S u p e r B o w l

Courtesy of Miranda Densford, beverage director at Barn8 Restaurant and Bourbon Bar, Goshen, Ky.
2 ounces NKD LDY Gin
1-ounce lemon juice

3/4 ounce foraged fortified wine syrup**
4 dashes Scrappy’s Black Lemon Bitters
Instructions: Combine all ingredients in a shaker Shake to chill, dilute, and double strain into a rocks glass with KY Straight Ice.
**Infuse Chianti Classico with foraged botanicals from Hermitage Farm for one month. Strain solids and cook wine at a simmer for 10 minutes until the alcohol is cooked out. Add sugar and cook until dissolved.
Photo courtesy of Ryan Mahoney / Hermitage Farm.MELLOW MY MAN
2 ounces carrot juice
1 ounces beet simple syrup
.5 ounces lime juice
Soda water
Instructions: Add carrot juice, beet simple syrup, lime juice and ice to a cocktail shaker.
Shake then double-strain into a highball glass with fresh ice.
Top with soda and garnish with fresh berries on a skewer.
* Beet simple syrup: Combine 1 cup sugar, ½ cup beet juice, ½ cup water in a pot and heat until sugar is completely dissolved. Cool and store in the refrigerator.

Recipe courtesy of Everyday Kitchen, Louisville, Ky.
1-ounce butternut squash
simple syrup
1-ounce grapefruit juice

1/4 ounce lime juice
2 sage leaves
Top with soda water
Add all ingredients to a small rocks glass and shake well.
Garnish with dehydrated lime.
10 drops beet juice
1 1/2 ounces lime juice
1 ounces vanilla simple syrup
1 ounces ginger beer
Instructions: Add lime juice, vanilla simple syrup and ice in a cocktail shaker and shake.
In a highball glass, add beet juice and fill with ice.
Strain juice mixture into glass and float ginger beer on top. (Can add New Riff Bourbon or Kentucky Wild Gin)