Statement of Intenet Version 3

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BA (Hons.) GRAPHIC DESIGN M odule Code


M odule Title






FINAL MAJOR PROJECT STATEMENT OF INTENT Name: Sophie W ilson Blog Address: www.s-wilson1013fm

Rationale Throughout the OUGD303 Final M ajor Project m odule, I hope to produce a substantial and considered body of work that is reflective of m y am bitions to work, prim arily, within branding and brand developm ent with a strong focus on conceptual and innovative design solutions that dem onstrate a professionalism and creativity within design production through print. Through the discipline of brand developm ent, I hope to balance skills in both im age and typographic design with a wide variety of clients, predom inantly working with the arts and culture sector. W ith a combination of both self initiated, collaborative, and live client briefs, I hope to em ulate the typical experience of working within a professional branding studio to ensure the best preparation for subm ission of the final m odule and progression upon graduation into working within the design industry. Subjects / Them es Throughout the Final M ajor Project m odule, I intend to focus on specific areas of industry and fields that I aspire to work with, and within, upon graduation; with this last real opportunity for a focus of study, particularly in regards to dedicating a wealth of tim e to research- based briefs, whereupon budget restrictions, as m ay occur within professional studio environm ents, aren’t of m ajor conc ern, therefore, can spend a great deal of tim e developing m y knowledge and background information to hopefully provide the best preparation for each of the executed briefs. The subject m atter and clients I hope to collaborate with largely work within the listed specific industries:

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