India Cheque Scanner Market, CY 3Q' 2014 presents the latest report on “India Cheque Scanner Market" According to market analyst, India Cheque Scanner market shipments value reached $1.4 million for CY 3Q 2014. Feb 9, 2015 – Navi Mumbai, India: presents the latest report on “India Cheque Scanner Market, CY 3Q' 2014" According to market analyst, India Cheque Scanner market shipments value reached $1.4 million for CY 3Q 2014. Summary: Numerous reforms in the Financial sector coupled with deregulation of the Banking sector has resulted in the major restructuring of the Financial Services industry in India. Over the last two decades, revolution in the Information Technology sector have created tremendous opportunities in the India Banking sector. According to 6Wresearch, India Cheque Scanner market shipments value reached $1.4 million for CY 3Q 2014. Digital Check dominated the market followed by CTS and Panini. Key Highlights of the Report 1. Total Cheque Scanner shipment in India 2. Market share by various players in various segments and specifications 3. Market by Type 3.1 Single-Feed 3.2 Multi-Feed 4. Shipments by market players 5. Model wise shipments by each company 6. Price of each model 7. Specifications covering 7.1 Company 7.2 Connectivity 7.3 Document Height 7.4 Document Length 7.5 Document Thickness 7.6 Document Weight 7.7 Entry Pocket 7.8 Exit Pocket 7.9 Image Capture Height 7.10 Light Source 7.11 Model No 7.12 Resolution 7.13 Scanner Speed (Maximum) 7.14 Scanning Method 7.15 Size 7.16 Weight (KG) Table of Contents: 1. India Cheque Scanner Market