2 minute read
From the Editor-In-Chief
As I sit writing this particular letter with the Holidays on the horizon and the bitter cold starting to finally clasp its hands around us, the only thing I feel really urged to do is hunker down and take a cozy snooze or read a great book. What’s surprising, is that this is normally the time of year when individuals feel moved to do the opposite, to get up get out and get moving. Health, fitness, personal improvement and changes are always going through our minds, New Year new and better you. In our current location however with the temperatures in the teens, that is an idea far from anything I would personally be interested in at the moment.
What most of these New Years Resolutions revolve around are changes, mostly health related, for the ‘better’. However, I think it doesn’t always have to be health focused. What about a new resolution to try all the wines on the spectator top 20 list? Or a New Years resolution to try a new restaurant every other week. Or making sure to keep up with old high school or college friends on a monthly basis. Let me emphasize, all of these things are easily accomplished without strenuous activity or long periods of exposure to below freezing conditions, and can bring an equal amount of joy. As it turns out, those happen to be a few ideas I am tossing around myself.

To fully take on a resolution, remember it is best to engage in goal setting. Success can come a lot easier if you have specific goals to reach and also keep track of that progress. Small goals each month will become routine and lead to a better you. So pick up that phone and call an old friend, or pop open a bottle of wine, but whatever you do, do it in a meaningful and successful way this year.