The Beacon Aug-Sep 2012

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Aug-Sep 2012

"I can imagine no more rewarding a career. And any man who may be asked in this century what he did to make his life worthwhile, I think can respond with a good deal of pride and satisfaction: 'I served in the United States Navy.'" President John F. Kennedy, 1 August 1963, in Bancroft Hall at the U. S. Naval Academy.

Inside this issue: Adm. Stavridis visits Souda Bay P1 A message from your CMC P2

Admiral James Stavridis, Supreme Allied Commander, Europe and Commander,U.S. European Command visited NSA Souda Bay on the 5th of September 2012. Adm Stavridis joined by General Michail Kostarakos, Greek Chief of Defence were provided a brief and tour of the NATO Marathi Pier complex by Captain James Gibson, NSA's Commanding Officer onboard one of NSA’s Harbor Patrol Unit vessels.

9/11 Remembered


Serving the fleet


In memory of ABF1 Dang




Aug 2012 Awards


CPO Selectees 2012


National Night Out 2012


Ready Navy


Produced by NSA Souda Bay Public Affairs

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A message from your CMC Team Souda,

duty, at work and at home. I need everyone to take a look at what your Well, summer is almost over. It's plans are and just step back for a few hard to believe that the children back moments and look and see if you are home will soon return to school if overlooking an important safety step. they haven't already. Everyone here Life is too precious not to take a few at Souda Bay has been working very extra moments to make sure we are hard supporting our mission. What safe in what we are doing. Also, our makes it tougher than normal, is we DUI numbers are better than last had one of the hottest summers on year, but Navy wide they are up. record here. But, with the vast num- The Navy is experiencing very good ber of beaches here, I hope everyone retention numbers these last few had a chance to take some time off years. We have more civilians who and cool your heals in the water. want to become Sailors and more Sailors who want to stay Navy. I want to take a few moments to conThere are various reason why this is gratulate our newest Sailors who will happening, but I bring this up to be advancing to the ranks of Chief make a point. Do not make it easy Petty Officer on 14SEP12. They are: for the Navy to tell you need to go LNC (Select) Ronspies, MAC home because your got a DUI. If (Select) Terou, MAC (Select) your plans are to make the Navy a Quichocho, and MAC (Select) Claycareer or you plan on getting out at ton. This is a very important time the end of your current enlistment or for these Sailors and their families. contract, do so on your terms when They have worked very hard to get your ready. Not because you made a this point in their careers and if you bad decision and got behind the have a chance to see them or their wheel after you have been drinking. families back home, congratulate Your career more than likely will not them. survive it. Not to mention anyone Overall, our Safety mishap numbers you may have hurt as a result of an are better than last year. But wecon- accident as a result of your driving while intoxicated. Pick up the phone tinue to hurt ourselves on and off and call for help if you find yourself

Todd Prayner Command Master Chief in this situation. That is a call most would rather receive than the one if you are in an accident or the cause of one. Please have a safe remainder of the summer. v/r, Master Chief

9/11 Remembered at NSA Souda Bay

A 9/11 remembrance ceremony was held at NSA Souda Bay on the 11th anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks on the United States. Here are some images taken during the ceremony that was organized by NSA’s Fire and Security departments. THE BEACON

Produced by NSA Souda Bay Public Affairs

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Serving the fleet

Aug-Sep 2012

The sailors, airmen, US, and Local National civilians assigned to "Team Souda" have a history and a reputation of providing 24/7 sustained superior support to the fleet, NATO, and Partner nations.

U.S. Navy photos by Paul Farley

SOUDA BAY, Greece (Aug. 28, 2012) USS Halyburton (FFG-40), an OLIVER HAZARD PERRY-class frigate, arrives for a scheduled port visit. Halyburton is homeported in Mayport, Fla. and currently on a scheduled deployment operating in the U.S. 6th Fleet area of responsibility.

For the latest news and updates on NSA Souda Bay visit: Other official Souda Bay Links: AUG-SEP 2012

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Tribute to ABF1 Dang for memorial service in NSA’s Chapel on 10 August 2012

The U.S. Naval Support Activity lost a key member of our Souda Bay Team when Aviation Boatswainsmate Fuels 1st Class Dang Hoanh Thanh died on August 3rd, 2012 as a result of heart failure while on leave visiting his family in Dong Nai, Vietnam.

Photos from ABF1 Dang’s funeral service in Vietnam

Petty Officer Dang was assigned to NAVSUP Fleet Logistics Center Sigonella Site Souda Bay Fuels Department for the past year and also had a previous assignment here at NSA Souda Bay. Petty Officer Dang will be greatly missed by us all. Our thoughts and prayers are with his family. He is survived by his parents and nine brothers and sisters who live in Vietnam.


Produced by NSA Souda Bay Public Affairs

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AUG-SEP 2012

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Aug-Sep 2012 Awards

Congratulations to each and every one for their noteworthy accomplishments! THE BEACON

Produced by NSA Souda Bay Public Affairs

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Navy Exchange Souda Bay hosted a CPO Selectee appreciation event in their main store on 14 August for NSA Souda Bay and USS Cole selectees. Regarding the event, Navy Exchange General Manager Ms. Courtney Jackson said "This is such a grea...t milestone in the Navy Enlisted Sailor's career, and I am so thankful that the NEX could be a part of the celebration! It is such an honor to host this event and take the time to celebrate this greataccomplishment of not only our local CPO selectees from NSA Souda Bay, but having those from the USS Cole join us made this celebration even more meaningful! The NEX wanted to make this CPO-selectee season just as special for the USS Cole as they are deployed to the area, so we were glad they accepted the invitation to join in this event at the NEX. We are here to serve our Sailors and recognizing and celebrating these milestones is so important!"

Left to right: MAC(Sel) Doug Terou, MAC(Sel) Jay Quichocho, LNC(Sel) Jennifer Ronspies, and MAC(Sel) Timothy Clayton AUG-SEP 2012

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Here are some images of our recent National Night Out event organized by NSA's Security and Fire departments that was held onboard the installation on Friday, 24 August. National Night Out is an annual event held in over 15,000 communities from all 50 states, U.S. territories, Canadian cities and military bases worldwide. National Night Out is designed to: ~Promote crime and drug prevention awareness. ~Generate support and participation in crime prevention efforts. ~Strengthen neighborhood spirit and police/community relations. ~Send a message to criminals to let them know that neighborhoods are organized and residents are fighting back. THE BEACON

Produced by NSA Souda Bay Public Affairs

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Washington, D.C. (TBD) – The U.S. Navy launches newly branded emergency preparedness program, READY NAVY! Formerly called Operation Prepare, Ready Navy adds new energy and tools to further empower Navy personnel and families in their role as an emergency preparedness partner, ready for any hazard. Website, factsheets, brochures, posters, and a new training course are a few of the program’s highlights. Visit today.

a role. Individual preparedness refor possible emergencies is a family duces stress and saves lives, property, preparedness plan. Everyone in the and time. family should understand what to do, where to go, and what to take in the event of an emergency. Your emergency plan should include how your family will communicate with each other, particularly if normal communication methods, such as phone lines or cell towers, are out. Have a contact person outside the area that each member of the family “When living in Naples, Italy, we can notify that they are safe. Also, had a European-wide rolling blackplan ahead for how you will evacuout.” Says CSI (SS) Michael Gray, ate the area and where your family During 2011’s record year of natural “The first thing we realized is we had will meet if you are evacuated sepahazard incidents, thousands of mem- no money and we couldn’t pull out rately. Learn about the mustering money because all the power is bers of the Navy Community were requirements at your command and down, day two comes along and directly impacted and many were become familiar with the Navy Famwe’re pretty much out of bottled wa- ily Accountability and Assessment forced to evacuate their homes. News of earthquakes in Japan, New ter. It really emphasized the fact that System (NFAAS) (https:// we needed a plan, we needed to have If you are staZealand, and Virginia; tsunami water, and we needed to have waves that originated in Japan and tioned overseas, learn about addireached California and Hawaii; vol- canned food lying around. We just tional Noncombatant Evacuation needed more than we had.” canic activity in Indonesia, GuateOrders procedures. mala, and Hawaii; and wildfires, Build a Kit: The best way to prepare hurricanes, rampant tornadoes, and for the unexpected is to create one or flooding throughout the US inunmore emergency kits that include dated media reports. Today, with enough supplies for at least three wildfires raging in California and days. Keep a kit prepared at home, hurricanes at the forefront of the and consider having kits in your car, news, emergency preparedness has at work, and a portable version in never been more paramount. your home ready to take with you. “The move to READY NAVY These kits will enable you and your strengthens the outreach of Navy’s family to respond to an emergency already beneficial emergency preparmore effectively. Your various emeredness program by aligning it with gency kits will be useful whether you other DOD and National Preparedhave to shelter-in-place or evacuate. ness awareness campaigns,” says Be sure your kits address the needs Owen McIntyre, CNIC N37, Proof small children, individuals with gram Director, “Navy personnel and Commander, Navy Installations special needs, and your pets. Command asks, “Are You Ready families will benefit from tips and tools that continue to empower them Navy?” to be ready for any emergency, now Be Informed: Find out what disasters For information about with a name with which they can are most likely to happen in your Ready Navy and tips, forms, identify - one that communicates the area and the history of their occurand guidance to be prepared strength of the Navy community, st rence, and learn about any specific for and stay informed about all hazready for 21 Century challenges.” instructions or information you may ards, visit Preparedness is indeed a partnership. need to know regarding these speReady Navy is a CNIC sponsored Navy Region and Installation Emer- cific disasters. emergency preparedness program. gency Managers are hard at work to Have a Plan: Another important tool ensure readiness for any emergent incident, and every individual plays you and your family need to prepare

‘Empowering Navy Personnel and Families through Emergency Preparedness’

AUG-SEP 2012

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