2012/13 Presentation

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v6le'El QEL EUvNI< ER,EF t|t, R€


BA (Hons.) cRAPHlc

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Module Gode


Module Title



u/1tr+4 /-,--rrap @ tfrv1tLL b4"l)'l f? dTfli Lt*JnJ4 a BRIEF TITLE 4 4$4, 14: DESIGN STRATEGIES €/ The Brief

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Prepare and deliver a presentation that reflects your experiences over the summer break and states your proposed plans for the third year of your degree.

You should also identify and discuss how you have maintained your design practice through, type/visual journals, live briefs or independent practical research.

Your presentation should focus on:-

A Professional Skills Plan Using the handout provided evaluate your current skills profile and over the summer period identify specific areas of focus in order to build an appropriate skills set for in order to help you fulfil your ambitions. You should ihclude practical skills (software, print production etc. as well as personal and professional skills).

lndustrial Research/Studio Visits

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specific activities have you undertaken over the summer in order to broaden Your understanding of the design industry. What have you learnt from these and how willthey inform your design practice. How have you evidenced this in order to effectively evaluate your progress?

Dissertation Proposal/ Research

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It is important that you come back with a plan that is informed by your experiences, ambitions, interests and skills. This is an opportunity to take control of your future and put strategies in place that will help you to establish and achieve your goals. Whatever they are. tNsP tA€


Summarise the progress made on your dissertation with regards to primary and secondary research activities, visits and decisions made regarding the direction of your dissertation and its relationship to your studio practice.


€ xe tTE Deliverables

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Design What do you want to be? Who do you want to work forlwith? What kind of work do you want to produce? Are there specific audiences, contexts or areas of the Design industry that you want to engage with?


Negotiated Briefs ldentify and formally present a set of 10 briefs that you intend to respond to during Level 6 of the programme. See additional handout-

Studio Deadline Presentations will be delivered on Wednesday 26th/Thursday 27th September (to be confirmed) rt

A completed skills profile and plan including rationale and statement of intent (see handout). Entries on your PPD blog. that document your progress over the summer break.


This brief should be read in conjunction with the module brief. Please refer to module handbook for module brief, submission deadline, graded outcomes and further reading.


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