Level 06 Evaluation 2012

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LEVEL 05/06 PROGRESS EVALUATION The following form is designed to focus your self-evaluation, personal reflection and design strategy planning for the second year of the course. This should help you to identify necessary areas of interest, working practices, aims and ambitions when planning your return in September. More importantly it should help you identify specific issues that you need to address, skills you intend to develop and creative/professional aspects of design practice that are relevant to you as an individual. As this is form focuses on you as an individual you may find you need to add certain criteria, skills or areas that are relevant to you and your aims. There are spaces left for you to add content. Your evaluation will form the basis of discussion during your first tutorial in the second year. Your response to this task should be posted to your PPP blog and labelled ‘PROGRESS EVALUATION 05/06’

How would you grade yourself on the following areas: 5= excellent, 4 = very good, 3 = good, 2 = average, 1 = poor 1 ENGAGEMENT Attendance Punctuality Motivation Commitment Quantity of work produced Quality of work produced Contribution to the group




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1 STUDY SKILLS Library Magazines Internet Study Visits Online Content Contextual Research Documentation (Blogs.)

PERSONAL SKILLS Design Skills Communication - verbal Problem Analysis x Communication - written Problem Solving x Communication - visual Content Development (Research) x Organisation - time Conceptual Development (Idea Generation) x Organisation - project Visual Development (Visual Skills) x Organisation - personal Media/Material Experimentation x Presentation - crits Evaluation & Selection x Presentation - assessment Finishing Skills x Presentation – Blogs. Production Skills x Identify 5 ways in which you aim to extend your strengths an/or address areas for improvement.





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1. I hope to expand and improve upon my research skills, which I already (fortunately) regard as one of my greater skills and assets within design. Throughout Level 06 I intend to develop this to a much wider degree to be more adventurous in sourcing research material and being less dependent on a few “easy” access sources. 2. For both my design practice and dissertation research and development, I hope to explore the various library sources throughout Leeds much more than I have currently been doing for a far more well-rounded and informed source of research knowledge from journals, magazines, encyclopaedias, reports, newspapers and the internet, to name a few. 3. Throughout level 06, I intend to be both far more experimental and professional with the visual development of my projects, and to explore contemporary sources for inspiration to create a far more diverse and representative portfolio of work in my chosen specialisms of my

design practice. 4. In regards to improving upon my production skills, I hope to develop a relationship with several printers and bookbinders, both local and national to produce high-quality and professional outcomes for my design portfolio as opposed to depending upon both University resources and my own capabilities. 5. During the summer break, I have made steps towards becoming more organised in regards to my project organisation by beginning intensive research for my negotiated briefs. As a result, I should hopefully be able to spend more time on the concept and design development, with the satisfaction that I fully understand and have researched each of my briefs to their full extent.s

Grade the level to which you will prioritise developing your skills and understanding of the following 5= highest, 4 = high, 3 = necessary, 2 = unsure, 1 = low 1 2 PRACTICAL SKILLS Typography - Font Design Typography - Layout/Grid Screen Print Bookbinding / Paper Craft Letterpress / Printed Type 3D Materials & Media x Photography & Studio lighting DESIGN FOR PRINT Packaging Editorial (Magazine) Publishing (Book) Retail Promotion Branding/Identity Information graphics Signage/Wayfinding PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE



5 x x

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1 SOFTWARE Photoshop Illustrator Indesign Dreamweaver (web) After Effects (Motion Graphics) Fontographer (font design)



4 x x

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x DESIGN FOR SCREEN Design for Web Design for Mobile Technology Interface design (DVD, Mobile tech.) Moving Type (TV ,Film) Motion Graphics (TV, Film)

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x x x x x

Music publishing & Promotion Fashion Branding & Promotion Corporate Identity Exhibition Design Retail Branding & Interiors Design for Social Change Product, Promotion, Packaging Self Publication & Print Others (please list on your blog.)

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x x

Ethical Design Sustainable Design Digital Innovation Print Production -Paper/Format/Finish Handmade to Digital Designer Led Practice Client Led Design Commercial Design Independent Practice

x x x x x x x

Identify 10 things that you aim to achieve during level 6, explain why you want to achieve them and how you intend to go about achieving them. Grade them in terms of level of priority. 1








Develop my type and layout skills by actively seeking out projects and self- initiated briefs that use these methods of design and production to improve and strengthen my abilities within this area. Through networking events and industry experience (such as placements and studio visits), develop a network of design professionals and studios as I seek employment upon graduation in mid- 2013. Utilise the library facilities throughout both my dissertation and design project research for a developed understanding and overview of sources accessible to me. Explore new and diverse projects, not depending on subjects that I am necessarily interested in or know a great deal about to get a far more realistic portfolio and to emulate the “typical day� working in a professional design studio with various projects of diverse backgrounds and subject matters. Accept live briefs and attend networking events readily. Make time for them, and prioritise them. In Level 06, I intend to focus, primarily, on my professional practice, and have to look forward to my design portfolio and practice post- University, and post- graduation. Explore and develop my branding skills over a variety of live projects throughout Design Practice III to strengthen my abilities in both collaborative, live and brand development design briefs. Develop my competition brief skills, and working with professional clients through a series of University- delivered briefs throughout Design Practice III, such as pitching for both a degree prospectus and degree show branding projects (for Leeds College of Art).















Explore the potential of becoming an ethical and sustainable designer through both my dissertation subject matter and exploring several research briefs based upon environmental issues and the promotion of ethical causes. Develop a well- rounded and professional design portfolio and brand identity in both digital and print formats that I can be proud of, and feel confident to show to industry professionals and my peers throughout the year and upon graduation. Continue to live by the newly adapted motto “Do one thing a day that scares you�, by being more ambitious with my design practice, submitting myself to new experiences within design, and, consequently, being far more experimental.

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