WSK Final Cup 2011

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Final Cup Luca De Donno WSK Promoter Promotore WSK

“Final” in name and nature. It is not only the time to look back on the year’s karting season. But as always in the spirit of WSK is a springboard for what’s to come. Almost all of karting’s best stars of the 2011 season made their way to Ortona. Some came to win, others came to confirm

their status, and still others came to get a taste of what’s in store for the year 2012. In any case it was a good time for all who attended, which is, after all what counts the most. That’s it for now; we’ll see you all next time for another fantastic WSK adventure.

Final Cup “Finale” di nome e di fatto, a guardare la stagione 2011. Ma anche, come è da sempre nello spirito della WSK, nuovo trampolino di lancio del karting

che verrà. A Ortona si sono dati appuntamento quasi tutti i principali protagonisti dell’anno, chi per cercare conferme, chi rivincite, e chi guardando già

al futuro. Comunque, per tutti è una grande festa del karting che più conta. Con l’arrivederci, a breve, per un'altra grande avventura targata WSK.

in this issue... 02-03................................ Top News 04-05................................ Focus On 06-07................................ Euro Series Champions 08-09................................ Master Series Champions 10-11................................ Photo Gallery 12..................................... Numbers 13-15................................ Entry list 16..................................... Timetable 01

Top News



The 2012 WSK series calendar has already been set: if some of the tracks are still being decided upon the dates are potentially correct. È già definito il calendario 2012 delle serie WSK: se alcune piste sono ancora in via di definizione le date sono potenzialmente corrette. 05 february febbraio Winter Test (LA CONCA)

04 march marzo Round 1 KZ, KF2, KF3, 60 Mini


06 MAY maggio

Round 1 KF1, KZ, KF2, KF3, 60 Mini (?)

KF1, KZ, KF2, KF3, 60 Mini

01 april aprile

Round 2 KZ, KF2, KF3, 60 Mini


Round 2 KF1, KZ, KF2, KF3


02 wsk Final Cup

18 march marzo


Round 3 KF1, KZ, KF2, KF3, 60 Mini (?)


Round 3 KZ, KF2, KF3, 60 Mini

Round 4 KF1, KZ, KF2, KF3


Ortona/27-30 October 2011


Palmares WSK

For the umpteenth time all of the main teams and the principal kart

Euro Series


manufacturers joined in on a WSK race, confirming this brand’s


centrality in the panorama of international karting. Among the

100 Formula A: Valtteri

Armand Convers

many confirmations there is however some exciting new news: The Abruzzo International Circuit hosted a WSK race for the first time.

Bottas (Gillard/


The course at Ortona has only 2 years of high level karting under its


KZ1: Jonathan

belt but it has already become one of karting’s tracks of reference.


Thonon (CRG/Maxter)

Its 110,000 square meters of total area is home to a 1600 meter

Jules Bianchi photo

race course with seven right curves, six left curves, two “esses”,


KZ2: Paolo De Conto (Energy/TM) KF2: Ignazio D’Agosto

pits, paddocks, parking, café, and all necessary services. The real

100 ICA: Miquel Julia Perello

(Tony Kart/Vortex)

show however will be put on by the many talented pilots in all 5


KF3: Max Verstappen (CRG/Maxter)

categories who will be fighting it out for the final cup.

100 Junior: Will Stevens

photo (Kosmic/

(Tony Kart/Parilla)



De Vries (Zanardi/

KZ2: Jonathan


KF1: Nyck


KZ1: Rick


Dreezen (Tony

KF2: Yannick


De Brabander

KF3: Matteo Viganò

KZ2: Joel Johansson(Energy/TM) KF2: Stefano Cucco (Birel/Parilla) KF3: Max Verstappen photo



photo (Maranello/Parilla)

Al top

Super KF:

2008 KF1: Sauro

MASTER Series 2010

Per l’ennesima volta, tutti i principali team e le principali Case

Cesetti photo

costruttrici aderiscono a una gara WSK, ribadendo la centralità


KZ2: Beitske Visser photo

di questo marchio nel panorama kartistico internazionale. Tra le

KZ2: Marco


tante conferme, però, c’è una graditissima novità: il Circuito Inter-

Ardigò (Tony

KF2: Antonio

nazionale d’Abruzzo che per la prima volta ospita una gara WSK.


Giovinazzi (Top

Il tracciato di Ortona si è affacciato da meno di 2 anni nel karting

KF2: Flavio Camponeschi


di alto livello, ma è già diventato uno dei kartodromi di riferimen-

(Tony Kart/Vortex)

KF3: Nicklas

to. Su 110 mila metri quadrati di superficie totale, trova posto

KF3: Nyck De Vries


un tracciato di 1600 metri, con 7 curve a destra, 6 a sinistra e 2



Lo spettacolo, invece, lo porteranno direttamente lì i tantissimi


(Top Kart/LKE)

piloti delle 5 categorie che si sfideranno nella Final Cup.

Super KF:.

“esse”, box, paddock, parcheggio, bar e tutti i servizi necessari.

Good to know...

SPEED: the starting procedure has a speed limit of 50 kph for KF2 and KF3 and 40 kph for 60 Mini. LIVE TIMING: here’s the address where you can follow live timing: Velocità: per i kart monomarcia è stato istituito il limite di velocità in partenza: non si possono superare i 50 km/h per KF2 e KF3 e i 40 km/h per la 60 Mini. Live timing: ecco l’indirizzo per seguire i tempi:

60 Mini: Marcu Dionisios



Kozlinski photo

KZ1: Paolo De


Conto photo

KZ2: Bas


Lammers (Intrepid/TM)

KZ2: Marco

KF2: Ben Cooper

Zanchetta (CKR/TM)

(Tony Kart/Vortex)

KF2: Antonio

KF3: Nyck De Vries (Zanardi/

Giovinazzi (PCR/Parilla)


KF3: Antonio Fuoco (Top Kart/Parilla)

60 Mini: Marcu Dionisios (Top Kart/LKE) 03

focus on

Kart High During the last competition of the WSK Master Series in Viterbo, the WSK Race Control was officially unveiled. It is the next technological step that WSK Promotion has thought up, in its quest to be the best in all of karting. This new device created with the specific intent of offering to both trainers and technicians the best possible help in guaranteeing the regularity of WSK races. It does this by controlling every meter in real time, thus allowing those in charge to make the correct choices regarding security and fairness. In concrete terms, the WSK Race Control is a vehicle (technically a Scania “tractor�) onto which control equipment already in use in WSK events - has been installed. It is the nerve center of all the fourteen video cameras that are set up at every race in strategic positions all over the track. There are also two dedicated starting line video cameras, one with a full frontal view, and the other with a

usual channels. Afterwards, based on

wide-angle lateral view at 180°.

the movements seen during the race

Thanks to these two video cameras there

by track personnel (laps, track places,

has been a drastic reduction in accidents

and pilots involved) the cases pointed

at the first curve of the circuit. Inside

out are immediately pulled up on video.

the WSK Race Control two technicians

They are then scrutinized as to whether

monitor the race on three forty-two

the case needs to be forwarded to the

inch screens, reporting any possible

sporting commission or not. This same


system is used to settle controversies and

At the same time, the jobs of

complaints raised by contestants. Thanks

pit boss and race official remain

to the video images contestations can be

fundamental as they go on reporting

resolved unquestionably. The system is

eventual observations through the

active all weekend, tryouts included.

04 wsk Final Cup

gh Tech Nel concreto, il WSK Race Control è un veicolo (tecnicamente “motrice”) Scania, sul quale sono state installate le apparecchiature del sistema di controllo già in uso negli eventi WSK. Qui provengono le immagini trasmesse dalle 14 telecamere sistemate, ad ogni gara, nei punti strategici della pista, comprese le due dedicate in modo particolare alla partenza, una con visuale frontale sullo schieramento e una laterale, con visuale grandangolare a 180°, che hanno già consentito una sensibile diminuzione degli incidenti che si verificano alla prima curva di oggi circuito. All’interno del WSK Race Control, due addetti monitorano, su 3 schermi da 42 pollici, le immagini in tempo reale, segnalando eventuali scorrettezze. Contemporaneamente, rimane fondamentale il lavoro del direttore di gara e dei commissari di percorso, che segnalano eventuali osservazioni tramite Nell’ultima prova della WSK Master

i soliti rapporti. Successivamente, basan-

Series a Viterbo ha debuttato ufficialmente

dosi sul momento di gara indicato dal

il WSK Race Control, ulteriore step

personale in pista (giro, luogo della pista e

pensato da WSK Promotion nella ricerca

piloti coinvolti), i casi evidenziati vengono

del top assoluto per le gare delle sue

immediatamente selezionati per essere

Serie. Il nuovo mezzo è stato allestito con

visionati a video e giudicati per inviare il

il preciso intento di offrire a commissari

definitivo rapporto ai Commissari Sportivi.

e tecnici il miglior aiuto possibile per

Con lo stesso sistema si dirimono contro-

garantire la regolarità delle gare WSK,

versie e reclami sollevati dai concorrenti,

controllando ogni metro di gara in tempo

garantendo, grazie alle immagini video, la

reale e consentendo a chi di dovere di

massima obiettività di valutazione. Il siste-

prendere le decisioni più corrette per

ma è operativo in ogni fase del weekend,

salvaguardare sicurezza e correttezza.

prove libere comprese.

Likewise, there are two support vehicles in the paddock available to WSK personnel. The WSK Race Control, in fact, is used side by side with the WSK Station (which made its debut last season). The WSK Station is a structure of over 130 square meters that is home to the race secretary, the administrative office, and a large space made available for all those who want to follow the race in real time, and to those who want to pick up their classification papers.

Ortona/27-30 October 2011

wsk race control in numbers I numeri del WSK Race Control 14 the number of video cameras arranged throughout the circuit le telecamere predisposte sul circuito 2

the number of dedicated video cameras at the starting line le telecamere dedicate esclusivamente al rettilineo di partenza

3 the number of monitors in the WSK Race Control i monitor presenti nel WSK Race Control 42 the measurement, in inches, of the three monitors la misura, in pollici, dei 3 monitor

3 the number of servers that control the entire system i server che governano l’intero sistema 100 the number of network cables used i cavi di rete utilizzati.


the number of radio equipment in use: one for the starter, one for the pit boss, and one for the race official le apparecchiature radio in uso, una per lo starter, una per il direttore di gara e una per il commissario sportivo

2 the number of technicians working inside the WSK Race Control gli addetti che si trovano all’interno del WSK Race Control.


the number of hours needed to set up the system beforehand at the track. This includes: placing the video cameras in their respective positions and running the cables between the servers and the video cameras. le ore necessarie, dall’arrivo in pista, per rendere operativo il sistema posizionando le telecamere e provvedendo al cablaggio tra i server e le telecamere

E così nel paddock i veicoli di supporto al personale WSK sono due. Il WSK Race Control, infatti, sia affianca alla WSK Station, comparsa la scorsa stagione. 130 mq di struttura in cui trovano posto la segreteria di gara, l’ufficio della direzione e un ampio spazio per tutte le persone che vogliono seguire in diretta i tempi e ritirare i fogli delle classifiche. 05

Euro Series Champions

The five stars of

KF1: Nyck De Vries

KZ1: Rick Dreezen

KZ2: Joel Johansson

The Dutch pilot of Chiesa Corse (Zanardi/Pa-

If the early bird catches the worm then

In the WSK Euro Series the KZ2 raced side

rilla) won the Euro Series 2011 with an enor-

Dreezen’s victory in the Euro Series KZ1

by side with the KZ1: the pilots of the two

mous advantage in terms of points compared

was a certainty right from the first race.

categories race in the same competition,

to the runner up, Alexander Albon (Intrepid/

This is because in Sarno the Belgian of

but the classifications are separate. The

TM). De Vries success had already started

Tony Kart Racing Team (Tony Kart/Vortex)

KZ2 championship was wide open right up

to gain momentum in the first competition at

took second place in the Final 1 and first in

until the last race where Mirko Torsellini

Sarno where he dominated the Final 1 race.

the Final 2 races. In the race at Portimao

(CRG/Maxter) clearly dominated the pack:

During Sunday’s first race he suffered a little

Dreezen suffered for a bit, while Jonathan

driving like some of the fastest cares in

under the rain, yet by the second competition

Thonon (CRG/Maxter) and Bas Lammers (In-

the Regina class. But, a technical problem

onward was able to really make his way

trepid/TM) made their presence felt. During

forced the Italian CRG to pull out of the

back into the classification, especially when

the third round at Muro Leccese Dreezen

race and thus paved the way for Johansson

compared with his adversaries: they never

he was able to keep the competition at

to clench the title. The victory was also due

seem to get him worried. However, when his

bay, and at Zuera the Belgian had already

to all the effort that the Swede put in over

fellow racers were able to make him nervous

sealed it all up on Saturday by winning the

the course of the season – something his

for a few moments and made him concede a

Final 1 race and “allowing himself” an 8th

adversaries did not.

point or two, this was no big deal seeing his

place pole position on Sunday.

La KZ2, nella WSK Euro Series, corre

standing in the classifications.

Se il buongiorno si vede dal mattino la

accorpata alla KZ1: i piloti delle due

Il pilota olandese di Chiesa Corse (Zanar-

vittoria di Dreezen nella Euro Series in KZ1

categorie a marce corrono nella stessa

di/Parilla) vince la Euro Series 2011 con

è una certezza già dalla prima gara, perché

gara, ma con classifiche separate. Il

un enorme vantaggio di punti rispetto al

il belga del Tony Kart Racing Team (Tony

campionato della KZ2 rimane aperto fino

secondo, Alexander Albon (Intrepid/TM). Il

Kart/Vortex) a Sarno si piazza secondo in

all’ultima gara, in cui Mirko Torsellini

successo di De Vries è costruito già dalla pri-

Finale 1 e primo in Finale 2. Nella gara di

(CRG/Maxter) domina, girando anche

ma prova di Sarno, in cui domina la Finale 1

Portimao Dreezen soffre un po’, con Jona-

come i più rapidi kart della classe regina:

e soffre un po’ nella gara di domenica sotto

than Thonon (CRG/Maxter) e Bas Lammers

qualche problema di troppo, però,

la pioggia. Ma dalla seconda prova è un cre-

(Intrepid/TM) che si fanno pressanti . Nel

costringe l’italiano della CRG al ritiro e

scendo di risultati, soprattutto se confrontati

terzo round di Muro Leccese Dreezen tiene

così Johansson può fare suo il titolo: la

a quelli degli avversari che quando finalmen-

botta con la concorrenza e a Zuera il belga

vittoria arriva anche grazie alla costanza

te riescono ad avvicinarsi, sono già troppo

mette il sigillo sul campionato già sabato,

di prestazioni che lo svedese, a differenza

distanti in classifica e Nick può permettersi

vincendo la Finale 1 e “potendosi permet-

di tutti gli altri, ha avuto durante tutta la

di perdere qualche punto.

tere” un ottavo posto la domenica.


06 wsk Final Cup

Euro Series

Ortona/27-30 October 2011 Euro Cup Beyond the pilot titles, at the Zuera competitions the classification reserved for kart manufacturers was also closed out: It was wide open until the last race. Here are the “Top 5” of every category. Oltre al titolo piloti, nella gara di Zuera, si è chiusa anche la classifica riservata ai costruttori: apertissima fino all’ultima prova. Ecco la “Top 5” per ogni categoria: KF1

 Chiesa Corse p.265;  Intrepid Driver Program p.227;  Birel Motorsport p.148;  Kosmic Racing Departement p.147;  Tony Kart Racing Team p.123. KF2

KF2: Stefano Cucco

KF3: Max Verstappen

The Italian driver of M.G.M. Racing of

An encore after last year’s victory for the

Mauro Pozzi (Bire/Parilla) at Sarno was

Dutch pilot of CRG (CRG/Parilla). In the

right out in the open: during the first victory

first round he took home 55 points, and in

race, the pre-finals, and in the finals. In the

Portimao being out in the open allowed him

following two competitions Stefano suffered

to make an important jump forward in the

a few setbacks: in the second round he

classifications. This brought him up to more

earned fourteen points, while in the third

than double the points of his adversaries,

round he only picked up four points due to

that at Muro Leccese were a little too close

an accident that forced him to pull back

for comfort: Verstappen suffered from an

in the final lap, when he was in fourth

injury to his ribs and was forced to miss

place. Likewise, the title was wide open

the Italian race, subsequently allowing

going into the last round at Zuera. However

the competition to close in. The gap was

Stefano Cucco came in perfect: three

still important but he was able to win the

victories in his four qualifying runs, victory

championship in the pre-finals conquering

in the pre-final, and then clenching the title

his second KF3 Euro Series title.

with his victory in the final.

È bis dopo la vittoria dello scorso anno

En plein a Sarno per l’italiano del team

per il pilota olandese della CRG (CRG/

M.G.M. Racing di Mauro Pozzi (Bire/

Parilla). Nel primo round porta a casa

Parilla): nella prima prova vittoria sia in

55 punti e l’en plein di Portimao gli

prefinale sia in finale. Nelle due gare

consente di fare un importante balzo

successive Stefano soffre un po’: nel

in avanti in classifica, che lo vede a

secondo round guadagna quattordici

più del doppio dei punti rispetto agli

punti, mentre nel terzo solamente quattro

avversari che infatti a Muro Leccese, si

a causa di un incidente che lo costringe

avvicinano: Verstappen si infortuna alle

al ritiro in finale quando è quarto. Il titolo

costole ed è costretto a saltare la gara

è, così, apertissimo nell’ultimo round di

italiana. Il distacco è ancora importante,

Zuera Stefano Cucco è perfetto: tre vittorie

e Verstappen chiude il campionato in

nelle sue quattro manche di qualifica,

prefinale vincendo e conquistando così

vittoria in prefinale e vittoria in finale con la

il suo secondo titolo in KF3 nella Euro

conquista del titolo.


 M.G.M. Racing p.208;  Energy Corse p.120;  Ward Racing p.117;  Tony Kart Junior Racing Team p.97;  Birel Motorsport p.78. KF3

 CRG p.182;  Energy Corse p.144;  GSM One Kart p.127;  Tony Kart Junior Racing Team p.117;  Intrepid Driver Program p.100. KZ1

 Tony Kart Racing Team p.271;  Intrepid Driver Program p.247;  Formula K p.213;  CRG S.p.a. p.189;  Kosmic Racing Departement p.49. KZ2

 Energy Corse p.208;  CRG p.207;  Maddox p.130;  AVG Racing p.128;  Ward Racing p.87. 07

Master Series Champions

Master Series "top





The KZ1 Master Series has been a little strange this year because a few pilots in the Queen class have been participating inconsistently in the events. As such, the most consistent entries were Paolo De Conto (Energy/TM) and Beitske Visser (Intrepid/TM). It was however the Italian pilot representing Energy to rake up the most points during the first races of the season. Even if he didn’t show up on the track at the last round in Viterbo, he was able to clench the title. Quella della KZ1 nella Master Series è una stagione un po’ strana, perché diversi piloti della classe regina vi partecipano, ma in maniera discontinua. E così i più presenti sono Paolo De Conto (Energy/ TM) e Beitske Visser (Intrepid/TM); ma è il pilota italiano della Energy a collezionare più punti nelle prime gare della stagione e, pur non presentandosi in pista nell’ultimo round di Viterbo, riesce a vincere il titolo.

Victory in the Master Series KZ2 passed him by last year when he finished with the same number of points but with one less victory than Visser. This year however Marco Zanchetta (CKR/TM) had the luxury of winning the championship with a race in advance. He demonstrated that while racing in KZ2 it is best not to get all pumped up with the KZ1 pilots like what had happened at Castelletto di Branduzzo. There he put himself behind De Conto e ad Ardigò, aiming for victory, instead of eventual contacts or setbacks. La vittoria nella Master Series in KZ2 gli è sfuggita lo scorso anno, quando ha chiuso a pari punti ma con una vittoria in meno rispetto alla Visser. Quest’anno Marco Zanchetta (CKR/TM) si è preso il l lusso di vincere il campionato con una gara di anticipo, dimostrando che per correre in KZ2 è meglio non battagliare con i piloti della KZ1. Come a Castelletto di Branduzzo, quando si mette in coda a De Conto e ad Ardigò, puntando alla vittoria di categoria, ed evitando eventuali contatti o contrattempi.

Winning isn’t easy, on the contrary it’s actually very complicated! To prove oneself a champion again the following year is even harder. Antonio Giovinazzi (PCR/Parilla) changed teams last winter and was working hard to put together an important victory. The competition was tough during the season, yet in the last race, despite a certain Egor Orudzhev (Tony Kart/Vortex) in excellent form, Antonio Giovinazzi was able to re-conquer the Master Series. Vincere non è facile, anzi: è proprio complicato! Confermarsi l’anno successivo lo è ancora di più. Antonio Giovinazzi (PCR/Parilla) lo scorso inverno ha cambiato team (il neonato Scuderia PCR) e ha lavorato duro per costruire una importante vittoria. I rivali sono stati agguerriti durante la stagione, ma nell’ultima gara, nonostante un Egor Orudzhev (Tony Kart/Vortex) particolarmente in palla, Giovinazzi è riuscito a conquistare il bis nella Master Series.

Our mission 1. K art racing is an incredible show. Our job is to spread the word (tv, internet, magazines, newspapers, social media, etc.); 2. Clear rules. Accurate technical controls; 3. Discipline, on and off the track, for all drivers; 4. L ots of sessions for everyone, from Wednesday to Sunday; 5. A range of top-class drivers to comp ete with; 6. “ Automotive” talents scouts who keep an eye out; 7. P resence of the TOP teams and all manufacturers; 8. Only the best tracks with the best facilities; 9. C omplete services provided by the organisers (secretary, info, monitors, time-keeping, live timing, etc); 10. G lobal project to promote and diffuse the karting experience.

08 wsk Final Cup

11. Maximum organisational reliability and expertise; 12. The whole world considers the WSK series to be the most prestigious karting category; 13. Top karting series regarding subscriptions and visibility; 14. Professional staff with cutting-edge monitoring and management tools; 15. The whole world considers the WSK series to be the most prestigious karting category; 16. “Pampering” pilots, giving them the max on race weekends; 17. The schedule isn’t imposed on pilots, but created for them. 18. 14 CAMERAS to monitor every metre of the track; 19. After six years WSK’s top-level EXPERIENCE translates into impeccable service on the field.

p players"

Our mission



Antonio Fuoco (Tony Kart/Vortex), of the Morsicani Racing team (In the first 4 races he represented Comer), finished up at the last race with a 75 point advantage: he only needed 11 points to become champion. In the heats he is in absolute 1st place and in the pre-finals he’s 3rd and picks up 10 points: “I was only one short”. Meanwhile as Hansson was flying towards the checkered flag; Fuoco had to start again from the back of the pack: he caught up, but his comeback stopped at 16th place, a title position. Then, Lavelli, disqualified, gives Fuoco the missing point to become champion. Antonio Fuoco (Tony Kart/Vortex), del team Morsicani Racing (le prime 4 gare le ha corse con la Comer), si presenta all’ultima gara con 75 punti di vantaggio: ne bastano 11 per diventare campione. Nelle manche è 1° assoluto e in prefinale è 3° e raccoglie 10 punti. Mentre Hansson vola verso la bandiera a scacchi, però, Fuoco deve ricominciare dal fondo: risale, ma si ferma al 16° posto, a una posizione dal titolo. Poi, però, la squalifica di Lavelli (arrivato 10°) dà a Fuoco il punto che mancava per diventare campione.

In the 60 Mini classes the rankings are only “virtual”. This is because Article 18 of the International Sporting Code states that there cannot be a championship winner among karting’s youngest pilots. However out of five disputed competitions there is one pilot that, calculating the arrival order of every single race, came out as the clear winner in the category. It’s the Romanian Marcu Dionisos (Top Kart/LKE). He, like last year, had been the most consistent pilot, and next season will race in KF3. Quella della classe 60 Mini è una classifica virtuale, perché, (in rispetto dell’Art. 18 del Codice Sportivo Internazionale), non può esserci un vincitore di campionato tra i pilotini più piccoli del karting. Ma su cinque gare disputate c’è un pilota che, calcolando gli ordini di arrivo di ogni singola prova, si può considerare come un vincitore di categoria. È il romeno Marcu Dionisios (Top Kart/LKE) che, come lo scorso anno, è il pilota più consistente e che nella prossima stagione correrà in KF3.

La nostra missione 1. Il karting offre uno spettacolo incredibile. Noi ci occupiamo di diffonderlo (tv, internet, magazine, giornali, media, ecc); 2. Regole chiare. Controlli tecnici certi; 3. Disciplina, in pista e fuori, per i piloti; 4. Tante sessioni per tutti, dal mercoledì alla domenica; 5. Parterre di piloti al top contro cui misurarsi; 6. Gli osservatori “dell’auto” guardano tutti qui; 7. Presenza dei maggiori team e di tutti i costruttori; 8. Solo le migliori piste con le migliori strutture; 9. Servizio completo da parte dell’organizzatore (segreteria, informazioni, tempi, monitor, live timing, ecc); 10. Progetto globale di diffusione del karting, promozione del karting. 11. Massima serietà organizzativa;

12. Tutto il mondo guarda alle serie WSK come le più prestigiose del karting; 13. Serie al vertice del karting mondiale per partecipazioni e visibilità (tv, internet, stampa di settore e non); 14. Staff professionista con strumenti di controllo di primo livello; 15. Ci sono sempre nuove idee e la WSK è in continua evoluzione. 16. “Coccolare” i piloti, per fornire loro il massimo durante il weekend di gara; 17. Programma non è subìto dal pilota, ma creato per lui. 18. 14 telecamere per monitorare ogni metro di pista; 19. Dopo sei anni WSK ha un’ESPERIENZA ai massimi livelli che mette in campo con un servizio ineccepibile.

Ortona/27-30 October 2011 Master Cup Here we have the winners of the “Builder’s Championship”, the rankings are as follows: Ci sono anche i vincitori del “Campionato costruttori”, ecco le classifiche: KF2

 Scuderia PCR p.249;  M.G.M. Racing p.181;  Ward Racing p.110;  Team Komarov p.97;  Tony Kart Racing Team p.95. KF3

 Energy Corse S.r.l. p.342;  Comer S.p.A. p.225;  Baby Race S.r.l. p.179;  Ricky Flynn Motorsport p.123;  Tony Kart Junior Racing Team p.69. KZ1

 Tony Kart Racing Team p.270;  Energy Corse S.r.l. p.234;  Intrepid Driver Program p.164,5;  Orion Racing Team p.61;  Kosmic Racing Department p.51. KZ2

 CKR S.r.l. p.333,5;  Delli Compagni Alfredo D. p.190,5;  KK1 p.122;  Ward Racing p.120;  DR Germany p.110,5. 09

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Two series, nine races, 1 790 verified pilots and only three letters: WSK Due serie, nove gare, 1.790 piloti verificati e tre sole lettere: WSK

010 wsk Final Cup 011





WSK Series 2011: stats europe 1.617 drivers

asia 108 drivers

americA 65 drivers 012 wsk Final Cup

entry list KZ1/KZ2 1 R ick Dreezen (B) KZ1 Tony Kart Racing Team (I) Tony Kart/Vortex 2 S ebastiaan Lammers (NL) KZ1 Intrepid Driver Program (I) Intrepid/TM 3 P aolo De Conto (I) KZ1 Energy Corse S.r.l. (I) Energy/TM 5 A lessandro Piccini (I) KZ1 Tony Kart Racing Team (I) Tony Kart/Vortex 6 B eitske Visser (NL) KZ1 Intrepid Driver Program (I) Intrepid/TM 7 D avide Forè (I) KZ1 CRG S.p.A. (I) CRG/Maxter 8 A rnaud Kozlinski (F) KZ1 CRG S.p.A. (I) CRG/Maxter 9 F elice Tiene (I) KZ1 CRG S.p.A. (I) CRG/Maxter 10 J ordon Lennox Lamb (GB) KZ1 CRG S.p.A. (I) CRG/Maxter 11 S auro Cesetti (I) KZ1 Birel Motorsport (I) Birel/BMB 12 A rmand Convers (F) KZ1 Kosmic Racing Department (I) Kosmic/Vortex 14 P atrik Hajek (CZ) KZ1 Orion Racing Team Tony Kart/Vortex 15 R oberto Toninelli (I) KZ1 Luxor Racing Team (I) Lenzo Kart/TM 16 G ianni Gazzurelli (F) KZ1 Gazzurelli Gianni (F) FA Kart/Vortex 18 S inan Van Der Raad (NL) KZ1 Avg Racing (NL) PCR/TM 19 M irko Torsellini (I) CRG S.p.A. (I) CRG/Maxter

20 Marco Zanchetta (I) CKR S.r.l. (I) CKR/TM

Total: 33. Everyone with DUNLOP tyres. Tutti con gomme DUNLOP.

21 Alfredo Daniele Delli Compagni (I) Delli Compagni Alfredo D. (I) CRG/TM


221 Tan Wei-Ron (MAL) Kosmic Racing Department (I) Kosmic/Vortex

201 S tefano Cucco (I) M.G.M. Racing (I) Birel/Parilla

222 Anrew Tang (SGP) Kartronix International (IRL) Kosmic/TM

202 S ami Luka (B) Energy Corse S.r.l. (I) Energy/TM

223 Tanart Sathienthirakul (IRL) Kartronix International (IRL) Tony Kart/TM

203 D ennis Olsen (N) Energy Corse S.r.l. (I) Energy/TM

224 Alessandro Latif (GB) Millennium Motorsport (GB) Intrepid/TM

205 D amiano Fioravanti (I) Tony Kart Racing Team (I) Tony Kart/Vortex

225 Alberto Di Folco (I) Millennium Motorsport (GB) Tony Kart/TM

206 P atrick Philo Paz Armand (RI) Tony Kart Racing Team (I) Tony Kart/Vortex

226 P yry Ovaska (FIN) MKF-Motorsport (FIN) Maranello/TM

207 S tefano Villa Zanotti (I) Morsicani Racing S.a.s. (I) Tony Kart/Vortex

227 N iclas Nylund (FIN) MKF-Motorsport (FIN) Maranello/Parilla

208 N icola Marcon (I) Morsicani Racing S.a.s. (I) Tony Kart/Vortex

228 E gor Orudzhev (RUS) Ward Racing (S) Tony Kart/Vortex

209 A ntonio Fuoco (I) Morsicani Racing S.a.s. (I) Tony Kart/Vortex

229 J ussi Kuusiniemi (FIN) Ward Racing (S) Tony Kart/Vortex

210 L oris Spinelli (I) Morsicani Racing S.a.s. (I) Tony Kart/Vortex

230 D aniele Verde (I) Verde Fabio (I) Maranello/TM

211 P avel Rudakov (RUS) Team Komarov (RUS) Tony Kart/BMB

231 R ick Nadin (L) MM Racing (L) Kosmic/Vortex

212 K irill Korolevskiy (RUS) Team Komarov (RUS) Tony Kart/BMB

232 S ascha Mutter (D) MM Racing (L) Kosmic/Vortex

214 S am Macleod (GB) Ricky Flynn Motorsport Gb Fa Kart Vortex

233 T om Joyner (GB) LH Racing Team/Italsport (S) LH/TM

216 R aquel Martinez (USA) Comer S.p.A. (I) Top Kart/TM

234 K asper Larsen (DK) LH Racing Team/Italsport (S) LH/BMB

218 T eemu Suninen (FIN) Intrepid Driver Program (I) Intrepid/TM

235 T eemu Petjoi (FIN) LH Racing Team/Italsport (S) LH/BMB

22 Francesco Tomarchio (I) DR S.r.l. (I) DR/Parilla 23 Riccardo Negro (I) DR S.r.l. (I) DR/Parilla 24 Jan Midrla (CZ) Joka Kart Team (CZ) Birel/TM 25 Joey Hanssen (NL) Luxor Racing Team (I) Lenzo Kart/TM 26 Martin Doubek (CZ) Orion Racing Team (CZ) Tony Kart/Vortex 27 Valerio Rossi (I) RTM S.a.s. (I) Tony Kart/Vortex 28 Marco Pollara (I) TK (I) Intrepid/TM 29 Luigi Musio (I) TK (I) Intrepid/TM 30 Grigory Pakhomov (RUS) Birel Motorsport (I) Birel/TM 31 Paul Bizalion (F) Bizalion Charly (F) Intrepid/TM 32 Jan Kuovi (FIN) Kuovi Jan (FIN) Rosso Korsa/TM 33 Ciro Mollo (I) Mollo Ciro (I) CRG/TM 34 Simone Scalzo (I) Scalzo Maurizio (I) Tony Kart/TM 35 Franco Stinchelli (I) Stichelli Franco (I) CRG/Maxter 51 Marco Ardigo (I) KZ1 Tony Kart Racing Team (I) Tony Kart/Vortex

Kosmic Racing Department (I) Kosmic/Vortex

219 P ablo Nicolas Maranzana (RA) Kosmic Racing Department (I) Kosmic/Vortex 220 P edro Hiltbrand (E)

Legenda: race number DRIVER NAME (driver nationality) Entrant (entrant nationality), chassis/engine 013

entry list 236 Tomi Vlad Dragan (RO) Luxor Racing Team (I) Lenzo Kart/LKE 237 Gianni Vigorito (I) Birel Motorsport (I) Birel/BMB 238 Jakub Dalewski (PL) ACR (PL) Tony Kart/TM 239 Carlo Del Bene (I) Del Bene Carlo (I) Tony Kart/TM 240 Alessio Guazzaroni (I) Guazzaroni Alessio (I) Intrepid/BMB 241 Dennis Grob (CH) Kart Club Locarno (CH) Tony Kart/Vortex 242 Andrea Moretti (I) Moretti Andrea (I) Tony Kart/TM 243 Marco Moretti (I) Moretti Marco (I) Tony Kart/TM 244 Lorenzo Paggi (I) Paggi Guido (I) Tony Kart/TM 245 James Misso Toti (I) RTM S.a.s. (I) Tony Kart/Vortex 247 Maxi Czyszek (PL) TK Racing (CDN) Tony Kart/Vortex 248 Sean Gelael (RI) Sean Gp (RI) FA Kart/Vortex 249 Mario Ziletti (I) Ziletti Roberto (I) LH/TM 250 Callan O’Keeffe (GB) Ricky Flynn Motorsport (GB) FA Kart/Vortex 251 Alessio Santilli (I) Comer S.p.A. (I) Top Kart/TM 252 Alessandro Pandolfi (I) Pandolfi Alessandro (I) Intrepid/TM Total: 47. Everyone with VEGA tyres. Tutti con gomme VEGA. 014 wsk Final Cup

KF3 301 Charles Leclerc (MC) Intrepid Driver Program (I) Intrepid/TM 302 George Russell (GB) Intrepid Driver Program (I) Intrepid/TM 303 Harrison Scott (GB) Intrepid Driver Program (I) Intrepid/TM 305 Maximilian Kurzbauer (A) Intrepid Driver Program (I) Intrepid/TM 306 Darius Oskoui (CH) Intrepid Driver Program (I) Intrepid/TM 307 Martin Kodric (HR) Intrepid Driver Program (I) Intrepid/TM 308 Tadasuke Makino (JAP) Tony Kart Racing Team (I) Tony Kart/Vortex 309 Yuta Shiraish (JAP) Tony Kart Junior Racing Team (I) Tony Kart/Vortex 310 Nicklas Nielsen (DK) Tony Kart Junior Racing Team (I) Tony Kart/Vortex 311 Alessio Piccini (I) Tony Kart Junior Racing Team (I) Tony Kart/Vortex 312 Matthew Graham (GB) MSport Karting (GB) Zanardi/Parilla 314 Max Defourny (L) Chiesa Corse (I) Zanardi/Parilla 315 Lance Stroll (CDN) Chiesa Corse (I) Zanardi/Parilla 316 Jinya Yamakawa (JAP) CRG S.p.A. (I) CRG/Parilla 318 Kevin Lavelli (I) Comer S.p.A. (I) Top Kart/TM 319 Simone Cunati (I) Emilia Kart S.r.l. (I) Top Kart/TM

320 R obin Hansson (S) Energy Corse S.r.l. (I) Energy/TM

337 B radley Shaw (GB) Williams Motorsport (GB) Tony Kart/TM

321 T hiago Vivacqua (BR) Energy Corse S.r.l. (I) Energy/TM

338 G iovanni Sportella (I) Sportella Antonio (I) Tony Kart/TM

322 C onnor Jupp (GB) Energy Corse S.r.l. (I) Energy/TM

339 K im Maxim (RUS) DR S.r.l. (I) DR/Parilla

323 V asily Romanov (RUS) Energy Corse S.r.l. (I) Energy/TM

340 M oreno Di Silvestre (I) DR S.r.l. (I) DR/Parilla

324 D anilo Albanese (I) Gandolfi Ennio Racing (I) Energy/TM

341 S lavko Ivanovic (DK) DR S.r.l. (I) DR/Parilla

325 C ostantino Peroni (I) Gandolfi Ennio Racing (I) Energy/TM

342 T homas Bale (UAE) Luxor Racing Team (I) Lenzo Kart/LKE

326 L uca Bottarelli (I) Gandolfi Ennio Racing (I) Energy/TM

343 A suka Muratomi (JAP) M.G.M. Racing (I) Birel/Parilla

327 G iuliano Raucci (BR) Gandolfi Ennio Racing (I) Energy/TM

344 J avier Cobian (E) M.G.M. Racing (I) Birel/Parilla

328 D alton Sergeant (USA) Ward Racing (S) Tony Kart/Vortex

345 T akeru Muratomi (JAP) M.G.M. Racing (I) Birel/Parilla

329 T ed Svendsen Ernholm (S) Ward Racing (S) Tony Kart/Vortex

346 N athan Aston (GB) Millennium Motorsport (GB) Intrepid/TM

330 M attia Vita (I) Birel Motorsport (I) Birel/BMB

347 M atteo Desideri (I) Desideri Alessandro (I) Tony Kart/TM

331 V incenzo Paparo (I) Birel Motorsport (I) Birel/BMB

348 T akuya Okada (JAP) Gandolfi Ennio Racing (I) Maranello/Maranello

332 M ario Martucci (I) Birel Motorsport (I) RK/BMB

351 P etrut Florescu (RO) Urban Fast (RO) Zanardi/Parilla

333 A lessio Lorandi (I) Baby Race S.r.l. (I) Tony Kart/Vortex

352 F rancesco Iacovacci (I) RTM S.a.s. (I) Tony Kart/Vortex

334 J oao Pedro Carvalho Barbosa (P) Baby Race S.r.l. (I) Tony Kart/Vortex

Total: 47. Everyone with VEGA tyres. Tutti con gomme VEGA.

335 G eorgy Antonov (RUS) AB Motorsport Racing Team S.n.c. (I) CRG/Parilla

60 Mini

336 K irill Karpov (RUS) Team Zinner (D) CRG/Parilla

401 M arcu Dionisios (RO) Sined Motor Sport (RO) Top Kart/LKE

Legenda: race number DRIVER NAME (driver nationality) Entrant (entrant nationality), chassis/engine

Ortona/27-30 October 2011 402 B erkay Besler (TR) Sined Motor Sport (RO) Top Kart/LKE

421 Arturo Melgar Alvarez (E) Baby Race S.r.l. (I) Tony Kart/LKE

438 Nikita Alexandrou (RUS) Energy Corse S.r.l. (I) Energy/Parilla

455 Gaby Weyer (GB) Prima Racing (GB) Birel/LKE

403 M akar Mizevych (UA) Sined Motor Sport (RO) Top Kart/LKE

422 Presley Martono (RI) Baby Race S.r.l. (I) Tony Kart/LKE

456 Billy Monger (GB) Prima Racing (GB) Birel/LKE

404 M ilen Ponomarenko (RUS) Sined Motor Sport (RO) Top Kart/LKE

423 Tomas Neto Apolonia (P) Baby Race S.r.l. (I) Tony Kart/LKE

439 Bin Abdul Gafar Muizzuddin Mus (MAL) Gamoto (I) Hero/LKE

405 A lexandra Marinescu (RO) Sined Motor Sport (RO) Top Kart/LKE

424 Marta Garcia (E) AV Racers (E) RK/LKE

406 K onstantinos Trakkas (GR) Sined Motor Sport (RO) Top Kart/LKE

425 Alex Machado (AND) AV Racers (E) RK/LKE

407 O tto Tjader (S) Sined Motor Sport (RO) Top Kart/LKE

426 Bruno Ochoa (E) AV Racers (E) RK/LKE

408 “ Alex” (I) Morsicani Racing S.a.s. (I) Tony Kart/LKE

427 Nicole Zailinger (A) AB Motorsport Racing Team S.n.c. (I) Tony Kart/Parilla

409 H ugo Hakkinen (FIN) T3M Sport (F) Top Kart/LKE

428 Victor Uchoa (BR) AB Motorsport Racing Team S.n.c. (I) CRG/Parilla

410 N oah Watt (DK) Ward Racing (S) Tony Kart/LKE

429 Kirill Kiselev (RUS) AB Motorsport Racing Team S.n.c. (I) Tony Kart/Parilla

411 A lexander Vartanyan (RUS) Ward Racing (S) Tony Kart/LKE

430 Gaetano Trivilino (I) All Black Motorsport (I) CRG/LKE

412 K ami Moreira Laliberte (CDN) Ward Racing (S) Tony Kart/LKE

431 Robin Furrer (CH) Comer S.p.A. (I) Top Kart/Parilla

414 R yuta Ueda (JAP) Birel Motorsport (I) Birel/LKE

432 Robert Shwartzman (I) Emilia Kart S.r.l. (I) Top Kart/LKE

415 S ebastian Fernandez (YV) Birel Motorsport (I) RK/LKE

433 Putra Minang Perdana (RI) Emilia Kart S.r.l. (I) Top Kart/LKE

416 M auricio Baiz (YV) Birel Motorsport (I) Birel/LKE

434 Luis Ramirez (PA) Emilia Kart S.r.l. (I) Top Kart/LKE

418 E liseo Martinez Merono (E) CRG S.p.A. (I) CRG/Parilla

435 Sophia Floersch (I) Emilia Kart S.r.l. (I) Top Kart/LKE

419 G jergj Haxhiu (CH) T3M Sport (F) Top Kart/LKE

436 James Pull (SGP) Emilia Kart S.r.l. (I) Top Kart/LKE

420 L eonardo Lorandi (I) Baby Race S.r.l. (I) Tony Kart/LKE

437 Alessandro Stura (I) Emilia Kart S.r.l. (I) Top Kart/Parilla

440 Alessio Pollara (I) Gamoto (I) Hero/LKE 441 Remigio Garofano (I) Garofano Angelo (I) Top Kart/LKE 442 Guven Ayancan (TR) Giugliano Camillo (I) Top Kart/Parilla 443 Andrei Vajda (RO) Go Kart Team (RO) Top Kart/LKE 444 Fotis Sotiropoulos (GR) GRT (GR) Top Kart/LKE 445 Petr Ptacek (CZ) Intrepid Driver Program (I) Intrepid/LKE 446 Thomas Krasonis (GR) Jolly Team S.r.l. (I) Tony Kart/Parilla 447 Giorgio Emiliano Carrara (RA) Luxor Racing Team (I) Lenzo Kart/LKE 448 Anton Haaga (S) Luxor Racing Team (I) Lenzo Kart/LKE 449 Marcus Paverud (N) Luxor Racing Team (I) Lenzo Kart/LKE 450 Vladimir Simion (RO) Luxor Racing Team (I) Lenzo Kart/LKE 451 Alessandro Maiorana (I) Maiorana Salvatore (I) Top Kart/LKE 452 Yohan Azedo Sousa (P) M.G.M. Racing (I) Birel Parilla

457 Michelangelo Nifosi (I) Nifosi Raffaele (I) FA Kart/LKE 458 Simon Reicher (A) Reicher (A) FA Kart/LKE 459 Federico Sandre (I) Sandre Livio (I) Parolin/Parilla 460 Marek Machulda (CZ) Orion Racing Team (CZ) Tony Kart/Vortex 461 A lexander Peroni (AUS) Centro Italia Korse (I) Top Kart/LKE 462 D evlin De Francesco (USA) DFR (USA) Top Kart/LKE 463 L orenzo Travisanutto (I) DEP Competition (I) Tony Kart/Parilla 464 A lessandro Brigatti (I) Brigatti Ennio (I) Birel/LKE 465 L llya Zamula (UA) Zamula Kjss (UA) Top Kart/LKE 466 G iuseppe Bianco (I) Bianco Carlo (I) Top Kart/Parilla 467 E steban Muth (B) AB Motorsport Racing Team S.n.c. (I) Hero/Parilla 468 F rancesco Pagano (I) Pagano Salvatore (I) Top Kart/Parilla 469 D iogo J. Garcia De A. P. (P) Comer S.p.A. (I) Top Kart/Comer

453 Maximilain Fewtrell (GB) MRM (GB) Top Kart/LKE

470 R uben Enrique R. Grillet Munoz (YV) Ciconetti Racing Team (I) RK/LKE

454 Thomas Harrison (GB) Prima Racing (GB) RK/LKE

Total: 68. Everyone with VEGA tyres. Tutti con gomme VEGA. 015


kF3 final

kF2 final

KZ1/KZ2 final

60 MINI final

KF3 PREfinal

kf2 prefinal

kZ prefinal








giov 26.10.2011 mer

Time Ora 08:00 – 17:15 08:00 – 17:15 10:40 – 18:00 08:00 – 13:30 09:00 – 13:00 08:20 – 12:55 13:10 – 15:05


Activity attività place luogo free practice prove libere sessions sessioni 15/20 min. track pista sessions sessioni 15/20 min. track pista free practice prove libere administrative checks controlli amministrativi mechanic pass decided delibera pass meccanici race secretary segretaria di gara tyre assembling montaggio pneumatici tech inspection verifiche tecniche closed lot parco chiuso briefing all drivers - entrants tutti i piloti - concorrenti WSK Point free practice prove libere sessions sessioni 15 min. track pista timing practices prove cronometrate sessions sessioni 10 min. track pista

15:30 – 17:10 eliminatory heats manches eliminatorie

races gare (KF2: 15 km, KF3: 10 km, Mini: 8 km)

track pista

08:00 – 10:15 warm up

sessions sessioni (15 min.)

track pista

10:20 – 17:20 eliminatory heats manches eliminatorie

KF2-KZ1/2:15 km, KF3: 10 km, Mini: 8 km

track pista

17:20 – 17:40 Recoveries Ripescaggi


track pista

08:00 – 10:15 warm up

sessions sessioni 10 min.

track pista

10:20 – 11:00 eliminatory heats manches eliminatorie

track pista

08:30 –10:00 tyre assembling montaggio pneumatici

KF2 finalists finalisti

closed lot parco chiuso

11:00 prefinal A prefinale A 08:30 –10:00 tyre assembling montaggio pneumatici

60 Mini KF3 finalists finalisti

track pista closed lot parco chiuso


prefinal B prefinale B

60 Mini

track pista


starting grid set up formazione dello schieramento

track pista


clear the track liberare la pista

track pista


start partenza

track pista


starting grid set up formazione dello schieramento

track pista


clear the track liberare la pista

track pista


start partenza

track pista


starting grid set up formazione dello schieramento

track pista


clear the track liberare la pista

track pista


start partenza

track pista


starting grid set up formazione dello schieramento

track pista


clear the track liberare la pista

track pista


start partenza

track pista


prize giving premiazione

track pista


starting grid set up formazione dello schieramento

track pista


clear the track liberare la pista

track pista


start partenza

track pista


prize giving premiazione

track pista


starting grid set up formazione dello schieramento

track pista


clear the track liberare la pista

track pista


start partenza

track pista


prize giving premiazione

track pista


starting grid set up formazione dello schieramento

track pista


clear the track liberare la pista

track pista


start partenza

track pista


prize giving premiazione

track pista


press conference conferenza stampa

WSK Point

WSK final cup 2011

016 wsk Final Cup

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