Sophie Ruf
[2015-2019] Collection
Table of Contents
noun a state of being pleasantly lost in one’s thoughts; a daydream
[of] the past
Cultural Distrust October-December 2016 Arch 412-Undergraduate Design Studio
Motion: Framed
Breathe out of Built
February 2016 Arch 322-Undergraduate Design Studio
November-December 2015 Arch 312-Undergraduate Design Studio
[for] a future
[caught] in motion
A Transient Charge
What’s Underneath : Memorial to Dominance
Spolia of Refuge and Resource
March-April 2016 Arch 322-Undergraduate Design Studio
March-April 2017 Arch 422-Undergraduate Design Studio
September-December 2018 Arch 205A-Graduate Design Studio
Top and Center Sectional model of northeastern portion in front of section 1 Lower Sectional model of northwestern portion in front of section 2
[Cultural Distrust] Pittsburgh Theater Complex Undergraduate Design Studio
A Cultural Distrust displaces and flattens the history of the Red-Light district of Pittsburgh, PA as a means for exposure and further understanding. In 1984 the efforts of the Cultural Trust of Pittsburgh, PA were to reinvent the sex district and garner financial success through a fabricated burgeoning art and theater district. The buildings that were re-imagined by the Cultural Trust remain protected by their historical status. The interior function of each building within the sex district has been replaced in an attempt to estrange the district’s salacious history. However the antique textures and idyllic materiality boast of a falsified sense of a poetic ambiance. The site between 7th and 8th Ave. on Fort Duquesne Blvd acts as an anchor figuratively and is the geographic epicenter of the structures affected by the Cultural Trust.
Reveries [of] the past
Plan 6
Plan 5
Plan 4
Plan 3
Plan 2
Plan 1
Northwest Elevation
Folded Drawing Detail
Scene Threshold Study: Dr. Love’s Potion House
Northwest Facing Exposure Red Light District structures that we casualties of the Cultural Trust are condensed and abstracted in form. The current day program is recreated as brief moments and contrasted/ affronted with the insertion of the program that existed within the same structure in the Red Light District’s heyday. The 70s/80s program acts as a rupturing force that dictates the geometry and communicates a burst and exposure from a narrative within.
Folded Drawing Detail
Scene Threshold Study: Art Cinema Adult Theater
Cultural Distrust
Arch 412
Office Sp
Green Room
Peep Sho Second F
Costume Room Scene Shop
Condom Nation
Longitudinal Section 2 Coffee Shop Peep Show First Floor
Lounge Storage Harris Theater
Longitudinal Section 2
Peep Sho First Flo
Longitudinal Section 1 Bakery Annex
Office Space
Longitudinal Section 1 Bakery A
Coffee Lo
Coffee Lounge Bookstore Annex
Dr. Love Potion H Dr. Love’s Potion House
Plan 3 North
ow Floor Condom Nation Lounge Storage
ow oor
Annex Lounge Art Cinema Adult Theater Office Space
ounge Bookstore Annex
e’s House
Plan 5
Cultural Distrust
Arch 412
Longitudinal Section 1
Folded Drawing Detail
Scene Threshold Study: Peepshow
NSFW Onlooker/ Oneiric Performance/Time Through longitudinal section thresholds of experience, time, and performance are articulated . Dimensionalized moments of the section act as a folded frame through which to view scenes of simultaneous action that collapse the time-line of the narrative.. The experience of the space extends past a proposition to a method of communication. Furthering exploration of transitional experience due to unconventionally abutting program a second longitudinal section exposes and communicates the dream-like ambiance of the 70s and 80s program--which heightens the sense of transportation or displacement. Actions appearing to be hallucinations--seen as slivers or brief flashes--are actualized. Condom Nation
Folded Drawing Detail
Scene Threshold Study: Bathhouse
Cultural Distrust
Arch 412
Folded Drawing Detail
Scene Threshold Study: Condom Nation
Folded Drawing Detail
Scene Threshold Study: Massage Parlor
Massage Parlor
Voyeurism as Art The way in which such hallucinations or ephemeral glimpses encroach upon the program abstracted from the 21st century and therefore the fully integrated experience is studied through cross-section. Views from the conventional programs unto provocative activity (seen through moments of split geometry) is heightened to a status of intentional voyeurism. due to distinct placement and form.
Cultural Distrust
Arch 412
[Motion Framed] Rockclimbing + Skateboarding Center Undergraduate Design Studio
Responding to the respective velocities of the prescribed programs: rock-climbing, skateboarding, administration, and housing, Motion: Framed is a layered dimensionalized field of translated intensities. The experience of cohesive geometries and rhythmic language allows for swells punctuated by a multiplicity of members and vigorous shifts of movement to dictate distinct programs. Such undulating/fluctuating geometries allow for views inward despite the intense movement within and the densely urban site.
Reveries [caught] in motion
Rock Climbing Area
Apartment Unit Skateboarding Area
Administration North Facing Facade
North Facing Facade Layering Diagram
Cross-section 1
Roof Plan
Velocity Dictated(ing) Roof Plan Layering Diagram
Rock Climbing Area
Left to right North facing elevation, cross-sectional and plan cuts reveal the layered quality of simultaneous velocities and the interior geometries and visual language of form. Program is orchestrated based on formal and experiential movements in a cyclical nature. The impetus and anchor of design responds to and conversely encourages specific activities.
Apartment Unit Plan 2 Skateboarding Area
on 2
Motion: Framed North
Plan 1
Arch 322
Rock Climbing Area
Apartment Unit
Skateboarding Area
Administration North
West Facing Facade
West Facing Facade Layering Diagram
Longitudinal Section
(Dis)connected Grids Left to right West facing elevation, longitudinal section, atmospheric and grid diagrams articulate the dimensional grid systems that work in tandem to allow for a multitude of programs that require individualized atmospheres. The distinct grids act uniquely to translate one intended velocity, and act as a component for a combined united formal network.
Diaphanous Light Diagrams
Integrated Grid Diagrams
Motion: Framed
Arch 322
[Breath out of Built] Architecture Studio Annex Undergraduate Design Studio
Breath out of Built responds to the natural liveliness of the site in downtown Ann Arbor’s central campus to challenge or question the ubiquitousness of stagnant, lifeless structures. Using light as an guiding hand the form strives to marry spiritually revitalizing practices that hinge on natural light such as yoga and gardening and an architecture institute to foster inspiration and exploration. To facilitate this mental harmony, surfaces swell and bellow at moments of intense lightness to “catch� the sunlight that begins to leak away from the site. The structure additionally will formally reach through surficial gestures in order to allow lightness to pool inward and guide nature and peace through the interior in order to obtain complete integration.
Reveries [caught] in motion
Linear Light Travel Diagram
Diaphanous Light Diagrams
Roof Garden
Individual Yoga Studio Studio Space Communal Yoga Studio Studio Space Classroom Cafe/Lobby
North Facing Longitudinal Section
Site Lighting Study
Roof Garden
Individual Yoga Studio
Guiding Light Top Right Site analysis spurred a keen focus of how light travels, lives and intensifies within the geometrical confines of the site. Top Left and Center Light diagrams study atmospheric qualities of diaphanous dissipation and linear reverberation. Bottom Longitudinal sections communicate the concurrent programs and traces of life and their reliance on ambient sunlight aided by peripheral light apparatuses.
Communal Yoga Studio Studio Space Classroom Cafe/Lobby
Breath out of Built South Facing Longitudinal Section
Arch 312
Geometries: Specified Top to Bottom Cross-sectional and plan cut series exhibit how the interior geometries, planar or surficial , are massaged into the specifics of the corresponding light catchers. Such response allows for the light ushered by the apparatuses to coalesce directly upon floor plates . The orientation of program is dictated by the degree of lightness required; light catchers pucker or pinch to adhere to such necessities.
Breath out of Built
Arch 312
[A Transient Charge] Train Station + Library
Undergraduate Design Studio
A Transient Charge addresses the ephemeral energy of the Ann Arbor Amtrak station and the site’s reliance on the embrace of a physical train and the forces that travel within it and because of it. Energy is explored as a fleeting burst of information. A train may act as a mechanism to share and collect information via a traveling library (collection of books or data) that is exchanged with the specific collections at each station within a broader Amtrak network. Stripped of the presence of a train the structure acts as a shell in need of activation, the entrance of the train then completes the physical planar geometry and charges the space with activity, information, scent, and sound.
Reveries [caught] in motion
Plan 2
Plan 1
North Elevation
Digital Information Library Screens
Transitional Library
Transitional Library Conventional Library
Network by Units
Roof Plan
The structure while connected within an overall shell is punctuated by the four train tracks that it houses. Each track specifies an intensification of program, medium of library (conventional to experimental) and formal geometries. Such graduation is a response to the energy of the site deadening as one retreats from the cityscape and enters the expansive wasteland beyond the final track.
South Elevation
Transient Charge
Arch 322
Site Scenery Experimental Digital Library Completed Floor Panel
Exploded Skin Study
Train Car Views from within Stagnant Structure
Stationary Library Collection
Train Car
Views from within Transient Train
Regional Amtrak Network
Library Exchange in Plan
Library Exchange in Section
Explode to Articulate Bottom Right Cross-sectional cut of individual pod enclosing a single track expresses the physically and experientially complementary presence of the train . Top and Center The library exchange and scene studies show the sense of movement that is initiated with the arrival of the train. Visual information that is inextricably linked to travel is combined with a momentary charge-- an augmented library, a collection of information unique to the broad nationwide network of a train-line.
East Facing Cross-Section
Transient Charge
Arch 322
“Let’s see each other through closed eyes”
1 “Another night they guessed their eyes’ expression by the type of silence in the dark” 3
“I feel as if a rose were flung into the room, all hue and scent” 2
rustle of leaves
slosh of water
Visual studies inspired by the poetry of Wislawa Szymborska. Examining relationship between masculinity and femininity as the diluted hierarchy of dominant and subordinate.
Left Page Drawings ! _ “Midsummer Night’s Dream” 2 _ “Nothing Twice” 3 _ “Golden Anniversary” 4 _ “Funeral (1)” 5 _ “Poem in Honor” 6 _ “Over Wine”
[What’s Underneath Memorial to Dominance] National Mall Monument Undergraduate Design Studio
The canon of American monuments is riddled with designs whose main intention is to assert dominance, and to make the visitor feel small in the presence of an authoritative “greatness”. Today, however, we are shaped by more multifaceted perspectives; there is a different imperative. How can a monument offer a space for these new frames of mind? Method can counteract the dogma of traditional memorial design and address new possibilities. What’s Underneath contrasts the top-down methodology of design through allowing the subject to emerge via process instead of being predetermined by a dominant figure. The axial, dictated grid of Washington D.C, which was designed as a promulgation of the idyllic American city, acts as a parameter off of which to explore the auxiliary.
Reveries [for] a future
Smithsonian Arts and Industries Building
Jefferson DR NW
Madison DR NW
National Mall Axonometric Topography study
An Imploring Inveigle
Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History
North West Facing Section
Depressions and undulations are embedded guided by the grid of the National Mall and its surrounding blocks. These act as interruptions or distractions that obfuscate desired views of predominate monuments and physically pull or push one’s directionality while entering the National Mall. These movements implore visitors to engage with what is controlled by a higher power: the subordinate landscape articulated via diorama “moment” models to the right, which employ perspective hand drawings to enrich experience with a saturated graphic language..
What’s Underneath
Arch 422
Washington Monument
7th DR NW
National Mall Site Plan
Ancillary : Honored
National Art Gallery
North North Facing Section
The memorial emerges as the ultimate anti-monument. It is not a single form that is absorbed at an arm’s length. It does not prompt the experience of purposefully arriving at a destination to then observe motionless. It is an unexpected journey that consumes the unbeknownst passerby that is oblivious to its existence until they are redirected, submerged, and engaged. What’s Underneath: Memorial to Dominance does not compete with the existing, but rather proposes new foci and celebrates the subordinate.
National Art Gallery
Madison DR NW
What’s Underneath
Arch 422
[Spolio of Refuge + Resource] Future Urban System of California
Graduate Design Studio
In the year 2093 the state of California, while still an exemplar of technological innovation, is not a leading force in trades and manufacturing. New tariffs have imposed exorbitant financial restrictions on transporting materials, food products, and merchandise due to the industry’s dangerous carbon footprint. Concurrently the rising sea level and increasingly capricious coastal climates has precipitated a mass exodus from coastal regions. Said need for refuge conflated by the necessity to live closer to city centers because of labor locale limitations has resulted in a densification of what is now referred to as “The City Core”. Remnants of coastal civilizations, such as furniture, homes, public buildings, and infrastructure, are unused as populations congregate in The City Core in newly built structures. These newly built structures, however, are amassed from modular slabs sliced from the remains of past civilizations. The process of retrieving and building is performed by mechanisms known as the “Caretakers.”
Reveries [for] a future
The Caretakers are mobile mechanisms that are fueled via charging vessels within their “reservoirs,� which are located along the outside perimeter of the City Core.
They use their gained energy to travel to abandoned, yet reachable due to their mammoth size, regions to exhume and slice anything and everything to be reused within the City Core.
Spolia of Refuge and Resource
Arch 205A
Spolia of Refuge and Resource
Arch 205A
The Caretakers must be cognizant of the volatility of the climate, and be capable of promptly rebuilding, modifying, or stabilizing structures as required. To ensure utility moving forward collected matter is sorted by 1 | density (to be sliced into modular slabs), 2 | transparency (to be used as shading devices), 3 | plushness (to be compiled into new furniture), and 4 | particulate of fines (to be combined as aggregate with recycled concrete). The collections are then organized and displayed in a knolling fashion, on the periphery of The City Center in order to be aggressively visible and swiftly accessible at any moment.
Spolia of Refuge and Resource
Arch 205A
Spolia of Refuge and Resource
Arch 205A
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