Get the migraine headaches treatment through the best acupuncture

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Unison Health Connection Services Signature Acpuncture 1) Diagnosis: Special and newly developed techniques in diangnosis---Spinal diagnosis You don't need to tell the doctor, he will tell you what kind of problem you have or you will have. It takes only 1 minute for the practitioner to make this diagnosis. And the result of diagnosis mostly unveil the origin of diseases, which may be "puzzles" for you and even for doctors. Once you find the root, remove it, the disease will be naturally vannish.

2) Treatment There are many treatment techniques and approaches, acupuncture is one of powerful ways in alternative medicine. It is well known to the public for its miraculous effectiveness, without side effect, quick, convenience and almost no risk. There is traditional techniques and complementary techniques. Holographic Needling technique is a contemprary and unique type of needling technique, developed by Doctor Philip Yang, abiding the philosophy of hologram and Qigong techniques. This needling techniques creates many unimagineable healing effect. Bone spurs are scary to many patients, because once they generate a spur in the body, the consequence either removed by surgery or leave it inside the body without being able to do anything, it depend on the location. But Holographic Needling can shrink a bone spur in a few minutes, esp. the one you can feel, such as the spur on the lumbar region, the corresponding symptom, such as pain, changes right away. Examples of the disease like, reducing the pain scale of Migraine,from 9 down to 6, just in 5-10 minutes. The others like severe lower back pain, frozen shoulder, etc.,, sometimes it just takes around 1-2 minutes. Blood pressure may drop from 190/110 to 150/85 in 5-10 minutes. These are all contribute to the power of Holographic Needling techniques. Blood sugar (Diabetes) may drop over 100

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mg/dl​ the next day after needling.

Other disorders, such as neck pain, tingling of arms and fingers, frozen shoulder, weakness in legs, heels pain, Plantar Fasciitis, etc. can be treated by Dr Yang fundamentally. Parkinson's Disease, Alzheimer's Disease, Migraines, IBS, Chronic pains, gastritis, Kidney stones or Gallbladder stones, palpitation, Dizziness/Vertigo, Acid reflux, Sleeping Apnea, bone spurs in spine, nodules in breast, Acne, Hives, Asthma, Allergies, Eczema, etc. are considered very difficult diseases, but Dr Yang knwo where is the origin and how to sever the root of the trees (diseases). Internal medicine Chiropractic Acupuncture Therapeutic massage Qigong Training and healing

​Medical breakthroughs including:

New established research institute—American Chinese Medicine Sciences Institute will publish articles for these achievement and dedications scientifically step by step. 1. Internal Medicine—worked by MDs to see patients with

internal diseases and general disorders. 2. Spinal adjustments and treating related disorders joint with Chiropractic and acupuncture (Unique techniques); 3. Acupuncture—treating chronic disorders including Anxiety, Insomnia, Infertility, Hepatitis-C, Migraines, Diabetes, Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA), Arthritis, Gastritis, … 4. Therapeutic Massage—targeting on muscular tensions, chronic pains, and it is also a complimentary treatment with acupuncture. 5. Moxibustion---an enjoyable, relaxing, aromatic, classic and stylish way of treatment, it is full of myth, poetry and, in deed, it is really beneficial to your immunity, general health and longevity. No matter you are healthy or sick, everybody need it. 6. Qigong training---Yuan Gong, as one of best qigong techniques in the society now, founded by master Philip Yang, who got systematic trained by 12 main masters in China, followed the most traditional apprentice system and also institutional education and training, plus his hard and insistent practice, he got great achievement in Qigong healing and teaching. He founded Yuan Gong in 1994 in South China, he integrated Kung Fu, Tai Chi, Qigong, Meditation, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), created his own lineage of Qigong—Yuan Tong Efficacious Qigong Patterns, simplified as Yuan Gong. UHC provides trainings of Yuan Gong exercises, philosophy and healing arts to anyone who intend to enhance their health. 7. Bioenergy work---a new model of medicine, new technology, and new healing art with special effect. It is named as “Bioenergy Medicine”. It is based a bioenergy machine, combined with anatomic body parts and meridians, acupuncture points, treat many difficult disease, such as eczema, hives, insomnia, stress, various pains, local infections, including Shingles, etc., any whole body syndrome. 8. Herbal medicine---Based on the most authentic theory— Shang Han Lun, through individual diagnosis, experienced professionals prescribe herbal formula for the clients, to fasten the treatment process, especially for internal disorders, such as indigestion, acute or chronic cough, acute or chronic UTI, Gout, Asthma and Allergies, sensitive skin, food allergies, Depression, Lupus, etc. 9. Hot stone---different form other hot stones, this is a special material in natural and the practitioner follow the meridians to treat the clients to promote their circulation, tonifying the organs, relax the muscles. 10. Cupping---Cupping therapy is an ancient form of alternative medicine in which a local suction is created on the skin; practitioners believe this mobilizes blood flow in order to promote healing. Suction is created using heat (fire) or mechanical devices (hand or electrical pumps). It is effective to treat pain, deep scar tissues in the muscles and connective tissue, muscle knots, and swelling.



Holographic Needling (HN) is a new technique that based on the science of Hologram and Taoist doctrine of “human integral with nature”. This technique utilizes the energy centers of our human body, maximize the effect of human recovery system, to achieve ultimate healing effect.

What is hologram?

By science, hologram – is the intermediate photograph (or photographic record) that contains information for reproducing a three-dimensional (3-D) image by holography. This means the reproduced picture carries 3-D information of the original object, which is much clearer than the traditional picture, because the traditional picture is 2-D. in another word, if technology can reach 4D, 5-D, … 12-D and even 30-D, that reproduced picture will be more and more intensive, clearer and clearer. Unfortunately, the scientific technology can only reach 3-D level at this moment, and it is now mainly used in photography. But our mind can reach much higher dimensions. By Daoism, hologram – is called “human integral with the nature” (天人合 一), the “nature” refers to all the things, lives, creatures, plants, objectives, etc., whatever exists in the universe, specially emphasize the unity of human and the nature. If we abstract the concept in a certain entity, one tiny part from the entity caries exactly the same information of the whole entity. Water, for example, one drop of water from a lake, natures exactly the same with the water in the whole lake, one atom of oxygen and a bond of two hydrogen, paired by electrons.

Similarly, inside our body, one small part of the body, reflects the whole body in energy (Qi) condition, dynamic and Qi level. Stimulating the qi flow of the points, will generate the dynamic of the corresponding body system, including organs, tissues, muscles, bones or ligaments, etc. Ear needle is based on the holographic correspondence of ear and the whole body, when we needle a point of ear, which corresponding to the arm, then the arm pain reduces right away. Similarly, there are Scalp Needling, Abdominal needling, Navel needling, Arm needling, Foot needling and so on. As an innovation, Dr. Philip Yang develops another holographic needling techniques based on the traditional needling system, abiding with the boosted mind power manipulation, with profound understanding of Qi nature in the human body and the universe, through twenty more years of clinical experiences, make the needling effects triple more powerful. In traditional


My Remote Healing Experience with Dr. Philip Lei Yang I would like to thank Dr. Yang for remote healing my parents last week and share my experience with anyone who might be interested in exploring this magical way of healing. I had been desperately trying to find someone or something to help my dying parents in China. My Dad was gravely ill with Parkinson’s disease. My mother had been taking care of him for so many years and fell ill too two weeks ago. I was stricken with sadness and guilt, for I was unable to offer any help. I was thousands of miles away from them, with a young child. The only thing I can think of was to arrange 24 hour nursing care for my Dad. Since Dr. Yang had been treating me for my neck pain, and the result was instantaneous, I thought about seeking his advice first. He was the only ray of hope for me. Before the appointment, I stumbled upon Dr. Yang’s web video interview with Lama Tantrapa. In the video, Dr. Yang mentioned something like remote healing. I did not think much about it, beyond making a mental note. When I came to the appointment, I was all tears and begging Dr. Yang to treat my parent in China. I remember Dr. Yang wrote a prescription of Chinese medicine for my mother and said in a firm and reassuring tone: “Don’t beg, I will do it now! It will only take a few minutes”. After the session, I felt calm and relaxed. When I walked out of the office, I deeply believed that I had found God and that my dream had come true. I was no longer drenched in a sea of sadness and desperation. I actually started humming a tune at home. Dr. Yang told me that it might take about a day for my mother’s skin to fully absorb the healing power. I called her anyway. She was unusually calm and told me she just helped my father to take the medication and go to the bathroom. I knew it was a daunting task for a late stage Parkinson’s patient to go about the daily chores. The sleepless night and dyskinesia could wear down a person quickly. Yet, I was surprised that she did not curse and explode on the phone like she usually did every time when I called her at a bad moment. Two days later, I called again. My mother said “You Dad is really behaving himself now. He actually slept through the night. I had a good sleep too. The Chinese medicine is agreeable”. Four days after Dr. Yang’s remote treatment, Mother told me that after she took the Chinese medicine (I did not tell her that Dr. Yang was healing her remotely. In fact I did not tell anyone, because I know no one would believe me and things would only get complicated), she did not have diarrhea any more; She slept through the night from 9:30 in the evening to 7 or 8 in the morning, so did Dad; Occasionally Dad might get up once at night. And that she had much less stress. I could definitely feel her calmness and even happiness on the phone. So I asked what Dad was doing at the moment, she said “He is outside walking”. I was all nervous, and quickly asked “Who is assisting him”, Mom said “by himself”.

holographic needling, pain management is the best effect in acupuncture treatment, in certain degree, endocrine system, or nervous system, can also achieve good effect, such as for insomnia, weight loss, stop addictions etc. In Dr. Yang’s holographic needling technique, scalp needling, for example, can dissolve bone spurs and tumors. It can make a visible spur starts shrink just in one minute, you can see the size is smaller with your eyes, one minute before and after. Thus, Migraines, which is incurable disease, can be cured permanently, so long as one has the right maintenance. The similar diseases get the answer, too, Osteophytes, including Osteostenosis, spinal Lordosis or Kyphosis, discs protrusion, Chronic pain, burping of the stomach, gastritis etc., are much easier to treat. Hypertension Diabetes can get different level of improvement, and it might be healed if it is in the primary phase.

“What? It’s too dangerous. Quickly, go and help him.” I urged. Mom said:” He has been walking these past couple of days for an hour and half to two hours a day by himself. I don’t know why, it’s very strange”. It was hard to imagine how he could change so quickly! Just two weeks ago, my brother told me Dad was on the brink of dying and could barely manage 15 minutes of walk each day with the assistance of my younger brother. I just bought an airplane ticket to go back to China to visit my parents. I could not bear the pain of waiting before departure, so I searched and found Doctor Yang. During the appointment, Dr. Yang mentioned to me someone else’s mother could suddenly get up and walk after his treatment, I was thinking that the mother must not have been seriously ill and that my dad was different. My Dad was dying and there was no cure for Parkinson’s disease. So I never thought it was possible to help my dad. My mind was mainly focused on my mother. When Dr. Yang told me he “saw” my Dad during the healing and that his illness was more serious than my Mom, I still did not think it was possible to help Dad. On my part, in essence I have given up on my Dad. So I just took his words at face value. Mother continued on the phone to tell me that she did not know why my Dad could suddenly walk by himself and sleep through the night and that she expected him to live to his 80’s. I told her it was all because God was blessing my Dad and Mom and that my Dad was a noble and respectable person. We both admired the mighty power of God and vowed to do as many good deeds as possible from then on. In order to appreciate the significance of Dr. Yang’s healing ability, I have to dwell on the history of my mother and father’s illness. My mother had stomach cancer 9 years ago. After surgery and chemo, she had constant diarrhea and weighed only 37 kg at the time of Dr. Yang’s treatment. In the meantime, my father was developing Parkinson like symptoms, and the doctor started him on Parkinson’s medication at a high dose, so that he could walk normally. But he soon started to have side effects, like high blood pressure, dizziness, constipation and he could barely open his eyes. Later, he developed dyskinesia and pain. For 7 to 8 years, my mother has been busy taking care of my father. For the past half year, his health deteriorated quickly and could only walk 15 minutes a day in the living room with the help of my brother. During the day, mother had to help him with daily living. At night he was in great pain and could not sleep. He pounded on the floor with his cane and yelled in weak voices for my mother to help him up many times to pee, yet he either peed on the floor or had nothing to release. Mother could not have a single night of good rest. These had worn her down. About three weeks ago, she had no appetite and her persistent diarrhea got worse. When I called home, she said she weighed only 37 kg (She is 5 foot 5). The doctor said she had a tumor measuring 1.5 cm in her stomach and atrophic gastritis with intestinal metaplasia. She was give Penicillin injection for a week. She often got into angry tirade and my father’s condition got worse. That was when my brother told me that Dad could be gone any time. He was at the brink. That was when I came to Dr. Yang, seeing his magical power of healing me. Then I found out that Dr. Yang could remote

heal! Throughout the time, I trusted Dr. Yang’s ability to remote heal, even though the concept of remote healing does not seem to be “logical”. In my opinion, the power of mutual trust between doctor and patient in Chinese medicine is the most important aspect of healing. I feel Dr. Yang is the best and one of a kind Chinese Medicine doctor and Qi Gong master. At the lowest point in my life, when I was most desperate, Dr. Yang’s superior healing ability, kindness and compassion had given me and my family hope and inspiration. I think Dr. Yang’s magical healing power is instant with no boundaries. After this healing experience, I appreciate every day, everything and every being more than ever before. This is a wonderful world. We are all interconnected on a much grander scale than I can understand. I will always keep an open mind. Patient: Xiao Wang

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