Titanium dioxide Industry in India: a snapshot Jan 01, 2015 – Navi Mumbai, India: Marketreportsonindia.com presents the latest report on "Titanium dioxide Industry in India: a snapshot" This report can be used as an “Information & Management Tool” and is ideal for overseas investors to get the first feel of the Indian Titanium dioxide industry. Senior managers, can also use this report for making presentations to internal audiences, customers, collaborators and channel partners. Summary: Titanium dioxide (TiO2) is derived from ilmenite a mineral found in the metamorphic, plutonic igneous rocks and beach sands in India. It can be classified into anatase, rutile and brokite, of which only anatase and rutile are commercially important. TiO2 is consumed across paints, plastics, paper and many other end use segments. The TiO2 production in India is witnessing a declining trend leading to a greater dependency on imports. Some of the concerns in the Indian TiO2 industry are strict environmental regulations, reduced production by the manufacturers and inadequate availability of appropriate technology in production. This note on titanium dioxide industry has been prepared through extensive secondary research supported by detailed analysis and focuses on market details, major players, recent developments and key drivers of the Indian titanium dioxide industry. This report can be used as an “Information & Management Tool” and is ideal for overseas investors to get the first feel of the Indian Titanium dioxide industry. Senior managers, can also use this report for making presentations to internal audiences, customers, collaborators and channel partners. Table of COntets: A. Introduction B. Indian Titanium dioxide Industry Structure B.1 Production B.2 Demand B.2.1 Paints Segment B.2.2 Plastics Segment B.2.3 Paper Segment C. Trade C.1 Imports C.2 Exports D. Key players in Indian Titanium Dioxide Industry D.1 Travancore Titanium Products Limited (TTPL) D.2 Kilburn Chemicals Ltd. (VVTi Pigments) D.3 Kolmak Chemicals Ltd. D.4 Kerala Minerals and Metals Limited (KMML) List of Figures: Figure1: Titanium Dioxide Usage- Break up by End Use Segments 2013 List of Tables: Table 1: Structure of the Titanium Dioxide Industry in India Table 2: Ilmenite and Rutile Reserves in India 2012 Table 3: Titanium dioxide: Trends in Production, 2009-2013 (Metric Tonnes)
Table 4: Key Players Production Capacity 2012-13 (Metric Tonnes) For more information kindly visit: http://www.marketreportsonindia.com/industry-mfg-marketresearch-reports-12219/titanium-dioxide-industry-india-snapshot.html Related Links: http://www.marketreportsonindia.com/market-research-report/industry-mfg.html About Market Reports on India Market Reports on India is a portal where you can access thousands of reports on India starting from Aeronautics to Zinc (A-Z). We provide you with reports which will help you gain a better understanding of the Sectors, Companies, New Products and Latest trends. Contact Us Market Reports on India Contact No: India: +91 22 27810772, 27810773 Toll Free US: 1-866-279-8368 Mail: info@marketreportsonindia.com Website: http://www.marketreportsonindia.com/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/ReportsonIndia