Orenda is a brand-new magazine created for people just like you: it’s smart, young, modern, resourceful, all-inclusive, independent and kick-ass. It is messy, imperfect, eclectic and probably swears more than it’s mother would like. It features stories about real, everyday-but-extraordinary things and people that you will find insightful, thought-provoking and interesting; as well as things to do that are fun, guiding, practical and won’t cost an arm & a leg (but sometimes it’s fun to splurge). It’s here for entertainment, aesthetics (whilst recognising that there is much, much more to life) and to give you a bit of a helping hand in that wonderful time of your life where you’re expected to know exactly what you’re doing but you just don’t.
Orenda is for you.
This issue, we deal with death, chocolate, gender fluidity, café history, decorating rentals and schmoozing.