210213 Crit Feedback Sheet

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lModr-rle Code

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Name tO?Htâ‚Ź arilr.ah

pffiaG,ffigss trffi{T ls tlre g=inA [MaJor pro.iect hlcg aceessible

[.Jurnber cf Brief presentecl

ls the written dGumentation presented clear

ls tne finat lVtajor project blog labeled


ls theFinal ilfiajor project blog up to date anc! reflective of the wor$< presented ls there sutfieient work presentecl on the

work Presented for

the time available Is thereCufficient evidence of planning and orqanization Presented

ftrlease answer yes or no to

th* qQqyugu*utignq icient evidence of a range of

and secondarv source material?


';;;;{,}, rysry y ?Tv7<,itW'W u*oa ,rc t* ,"" 'i^n vreg.*v--tl ii^*1 +t/rau|h't* t*t'o h 6r t r+t*ttt't&^


Areas for ImProvement

Prtdtttt ! r;rtfiw't ul1/dsruL 6l * H\J$a/;t r<.annh ,','. #/latJuV* <*4' i







extent has the research ryhat been thoroughly explored. informed a breadth on initial concepts and ideas ancl hive these Areas for ImProvement

olL0./r"u) Cr<rOAtn,@ ,efuul, anc W>h Ul4furt q u|uf,l,hq 4 Fttqnal fT +o\L ,Nqu' a*d

d/stUNlU dalll Wt ttw< 7,#^!,^I c,iJJ-*l btTat & bnLd H?rt^a tf A*4f.nVI< n 4!Jl^tl/?J';14/, (bnth ,ll.rnt'aN t*f F41 ,' Oaald t'

ttt* fud*t* *hnf?hw *"* dt*rln @ #twr fJ-oR lat*trt- tr **1*<r* , *e_t e uid& rwlruN & HJraYwaz E ocwt4t Junlowtltnt b vt't AJ ,rtwvni*arwn (dnv{t l4


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