields of glass give an impression of the starry sky. The existing Dutch Marine Museum before the alteration was a typical Roman style building with a bulky volume of rectangular peristyle is surrounded at the endge of the central atrium. The alteration actively exploited the existing condition to alter the space, using the lightweight materials with the strategy of engineering integration. Entire study of a glazed roof after a 5 engineering-designer’s architectural competition of international level. The roof of the Dutch Marine Museum courtyard in Amsterdam NL-had to offer an intrinsic added value to this historically preserved building. Based on wind hoses of ancient marine maps of the museum collection, a steel structure is developed of 30m by 30m.
The basic geometry was curved to a lightly bent dome that only transmits vertical charges onto the museum’s existing walls. Besides the steel structure also works as a scenographic element by the introduction of LED lights at different nodes and support points in the steel structure itself. This unique installation give a spartial embience to the visitors entering the atrium, by produce a new strategies of the site within a moderen interpretation. It accommodated how to demonstrate the modern architectural practice on the existing heritage which does not meet the needs in the modern society. The major typologies of this practice can be disciplined for future study. 1) Lightweight structure, 2) Light, 3) System integrity. The project was commenced at the idea of compass in the historical map, as the museum is dedicated to maritime history and various artefacts from the shipping and sailing in Dutch history. The idea directly indicates the typology of the building within the culture, sociey and history. This leaves valuable thoughts to this projects, where the architectural background engaged with cultural and historical context while implementing engineering installation project. Therefore, this precedent supports the idea, which successful installation project comes from the fundamental understanding in architectural values in social and cultural typology while applying engineering technology.
Figure 1 The structural integrity of the Dutch Maritime Museum which creates spatial ambience by shadow and light.
Case study II
ICD/ITKE - Research Pavilion 2017 By University of Stuttgart
In the contemporary architectural typologies, fabrication is an important field which enables the unlimited design strategies alongside manufacturing. The architectural practices in twentieth first century seek to produce more radical design essentially in 3 ways, material, structure and manufacturing process. The ICD/ITKE Research Pavilion has produced a series of pavilion project which is integrated with computational design, engineering and fabrication to broaden the architectural disciplines in future. The ICD/ITKE Research Pavilion 201617 is a good example of showing design futuring practice in architectural context. Goal of this project is to envision a fabrication of continuous fibre structure in a dramatic span3. The contemporary construction material - lightweight steel and high tensile enabled unique approach to both design and construction process. Materiality The building scaled structure is made of fabrication of glass and carbon fibre-reinforced composites. The surface of the overall length of 12m pre-fabricated structure was covered with the fibres. Methodology While traditional methods only fabricated in the full-scale surface moulds, previous project at the ICD/ITKE showed an ability of composite fabrication completely without the surface moulds.
Design Concept of the project is to analyse the functional construction of lightweight structure while implementing architectural disciplines such as using light and mass to provide the shelter to people, which is a main material of the project. The project is a combination of radical challenges in design and contruction process including free flow substructure and fibre reinforcement without formwork and surface created by layering fibre filaments in multiple stages. Current modern architecture is focused to research expressive technological development in materiality and methodology to achieve a desired visuality rather than historical, cultural or social typologies which has implemented in the past architectural footpath. According to Patrik Schumacher, project is an equipment to compare the phenomena with treatise by reordering the concepts instead of being a reflection towards the world 4. In this context, architectural projects that we commence need to be focused on much broder audiences with new typology of architecture. That is a breaking an egg and is to suggest a new direction to the future architectural practice. 3 Archdaily, ICD-ITKE Research Pavilion 2016-17 / ICD/ ITKE University of Stuttgart (2017), <>[Accessed 12 March 2018] 4 Schumacher, Patrik (2011). The Autopoiesis of Archi-
Figure 2. ICD/ITKE - Research Pavilion 2017 © Burggraf / Reichert
A.2 Digital Computation
Contemporary architecture differentiates its style from the past precedents5. A development in fabrication design enables to formulate design process while implementing technological advancement. This realization, triggered by emergence of simulation software to create design specified material, does not limit the design or form anymore. Thus, digital material fabrication technologies drawn by the digital computation also created a digital architecture 6 . In particular, digital creation and modulation of the elements allowed architect to break the boundaries between architecture, engineering science and manufacturing process. The parametric design creates unprecedented typologies which takes a control of the restriction or algorithmic procedures. To sum, digital computational practice allows designers to implement ecological design in accordance to environments by researching the design7. Some argues that the digitalization in architecture loss the poetics in culture, however the symbiotic design process integrated both architecture and technology is only just a way of practice 8 . 5 Oxman, R.. and R. Oxman (eds.). 2014. Theories of the Digital in Architecture (London, Newyork: Routiedge) 6 Oxman & Oxman, 2014 7 Oxman & Oxman, 2014 8 Frazer, J. J. 2006. ‘The Generation of Virtual Prototypes for perfomance optimization’. In Oosterhuis. K. and L. Feireiss (eds.) GameSetAndMatch II: The Architecture Co-Laboratory on Computer Games, Advanced Geom-
Case study I
Las Cigarreras de Alicante Cultural Space By Tomas Amat Estudio de Arquitectura
Design is essentially a purposeful activity to improve the current environment by reshaping it 9. Methods of digital computation throughout the entire project allowed calculating and modulating the variation of elements in fabrication10. The La Cigarra is a meeting space for various commissions. The project architect Paul Belda describes the concept of the project, “We made an adjustment to the space in which we live. An insect adapted to the environment, a project conceived and designed specifically for Las Cigarrreras, which is not a space to use. It was not about making a normal cafe, but an exceptional work that would link with the surrounding cultural environment”. The primary design intention of the project is to ‘design the man made environment’ inspired by the insect and the surrounding environment of the site. In order to directly link the conception with construction under the strong architectural intention, the analysis of the form. The project is analyzed into three different part; head, body and tail. The head contains the core functional part of the entire building which utilize the kitchen, bar and cold storage etc. The junction between the tail and white chunky head is the body of insect as a building structure, where the exhibition is.
The tail, left part of the building in the figure 4, is parametrically modelled by architects and is pre-fabricated off-site. It represents skin of cicada, which slips out of their skin in every occasion, inspired by the geological location of the site where the insect lives. The each section explored different types of tectonics both separation and combination of skin and structure11. In particular, the continuous curvilinear form is manipulated to represent the skin by the control points and degree of the curve, which is parametrically engaged within the computation. While investigating the case study, it is found that the project is only enabled by digital fabrication method which manipulated by architects to combine the materiality and engineering technology from the very preliminary phase of the design process. Overall, the digital continuum enabled the design, engineering, manufacturing and production to be a realized organism to form the new typology in architecture in the XXI century12.
9. Kalay and Yehuda, Architecture’s New Media: Principles, The Theories and Methods of computer Aided Design (Cambridge:MIT Press,2004), p5. 10. Oxman & Oxman, 2014, pp 7. 11. Kolarevic and Branko, ‘The Digital Continuum’, in the Architecture in the Digital Age: Design and Manufacturing,(New York: London: Spon Press, 2003) p 41.
Figure 3 Las Cigarreras de Alicante Cultural Space © David Frutos
Figure 4 Las Cigarreras de Alicante Cultural Space © The courtesy Tomas Amat Estudio de Arquitectura
Case study II
Lane 189 By UNStudio
UNStudio is a well known architectural practitioner implementing the digitalized design realm to substantialize complex geometric forms. The firm showcases a collaboration of architectural conception, building material, engineering technologies and management throughout process. The project is to demonstrate ‘Old Shanghai’ feel by translating the chinese heritage such as geometry, pattern and tessellation, into modern architectural typologies. In the broader analysis, the building used two big digitalization technique in externally and internally. The façade of the building is articulated with the geometrically hexagonal grid, while the gradually resized facade components give a variation of the exposure for each part of the building 13. The three-dimensional components on the curved façade first modelled as a panel with a gradient size transition and are then articulated into three-dimensional assemblies for each geometry model.
The exposure of each segment contributes to manipulating the sunlight and exposure of the actual skin of the building depending on the area. This is more sophisticated geometry modelling than simple tessellation surface system by providing a richer repertoire of tessellation. Internally, the entire central atrium is enveloped with fabricated wooden structure. In this case study, the design adequately employed digitalizing technologies during the design process to generate the parametric modeling to analyse and sinthesize the design. Digitalized architecture now requires both logical conclusion and un-logical problem shooting15. To summarize, digital computation allowed designer to provide enough information in order to achieve the intended design strategies. It gathers manufacturing, production and tectonic system to produce a refined architecture compared to the early ages, which conception and construction of building was separated16 .
14. Archdaily, Lane 189 / UNStudio (201), <https://www.>[Accessed 13 March 2018]
Figure 5 Interior view from the floor to top in the atrium © Hufton + Crow
Figure 6 Facade Tesselation © The courtesy of UNStudio
A.3 Composition / Generation
“Future is not tomorrow, future is today” - Otto Frei Digitally computed performative design, parametric model and digital materiality radically forced contemporary architecture to the form generation style17. It is clearly seen that digital computed practice benefits all across the world, and the design tool has become much more intensified than before to produce more radical form generated design as requested from the eager of design futuring. Today, computer generation replaced countless necessity of physical experiments and model activities. In the other word, digital method allowed designer to break the field of fabrication, manufacturing, production, mathematics and engineering. The form generation is simulated based on algorithmic script by using computer’s language18 . Furthermore, this digitalized method requires architects to develop the algorithmic thinking. It is a reference that the replaced method for design is absorbed as part of a profession and skill in contemporary architecture industry. 17 Oxman & Oxman, 2014, pp.10 18 Peters, Brady, (2013) ‘Computation Works: The building of Algorithmic Thought’, Architectural Design, 83,2, pp.9
Case study I
1972 Olympic Stadium in Munich By Atelier Frei Otto Warmbonn
Frei Otto’s integrated research in lightweight and tensile structure throughout his life created a new style of contemporary architecture and have made a tremendous impact across architecture as well as engineering. The Munich Olympic Stadium is remarkable in form-finding practice. The truly sophisticated architectural experiments of ‘physical, biological and technical processes which give rise to object’ was based on natural phenomena such as soap bubbles and spider web. Otto referred this activity as ‘systematic method of invention’19. Through his obsession, the Olympic stadium is based on a series of soap bubble experiments to test the capable structures. When enter the looped string into the soap bubble, a curved form is found. Based on this simple idea, Otto developed light weight structure for tremendous size of building. Furthermore, model development using geometrical data is directly translated into working drawing for construction work. Main material of the structure is lightweight steel and tensile, to create the free formed structure which has believed impossible until the completion of Munich Olympic stadium.
Otto’s radical and future driven architectural innovation became a landmark of the nation. Otto in his book ‘conversation with Otto’, mentioned that “Now it can be calculated, but for more than 40 years it was impossible to calculate it. I have not waited for it to be calculated in order to build it.” Today, this structural experiment is calculative in computer without physical experiments based on these previous obsession and eager for design futuring. Despite the skyrocket budget of the project, the passionate idea in natural phenomena to achieve sustainability and truly intensified multidisciplinary research is a commemorative achievement.
19. Archdaily, Frei Otto and the Importance of Experimentation in Architecture (2015), <https:// medium=widget&ad_name=recommendation>[Accessed
Figure 7 Model for the Olympic Stadium Munich co-operated with Behnisch & Partners, Leonhardt and Andra © Atelier Frei Otto Warmbronn
Case study I
Montreal Biosphere By Buckminster Fuller
American architect Buckminster Fuller is well known by his radical geometric architecture located in Montreal. The geometric tessellation, consisted with pentagons placed in a hexagonal matrix, forms a perfect sphere. The present dome is remained only in skeleton structure after the fire event in1976. Ironically it embraces the sincerity of structural integration than the original design21. The transparent building structure represents the manmade environments for design futuring. The Biosphere consists with a repertoire of three-dimensional lightweight steel structure by engaging the members in hexagonal grids. The shell structure is mathematically calculated to be able to construct, the whole form of the structure is an analytical form-finding configured in tensegrity22. The self-equilibrium forms with minimum potential energy, are determined using genetic algorithmic. The simple but extremely complex to manipulate the degree of the each side of the sphere, creates a disclosure during the construction.
The capabilities in construcion to build the extremly complex algorithmic design was limited and Fuller’s original intension of design to send a message through architecture was not successful caused by the debates over practicality of the architecture. Although the structure is not an innovation like the previous example, Biosphere shows how architect applied science and architectural aesthetics in response to society. The analytical form generation calculated in mathmetical orders and algorithm by architect based on architectural full intention leaves a great impact to the today’s practice in architecture.
21 Archdaily, AD Classics: Montreal Biosphere / Buckminster Fuller (2014), < ad-classics-montreal-biosphere-buckminsterfuller>[Accessed 15 March 2018]
Figure 8 Sunset at Jean-Drapeau © Guilherme Garcia
A.4 Conclusion
The digitalized environments created a tremendous impact across the society as well as the industry of architecture. The digitally aided design process enabled more précised planning to produce more complex geometry not only in architecture but also in product and material. Furthermore than the CAD world, it gave possibilities for designers to actually employ craftsmanship through their architectural practice in a bigger picture by breaking the boundaries of engineer, manufacturer, consultants and construction management. Essentially, design is a creative action to change the existing condition to achieve better future. Based on the historical artefacts and knowledge gained from our ancestors, and the current ‘state of the world’ necessitate a new way of thinking – design for sustainment. To achieve sustainable design in architecture, the study of Design futuring suggests an importance of redirecting architectural practice based on humanity engaged with culture, social and economic value. The design futuring mindset then leads a current disclosure associated with digitalization in architectural practice, particularly in parametric design. Through the precious precedents and former attempts such as Otto frei in form generation practice induced countless subclassed styles such as form finding, grid shell and RC shell in particular. Thus, computation particularly in Grasshopper accommodated a calculation of the engineering mathematics for
A.5 Learning Outcome
To briefly summarize my understanding throughout the learning materials, developing a style of form generation in parametric design method is placed for next stage. By engaging the eager of new way for practice, ‘design democracy’ is then realized to solve the global ‘climatic chaos’. The case studies of previous attempts in developing the design futuring with digital computation allows to attempt further practice based on the gained knowledge from the precedents. Digital computation is inevitable in today’s society to create manmade environments while employing sustainability with displines of the architectural design. By exploring the digitalization in architecture in topics of design futuring, design computation and composition/generation in a field of architecture, it emphasized the development of form generated parametric design. The task is clear through the research field; to understand the previous researches in form generated design and to develop the theory by practice using the algorithms.
b.1 Geometry
What is geometries in architecture and how is it implemented in contemporary architectural practice? Geometrical studies in architecture initiated from Vitruvius’s work in the Renaissance period, and have affected on the emergence of computeraided design in the modern era1. By definition, geometry is a series of primitive components such as points, lines, angles, surfaces and solids. A form of architecture originates from old geometrical discoveries. The geometry allowed the early age of architectural practice to translate the composition to documentation with mathematical principles. In parallel with old and current design principles, the importance in understanding of natural form is an essence in understanding geometry. The mathematical approach to natural environment refines the disordered features into ‘system’ on the basis of an ecology of performance2. The mathematical application manipulates the primary geometries found in the physical nature. For instance, formfinding is a conventional way of logical mathematical thinking process, discovering the possible structures from existing nature3 .
Throughout the history, architects were allowed to replicate the precedents as an architectural language into their own design intention, particularly in structure such as arches. However, the emergence of computer-aided design in the modern era has altered this traditional practice significantly. It is a way of creating new architectural language itself, by generating the geometrical forms while implementing parametrical structural logic. It is a reference that every architects are now able to create their own architectural language without a numerous model and tests like before. In addition, this activity of creating parameter based on geometry can be translated as a creation of new environment. Thus, geometry in computer-aided design is an engagement of structural science and architectural form finding by creating a new environment.
1. Cravan, Jackie, Architecture, Geometry, and the Vitruvian Man(2017), <>[Accessed 26 March 2018] 2. Castle, Helen, ‘Emergence in Architecture’ in the AA Files, No. 50 (2014), p. 51. 3. Dickson, Michael. FFrei Otto: Researcher, Inventor and Inspired Instigator of Architectural Solution, No. 50 (2014), p. 40.
Gridshell structure is probably one of the core research fields that represents applied structure within architectural context. By short definition, gridshell is a geometrical form of fabric structure based on the strength of double curvature 4. In the other word, gridshell is a geometrical structure made of primary geometric segments. The main components of the gridshell are lines, points and curvature strength. To manipulate the intended design form, anchor points are to be determined based on the shape of basic surface primarily. The each segment and geometrical components of the structure are decided by the overall design scheme and the assemblies are required to precisely generated in accordance with the plan. On the other side, concrete or steel shell structure is acted in compressionm shear or tention by transferring the membrane actions onto the normal plane5(Figure 9). In comparison, gridshell is a lightweight structure which removed the membrane and it results in a necessity of supplementary bracing or sheet to replace the cell.
Figure 9 Forces in continues shell © Princeton University
Form-finding procedure is first introduced by Italian architect Antonio Gaudi’s hanging chain model in the Renaissance period. It is rather physics and applied science to figure out the forces in funicular forms6 . The computer aided design method brought a whole new picture in form-finding procedure. The necessity of numerous tests and models prior to the design proposal is now replaced with CAD. It suggests that the whole construction process of gridshell is enforced to achieve a certain level of sustainability by producing only the exact amount of the fabrication without waste7. The precisely computed model of gridshell structure is a direct manual of a fabrication instruction as well as construction. The Matsys lightweight gridshell represents the natural limits of gridshell structural system with the freestanding form. The whole structure consists of a radical curvature applied for the each lines with relatively simple materiality. In the following case studies, the objective is focused on experimenting different forms within gridshell structure without concerning in material and installation method and it draws a constructability after developing iterations. 4. Wikipedia, Gridshell (2015), < wiki/Gridshell>[Accessed 26 March 2018] 5. Heyman, J., 1977. Equilibrum of Shell Structures. 1st Edition ed. Oxford: Oxford University Press (1977). 6. Elnagar, Omar. Gridshell structures in lamin 7 Castle, p. 59.
Figure 10 Digital model of Matsys Gridshell © Mark Cabrinha
B.2 Case study 1.0 Gridshell Iteration
Computer aided design(CAD) techniques enabled form-finding method more accessible to all designers. Compared to the numerous physical tests and traditional hanging chains experiments, various commands in Grasshopper is able to generate desired geometry by defining boundary geometries, support conditions, laths, gravity, bending strength, materials and etc. Different loading condition and material properties are applied to the each unique boundary geometries to generate desired final shell8 . As a result, The iterative development in computer aided design is now a prominant practice in architecture to find the most optimized shape for each design strategy. Gridshell can be created with few different scripts in Grashopper. To calculate more precise behaviour of form-finding structure, Kangaroo physics is a key component of the script in order to generate the desired final outcome. The following diagrams show the two ways of generating gridshell using Kangaroo physics.
8. Elnagar,Omar. Gridshell structures in laminated bamboo. Press: The University of Bath. (2017) p.12
Parametric Modelling_Script a Evaluate into laths
Gravity & bend
curve in Rhino
Support points defined by Rotate & Offset of the original curve
Parametric Modelling_Script b curve in Rhino
X lath
Springs & Bend
Support points defined by Intersection Solver
Y lath Z Load
Pentagon & Others
selection criteria
Overall, the objective of the case study is experimenting various algorithmic definitions to generate gridshell structure without concerning in material and installation method. During the attempts, applying additional form rigidity to different surface is unabled in this algorithm set since the limited edges only allow a spherical surface. By doing so, limits for certain algorithm set for a particular design intention is realized. The understanding is then draw a possible troubleshooting. The ultimate goal of above exercise by generating the iteration of gridshell is to apply particular definitions in grasshopper to construct a particular structure. The exploration in various sets of iteration evokes the realization, in computing the gridshell structure.
The given script is a gridshell created within in Kangaroo physics which allows more precised design outcomes by calculating form-finding. It is an optimized tool with constraint solving ability to generate the interactive simulation. The explored iteration is divided by triangle, square and pentagon&others, which is the primary set up geometries of the intended gridshell structure. Comprehensive understanding in assigned task and in each components of the script is an important part of this exercise in this particular case study. The improved skills during this exercise can be explained in two parts. 1) Understanding the behaviors of the each command and relationships between the groups. 2) How to effectively generate an intended design outcome using Knagaroo physics. This casestudy enforced me to study the each commands and elements of the script within parametric thinking, so that understanding the script is a direct reference of producing a desirable outcome.
B.3 Case study 2.0
The timber gridshell structure constructed for the Masseria Ospitale Restaurant located in Italy is a great example of demonstrating lightweight gridshell system instead of the generic pergola. The project shall be evaluated in three aspects – function, constructability and materiality. Function The idea is to provide a canopy for the alfresco outdoor area, using only minimal material and lightweight structure, which does not require additional structural elements for the loading. It is a great modern interpretation of the traditional alfresco roof system using beams. The structure fully exploits the existing building conditions, by attaching the supporting points onto the existing wall and onto the retaining walls. Through these reasons, the selection of the case study represents the interaction of the both architectural typologies and sophisticated engineering solutions9.
Constructability The precisely calculated design and efficient construction scheme followed by the digital analysis method increased the sustainability by limiting the material wastage and maintaining the lightness. The design is particularly optiimized with existing structure, resulted no requirement for structural base for the proposed installation. Materiality Although lightweight structure allows a long span free fromed structure without columns and structural support, the stiffness caused by double layer restricted the final curvature of the structure to be put into shape11. The project resolved the task sucessfully by bending laths to a specific radius during construction.
9. Castle, p. 59. 10. Elnagar, p.8
Figure 11. Masseria Ospitale Restaurant Timber Gridshell © Mark Cabrinha
B.3 Reverse Engineering
To begin with the reverse engineering for the Masseria Ospitale gridshell structure, the primary geometry which defines the boundary needs to be analysed at the first place. In addition, the support of the geometry should be figured out while evaluating the primary geometry. these two components are the key solution for the reverse engineering task in Grasshopper. Figure 11 represents the supports in plan and isometric views in order to generate the desirable form. The structure has four primary supports, consists of two suspended supports on the existing wall and the other two on the ground. The evaluated supports are then developed in grasshopper, using the script A.2 as illustrated. The figure 12 is the final form of the reverse engineering only based on primary X and Y laths without bracing.
Figure 12
Support_ Plan view
Support_Isometric view
Figure 12
Plan view
Isometric view
Parametric modelling_ Script A.2 Evaluate into laths
Gravity & bend
Target curve in Rhino
Kangaroo Solver
Support points defined by curves in Rhino
Finite Element Analysis in Karamba Target curve in Rhino
Boundary conditions
Structural Analysis
Preview palette
Creating Diagonal Polyline for post-forming Gridshell in Grasshopper script
Line Discrete
Reference to Script A.2
Continuing with the reverse engineering outcome based on generic X and Y laths in the previous page, further development in creating third polyline is also a crucial part of exercise as it abstracts the bracing. Bracing between the laths is directly linked to the real construction.
To create diagonal lines to represent bracing components of the gridshell structure, one of the laths is extracted after the solver. The extracted lath is then lofted into meshes again, to address a clear definition of data after its solved with load and gravity.
B.4 Technical development Analysis of Gridshell structure
Apex I The top of the structure
Cell I area created by the grids Lath I The main members of the gridshell to form the structure Node / Connection I The intersection of the laths occurs joints to strain Boundary I The parametric geometry which defines the overall form of the gridshell Support I Locking the Gridshell structure on to plane
Form-find Form-find method began with hanging chain model by Antonio Gaudi in the Renaissance period. By definition, form-find is a methodology whereby the structure itself defines its own shape based on its figure of equilibrium under applied loads12. Dynamic Relaxation Dynamic Relaxation is a numerical method used to mdel the behaviour of eleastic materials like cables and fabrics13. This method numerically solves for small time steps of the given nodal point under applied load14.
Load After supports are pinned where required, asymmetric loads and gravity loads are applied to the entire structure. Asymmetric loads will be defined as uniform loads applied to the surface area of the laths facing the load, in local to the element orientation as shown above15. 12. Elnagar, p.13 13. Fund, Ariane Ida Form-finding structures, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (2008) pp. 3 Otter, J. R. H., Cassell, A. C., Hobbs, R. E. & Poisson, 1966. Dynamix relaxation. ICE, 35(4), pp. 633-656. 14. Williams, C., Barnes, M., Harris, R. & Adriaenssens, S., 2014. Dynamic relaxation. In: Shell structures for architecture. NY: Routledge, pp. 89-101. 15. Williams, C. p.28
Iteration Bending Strength
Axial Strength
B.5 Technique : Prototype
Stage A
Stage B
Phase 1
Phase 2
Stage C
Phase 3
Digital model
Digital model
Digital model
Sketch Prototype
Construction method & Strategy
CAD Iteration
Although CAD enabled an easy digital form-finding iteratio, physical modelling is still a main part of the practice for postforming gridshell structure in particular. Due to the nature of design and logics of the structure, unmeasurable construction error and inaccuracy are the key of any gridshell project. Based on various iterations and digital simulation on parametric design method, model assembly and prototyping will be followed based on the design. The stage 2 on the above diagram describes the procedural deployment.
The dividened phases of the stage 2 represents the research fields before commencing construction. The first prototype will test the best suitable material based on abstrct of the project and the second prototype will quickly follow with more specified design outcome to test internal bending forces between laths.
Lightweight efficiency
Construction Efficiency
In order to decide the main material of the gridshell, the values of materiality can be evaluated into four prominant factors for this project. Lightweight efficiency The lightweight structure is not an equal to the actual weight of the each structure itself. In definition, lightweight structure is a high ratio of strength, density or stiffness and density. Materiality is the key factor consists of a lightweight structure, which minimize the low material such as concrete. Sustainability The project is particularly conducted in the University area as part of the education buildings, which requires high morality and ethics.
Construction efficiency The project is to explore various lightweight gridshell structure and to deliver an architectural / engineering solution which can be done in limited timeline and labours. Cost-effectiveness Cost is the most important part of any projects. In conclusion, timber is the most suitable material in this case. Hence, there are various structure systems and detailing depending on types of timber as it is directly effected in stiffness and bending strength of the specific material.
Sketch model Sketch model 1 The main laths are made of laser cut bass wood, which has manipulated precisely throughout the CAD modelling. Connection is joint with steel wire.
Sketch model 2 1mm thickness balsawood is very flexible to create an easy prototype without restriction to the bending strength..
Sketch model 3 Approximately 5mm diameter of bamboo stick is used as a main material, joint with shear lashing for connection nodes. The material is easily accessible and has a high flexibility.
Before starting the design development for the project proposal, three prototypes are atempted in sketch quality to enhance the idea in choosing main materials and construction method. The models are attempted in post-forming gridshell structure, which delivers a number of attempts to test the bending strain of each material.
Raw Bamboo
As part of a big picture to draw a design futuring practice througout the process, the project must be conducted in sustainable way while striving for better architectural / engineering solutions. The environmentally friendly and reusuable materials with high embodied energy such as bamboo, timber, shear lashing and paper was primarily considered. Timber gridshell is the most common material and structural application with steel structure. Although the timber lath has a high possibility of creep during the construction process to achieve the desired form, timber is the most favoured material in many ways due to its construction efficiency and cost effectiveness16 . Throughout the researches of relevant projects and applications, the final material is concluded with row bamboo.
Bamboo is not yet commonly used material in architecture, but it proved its genuine quality and value as a construction material throughout some successful project such as The Time Capsule and Pavilion and ZCB Bamboo Pavilion. This hollow cylindrical grass type tree which has hollow core, is commonly used for vernaular architecture in many area. Bamboo is renewable, versatile, fast growing and resistat with flexibility. A structural capability of bamboo is also equivalent to concrete17. Traditional vernacular construction leaves a tremendous examples of the construction detailing for bamboo structure and its connection. The issues in bamboos are 1) Variety of species, thickness and unpredictable sections. 2) Rotting and insects infection 3) Exposure to the environmental condition such as sun or rain can significantly effect on the material condition. However, these conditions are easily overcome with modern technologies18 .
16. Elnagar, p.8 17. Eduardo Souza, If We Were To Design The Ideal Building Material, It Would Look A Lot Like Bamboo (2015), <>[Accessed 16 April 2018] 18. Souza, If We Were To Design The Ideal Building Material, It Would Look A Lot Like Bamboo
B.6 Technique : Proposal
New Student Precinct
Proposed site The New student precinct is a series of different proposals depending on space and needs, including the main function area of the whole university facilities. As part of the New student precinct, this particular project is proposed at the outskirt of the New student precinct site, away from the block of buildings. The main reason of the site nomination is an accessibility. Since the proposal is implemented within contemporary architecture and computeraided design, the placement of the installation represents the current address of architecture of education at the University of Melbourne.
Project brief
Typical study space in library area
Casual study space
Lightweight gridshell
Gridshell study space functioning both outdoor and indoor
In 2018, the university of Melbourne proposed a new student precinct to answer the various student needs and campus improvement. The focus of this project is to expand F&B and social space rather than studying area. As part of the big picture, this proposal aims to draw a new type of casual study space using gridshell structure. In particular, the proposal is to create a collaborative working space which can be preceived as both indoor and outdoor area. It means that the structure is not a part of the building, rather acting as a outdoor installation such as alfresco area.
A genuine design should fullfill both aesthetics and funtional requirements to implement design futuring practice. The structural distinction of gridshell is a suitable research field to demonstrate this idea, by providing integrated duality of architectural typology within construction efficiency. To accommodate complex issues such as construction efficiency, architectural appealing and sustainability, timber gridshell is proposed to perfom both architectural and engineering qualities. This dual quality minimize the construction process significantly without wastage of construction material consumption and provide users architectural properties such as fresh air and sunlight.
Design Proposal
South elevation
North elevation
West elevation
East elevation
Figure 13. Thermal Comfort
Figure 14. Bill of Quantities
Unconstructable digital model is only a drawing in architecture. Based on this abstract, the final outcome of the design demonstrates bending forces by springparticle system, which represented into vector forces applied on a discretised curve network19. The members of the digital model is precisely interconnected and the length of each lath is easily measurable to transfer them into real life scale. it is a reference of that the digital modelling should be a preparation of easier physical prototyping to minimize the construction / activity errors and material wastage.
On the other hand, a calculation of Outdoor Thermal Comfort simulation(OTC) is programmed for the proposal. The figure 13 shows the microclimate of the installation. It suggests the air temperature, solar radiation on occupants and surface temperature20. To sum, the result of the OTC enables more behabiourist approach by assessing a subjective feeling of users in the final construction proposal. In addition, the bill of the quantities is one of the most prominent component to bring the project into real life(figure 14). Through evaluating project into spreadsheet, the actual construction phase and details bealso became clearer.
19. Elnagar, p.21 20. Crolla, Kristof , Building indeterminacy modelling – the‘ZCB Bamboo Pavilion’ as a case study on nonstandard construction from natural materials in Visualization in Engineering .(2017) Vol. 5:15 . p.5
Throughout the unsuccessful outcome and the construction difficulties faced with the previous modelling works, the physical modelling of the final proposal is mainly focused on achieving the desired bending stength. This modelling work is conducted in 4 phases.
1) Select the best suitable conditioned bamboo material and prepare them according to the exact length of the each lath. 2) Joint connection with shearing lashing. 3) Soak with hot water to make the bamboo soft for easier bending. 4) Connect with support base where planned and apply bending strength while considering to shape desired form.
Rendered outcome ©Hanna Lepperod
B.7 Learning Objectives and Outcomes
Gridshell Construction
Throughout the various practice and research, the objectives of the learning became clearer. Taking the diagrid as a simple framework, the use of parametric software has allowed its design potential to be pushed and discover unexpected outcomes. with ths explorations, certain qualities began to emerge. The definition of gridshell is very specific and contains a limitation of design approaches naturally. Compared to the most of architecture and construction is separated depedning on their purposes and function, gridshell is the area of connecting the cliff between architecture and engineering. In the other word, the definition of gridshell naturally inhere the meaning of that architectural design scheme should be based on structural efficiency in every stage of development. However, this could potentially limit of capability in design as it shifts the traditional architectural design procedure, which engineering and construction only follows after the full architectural exploration. This view contains a lot of disclosure against to existing design practice. As shown in this research , the field of architecture, construction and engineering is turned to grey.
Throughout the research and various technical development in Grasshopper to create a project proposal, the outcomes of the series of learning objectives became clearer. Through the gained knowledge and technical studies, the capability of various design task are gained in depth. The design development in CAD removes engineering consultant. Using Grasshopper script, logical order to generate a design is taken into account. Kangaroo enables to apply engineering principles the generated geometries which is used to be unable without enginerring consultant traditionally. Karamba assigns actual material and analyzes the bending limit. It is then brought to the prototype, which triggers a real construction details such as connection and base. After repeating the procedures, a desired outcome is then finalized for construction. To sum, the entire activity is directly linked to the ability of bringing the design into real life. In another word, a project requires an integrated outcome of design, scheme, construction, engineering, material, cost and etc. These factors are all need to be included during the design phases.
C.1 Amendment
Critiques have taken into account to develop the further design. The term of sustainability is more speculated in this phase driven by material simplicity, organic form and the reshaped geometry. Throughout experiments with fails and challenges to find best suit for the proposal, the project reached to a conclusion within a shape of tree. As part of the important practice of data tree on Grasshopper, the final design is to exploit this idea of organic shapes into gridshell geometry. using grasshopper definition.
The basic X and Y laths represent the body of the tree while the secondary branches act as bracing or the double curvature structure of gridshell. This design principle of bracing is optimized to accommodate both structure and function. To achieve this structural / architectural integrity, precisely detailed design plan is required in order to draw further construction in reality.
C.2 Synthesization
Basic Form
Lightweight gridshell
Bamboo as tested
The above four elements are the key criteria of design synthesization for the proposal. Based on the researches within lightweight gridshell structure, the design concept is narrowed to implement the most successful sustainability in a part of Design futuring practice. Bamboo is the suitable material which has been practices since pre-history as a vernacular architecture, it has a high accessibility and construction performance particulary for this case which requires high material bending and stiffness level..
Study space under shades
Brancing structure
After addressing the research field gridshell structure, the function is adhere to accommodate the ultimate purpose of the project. Under the concerns and observation that most of the outdoor facilities in the university underperforms for students who requires certain standard of shades within the structure to enable their laptop usage. Compared to the previous proposal - metal sunshade scales onto the separately braced structure, this approach is to combine the structure into one design synthesization to optimize the lightweight structure. Inspired by the tree branches,
Target curve in Rhino
Dynamic relaxation as per Scrip A.2 + Material property with Karamba
Rotate Vector Move points Lineworks Support points Project surface
Exploded view
Upper bracing
X Y Laths
Bottom bracing
the design of the proposal consists of three layers of curvature structure. These layers act as structure itself, while implementing building envelop, openings and functioning details as well as architectural aesthetics to best suit the nominated site features. The Bott top and bottom braings are designed for each X and Y laths to enhance the strucrural sound in order to achieve the desired shape which is clodetermines the area of enclosed reigion but also openings.
Shadow Diagram
shadow diagram calculation is aone of the important procedure for this project, which deeply engaged with function and concept of this practice. The design of bracing is addressed to accommodate mdenser bracing to north sideto prevent from direct sunlight . The result of the diagram shows The envelop on north side performs better shades compared to other sides.
Vertical lath Horizontal lath Bolt Bracket Fixer
The project has 3 anchor points on the ground which act as a wall and support structure. As seen on the above plan view, The supports aconsists of three sides : 10 joints on North, 5 points on south and 5 points on the east side. The design is devised to maximize the lightweight structure and to completely detatch the bamboo to the moisture on the ground which potentially causes a problem. The metal bracket is bolted to the each end of the support to fix the joint on the ground. The metal circular hollowcore section is 1mm thickness and it requires to be particularly customized depending on the size of laths - 20mm as nominated based on material stiffness test..
Construction Process
Final Design
Grasshopper model
Geotech Report Structure engineer
Site Preparation
Foundation worsk Excavation
Green bamboo Rope connection Steel footing transportation paving Temporary bracing
Crane driver Skilled labour + Non skilled labour
Provision Allowance 8,500+GST
Total 120,000+GST
Scale 1 : 25
Scale 1 : 2 Prototype
C.3 The Proposal
Projected supports in plan view
Site plan in Isometric view PROJECT PROPOSAL
Pattern / Lighting plan
East Elevation
North Elevation
B.7 Learning Objectives and Outcomes
Design Development
The design procedure throughout this design studio does not limit to immitate the research precedents but further develop own design concept under the strategy of design futuring. The specific software using algorithmic definition allowed designers to develop and experiments every possibilities without consulting with structural / civil engineers. This enabled to explore tremendous form to implement the design intend.
The difficulty is to determine these options to produce the best outcome effectively. However, the software is only a tool to overcome the technical issues and abilities, separated from the design intend. The importance in this studio is not to fall too deep within realm of computational design, knowing that the method only remains as a tool for designers to reach the final design outcome.
MAXXI Museum By Zaha Hadid Architects
MAXXI is the first national museum of contemporary art in Italy which became a new icon of the nation where surrounded by historical architecture style. The posperous engineering system priojects in current architecture industry could be rxeferenced to the earlier ‘Design Futuring’ practices by Zaha Hadid. She stated the deconstructivism and her new sight to the architecture which led a modern architecture in the contemporary society. “A development of postmodern architecture that began in the late 1980s. It is characterized by ideas of fragmentation, an interest in manipulating ideas of a structure’s surface or skin, non-rectilinear shapes which serve to distort and dislocate some of the elements of architecture, such as structure and envelope. The finished visual appearance of buildings that exhibit the many deconstructivist “styles” is
The modern architectural movement emphasizes the expressive development in concepts rather than historical, cultural or social typologies which has implemented throuout human civilization. According to Patrik Schumacher, project is an equipment to compare the phenomena with treatise by reordering the concepts instead of being a reflection towards the world3. In this context, the architectural projects that we commence is to be focused on much broder audiences with new typology of architecture. That is a breaking an egg, and creating a whole new sight.
3 Schumacher, Patrik (2011). The Autopoiesis of Architecture: A New Framework for Architecture (Chichester: Wiley), pp. 5
Figure 5 Street view of the structure © Janus van den Eijnden
Figure 6 Parametric simulation of the panel © Courtesy of UNStudio