When Coins Become a Part of Your Game Runescape money makes use of one of the commonest forms of money and that are coins. Coins are the main things that you need in order to be a part of this game. There are a certain rules you need to abide buy in this game of rs money where the coins are a big factor. There is a particular set limit like 99,999, every time you see there is a certain exceeding taking place by the number of coins present in the stack, you will see a text appearing that will state as “_____ x Coins”, the thing to notice here is that the blank present there will be the exact specified number of coins that are also present in the stack. In case the number of coins does not exceed but is rather less in number, the text flashing will read something like “Lovely Money”.
The most important feature of this game is that coins are seen in the form of small gold coins. They come in various shapes and are always stackable. It has been said that these coins have certain intricate designs that have been imprinted on its face but the players can hardly make that out. Let us have a look at 3 of the reasons as to why people quit Runescape:
This game used to be great fun and really addictive until one really disapproving change took place that made it lose all its players. That disappointment is the addition of EOC into the game. There was a certain reasons why people were increasingly becoming a part of this game, rs was a different kind of a game where their original combat system was MMORPPG’s and the game was extremely basic to begin