il Palio di Siena. a wordless story by debbi
il PALIO di SIENA story by debbi saccomanno chan this is a story that binds and has bonded Siena since medieval times. if you live in Siena you are born, married , and die in a contrada. it is these contrada who take their colors and symbols to the 90 second horserace for which the entire year has revolved around. but not for money. but for a passion that has formed their lives and their culture and has shaped them as a strong people for hundreds of years. i could write books on the Palio. on the art, the symbolism, the horses and riders, or i can let you make a story of your own as you look through the paintings that i have done in my own passion for this remarkable event . so here it is. in the beginning , several 70’ continuous paintings coming together in a folding album and now for your ease of viewing, as a magazine. viva il Palio...