Understanding india's regional health markets

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Understanding India's Regional Health Markets Dec 26, 2014 – Navi Mumbai, India: Marketreportsonindia.com presents a latest report on “Understanding India's Regional Health Markets” The report lets you explore regional Indian markets to make a practical evaluation of opportunity and risk. Summary: Understanding India’s Regional Health Markets lets you explore regional Indian markets to make a practical evaluation of opportunity and risk. Whether you are manufacturing or distributing locally, working through subsidiaries/partners or just assessing the potential, this fascinating report is a must-have resource to fully appreciate the diverse regional health environments in India. Identifying opportunities in India’s rapidly expanding health economy requires detailed knowledge of the economic performance, health infrastructure and health personnel distribution at a state/territory level. Being able to see that in the context of neighbouring provinces and the national picture brings focus to areas of opportunity and need. Critical information and statistics on national and regional health infrastructure and provision. An essential source of detailed key business data on this fast growing economy. Any assessment of India’s health provision must consider the huge variations to be found in such a geographically diverse country where the population is distributed over 644,278 cities, towns and villages. Key questions asked and answered by this report include: - How is the population and wealth distributed? - Which states and territories produce the highest levels of GDP? - What is the primary and secondary health infrastructure in each region? - How is healthcare delivered? - What is the role played by private/government health provision at state level? - Which regions are better provided for and which still need investment? Rich in statistics, charts and maps, this new 110-page report Understanding Regional Indian Health Markets takes you further into understanding the dynamic Indian regional health sector. A comprehensive introduction sets the national scene while summary data for each state/territory highlights the key economic characteristics and health infrastructure. Comparative statistics are provided for each state/territory and can be seen in the light of national averages. Setting the scene: India’s 1.21 billion population is distributed across 35 states and union territories, and is growing at 1.6% a year. In terms of landmass, India is approximately one third the size of the USA. India has an established mainly urban middle class but the bulk of the rest of the population have little by way of income and resources.

As with many emerging markets a divide is opening up between the urban and rural population. This is exacerbated in India where, despite there being over 45 cities with more than 1 million inhabitants, the majority of the population live rurally in over 638,000 villages – many of them remote and difficult to access. The impact on key health indicators, such as infant mortality, can be clearly seen and despite per capita health spending more than doubling in the last 10 years there is some way to go. Government health spending has not kept pace with private expenditure with health insurance covering no more than 5%. Out of pocket funding of healthcare remains dominant and the growing number of middle classes have been influential in the growth and success of the many private hospital groups. Compare and Contrast: Haryana and Rajasthan: The Indian market is one of great diversity, and the gap between the ‘haves’ and ‘have nots’ is stark. Consider the following comparisons of selected statistics between the two neighbouring north western states of Haryana and Rajasthan which have dramatically different economic drivers. Information Population GDP GDP per capita Birth rate per 000 Infant mortality per 000 live births Urban rate Rural rate National 1,210,193,000 US$1,049 billion US$1017 22.1 47 31 51 Haryana 25,353,000 US$42.8 billion US$1723 22.3 48 38 51

Rajasthan 68,621,000 US$49.5 billion US$748 26.7 55 55 31 For more information kindly visit: http://www.marketreportsonindia.com/life-sciencesmarket-research-reports-3233/understanding-indias-regional-health-markets.html Related Links: sciences.html


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