1 minute read


Indiana Children’s Wish Fund’s mission is simple- to grant wishes to Indiana children between the ages of 3-18 who suffer from a life-threatening or terminal illness. In order to fulfill our mission, we host several fundraisers throughout the year. From Republic Airways Pulling for Wishes, to our Portrait of Wishes Gala, from Indiana Wish Golf Classic to Christmas in the Kitchen, there is something for everyone. These events allow us to grant very special wishes for very special children.

LH and Dianne Bayley, Phil Gumpert

A wish is powerful; it delivers hope and provides strength for our wish kids and families when they are going through one of the most difficult times in their lives. Although 2020 has caused a shift in our event schedule, we are hopeful that we can resume our events in the near future.

Bill and Linda Bannister, Phil and Judy Gumpert

John Dick, Johnny Watts, LG Edwards, Kit Hansard, Greg Wafford

Joe Melilo

Kerri and David Charles

Karen and Brian Morri

Jerilyn Cherry Bass, J'Lynn Cooper

Cammy Blackman, Kurt Cohen, Brian Morris

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