Skills Book
Sophie Farines Product Designer
Skills Along my academic and professional experiences, I have acquired strong skills in several different fields related to design. Through my apprenticeship, I have developed solid knowledge in the glass manufacturing and viticulture sectors. My early studies were conducted at the Saint-Etienne Higher School of Art and Design, which granted me considerable autonomy and a plastic sensitivity, abilities which I put in good use in the industrial design process.
ÂŤHow can we, from the observation of everyday life, propose an object that take into account the concept of life cycle? ÂŤ
Cylipse is a device located next to each beverage distributor. Thanks to Cyclipse, the user put his empty can in the device which compresses it. During the replenishmentof cans, the distributor service agent recovers the compressed cans which will be melted in order to be reused again. Cylipse encourages civic gesture and helps to raise awareness towards sustainable development.
63 % of recyclabe garbage are recycled only 32% of aluminum put in the trash is recycled
Collector, Steel and glass, Solidworks rendering December 2015 Working as a duo.
Glasscutting variations «How to develop tailor-made solutions which grasp the need of product identity differentiation for wine maker? «
Glasscutting Working on PS and AI, December 2016 Work project for Owens-Illinois company.
Hotplate « Poral »
Poral produces porous metal either in stainless steel or bronze. Poral products can be used as filters as well as diffusers, pressure regulators, silent or media fluidized beds. They are declined as tubes, candles, cartridges, discs, plates or cones. This material has the following characteristics : resistance to high temperatures, corosions, mechanical resistance and easy to clean.
The cooking plate is made of an heat insulating ceramic base. Three cavities containing drawers composed of poral and glass. This device is a revisited conception of the stove. The sliders are placed alongside each cooking plate. They are themselves composed of porous metal. Ignition occurs by bringing the cursor downwards.
FACTORY Since its creation in 1958, Poral is world renowned compagny for its design and production of porous sintered metal filters for liquids and gases. Poral offers a wide range of products in bronze, stainless steel and nickel alloys particularly suited in corrosive environments, high temperature and pressure. These products are easy to clean for an optimum lifespan. Poral customers are leaders in their respective markets : chemical, petro-chemical, nuclear, aerospace, mechanical, food industry, health and water treatment.
Hot plate, Modelling on Rhinocèros, Render V-Ray, January 2015, Individual work, Collaboration with Poral.
Wooden stoll: ツォ窶右ntre deux eaux窶可サ
Taking the idea of the basket, the architecture of this wooden stool purpose a visual culbuto, between full and empty. The foot has a sculputral dimension, in addition to its functional dimension. It provides a solid anchor to the floor. Around the fiberboard slabs, independent from each other, surrounds the structure, such as a basket The look oscillate between visual heaviness and ligntness depending on the point of view.
Stool Medium density fiberboard Full size prototype June 2014 Individual work
Lamppost Man replicates its environment through new places among them patterns and objects. This lamp evokes both the spear of the colonized and the colonizers flag. These customs are familiar such as the conquest of space where the first astronauts planted the American flag on the moon. Through its shape and gesture, this lamp questions our relationship towards our intimate environment.
Following the completion of the model, I made an 2D metal order of the model to a local business specialized in laser cutting. I then rolled the metal plate on itself and deployed the pattern accordingly. The slots are designed to reflect light towards the ceiling, while maintaining some visual comfort for the user. The slots create all together a lighting pattern with tiny variations.
Laser metal cutting order BAUZER INDUSTRIE
Process : Deployments and formatting Materials: Thick steel plate 1 mm 279
Industrial : 2D laser cutting
Floor lamp, Model and prototype 1 scale Metal laser cut June 2015 Individual work
Based on the time theme, I chose to revisit the shape of the distillation device. The theme of the evaporation allowed me to approach both physics laws and design concepts. The hexagon and the vertical posture offers a view, through a screen, of the distillation process. The device allows the users to contemplate the mist agglomerating on the walls.
Distillator 3D drawing on Rhinoceros V-ray rendering May 2014 Individual work
It is composed of wood cleats and kraft paper strips. It comes as a work shelters. Its light design and angular structure is covered with paperstrips. In some areas, the paper strips leave room for empty areas. These are openings generating contrast, drawing discreet light patterns. This project takes me to the work of the artist Allan Wexler, « researching the house » where he offers a range of small sized houses. This lamp is a « mise en abyme » of the house. Moreover, it offers a comparison : the housing and thelampshade, the light bulb is at home. Lamp Paper and wood cleats Full size prototype Novemeber 2013 Individual work
Manufactura Through the object of study of the weapons manufacturing of Saint-Etienne, I chose to focus my research towards « the reconvertion of spaces » such as unused areas of the manufacturing site.
These places, which are meant to mutate, questions the notion of disappearance. By consulting archaeologists works, I have seen how redevelopment Manufacturing had been called into questioned, some evoking even « architectural treason».
Intrigued by the idea of a new activity disguising the old one, I imagined through a staging memorial, how design and photography can revisit History. Inspired by the vision of Reyner Banham who theorizes the perception of time in correlation with technological changes, these panels are questioning the concept of reproducibility. These mediums are both witnesses and traitors.
3D printed object, photogram and Chinese ink Plate recycled cardboard December 2015 Individual work
Worrying strangeness Degree’s videoclip carried out in cooperation with Maud Picollini (designer) The presence of design objects, in a ceremonial atmosphere, created by a play of light and shadow .
Video clip of design objects Black and White Editing sur Final Cut and Première Pro, 12 minutes, June 2014, Collaboration with designer Picollni
Sophie Farines Product designer
150 rue du 4 ao没t 1789, 69100 Villeurbanne 06 29 50 52 77