Contact person
Sophia Ren
Email: skype: sophia-ren717 More information about flat die biomass briquette machine, please visit:
Flat Die Biomass Briquette Press (Biomass briquetting machine,wood briquette machine,biomass briquette press,small briquette press,briquette press price,sawdust briquette machine,rice husk briquetting machine)
Got Waste? Make Biomass Briquette Now Flat die biomass briquette press is a specially designed machine for making biomass waste into briquette which is a green fuel. The briquette machine can not only be used for making biomass fuel, but also for making feedstuff. If you want to use the briquette machine to make feedstuff, you should pay special attention to the raw material quality and dust cleaning during the briquetting process. The formed briquettes temperature should be cooled to below 15℃. Main Material for Biomass Briquetting