OUCS205 CTS Feedback.

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Module Code:

Module Title:

Brief Title:

Student Name:


Contextual & Theoretical Studies 2

The Contextual & Theoretical Studies’ Portfolio

Wilson, Sophie BA (Hons) Graphic Design Level 5

Module/Unit Outcomes In this brief, you will be assessed on your ability to achieve the outcomes using skills from the following list: problem analysis, research, critical awareness, visual quality, innovation, technical competence and professionalism





Assesse d on this brief ()










Knowledge and understanding Demonstrate a broad understanding of the history and theory of art, design and media with particular reference to their own art and design discipline Cognitive skills Organise and manage a personal programme of analytical research from primary and secondary sources. Practical and professional skills Present the results of research in clearly communicated written, oral or other appropriate forms. Key transferable skills Identify, evaluate and employ appropriate critical methodologies to art and design case studies of your own choice.

All grades are provisional and are subject to confirmation and/or review by the Exam Boards held at the end of the academic year



Total 82 %

Evidence For this project students should submit:

Module Outcome assessed

Lecture notes, records of activities undertaken in seminars and evidence of oral contribution to seminars, a collection of different short writing tasks done in response to set activities, notes and visual records of trips, gallery visits and other appropriate records of activities undertaken.

A, B, C, D

In addition a 2,000 word typed essay, using 1.5 line-spacing formatting and a 12 point serif font. Use Harvard conventions for quotations, paraphrasing and bibliography. Pages should be numbered and stapled. Plagiarism is a serious matter which can attract severe penalties permanent exclusion from the College. See Regulations for Undergraduate provision for further details.

Mitigating Circumstances Form Completed

PASS ()

Extension Agreed:


Revised Deadline:



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Module Code:

Module Title:


Contextual & Theoretical Studies 2 Written Feedback

Brief Title:

Student Name:

The Contextual & Theoretical Studies’ Portfolio

Wilson, Sophie BA (Hons) Graphic Design Level 5

An excellent essay that evidences an excellent range of quality academic research and shows a very confident ability to triangulate between these sources to develop a rounded critical methodology. I still think that you could do more to explicitly apply this methodology to your chosen case studies but, broadly speaking, you write in an excellent, formal, academic style that should prove to be successful at Level 6 study. All of your portfolio tasks are excellent, evidencing both a deep understanding of the various theoretical methodologies and a confident ability to apply these methodologies to case studies of your own choice. All the tasks evidence an impressive degree of thought and wider research, as does the rest of the blog as a whole. An excellent attempt a the module

TUTOR NAME Richard Miles

DATE 16.5.2012

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