OUPD201 Self Evaluation 2012

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BLOG. www.s-wilson1013. ADDRESS ppd.blogspot.com

1. What skills have you developed through this module (project) and how effectively do you think you have applied them? I believe, perhaps most notably throughout this module, that my research development has been well utilised for searching for design studios, practical industry solutions, as well as freelance work and my own personal development. With an active interest in research, sourcing, and learning new information, this fascination has proved really effective in the time management and completion of tasks as well as getting my work seen online and by various industry professionals; leading to a well- rounded, far more prepared mind set as I enter into Level 06 of the Graphic Design programme, and my future as a design professional 2. What approaches to/methods of design have you developed and how have they informed your design development process? Networking has undoubtedly been the key to the vast majority of my achievements and greatest successes within the PPD module. I was fortunate enough to begin utilising networking and online publication facilities last year with sites such as Twitter, Behance, Student Designers, and other creative platforms, so felt I had a good head start come this module, and felt comfortable and at pace with blogging this information, and adapting to new ways of publicising my work. For me, I have always found networking to be something that I actually quite enjoy, a task that I call “Productive procrastination”, as it is normally something I do when something a little more important or necessary at that time is due, yet, it’s still useful and I will undoubtedly still get something out of it. Networking has been key to many of my key notes as shown in my end of year presentation, where I have been contacted by shop owners to stock my work, invited to submit my work into an exhibition, and where I have researched and discovered many design studios which I have gone on to contact and develop industry contacts with. To me, networking is absolutely essential for the contemporary designer, and something that I know Iw will continue to do for the foreseeable future.

3. What strengths can you identify in your work and how have/will you capitalise on these? I believe that my enthusiasm and motivation to get my work published, and to actively develop feedback from, has really helped towards developing a well-researched and insightful body of work throughout this module. Although at times the prospect of exposing ones self or, more commonly, my

portfolio of work; online and to design professionals, in particular, has felt a little intimidating or daunting, but ultimately very rewarding. From actively networking, meeting designers and those with industry insight, my confidence has been built, as well as a level of professionalism in how I approach receiving feedback, potential studio visits and placements, and now feel more ready for working within the industry and actively becoming a part of it. I feel that taking this step has also helped me to perhaps take constructive criticism more easily, and to understand that design can be very subjective, and that not everything has to be personal. From negative, as well as positive feedback, I have been able to evaluate my portfolio of work, and the way in which I approach my design practice, and improve upon it, and make plans for a more successful future and networking/promotion of my work. 4. What weaknesses can you identify in your work and how will you address these in the future? I think, particularly at the beginning of the module, perhaps a level of cowardice/a lack of bravery held me back from potentially gaining possible studio visits or placements at a sooner date. If I had considered actively networking with business and industry professionals and going by the “If you don’t ask, you don’t get” motto, I feel that my confidence in my ability could have been developed at an earlier stage, or, at very least, a constructive insight into my personal strengths, capabilities, and particular areas in need of improvement. Although, at this stage, things are very different, and I now source feedback and advice on an almost daily basis, at the beginning of the module I certainly shied away from the opinions and feedback of others, partly due to the aforementioned lack of confidence, and partly due to purely an introverted nature, and not necessarily knowing how to actively approach someone to ask for help, and finding a level of sincerity/constructive criticism a little hard to gauge. Throughout the past year several modules and tasks have really helped to develop my confidence in gaining feedback from others, particularly the Enterprise module, in which we actively worked in a team and threw ideas back and forth every day, many of which I had a key role within. Although there have been some distinct weaknesses and areas of improvement throughout this project, they have all shown a level or degree of improvement and progress, and I hope that they continue this way. 5. Identify five things that you will do differently next time and what do you expect to gain from doing these? 1. Contact studios/Design professionals at an earlier date, so that I have more time to spend on designing my portfolio, creative CV and printed self promotional brand materials to a more professional and considered standard to reflect my ambitions and hopes in producing highquality, innovative Graphic Design. 2. Consider the content of my portfolio more carefully and only add work that I LIKE and am proud of. Don’t simply add work for the purpose of it being an extensive or lengthy module task/design outcome. If I don’t like the work produced, then I can’t expect anyone else to. 3. Once again, consider the content of my portfolio more carefully in regards to the diversity of projects/design outcomes showcase, to showcase a range of abilities, assets and strengths within the design field. Don’t be too narrow minded, and show that I am up to any challenge. 4. Develop more research of existing design companies, industry insiders and designers to understand their effective methods of communication and networking tools, and how to best utilise the facilities that are available, and how to get the most out of them. 5. Research more into how to build a strong, well-rounded portfolio, and what may be considered to be a good, or even excellent standard of design to be at with my current experience, and how I can progress and continue this into the future of my design practice.

6.How would you grade yourself on the following areas: (please indicate using an ‘x’) 5= excellent, 4 = very good, 3 = good, 2 = average, 1 = poor 1 2 3 4 5 Attendance X Punctuality X Motivation X Commitment X Quantity of work produced X Quality of work produced X Contribution to the group X The evaluation of your work is an important part of the assessment criteria and represents a percentage of the overall grade. It is essential that you give yourself enough time to complete your written evaluation fully and with appropriate depth and level of self-reflection. If you have any questions relating to the self evaluation process speak to a member of staff as soon as possible.

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