Interview of a French Entrepreneur
feel that in France, it is really difficult to open a new business,
even after getting through the administrative papers, most of
fail because of heavy constraints such as taxation on the revenue.
In London, it is quite simple to open a new company. Nowadays, in England, the all process for the creation of a company can be done online and it only takes around 3 hours. The organism in charge of creating and listing companies with limited responsibilities is called “Company House”. During this time, you only need to fill the memorandum of Association, the shareholder agreement and open a bank account. You don’t need to deposit a minimum capital. Moreover, if you apply to a startup loan, you can earn up to £10,000 per shareholders. This really shows how invaluable is the London start-up community. In comparaison, in France, first you need to redact the statuts of the associates. It is possible to change them, but it will cost 200€. Then you need to open a bank account, after what the bank gives a certificate for the lodging of funds. The certificate takes around a week to be obtained, once the funds have been deposited. The statuts have to be signed and dated after the date of the certificate for the lodging of funds. You need then to publish a legal ad in a certified newspaper. This step takes 48 hours and cost 150€. You need to do it in order to obtain the Argumentative of the legal ad. You can now deposit your file online on the website:, for a cost of 80€ which covers the Registrar’s Costs. After a delay of about a week, you will obtain from the CFE, a waybill for the creation of a company, the SIREN and the Kbis.
Once the company created, you still have many other compulsory processes such as unlocking the bank account of the company, register the statuts at the SIE (Service des Impôts des Entreprises). You also have to buy many « books », such as the Record of the General Assembly which costs 25€… you can receive some advice and some help from the CCI. You can also have some financial help from the FRCI, the FRI, the AIMA… We can see how convenient it is to create a company in England when we compare it to France which is suffering of a brain drain."