CETL Fall 2019 Faculty/Staff Conference

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CETLConversations 10 th Year Anniversary Edition August 13, 2019

Inside this issue: Director’s Forum Dr. Pamela G. Arrington CETL 10 Year Anniversary Celebration :



AAMU Public Relations

Information on the Center for Distance Education / e-Learning & Center for Extended Studies

Director’s Forum

Dr. Pamela G. Arrington, Director, Centers for Excellence in Teaching and Learning (CETL), Alabama A&M University (AAMU)

Greetings Everyone,

Written by:

CETL History/ Information




The Centers for Excellence in Teaching and Learning (CETL) is the organizational unit within the Division of Academic Affairs charged with providing professional development programs for faculty and staff. In academic year 2018-2019, CETL celebrated its ten years anniversary. Since 2008, CETL staff have held steadfast to one overarching goal, improve student learning by improving the quality of teaching at the university. Over the past decade, they have achieved this goal by sponsoring professional development workshops for faculty and staff; certifying online courses; certifying online instructors; and providing specific development for faculty who teach general education courses. With the help of external and internal teaching and learning expert consultants, since its beginning, CETL staff have orchestrated over 600 trainings and workshops for faculty and staff.


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Cont. Besides sponsoring professional development trainings and workshops for faculty and staff, another professional development program component sponsored by CETL is the faculty learning community. For each faculty learning community, during the summer semester faculty attend at least three required trainings and workshops on active learning strategies, current students’ profiles, and integrating technology into teaching and learning practices. The workshops are designed to expose faculty learning community cohort members (cohort members) to teaching practices that engage and motivate today’s students. Each fall semester, members of the faculty learning community implement active learning strategies into their teaching practices. During the

spring semester faculty learning community cohort members assess their individual and collective results and formally present their findings to other colleagues by organizing workshops within their departments. In addition to implementing active learning strategies in their classrooms, some cohort members are actively engaged in applied research to assess the impact on student learning outcomes after incorporating active learning strategies in their classes (Okafor, F., 2019). In my opinion, one of the lasting benefits of the faculty learning community is that throughout the year faculty learning community cohort members establish lasting relationships with each other. Cohort members provide encouragement and support to each other as they try out new teaching strategies in the classroom (Wilkie, M., 2018). Many of the cohort members extol the benefits of being a part of a peer faculty mentoring group. Similarly, for the past two years, CETL staff have implemented a yearlong new faculty orientation program. This year will mark the third yearlong new faculty orientation program. In addition to becoming acclimated to the Alabama A&M University (AAMU) culture of teaching and learning, new faculty form a peer mentoring group where they gain support and encouragement from their peers and internal experts as they navigate teaching, research, advising, and service responsibilities. For some of the new faculty, it is their very first time as a faculty member. Both the faculty learning community program and the yearlong new faculty orientation program create opportunities for faculty to meet formally and informally and engage in conversations about teaching and learning practices at AAMU without fear of criticism.

This academic year is shaping up to be another banner year for CETL, capitalizing on successful past professional development programs while launching new ones. In 2019-2020, we will launch our fourth faculty learning community, which means a total of 44 faculty members will have participated in a faculty learning community. This provides a cadre of faculty members equipped with the latest scholarship on teaching and learning to teach general education courses. We will continue our yearlong new faculty orientation. We expect that like in years past, faculty and staff will acclaim the benefits of having participated in these professional development programs tailored to meet their training and development needs.


New this academic year, we will launch two STEM learning communities comprised of two groups of 25 freshmen biology majors. The freshmen will take English, biology, biology laboratory, mathematics, psychology, and orientation classes together. STEM learning community faculty members have designed cross disciplinary assignments for the two student cohorts. We look forward to assessing the results of this initiative. It has been my sincere joy to be a part of the CETL legacy. Sadly, this academic year, 2019-2020, will be the last year of CETL as we know it. Many of the online trainings and webinars will continue, however, the face to face trainings and workshops, yearlong new faculty orientation, and yearlong faculty learning community will end due to the end of Title III funding for professional development programs for faculty and staff. It is my hope that given the successes of CETL sponsored programs over the past ten years, many of the programs CETL spearheaded will continue to influence the culture of teaching and learning at AAMU. Again, welcome to the 2019-2020 academic year! Very Respectfully, Pamela G. Arrington, Ph.D.

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CETL 10 Year Anniversary Celebration Published by AAMU Public Relations

Faculty and staff integrally involved in the formation and ultimate success of Alabama A&M University’s Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning celebrated CETL’s 10th anniversary on February 4 in the Clyde Foster Auditorium. For a decade CETL has housed the most effective tools for engaging and instructing current students. Moreover, the Center provides professional development for faculty and staff, offers use of instructional technology and distance education.





CETL History Consistent with the overall mission of the university, The Alabama A&M University Centers for Excellence in Teaching and Learning (CETL), a division of the Office of Academic Affairs, provides the learning technology necessary to prepare students from diverse populations with the needed academic tools to compete in society. It enhances the culture of teaching and learning and sponsors professional development programs for faculty, undergraduate and graduate teaching assistants at A&M, being cognizant of the times and the history of the university. The centers create opportunities for those involved in instruction to meet formally and informally to learn and to support each other in the scholarship of teaching and learning. Enhancing the quality of undergraduate and graduate education is a priority in the Strategic Plan of the University. The mission statement is a living document (declaration) which evolves out of the past, present and developing culture of Alabama Agricultural and Mechanical University.

Teaching as a Form of Scholarship Improved Student Outcomes 

Professional Development and Research

Center for Faculty Development -has the primary responsibility for organizing workshops, training programs, faculty consultations designed to ensure the constant and continuous growth of the faculty. The Center is charged with taking the lead role in ensuring a university wide climate of teaching excellence, instructional innovation and the scholarship of teaching. Faculty will be provided with resources and a creative environment to develop new courses with a focus on improving innovative content and methods of instruction as well as developing fresh teaching styles and delivery techniques. In such an environment faculty are encouraged to openly and honestly discuss pedagogy concerns and ways to improve their professional developments needs without fear of criticism as a part of their dedicated commitment to enhancing student learning outcomes.


CETL Staff Current CETL Staff Dr. Pamela Arrington


Mrs. Sophya Cyrus-Johnson


Dr. Rhonda Jackson


Ms. Kris Reed


Past CETL Staff Dr. Juarine Stewart-Cowan


Mrs. Judi Fitcheard-Haygood


Mrs. Tess Olten


Mr. Everett Alexander


Mrs. Deitra Bone




Inaugural CETL Participants (10 Years) 1. Andrea Hawkins

15. Jorge Vizcarra

2. Barbara Cady

16. Kozma Naka

3. Colmore Christian

17. Martha Palmer

4. Congxiao Liu

18. Michael Ayokanmbi

5. Connie Mack

19. Mira Kruja

6. Corine Williams

20. Nahid Sistani

7. Cynthia Benion

21. Padmaja Guggilla

8. Diane Leisher

22. Peace Dunu

9. Emeka Dunu

23. Sheri Stanley

10. Fayequa Majid

24. Showkat Chowdhury

11. Gerald Vines

25. Venkata Atluri

12. Jay Gangasani

26. Vernessa Edwards

13. Jitendra Kapoor

27. Xiang Zhao

14. Jody Jones

28. Xiaoqing Qian



Ashley Gordon

Testimonials I attended the new faculty orientation and signed up for as many workshops as I could during my first year. It was so helpful to have resources to learn teaching techniques and meet other faculty. This year I joined FFLC, and the meetings have been very informative. It was also great to have a place to commiserate with other instructors. I watch the Monday Morning Mentors and sometimes the webinars. I love all of the resources that CETL makes available.

Awesome helpful individual and department training.

Brian Ruble

It's an excellent program for faculty to grow and learn, I hope it continues

Fayequa Majid

The staff has always been supportive and accommodating. The sessions that I attended were very informative. I would like to congratulate the staff on a successful 10 years of providing excellent customer service and knowledge based programs.

Gerald Vines

CETL has enhanced my professional skills and has provided additional skills that have also enhanced my professional development in "Customer Services"; "Time Management"; "Communication with follow Colleagues" and "Email Etiquette". Thank you CETL and Congratulations on your 10th year anniversary! Jacquette Johnson





Alfreda Handy-Sullivan

My experience with CETL has inspired me to teach and inspire others. It has been well worth my time!

Corine Williams

All of the CETL opportunities have been informative and timely. I truly believe that it is important that these opportunities are ongoing so as to help strengthen the capability of the university to provide the best for its student body.

Emeka Dunu

The programs have been insightful and enrichening.

Everett Alexander

My time with CETL was very enjoyable and I appreciated the opportunities that were given to me to help build up the various programs, courses and workshops that were held while I was there. Always appreciated the wisdom and enjoyable work environment under Dr. Stewart.

Janice Donegan

I have benefited greatly from the wonderful training with CETL. It has helped to enhance my work experience.

Janice Holman

Very helpful information in improving my job performance.

Jay Gangasani

I learned a lot of new tools through the distance education online course development work shops.....etc

Jessica Temple

FFLC is a great program!

Lee Harris

My participation has made me more open and willing to try innovative teaching strategies. CETL has made learning a pleasant experience.

Sadguna Anasuri

Appreciate the knowledge and services of CETL; happy to see that they have established an excellent rapport with faculty and assist in meeting their unique instructional needs. Thank you for everything you do.

Salam Khan

Very rewarding, excellent.

Sheri Stanley

I was a member of FFLC #3 and thoroughly enjoyed the experience. The FFLC was a great way to connect and share with professors across the campus about classroom challenges and learning strategies. Also, the monthly CETL programs and discussions

Sherryl Forman

The webinars were interesting and educational, also the local interactive sessions were fun and informative, for instance How to handle rude customers over the phone.

Talietha Battle

The information was helpful in performing my daily job task.

Teresa McGhee

I have enjoyed attending/learning new things during the workshops, even when there was "NO AIR" in the LRC, and Ms. Johnson was "burning up".

Torin Malone

Great topics and course offerings and excellent instructions.




Jody Jones

Testimonials My participation in CETL over the last 10 years has changed and improved my approach to helping students engage in learning in the classroom. It has encouraged me to not be fearful of making mistakes and trying out new technologies. It has provided me with resources which have encouraged me to explore the most effective ways to engage students in their own learning process. I have also enjoyed the collaboration and comraderies with fellow CETL participants. Being able to share teaching experiences and gain additional insights and ideas through discussions with other faculty has been highly beneficial.

Participating in CETL events continues to provide me with the tools and skills that are necessary for being an effective educator today. I have gained knowledge on how to increase student participation, content engagement, retention, integration of technology, etc. I definitely recommend these services to all of my colleagues in an effort to better assist our students. Laricca London-Thomas

It is a great venue to share and learn successful practices in teaching and learning

Padmaja Guggilla

Reem Albashaireh

I learned more about the free tools and services that are available for our students here at Alabama A&M university. I learned many techniques that encourage students to participate in class activities, and keep them engaged. I had the opportunity to hear feedback from other instructors, they shared their teaching techniques, what works for our students, and what needs to be improved. Overall, I was so happy to be part of FFLC. I hope to implement new teaching techniques that I learned, and modify what I used before.





CETL is an excellent program dedicated to improve the teaching experience at AAMU. Showkat Chowdhury

CETL activities helped in my professional development Tamara Chowdhury

What has been a rich and rewarding experience for me, during my association with CETL, is having an opportunity to participate in a forum that provides interaction with other faculty as we, together, explore innovative pedagogical strategies to implement in our classrooms. These strategies and best practices have enabled me to enhance student participation which resulted in an improved learning environment. Vernessa Edwards

CETL has provided me with a wonderful set of teaching strategies and skills which have benefited my students as well my professional career. Wanda Lavender

Tess Olten

I came to AAMU and CETL in 2011 to start the ODEeL under the guidance and with the support of Dr. Juarine Stewart. I worked for three years with the A&M CETL to launch the first online degree programs at A&M and to deepen the technology integration into academics at A&M. I still hear the wise (and often funny) words and guidance of Dr. Stewart in my ear years later as I navigate programs at other schools. There is no doubt that her wisdom and humor have been the underpinning of CETL's success over the last ten years and will continue to impact CETL's continued success.




CETL STAFF Director: Pamela G. Arrington, Ph.D. Phone: 256 372-8231 Email address: pamela.arrington@aamu.edu Assistant to Director: Sophya Johnson, M.S. Phone: 256 372-8783 Email address: sophya.johnson@aamu.edu

CETL Learning Resource Center (LRC) Room 309 Phone:256.372.8780 Facebook Page: http://www.facebook.com/ CETLAAMU

Center for Distance Education and Extended Studies Bib Graves Room 300 Phone: (256)372-5753 Fax: (256) 372-5971 odees@aamu.edu

~Center for Distance Education/e-Learning~

~Center for Extended Studies~



Do you need ideas for mapping out your online course’s design? Would you like support with web-based instructional strategies and activities for your online or hybrid course? Well, the Center for Distance Education & e-Learning (CDEeL) is the place for you! CDEeL provides exceptional course development support through hands-on professional development experiences and offers faculty access to resources which can facilitate audio narration and video lecture for online instruction. Yes! We can do that!

The Center for Extended Studies offers continuing education and professional development classes, programs, and services designed to meet the changing needs of the larger community. Short-term, non-credit classes and programs, geared to help individuals enhance job skills, prepare for a job change or for professional examinations, or just taken for personal enhancement, are offered throughout the year. Enrichment classes, designed specifically for

In Fall 2015 we established the AAMU Online Instructor Certification (OIC) Program. This certification program, a requirement for all online faculty at the university, has been a great success thus far, with over 100 faculty members completing the program to date. Be sure to enroll, if you plan to be an online instructor.

middle and high school students, are available during the

Additionally, join us as we continue to offer meaningful professional development sessions focused on your instructional needs. We especially invite you to check out our newest signature series, the Course Design CafĂŠ, a 50 minute strategy focused, session packed with practice and real time application..

by serving as the central point of contact for the undergrad-

To learn more about what the Center for Distance Education and e-Learning can do to support you, please contact us or stop by and see us at 300 Bibb Graves Hall.

~Rhonda Moore-Jackson, Ed. D. Director rhonda.jackson@aamu.edu


summer months. Continuing Education Units (CEUs) and Professional Development Units (PDUs) are also offered for campus continuing education activities. CES also serves the non-traditional/adult student uate Online Management and undergraduate Liberal Studies Degree programs, and is the clearinghouse for non-

traditional/experiential learning credits. Non-traditional/ adult students interested in completing their degrees and have significant college-level learning obtained from job training, work experience, military experience, or other experiences are urged to contact us.

~Kris E. Reed, M.S. Program Specialist kris.reed@aamu.edu 256-372-4771

Centers for Excellence in Teaching & Learning Learning Resources Center (LRC) 3rd Floor Room 309 4900 Meridian Street Normal, Alabama 35762

 256.372.8780  aamucetl@gmail.com

Web Pages: http://www.aamu.edu/administrativeoffices/academicaffairs/CETL/ Pages/default.aspx

Facebook Page: http://www.facebook.com/CETLAAMU

Director Pamela Arrington, Ph. D.

 (256) 372-8231

 Pamela.arrington@aamu.edu

Assistant to Director Sophya Johnson, M.S.

 (256) 372-8783

 Sophya.johnson@aamu.edu


CETL Events: Fall 2019

CETL has planned a full year of Professional Development

opportunities for faculty and staff. We are providing different ways for you to receive professional

development, whether it be Face-to-face workshops or view on your own webinars. See all

upcoming CETL events listed in this booklet.


Workshop: Supporting Men Of Color: How To Increase Engagement, Retention & Graduation Rates With An Innovative Holistic Coaching Program It is critical that post-secondary institutions understand how to best support men of color. Those that make an effort to help this population succeed in both college and life will surely see higher retention and graduation rates overall. This webinar will demonstrate how to create an educational environment that is conducive to student success for men of color. The presenters will showcase a successful program that is increasing engagement, academic achievement, retention, and graduation rates for men of color at the twoyear college level. Participants will learn important concepts such as student classification levels, student accountability/ownership, success coaching techniques, internal/external engagement, and collaborative usage of campus activities and resources

Workshop: Personalizing Online Learning: Tools & Strategies To Increase Engagement & Success For todays students, engagement is crucial to their level of success in school and in life. Engaged students enjoy learning, persist in their coursework, and gain satisfaction from the learning process. While student engagement is important across all modes of education, it becomes imperative in the online classroom. It is in this environment where learning is often isolated and void of the personalized, social aspects of the traditional classroom. This presentation will examine unique considerations of student engagement in the online classroom, introduce practical strategies to enhance online student course engagement via personalizing the learning experience, and explore multimedia tools that can be integrated to foster a personalized connection.


View on your own live Webinars Workshop: Moving Face-To-Face Advising To An Online Hybrid Model: Confidentiality, Connectivity & Communication Advanced technologies are moving academic advising into the virtual world, where students have access to the guidance they need anytime and anywhere. Moving to this Brave New World, however, presents several challenges for advisors who have traditionally employed in-person conferences as their primary delivery method. As financial resources have become more scarce at many institutions at the same time demands have become more acute, online advising has become much more pervasive. In a very real sense, online advising systems offer faculty, staff and other professionals a way to do more with less while increasing retention and enhancing completion rates. But this does not necessarily mean that face-toface advising should be abandoned entirely. A hybrid approach offers the best of both worlds. When implemented conscientiously and correctly, it can create a synergy that is both high tech and high touch. This webinar will cover the essential components of a successful academic advising program, focusing on how those components can be integrated in a way that accentuates the advantages of both face-to-face and virtual advising.

Workshop: Practical Application Of Student Success Theory: How To Retain First-Year Students & Help Them Navigate Challenges Scholars identify a set of educational theories and practices that researchers have shown to have a significant impact on student success and retention. These are called “High Impact Practices” or “Best Practices.” For example, first-year experience courses and programs are considered a best practice aimed at helping students navigate the challenges of transitioning from high school to college.

Table of Content

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CETL Workshop Schedule -Faculty

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CETL Workshop Schedule - Staff

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Monday Morning Mentor

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View on your own Webinars

Page 12

CETL Information

This webinar will examine theories related to those behaviors, personality traits, habits, and attitudes that mediate student success and consider ways in which to bring these theories into day-to-day interactions with students. 10


CETL Workshops



Available anytime, anywhere you have access to a variety of topics to view at your desktop, laptop, and any other electronic device.

Workshop: New Faculty Workshop Series: Topics-

Go2Knowledge meets the professional development needs of busy and distracted educators. The trainings provide a customized, straight-forward, and easy way for our college faculty and staff to find webinars of importance to them. The Go2Knowledge trainings allow us to schedule professional development opportunities at the convenience of our faculty and staff.”

Printable Certificate of Completion for every training

Time: 12:30pm- 2:00pm Location: LRC Room 309

Topics & Dates: 

Differentiated Instruction– August 2019

 Members of FFLC#1, #2, #3 will share effective teaching strategies for providing different students with different avenues to learning within the same class so that all students can learn effectively regardless of their varied academic preparedness levels. Pro and Cons. 

Tenure & Promotion, Faculty Mentoring- September 2019

 In this session, the president of the faculty senate will give an overview of the tenure process, outline tips and steps for approaching and completing the tenure process. The president of the faculty senate will lead the discussion on the faculty handbook and answer any questions surrounding this process. As an added benefit of attending the workshop, Dr. Jones will give an overview of the Faculty Mentoring Program she developed and answer questions about how to be involved in the program. 

Integrating Technology – October 2019

 Ms. Connie Mack, will talk about Blackboard and answer any question regarding new technology to infuse in the classroom and learning management systems. 

Research and Grant Opportunities– November 2019

 Dr. Perry a recipient of million dollar grant awards for scholarships and research in social work. She will share ways to research grant opportunities of interest to you based on your research agenda.


CETL 2019-2020 Recommended Training sessions. Organizational Development •

Improving Customer Service And Student Satisfaction

No More Monkeys: Time Management For Burnt-Out Administrators

Stinky Cheese: How To Manage Conflict Among Coworkers

Training Front Office Staff: Handling Difficult & Disruptive Behavior

Teaching & Learning • • •

Best Practices For Student Success In Developmental Education Best Practices In College Teaching: Creating An Active Learning Environment Creating Tests That Assess Higher Order Thinking Skills

Identifying And Reaching Unprepared Students: Strategies For Creating Success In The College Classroom

The 10 Traits Of Great Teachers: How To Tap Into Student Motivation And Maximize Retention

Technology •

Embracing Technology To Promote Exceptional Student Services In Higher Education

Incorporating Active Learning Strategies Into Your Online Teaching Environment

Campus Safety •

Title IX Investigations: Case Studies In Sexual Misconduct & Harassment

Managing Disruptive Classroom Behavior

The Dangers Of Email Communication


Workshop : Teaching Gen Z Students: Strategies For Dynamic &

Engaging Learning Experiences

Monday Morning Mentor Each week a new program becomes available Monday mornings. The program is available for on-demand viewing for one full week. *Use towards maintaining Online Instructure Certification (7 sessions available= 2 hours and 20minute total. DATE Aug. 26, 2019

TITLE OF 20-MINUTE MENTOR PROGRAM How Do I Create a Class that Supports First-year Students? Beyond Syllabus Policies: What Strategies Help Students Take Responsibility

Sept. 2, 2019 for Learning? *Sept. 9, 2019

How Do I Set Students up for Success in Online Courses?

Sept. 16, 2019

How Can I Encourage the Growth Mindset with Three Simple Tips?

*Sept. 23, 2019

How Can I Increase Student Completion Rates in Online Learning?

Sept. 30, 2019

How Can I Use Microactivities to Engage Students and Improve Learning and Retention?

*Oct. 7, 2019 How Can I Build Community with My Online Faculty? Oct. 14, 2019 What Culturally Responsive Teaching Techniques Can I Use to Improve Learn-


How Can I Create a Platform for Difficult Conversations in the Online Classroom? How Can I Manage the Disconnect Between Faculty and Student Perceptions of Oct. 28, 2019 Rigor to Increase Learning? *Oct. 21, 2019

*Nov. 4, 2019 How Can I Ensure Academic Honesty in My Online Assessments? Nov. 11, 2019 What Can Engagement in Games Teach Me About Engagement in My Courses? *Nov. 18, 2019

How Can I Create an Effective Syllabus for My Online Class? How Do I Design Effective Combinations of Gamified Elements to Encourage

Nov. 25, 2019 Deeper Learning?

*Dec. 2, 2019 How Does Consistency Improve Quality in Online Courses and Programs? Dec. 9, 2019 How Can I Teach Soft Skills to Better Prepare Students for the Workplace?


This year, the first wave of Gen Z students will enter the college. Students born after the events of September 11, 2001 have lived in a world entirely different from the one we grew up in and, as a result, bring a unique set of preferences and perspective to their learning experience. While a complete picture of Generation Z is still emerging, some common characteristics are clear; Gen Z students are cynical, private, entrepreneurial and hyper-aware. Also, like Millennials that came before them, Gen Z is technology-reliant and exceptionally skilled at multitasking. Recognizing the skills, traits, and preferences of the Gen Z learner, reliance on traditional instructional strategies is simply ineffective. In this webinar, we will explore challenges associated with teaching Gen Z students and identify innovative (and effective) instructional approaches to create a stimulating, engaging learning environment. Further, we will examine how technology can be integrated into the classroom to create a collaborative, dynamic learning experience that meets the needs of Gen Z students. Date: August 22 , 2019 & September 26, 2019 Time: 1:00-2:00pm Location: LRC Room 309

Workshop: How To Integrate Active Learning Strategies Into Large Classes The importance of active learning in higher education is well-established; research clearly shows that pedagogical strategies encouraging students to reflect, analyze, process and discuss course concepts lead to increased motivation, learning, critical thinking and engagement. This webinar overviews a range of approaches that can be integrated into large enrollment courses to engage students as active collaborators in the teaching-learning dynamic. We will examine strategies for creating interactive lectures, utilizing in-class active learning strategies, engaging students via dynamic out-of-class assignments and the role of classroom assessment techniques for fostering active learning Date: October 8, 2019 Time: 1:00-2:00pm Location: LRC Room 309


STAFF Workshop : Training Front Office Staff: 10 Key Responses For

Workshop : Embracing Cultural Diversity With A Growth

Handling Disruptive Behaviors


Have you ever dealt with a frustrated, demanding, or threatening student, parent or even a fellow staff member? If you’ve worked the “front lines” of customer service in higher education, you have had this experience. Most often, you are “broadsided” to the point where you are at a loss for words, defensive or even fearful. When this happens, it is often difficult to recover and continue to work toward a solution. Instead we are often caught up in the negative situation and our own reactions, and these interactions end badly for all involved. Are your frontline staff members trained to effectively deal with the various levels of frustration, emotions and escalations that often occur?

In this webinar, participants will make the connection between Dr. Carol S. Dweck's theory concepts of Growth Mindset as a way of fulfilling potential. The presenter will provide examples of growth vs. fixed mindsets as a tool to embrace diverse cultural perspectives, inspiring creativity and driving innovation in higher education.

Date: August 27, 2019 & September 24, 2019

Participants will learn to acknowledge how gratitude can have a strong influence on one's overall outlook. In Higher Education, this translates as developing cultural awareness and leadership skills. Deciding to walk toward growth is the first step in embracing the road ahead and seeing challenges as opportunities for growth, not problems. We all have students that have fixed mindsets. We try to encourage positive behavior to set students up for success, but sometimes cultural differences, personal issues and financial stressors block students from seeing opportunities for growth. It is our job as educators and mentors to set an example with all our students, especially those that are unaware of how a growth mindset can be beneficial. This is a challenge as social media does not always support positive thinking. Therefore, as educators, how can we help? And, is it possible that we unintentionally play a role in our student's fixed mindset?

Time: 1:00-2:30pm

Date: September 13, 2019

This webinar will offer practical advice and tips for frontline staff on how to work with frustrated and difficult students, in person, on the phone, or through email. The presenter will discuss ways to prevent problems before they start, reduce escalation and conflict, and hopefully turn a negative into a positive.

Location: LRC Room 309

Time: 1:00-2:00pm Location: LRC Room 309



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