OUCE255 Module Feedback 2012.

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Module Code: OUCE255

Module Title: Enterprise & Innovation

Brief Title: Creative Industries

Student Name: Wilson, Sophie

Module/Unit Outcomes In this brief, you will be assessed on your ability to achieve the outcomes using skills from the following list: problem analysis, research, critical awareness, visual quality, innovation, technical competence and professionalism




Assessed on this brief ()

Demonstrate an understanding of a range of marketing principles. Use marketing tools to develop strategies

Demonstrate an understanding of structures, strategies, methodologies and processes involved in running of, or setting up of a small to medium sized creative business.










All grades are provisional and are subject to confirmation and/or review by the Exam Boards held at the end of the academic year


Evidence For this project students should submit:

75 % Module Outcome assessed

Responses to the set study tasks documented, organised and labeled on your PPD Blog.


A blog of not less than 1500 words. The blog entries should represent an ongoing investigation and response to the brief.


An Oral presentation of 8-10 mins. using appropriate visual aids in ‘leave behind’ format. Your presentation script/ slides/ video and any other supporting documents / visual aids should be posted to your PPD blog as briefed.


Plagiarism is a serious matter which can attract severe penalties permanent exclusion from the College. See Regulations for Undergraduate provision for further details.

Mitigating Circumstances Form Completed

PASS () Comments

Revised June 2011

Extension Agreed:


Revised Deadline:


Written Feedback The work presented on your blog demonstrates an excellent understanding of the marketing principles introduced during this module. Your responses to the tasks show a consistently high level of awareness when applying the basic models of market analysis to the creative sector. As a result you have used the tasks to gain an excellent understanding of the role of a designer within the creative industries.

You have investigated and applied the principles of analysis and planning to a consistently high level. Your blog demonstrates evidence of thorough research and development in response to the problems set.

Your presentation demonstrated an excellent understanding of the principles, processes and practices introduced in this module. Your proposal was clearly presented both verbally and visually and demonstrated an excellent use of professional communication skills. Your strategies have been informed by excellent, innovative and well informed research.


Revised June 2011

Denton / Fred Bates

DATE: 10

/ 04 / 2012

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