5 minute read
Soft Landing
Covenant Heals is a space of hope and comfort created by Nashville’s designers
Written by Melissa Mahanes / Photos by Allison Elefante and Cameron Jones
The power of love and healing has come together in an extraordinary way by a group of Nashville interior designers, artists, and parents to create a sanctuary for Covenant School’s community to heal. In a remarkable ten days, mountains were moved. Over two dozen interior designers and 50 vendors pooled their considerable resources and professional connections to turn an ordinary office space in the Green Hills area into a therapeutic community filled with warmth and love.

Covenant parent Ashley Colclasure discovered a leasable office space and teamed up with fellow parent Natalie Hager, an interior designer, to begin the project of transforming the new space into a new center for their community “to promote hope and bring healing for the staff, teachers, students, parents, and siblings.” Colclasure, Director of Rooted Counseling Center is serving as interim school therapist.

The project was spearheaded by interior designer Carrie Brock of The Simple Sketchbook and Hager, who led the design team and completely transformed the office. The center includes six individual therapy offices, and ample gathering space, a kitchenette, two lounge spaces and a playroom.

Their goal is to provide a haven for parents and children to process their grief and fears where they feel safe and heard. In addition, the space will hold group and individual counseling sessions and serve as a community landing place outside of school hours. Funds already raised have been committed to cover eight therapy sessions for each parent, sibling, or person in the school on staff. And based on need, more sessions will be provided for those affected.

“I think I told someone the other day I would not wish this tragedy on anyone. But I find myself grasping at the lessons and the love that has come from it and not wanting to let those things go. I don’t want to move too quickly through it because there’s so much beauty to hold on to.” said Colclasure.

Ashley’s sister, Mary Craig Tortorice, also a Covenant parent as well as Director of Advancement at Covenant School (and now Director of Community Care), was truly a “first-first” responder, showed incredible courage and composure directing police officers into the school. Mary Craig is grateful for the incredible outpouring of support from the Nashville community. “I don’t want to miss this moment. I didn’t want to miss the concert the other night. I didn’t want to miss the rainbow last night. There are so many moments that I’m like, oh, the veil between heaven and earth has been so thin, so thin”.

This is truly a double rainbow moment that has come together to lead the Covenant family and the Nashville community as a whole to heal and grow. To continue the necessary support of Covenant Heals, please click the QR Code and select Covenant Heals. sl
Gratitude to the designers who donated their time and talents:
KITCHEN Holly Williams, @hollyaudreywilliams / Chad James, @chadjamesgroup / Sarah Bartholomew, @sarahbartholomewdesign / Blaire Murfree, @blairedesignsllc
GATHERING SPACE Mary Stengel Bentley, @mstengelbentley / Natalie Hager, @nataliehagerinteriors / Emily Bennett, @emilybennettinteriors / Carrie Brock, @thesimplesketchbook / Margaret Ash, @margaretashdesign FAMILY WAITING ROOM Robin Rains, @robinrainsinteriordesign / April Tomlin, @apriltomlininteriors / Designers Gallery, @designersgallery
ENTRYWAY / Modern Remains, @modernremains OFFICE-PEACH Lori Paranjape, @mrsparanjape / Redo Homes and Design, @redohomeanddesign
OFFICE-BLUE Scarlett James, @themixinteriors / Vernich Interiors, @vernichinteriors OFFICE-LAVENDER Paperwhites Interiors, @paperwhitesinteriors
OFFICE WITH RED FRAMES Meg White, @megwhiteinteriors / Julie Couch, @juliecouchinteriors OFFICE-KIDS Roger Higgins, @rhigginsinteriors / Kate Ladd Chlebowski, @studiovernacular / Lilli Taylor, @lillytaylorinteriors OFFICE-GREEN Sadhna Williams, @sadhnawIlliamsinteriors / Chelsea Skye Netter, @chelseaskyeinteriors / Kathryn Lane Berschback, @bershback_design