Joules Magazine INSIDE… What is Solar Energy? What Can Solar Energy Do?
By: Sophia Sims & Madison Kuci
Solar Energy
Table of Contents About: Solar Energy p.4-5
SunWave Energy Ad
Around the World
Solar Energy Uses
On The Daily
p.15 p.16
Numbers in the New p.17
Energy Conservation p.10
Power Solutions Ad
Earth4Energy Ad
What Can Solar Energy Do
Renewable & Nonrenewable p.12
p.18 p.19
Statistical Graph p.13 Fun Facts
p.14 3
About: Solar is a latin word that means sun. Solar energy is energy that comes from the sun and is converted into thermal or electrical energy. Solar energy is a very powerful source of energy that can heat, cool, and even light our homes or offices. It is the cleanest and most abundant renewable energy source available. The US has some of the richest solar resources in the world.
Solar Energy Technology is used to harness this energy and use it in many different ways. Multiple types of technologies convert energy into usable energies for homes or businesses. There are a series of popular solar technologies. The technology is solar water heating, passive solar design for heating and cooling, and solar photovoltaics,which is used for electricity.
Around the World Germany is the number one location in the world for solar energy. It has, by far, the highest capacity. Solar energy is the third most important renewable source in terms of globally installed capacity and in 2012, more than 100 GW(Gigawatt) of solar power is used around the world. It produces about 110 TWH(TeraWatt Hour) of electricity every year. Solar energy exists in almost every location around the globe. Not every place could be suitable for a solar power panel.
Solar Energy Around the World Liter of Light is a global movement that helps to provide light for communities in need around the world. Volunteers travel to different places in order to provide the Liter of Light’s affordable and sustainable solar light. These communities have had to go without electricity for many years on end, but with the help of thousands of volunteers, there is electricity in homes, businesses, and streets. They have accomplished installing over 350,000 bottle lights in over 15 countries. Not only has this provided them light, but this has educated many people on “green skills� to be future entrepreneurs.
On The Daily There are forms of solar power that you are living around or even using on a daily basis. We use solar power through the solar panels in our calculators, parking meters, the satellites in space, and even perhaps some cars or motorcycles. There are even certain calculators and computers that run on the electricity produced from miniature solar panels. As for passing solar panels everyday, there are some neighborhoods in which you can see the solar panels set up on the roofs of homes and office buildings. In backyards, there can be solar powered batteries that provide electricity to last for long periods at a time.
On The Daily More uses of solar power in everyday life include solar powered bicycles. This type of bicycle has two circular solar panels on either side of each wheel. These solar panels are charging the battery when it is parked in the sun, to later be able to use the stored energy when you are actually riding the bicycle. While the bicycle is in motion, the battery from the solar cells provides energy for the motor.
Another form of solar powered things taking place in our everyday lives obviously includes the satellites in space. These satellites are receiving the most energy, especially since there isn’t anything reducing the sunlight up in space. Satellites convert the sun’s energy into electrical energy which powers important equipment all over the world. Lastly, nearly everyone listens to music daily and there are radios that are powered by solar energy. Such radios include one called, Roku. This is a portable radio that stores enough power to play music for over eight hours. 9
Energy Conservation The use of solar panels is a very effective way of conserving the electromagnetic energy from the sun’s rays. The different sizes of solar panels effect the watts of electricity generated. Also, solar panels have built in conservation units that absorb the energy and then store the electricity until it is used. Thankfully, the built in conservation units allow for the stored energy to continue flowing without any abrupt times without energy.
Renewable & Nonrenewable Renewable energy is energy that comes from a source that will not run out such as wind or solar power. Non renewable energy is energy that comes from a source that will deplete such as fossil fuels or coal. Energy is produced without natural resources. Solar Energy is a renewable energy while electricity which is made using coal, and natural gas is not.
Statistical Graph
Fun Facts
Solar cells capture wavelengths of solar radiation and then converts it into electricity. Solar energy can be used to run air conditioning, hot water, heaters, natural gas, electricity, and oil fuel. If the sun's not shining at the moment, someone can use a special battery as backup for the solar panel. Solar Panel’s do not need sunlight to produce electricity. Direct sunlight does produce the most energy. Solar power is one of the cleanest, most sustainable, and most renewable in the world.
Solar Energy Uses
The facilities of solar energy is to use concentrating solar power. This can be used as a heat source for boiling or converting sunlight into electricity. This can only happen if someone uses solar cells. The conversion from sunlight to electricity is called photovoltaics. Solar energy that reaches the sun can be produced into electricity or heat through the use of solar collectors. For example when you have a closed car it can be viewed as solar collectors because the light energy can pass through the glass from the window and absorbed by the car's interior and then, converted into heat energy. 16
Numbers in the News China has a total PV(photovoltaics): 78,100 MW(megawatts) (25.8%) UK broke the solar record on May 26 when they were able to generate 24% of power from solar energy.
The largest solar power plant on Earth is in Longyangxia Dam Solar Park, in Gonghe County, Qinghai, China In 1839, we started using the Sun’s energy directly to make electricity. First Apple store in Southeast Asia, Singapore, is 100% powered by renewable energy. 17
What Can Solar Energy Do?
There are special plants called conventional plants that use fossil fuel. Nuclear energy is also a heat source to help boil water. When you boil water, the steam rotates a turbine to produce electricity. Solar energy facilities use concentrating solar power as a heat source to boil water, as a heat source, or convert sunlight to electricity. Solar power can be converted because of solar cells. The CSP technology are referred to as solar thermal or thermoelectric technologies. PV is referred to as solar electric or photoelectric technologies. There are many types of CSP systems such as linear, power tower, and dish engine. The CSP plants consist of two parts, one that collects solar energy and one that converts it into heat.
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