BE SMART WITH YOUR RUNESCAPE MONEY! As soon as you hear the term Runescape gold, the first thought that is bound to come into your mind is- Coins. Coins are the most important part of this game and pretty much the most important thing you need to begin playing this game. This stack of coins will get the game to begin and keep it going unless a winner is announced. This Rs gold game that deals with coins can be a boon or a bane. That is for you to decide and that can only be determined when you know the game and can smartly deal with the money as this game is only about that and the fittest participant, wins. There are various ways of getting hold of cheap RS gp as well, as mentioned earlier as well, you have to know the game well and you have to know how each move you make can determine how the game turns out to be. Focus on the coins and how you play with it. There is also a very popular term called the OSRS gold in this game, this is an ancient method of use of the coins in this game. You won’t hear a lot of people recommending this method especially by the ones who have already been a participant in the game and knows all about the stakes and how it turns out to be. However, like every other game, there is a number of rules that you need to follow in this one as well. As you proceed with it you will witness a constant rise in the number of coins present from the limit that had been provided before the commencement of the game. Once the rise in the number takes place you will read a text that will read a “_____ x coins”. The thing that you should be putting all your attention to once that text is seen that the black mark that is visible in the quote is a very clear representation of the number of coins that are also present in the stack that belongs to you. In case you are lucky enough and you don’t see the amount that you have showing any decrease, then you get to see a text that will most likely read as “Lovely money”. Now let us have a look at 3 of the reasons that make this game not so widely supported by the crowd: