Visual Thinking

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A Visual Thinking

-WorkBookSophie Taylor Graphics Level 4

Typography Typography is Everywhere

Typography is the art and technique of arranging type in order to make the language it forms most appealing to transparent learning and recognition.

Typeface refers to a set of fonts of related design; since the end of the nineteenth century the term, has referred to a set of related styles.

Type is the physical object , a piece of metal with a raised face at one end containing the reversed image of a character. Font is a set of characters of a given typeface, all of one particular size and style.

The mechanical notation and arrangement of language. Type & Typography, Phil Baines & Andrew Haslam


Contents Distinctive Characters Vernacular Letter forms/ Mapping the landscape Workshops Lectures Berlin Trip Exhibition


Distinctive Characters

I 150mm High

Sophie Taylor and Sarah Harrison

-BriefTypography can be used as a powerful vehicle to transmit ideas and notions of culture, gender, history, materiality and value. The function of typography is to communicate a message so that it effectively conveys and reinforces meaning. In the early 20th Century Beatrice Warde in The Crystal Goblet ascertained that typography should render itself invisible and be subservient to the content. In the 21st Century digital intervention has allowed greater access to typographic technologies and no longer is typography judged on its ability to remain within these constrained vessels. Typography as a semiotic resource in its own right is capable of transmitting a variety of meanings.

Working in groups of two choose an initial letter from the following set and based on the terminologies and glossaries contained within the brief develop a word that is related to the unit - you can produce it in Caps or lower case. After careful planning design and make a three dimensional initial character that communicates its meaning. The model can be made of found objects but must finally be walll-mounted.


Words Staring with I: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Intricate Inch Images Items Imagination Icons Indoors Inhaler Illusion Imprint Information Inca India Inoculate Ice Impact Imposter IPad Infectious Influenza Inland Revenue Internet Inkblot Impaled Iron Maiden Intaglio Iguana Inflame Inferno Interesting Intestines Ice Pick Isis Isotope Illuminate

Types Of Font: Sans Serif:



Illuminate Ice




This is a mind map of ideas, me and my partner came up with. We thought about how to display the I and how to create it. The final product had to be practical to make as well as appear visually interesting and work with the brief.




Optical Illusion: Development I then went into the development of my letter, coming up with various ideas for my final outcome. Idea: Manipulating an Optical Illusion onto the letter I. Development from this: Create the shapes out of paper or create own design on Illustrator. This is another type of Optical Illusion. It allows you to be part of the artwork, by creating large, 3D scenes out of mixed media. At such an angle the images seem realistic. I thought this may be a good idea for my letter as I could create a 3D Ice effect within in it, making it visually interesting and also representing my word clearly.

Artist Edgar Muller: Creates illusionary scenes on pavement, putting the public in the artwork. Using angles, the images become 3D. Idea: This is a mock up idea I created in Illustrator inspired by Edgar Muller. I transformed his approach of illusion into an I shape. At an angle you will be able to visualise a 3D landscape of ice. Improvements: Paint the piece using acrylic giving it a texture.

Intestine Development Ideas: These are some sketches I created working around the word intestine. I thought about creating a 3D sculpture of an intestine into an I shape. Using plasticine or modelling clay I could create the texture and shape of intestine then photograph the end piece.

This is a digital file I created, displaying how the intestine would appear in a model structure. Also it shows the various tones and colours needed for the piece to make it seem realistic. Inspiration: I found this on a flicker website. I was incredibly attracted to it due to how different and unique it is. I thought it would be a very good way of representing intestine.


Intricate Idea

Having many interrelated parts or facets; entangled or involved: an intricate maze. complex; complicated; hard to understand, work, or make: an intricate machine. Difficult to understand; obscure; complex; puzzling

Lace Illuminated Manuscripts

Ideas Patterns Henna Fabric I researched what intricate meant and how I could display it. Its quite a hard yet interesting word to play with. I thought about detail and lace came to mind. The material is incredibly delicate and detailed. Though it did not look presentable when laid onto a 3D I and so I thought about patterns and fabric. My tutor advised me to create my own pattern, yet hide the I making it a confusing yet beautiful pattern.

This is our attempt at creating the letter I out of lace to represent intricte.

We thought it wasnt enough for our project as we wanted to make the peice personal and create our

own designs.

These are two peices created by myself and my partner to represent intricate. We used fineliners and our imaginations to create them.

I then started playing around with my designs on Illustrator.

This was the first final outcome. We created the I out of card and wrapped our image around it, to blend it in with the picture behind. I personally thought its quite an appearling and interesting image though it was too bold to represent Intricate. We asked our piers how they felt about it in our tutorials and they thought it represented the ocean and water. This was an unsuccessful outcome and so we looked back at our design. Our tutor thought about looking at various artists that create intricate pictures, which is where I found out about Illuminated Manuscripts.

I then went into researching Illuminated Manuscripts...


lluminated Manuscript

I gained inspiration from this style of typography as its incredibly detailed and beautiful in its own unique way. I thought it would perfectly with what I hoped to gain. Furthermore the graphical term behind the idea works with my piece as it gives a graphical meaning of history.

Font to be used: Gothic Serif.


The term ‘manuscript’ comes from the Latin for ‘handwritten’: before the invention of printing all books had to be written out by hand. This was a time-consuming and labour-intensive process, and could take months or years. Manuscripts were made even more precious by ‘illumination’. This term comes from the Latin word for ‘lit up’ or ‘enlightened’ and refers to the use of bright colours and gold to embellish initial letters or to portray entire scenes. Sometimes the initials were purely decorative, but often they work with the text to mark important passages, or to enhance or comment on the meaning of the text.

Coulton explains.

‘‘ The piece is a historical celebration of the area, featuring details and iconography to depict its illustrious past.” Greg Coulton

‘‘Communication design is in my blood, and the fundamental principles of good design always find their way into my illustrations ”

I gained inspiration from this artist as I found his work incredibly beautiful. I thought it represented intricate straight away by how detailed the piece is. I was also drawn to the style of the artwork and the medieval feel about it.




Illuminate Axis








Typography Tail






Hdv Bracket



Aa Bb

Old English Gothic Font

Encient German Gothic

Anatomy of a Typeface Serif

Gothic Font Blackletter, also known as Gothic script, Gothic minuscule, or Textura, was a script used throughout Western Europe from approximately 1150 to well into the 17th century. It continued to be used for the German language until the 20th century. Fraktur is a notable script of this type, and sometimes the entire group of faces is known as Fraktur. Blackletter is sometimes called Old English, but it is not to be confused with the Old English language, despite the popular, though mistaken, belief that the language was written with blackletter. The Old English (or Anglo-Saxon) language predates black letter by many centuries, and was itself written in the insular script, or Futhorc runes before that.

Page from a 14th-century psalter with black letter “sine pedibus� text. Gothic was commonly used in manuscripts in which is why I am using it.

This is my final piece I created on Adobe Illustrator. Taking inspiration from both the artist and research, I merged both styles together. The appearance fits perfectly with the requirement of an illuminated manuscript. Old, thick, Gothic style font with small, elegant detail.

This is a design my partner created to represent Illuminated Manuscript. She used a fine liner on paper and edited it on Adobe Illustrator. Its an incredibly beautiful piece in itself as its very delicate and subtle. After asking our lectures and piers we went with my design as we had to recreate it in a 3D piece, and mine was more practical to produce.

This is the 3D piece I created using mount board and fine liners. I used the laser cut to accurately to cut out various shapes allowing me to build up on certain areas creating depth. I went over the design with fine liners for detail and added some gold strokes making the design more visually appealing for the audience. Also makes it easier to identify the link between illuminated manuscripts and my work as they also use colour.

Photographs of my final, displaying each angle and the depth of the 3D piece.

‘‘I have always been a great admirer of the calligraphy of the Middle Ages... As to the fifteenth-century books, I had noticed that they were always beautiful by force of the mere typography, even without the added ornament...”

William Morris 1898

Size: 105x148 mm 3mm Bleed around edges 12mm Slug

‘‘I have always been a great admirer of the calligraphy of the Middle Ages... As to the fifteenth-century books, I had noticed that they were always beautiful by force of the mere typography, even without the added ornament...” William Morris, 1898.

These are some ideas I created for my postcard. I started arranging the various components on the paper, working with the size given. I created some compositions, both landscape and portrait attempting to gain a classy, elegant appearance, still keeping the style of illuminate. ‘‘I have always been a great admirer of the calligraphy of the Middle Ages... As to the fifteenth-century books, I had noticed that they were always beautiful by force of the mere typography, even without the added ornament...”

William Morris, 1898.

“I have always been a great admirer of the calligraphy of the Middle Ages ... As to the fifteenth-century books, I had noticed that they were always beautiful by force of the mere typography, even without the added ornament...” William Morris, His Aims in Founding the Kelmscott Press, 1898.

William Morris, 1898.

“I have always been a great admirer of the calligraphy of the Middle Ages ... As to the fifteenth-century books, I had noticed that they were always beautiful by force of the mere typography, even without the added ornament...” William Morris, His Aims in Founding the Kelmscott Press, 1898.

William Morris, 1898.

This is my final postcard design. I added a quote from William Morris as I feel it describes my work the best but also he has an incredibly famous and well known artists for his beautiful creations, especially illuminated typography.


ABC Venacular Letterforms Mapping the landscape

-BriefThe initial brief begins with a visit to Poole where you will identify, collect and photograph, examples of vernacular letter forms in the town. Your images could be literal interpretations of details of road signs, gravestones or shop front signs, etc. or slightly more challenging abstract collections of ‘hidden signs’ drawn from architectural forms, found objects and unintentional typographic structures.

You will be working in teams of four and planning which letter forms you each photograph in order to create a lexicon of vernacular letter forms. Thinking about composition, we have to create a visually appealing book containing various shots of letters in an alphabet rhythm, making sure each page flows in an organised style. Furthermore when the layout is complete we must French bind the book, creating a professional finish.

Sophie Taylor, Sarah Harrison, Sam Brown, Nick Smith

Letters we chose for the start of our alphabet.

Use of both manipulated literal interpretations and hidden signs drawn from architectural forms, found objects and unintentional typographic structures.

Layout of book:

Added title and arrangement of letters all different shapes and forms.

Vernacular Letter forms: Mapping the

Landscape - A lexican of urban typography:

An alphabet consisting of natural letters found in the town of Poole. A nice blend of typography and natural made shapes. Created by: Sophie Taylor Sarah Harrison Sam Brown Nick Smith

Layout on Page: Not to Scale


• +3mm •

As well the normal 3mm bleed don’t forget to add an extra 10 mm gutter for perfect binding , Japanese stab binding and French fold binding

• +3mm •

For the measurements. We had to create a book 105mmx148mm with a 3mm bleed all the way round and an extra 10 on both sides for binding. For french fold binding (below) if using a picture across a spread you must use two exact copies of the image and place them on consecutive spreads.

• +3mm •




• +3mm •



• +3mm •



• +3mm •


• +3mm •

Don’t forget to tick the crop marks and registration marks boxes on the InDesign Print box before making the .pdf file. For good quality videos of demonstrations of binding techniques: Japanese style stab binding

This is how to create one picture spread over two pages to create a large image.

This is how to lay out the photographs on the InDesign File. We had to organise the photographs in an order, than decide how we wanted to layout the designs visually.




Back Cover





Front Cover

Measurements: a, a+b, a+b+c

Layout of Book when binding.


Process of Binding Perfect Binding with the Lumbeck Press:

With this binder you can easily bind loose sheets to make a book. The maximum size of a book can be 34cm long and 5 cm thick.


Take your printed pages and accurately fold them in half by lining up the crop marks so that they align. Make sure you use the bone folder to get sharp creases. Then organise them in the correct order. The spare paper on the left hand side then gets guillotined.


The working method in three steps

1. Place the binder upside down

on a flat surface and open it as far as required. Make sure all 4 swivels are turned down to hold the jaws straight. Make a square block of the loose sheets and sink them with the back down between the jaws. Place the block in the middle and push the sheets at the top equal. Clamp the block by turning the wingnuts.

2. Turn the binder with the jaws up

The Cover:

Drawing on the cover should not be attempted until the book-block is completely dry. Once again it will require a further 6 hours for the cover to dry. As soon as it is completely dry the final trimming can take place.

an turn the swivels out. Now you can bend the sheets in two directions while the block is clamped. Glue the back in these two positions while it is bent. Always use protection sheets to keep the jaws clean.

The bookbinding system allows you to make professional looking books very cheaply and relatively quickly. The system is best suited to folios that are the same type and weight (GSM). If you need to bind folios of differing weights and substances Japanese Stab binding would be more appropriate.



Turn the swivel back straight and let the glue dry. Use mull (starched cheesecloth) to strengthen the back. Allow to dry for 6 hours.

Folded pages in the correct order. Cover Archival PVA glue and stiff brush Mull. Scissors. Scalpel. Bone folder. Pencil. Rule

Finished Book

This is our finished book. It worked out really well and became a great success. It looks visually appealing as well as eye catching via the bright, bold, mustard colour as the cover. It contains a mixture of typographic images in alphabetical order.


During this term we were set the task to complete 3 work shops and 3 lectures of our own choice, crossing media’s e.g. Fine Art, Illustration and Visual Communication. This allowed us to communicate with people on other courses allowing us to expand on our knowledge of various media’s but also improve on our social skills as these people are the ones we may be working with in years to come.

LETTERMPRESS Graphic Design Workshop .24th January Roger Gould.

The workshop benefited me in a sense of learning a new graphic technique. Its allowed me to expand my design, and experiment more within letter press and typography. I really enjoyed the workshop, and learnt a lot on the history as well as the process itself.

The introduction to LetterMPress gave me the experience of producing my designs on a letterpress placing and arranging type on the press bed, inking, and then turning the hand crank to make a print. Every step in the printing process is replicated to give an authentic, interactive experience. I experimented widely with this software and produced a range of various prints for posters, logo designs, leaflets etc. Once you get the hang of it, its quite simple and fun.

-Word and Image-

Fine Art Workshop 10th January “In this seminar-workshop we will look at how artists and designers have explored the interaction between words and images, and how others have developed theories about how this relationship operates. Whenever we put words and images together the effects of one upon the other can often be both complex and subtle, we will explore this. . The topic will be introduced through three themes - the rhetorical power of word/image relations, the equation of words with rationality and images with irrationality, and metaphysical questions about the connection between words and images.�

I found the workshop highly interesting by the passion of how we relate words and images. I really enjoyed how the lecturer expressed the workshop and it inspired me to think about the subject and my own designs, how it relates. I was fascinated by how you can change a mood and atmosphere of an audience by combining image and words. We mainly looked at how newspapers and magazines make you feel and created our own of how we feel which I enjoyed as it involved me in the situation and made my think for myself.

-Explosive DrawingIllustration Workshop 28th February “Explosive Drawing is an exciting and dynamic workshop which encourages the participant to draw and make in unexpected and ambitious ways in response to a spoken narrative. We will learn about changing scale, working in mixed media and challenging conventional approaches to responding to narrative and visual thinking on a large scale.� The workshop allowed me to be expressive with no limits. Allowing my imagination to flow within my drawing. I really enjoyed the freedom of the workshop and felt relaxed when drawing as it was quite content. I also learnt various new skills about drawing and worked with mixed media which shall come in handy for future references.

Lecture: Transmedia Monday 13th January Storytelling and remix culture Mono-media: Father book spoken word the image I.e. Traditional media forms. No medium really exists in isolation. Kristeva/Barthes and other recognised the extent to which all texts are inter-textual and draw upon cultural experiences. Also A La Barthes most images exist in relation to the written word the title to an image for sample that anchors its meaning.

Multimedia: Combination of mediums working together; Whilst the illustrated book may count as multimedia, we tent to think of multimedia in terms of rich content (films/animation) or interactivity I.e. internet pages with images, sounds, video and hyper links.

Interpretation and Adaption: Remaking one media product into another I.e. Book to film. Consider the continuing success of adaptions - LOTR/ The Hobbit, DC/ Marvel. Whilst seemingly popular many are critical of such an approach; Alan. Moore: comic book writer: Youtube

Multimedia or Multimodiality (Kress and Van Leeuwan) is a common place - sound and image have been working together for approx 100 years ( although even silent cinema was designed to be seen in combination with live music) and theatre/ performance long before. Multimedia was a catchword of the CD-ROM era.

Transmedia Co-existing Open-ended Adaptable Transmedia relies on culture of convergence “as consumers are encouraged to seek out new information and make connections among dispersed media content� (Jenkins, 2006 p.3) However the convergence is not limited to the social sphere and we see media convergence occurring rapidly - IPhone, Xbox, Playstation, Digital TV However Fagerjord 2010 argues that the case for media convergence is not so simple, suggesting that in Jenkins model, divergence is subsumed within convergence. Fagerjord comments that technological divergence is common, as are platforms for content, suggesting that instead what we are really witnessing is simple.

Unique contribution of each medium is key. Each medium is key. Each medium has its own affordances, potential, communicative ability; but also potentially audience differentiation and accessibility. For example Ryan 2003 discusses the relative narrative potential of radio, its distinct ability to communication through dialogue and sound effects, bringing about the genre of the radio play and radio can be accessed almost anywhere. Connection of multiple texts between each other - stories develop between and across texts. The universe becomes expansive but interrelated and inter textual. Collaboration important aspect of the success if the matrix transmedia model.

Gave me an insight into how media transforms all the time I.e. from book to film. It relies on culture. As a designer it gave me an insight into how I can develop my designs into a wide range of media and how to promote it more. Also it gave me a break down of what transmedia meant and allowed me to understand how it works for future references.

Lecture: Ooooh Ahhhh Mmm Notions of Taste, Aesthetic Judgement and Consumer Culture. Kirsten Hardie Monday 20th January

• Our relationship with objects and how we respond to and give value to ‘things’

Taste: Derives from old French term to touch or to feel: Metaphor for judgement

• How our aesthetic judgements and purchase decisions relate to consumer culture.

Judgement, Style, Discrimination, Elegance and experience.

Alluring advertising to seduce, persuade.

Aesthetics: Good and bad taste relatively modern terms.

Oakley Headquarters and Technical Centre Designed by Baden and Langdon Wilson, Foothill Ranch, California.

Cultural Consumption: Different tastes in different countries - Cultural preferences, social taboo

Sculptor Gwen Murphy -Foot Fetish Series of Shoe Art

In the 19th Century - Development of taste as an idea and as an aesthetic parallels the rise in popular expectations which grew with the increase in spending power: Mass Production - Proliferation of standardised goods 1920’s consumer engineering - beauty = new business tool e.g. general motors styling section Rise of Consumerism: Prada

Prestige - status - luxury Thorstein Veblen - conspicious consumption - mark of status How do we judge design? • Subjectively • Objectively • Experience of objects • Influence – eg. media, exhibitions • Education – knowledge of objects... • Fashion, styles • Aesthetic judgement taste • Lifestyle preference Function- Form - Materials - Technology Colour

Kitsch - Visual pleasure – novelty, humorous - Cheap, mass produced, poor quality - Non functional - Superficial, copy, fake - Vulgar, ignorant - Sentimental, souvenir, momento - Personal My Thoughts On the Lecture: It allowed me to understand why consumers buy the products they do. Their relationship between objects and how they give value to things e.g. personal. Its quite interesting to see how objects have changed over the years and the various styles, forms and colours one object can come in due to different designers. Soon after the lecture I visited the MoDip museum at AUB, I was incredibly impressed with the wide variety of exhibits their, and it allowed me to question myself on my own aesthetic judgement of why I purchase certain things and the elements it holds. Also gave me an insight into what the future holds for various objects and as a designer it allowed me to think of how I can reshape the future.

Lecture: Power of Persuasion

Kirsten Hardie Monday 27th January Definition ‘(Organised promotion of) information to assist or damage the cause of a government of movement’ ‘The spreading of ideas, information, or rumour for the purpose of helping or injuring an institution, a cause, or a person’ ‘ Facts, or allegations spread deliberately to further one’s cause or to damage an opposing cause; also: a public action having such an effect’ Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary Propagate: Spread (information and ideas) Reproduce, breed or grow.

The word ‘‘propaganda” derives from Congregatio de propaganda fide (the Congregation for propagating the faith), established in the 18th century by Pope Gregory XV. Organisations: • Respect for Animals • Greenpeace • Liberty • PETA • Amnesty International • Act Up ‘It doesn’t have to be the truth, so long as its plausible’ Tell the truth but withhold the other sides point of view.

Propaganda- concealed or open emotional appeals to reason Logical- or otherwise Variety of Propaganda techniques to influence opinions and to avoid the truth.

Cover Up: The engineering of consent is the very essence of the democratic process, the freedom to persuade and suggest. Edward Bernays, 1955

Often these techniques rely on some element of censorship or manipulation, either omitting significant information or distorting it. El Lissitsky Russian Revolution. Beat the Whites with the read Wedge.

The use of national icons, flags, national anthems, jingoism - exaggerated patriotism. Uncle Sam, Montgomery Flag

Using selective stories that come over as wide covering and objective. Partial facts, or historical context. Reinforcing reasons and motivations to act due to threats on the security of the individual. Repeated Affirmation: E.g. Saddam Hussein orchestrated 9/11 Weapons of mass destruction - nuclear weapons, Al-Qaeda

Reframing - News speak (Nice words used to say bad things) Delusion -False idea, alternative views not aired/broadcast False Flag: “False flag terrorism” occurs when elements with a government stage a secret operation whereby government forces pretend to be a targeted enemy while attacking the own forces or people. The attack is then falsely blamed on the enemy in order to justify going to war against that enemy.”

WW1 Propaganda as organised weapon of modern warfare All propaganda must be so popular and on such an intellectual level, that even the most stupid of those towards whom it is directed will understand it... Through clever and constant application of propaganda, people can be made to see paradise as hell, and also the other way around to consider the most wrecthed sort of life as paradise. Adolf Hitler

“Make the lie big, make it simple, keep saying it, and eventually they will believe it”. Hitler,A.

I found the lecture really opened my mind to how important Propaganda is and what components you need to make it successful. Going over all the different types of propaganda and the history of it I found it incredibly interesting and inspiring. Especially the work on “False Flag� I found very fascinating. The examples of WW1 propaganda reminded me of the posters I saw in the Bauhaus. The bold , vivid style. The lecture in all inspired me to write my essay based on Propaganda. Specifically focusing on cover up. I really enjoyed the talk on War propaganda and found myself visually captured by the IPod/ IRaq poster, I found it an incredibly interesting piece of propaganda. The lecture made myself familiar with propaganda terminology for my essay and provided me with an incredibly helpful thesaurus of propaganda related words.

Lecture - Cinematic Bodies “After Kittler, we explore cinema as ‘discourse machine’ that distributes, naturalises and codes human identity. In particular, we consider gendered bodies in the popular cinema of the last 40 years through analysis body-horror genre. Benjamin once claimed that the movie camera penetrates the very body of its subjects, capturing the ‘optical unconscious’. Cinema can be considered in terms of Lacan’s ‘screen’ - as that which protects us from the horror of bodily materiality; and as a mirror in which we misrecognise ourselves as fully constituted bodies”. The lecture allowed me to really think about movies and the amount of work going into them. How there meant to make you feel and react and the atmosphere made. It allowed me to gain a knowledge of movies for future references and jobs.



Berlin Trip February 3rd-7th

Museums, Exhibitions, Architecture, Memorials


Brandenburg Gate Built between 1788 and 1791 byMemorials Prussian King Frederick William II as a key entry point to the city of Berlin, Brandenburg Gate was topped off with a statue known as the “Quadriga,� which depicted a statue of the goddess of victory driving a chariot pulled by four horses. The statue remained in place for just over a decade.

Brandenburg Gate Built between 1788 and 1791 by Prussian King Frederick William II as a key entry point to the city of Berlin, Brandenburg Gate was topped off with a statue known as the “Quadriga,� which depicted a statue of the goddess of victory driving a chariot pulled by four horses. The statue remained in place for just over a decade.



Checkpoint Charlie: Checkpoint Charlie was the name given by the Western Allies to the best-known Berlin Wall crossing point between East Berlin and West Berlin during the Cold War.

Jewish Museum

The Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe, also known as the Holocaust Memorial, is a memorial in Berlin to the Jewish victims of the Holocaust, designed by architect Peter Eisenman and engineer Buro Happold. According to Eisenman’s project text, the stelae are designed to produce an uneasy, confusing atmosphere, and the whole sculpture aims to represent a supposedly ordered system that has lost touch with human reason.

The Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe[1] (German: Denkmal fßr die ermordeten Juden Europas), also known as the Holocaust Memorial (German: Holocaust-Mahnmal), is a memorial in Berlin to the Jewish victims of the Holocaust, designed by architect Peter Eisenman and engineer Buro Happold. According to Eisenman’s project text, the stelae are designed to produce an uneasy, confusing atmosphere, and the whole sculpture aims to represent a supposedly ordered system that has lost touch with human reason.

Bauhaus Archiv: Going to the Bauhaus was a truly memorable event in my life. The Archiv contained various art pieces from architecture to furniture. It was very inspirational, being able to visualise the original work of the greats and able intake the power of them in person. As a designer it motivated me, and allowed me to take inspiration for my own work.

Berlin Wall

Memory Void Shalekhet - Fallen Leaves Over 10,000 open-mouthed faces coarsely cut from heavy, circular iron plates cover the floor. This was aimed to represent murdered Jews in Europe. The unmissable, painful sounds of the plates, represent the screams of the innocent.

-Buchstaben Museum-

This is a typographic piece, aimed to display how light up, 3D letters are created for advertisement and logos on hotels and restaurants etc. Its incredibly interesting also the layout appears visually eye capturing.

The museum was dedicated towards typography. It displayed various sign types which where beautiful to observe. I found it incredibly interesting and helpful towards my project in selecting the right type for specific reasons. The reason for starting the museum of letters, was the need to rescue typographic icons. It started in may 2005 and since then flourished into an incredible exhibition of history.


For this exhibition, I volunteered as part of a team, to organise the exhibition. I feel I did my job to the best of my ability as I floor planned the room, made sure the work spaces were practical for visitors to move around in also to make sure each work piece was visible to the eye. Furthermore I had to arrange health and safety checks making sure it was safe for all observers. I feel I did my team proud as well as my class as it was a great success.

Gained a highly positive response from the University! Http:// Link to our blog.

I really enjoyed putting up this exhibition. I feel as a team we worked extraordinarily well in the time scale we had. I felt a sense of responsibility and it allowed me to motivate myself in being organised which are two important skills in life. I had to make sure everyone was happy with the layout, in doing so sorting out problems which occurred or advising people on where to place objects.

It helped me gain a large interest into the organisation of art exhibitions, and allowed me to take on hints into how to organise my work more effectively

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