LITTLE KNOWN FACTS ABOUT WORMS AND SOIL You might not consider 50 worms per square foot a large population. But if the worms average a weight of 1.5 gram each (conservative), then there will be 75 - 100 grams or close to 4 - 5 ounces per square foot. Let's say they "eat" half their weight in soil daily. This actually translates to over 8 tons per hectare. In a healthy soil, the presence of worms encourages the development of a biota which will reach a mass six times that of the worms. Therefore, in a hectare containing 8 tons of worms, there can be another 48 tonnes of biota, which amounts to no less than 54 tonnes of life, per hectare, beneath the surface - far in excess of what you will ever have walking on top of it !In illustration of this, imagine you are running beef cattle on your very fertile pastures, and you can run at an exceptionally high stocking rate of five beasts per hectare. On the fifty-four tonnes of undersoil organiclife, you have only maybe two or three tonnes of oversoil four legged organic life Remember too, that these worms will eat half, or more, of their own weight daily and, as they do, will till, aerate and fertilise at the rate of nearly4 tonnes of soil per hectaredaily. This is 1,400 tonnes of soil per haper year soil which becomes more moisture retentive and more productive as the years pass. However, worms are not able to work for you 365 days of the year, but only when the soil is sufficiently moist. But, because worm-populated soils wet more quickly and more deeply, and retain their moisture longer, the better it gets, the better it gets. A good, or even better than average, perhaps even a bumper wheat crop is around four tons per hectare. In Europe, four times this yield can be achieved. There are a number of factors influencing this figure, such as protein levels (hard or soft wheat), quantity and reliability of rainfall, but it is significant that field worm populations of 2000 worms per m2 have been recorded in Europe. It is partly for this reason that England, which has a land area which can be fitted into Victoria several times, (the next to smallest Australian state) can sometimes produce more wheat than the whole of Australia.