The Beacon Newsletter, August 2022

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BEACON U.S. Naval Support Activity Souda Bay, Greece

August 2022

The Beacon

THE BEACON Warfighting First, Operate Forward, Be Ready

Warfighting First, Operate Forward, Be Ready

Commanding Officer, NSA Souda Bay Capt. Ryan T. Tewell CAPT Odin J. Klug COMMANDING OFFICER Executive Officer Michael Mosi EXECUTIVE Cmdr. OFFICER WernerCDR J. Rauchenstein COMMAND MASTER CHIEF CMDCM Igor Vargas Command Master Chief CMDCM Neal T. Olds THE BEACON NEWSLETTER PUBLIC AFFAIRS OFFICER Carolyn Jackson DEPUTY PUBLIC AFFAIRS OFFICER Nicholas S. Tenorio PUBLIC AFFAIRS SPECIALIST Kostas Fantaousakis

Beacon Staff/Public Affairs Office

Public Affairs Officer, 266-1244 HOW TO CONTACT US Assistant Public Affairs Officer, 266-1392 Joel Diller EMAIL ONLINE Community Relations, 266-1348 Kostas Fantaousakis PHONE +30 28210-21348 WRITE PSC814 BOX 1, FPO, AE, 09266 FOLLOW US ON FACEBOOK Contact Email (All PAO personnel): Jacky Fisher

TheBeacon Beaconisisthe theprofessional professionalonline onlinenewsletter newsletterofofNSA NSASouda SoudaBay Bay Public Affairs.Information Information contained The Public Affairs. in The Beacon notdoes necessarily reflect the official views views of theof U.S. the Department contained in Thedoes Beacon not necessarily reflect the official the Government, U.S. Government, the of Defense or the Department of the Navy. Editorial content is prepared by the Public Department of Defense or the Department of the Navy. Editorial content is prepared by theAffairs PublicOffice of NSA Souda Bay. Affairs Office of NSA Souda Bay. for publication The Beacon should be submitted to ArticlesArticles for publication in The in Beacon should be submitted to Story submissions must be routed through tenant command or departmental leadership. Story submissions must be routed through tenant command or departmental senior senior leadership. Securityand and policy review must completed before submissions canconsidered be considered for publication. Security policy review must bebe completed before submissions can be for publication.

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Contents August 2022

8 Change of Command

4 Triad Corner

26 Souda Spotlight

32 Monthly Health Check-In

by CAPT Odin J. Klug Commanding Officer

MC3 Karri Langerman Eirini Hatzidaki Christy Eschenbacher

by LCDR Thomas VanBrunt




AFN Souda Bay Broadcasts Live

Chaplain's Corner

Holidays in Greece

from MWR's Deadlifts & Donuts

by LCDR Joshua Hickman

15th of August Celebration

Front Cover: Capt. Odin J. Klug delivers remarks as he assumes command of U. S. Naval Support Activity Souda Bay from Capt. Rafael C. Facundo during a Change of Command Ceremony, July 29, 2022. Photo by Nicholas S. Tenorio, Public Affairs. The Parting Shot: Capt. Rafael C. Facundo departs the Change of Command Ceremony for NSA Souda Bay after relinquishing command to Capt. Odin J. Klug, July 29, 2022. Photo by Nicholas S. Tenorio, Public Affairs.

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Triad Corner

Team Souda, My wife, Tiffany, and I are excited to join this outstanding team! Whether you are in the military, U.S. civilian or local national employee, contractor, or family member – you are essential to NSA Souda Bay’s continued success, and we look forward to meeting and getting to know you. We are excited and eager to learn more about the Greek and Cretan cultures while strengthening the friendships and partnerships that exist with NSA Souda Bay’s neighboring communities. In fact, I will do everything I can to build relationships across this beautiful island and country. Being your Commanding Officer is a great honor and a great responsibility. I do not take either lightly. I am committed to continually developing your professional expertise while ensuring you have a safe work Page 4

environment and an enjoyable quality of life. I can tell from my interactions so far that you are committed to upholding your responsibilities as well. Together we are going to take what is already an excellent Naval Support Activity and elevate it to the PREMIER location for support in the region. I want you know how important YOU are to our national defense. The United States relies on the key infrastructure we provide from this strategic location in the Eastern Mediterranean – the all-weather airfield, the deep-water pier facility, the refueling and resupply services. In turn, we enable support to the warfighter across the European, African, and Central Command areas of responsibility and are critical for operations, crisis and contingency efforts, and exercises. The fact that NSA Souda Bay exists and that we have access to these vital

resources and services is because Greece and the United States have a shared commitment to preserve peace and stability in the region, as evidenced by the Mutual Defense Cooperation Agreement between our two countries. While instruments like these happen at the strategic level, at Souda Bay we are fortunate to work with our Hellenic counterparts on an operational and individual basis. We have the privilege to get to know one another and to share knowledge and experiences that help increase our military interoperability and readiness. I firmly believe it is from this vantage point we truly begin to understand and appreciate the differences and similarities in our militaries AND in our cultures, and I am looking forward to working with my counterparts to provide more of these experiences within our military communities.

and working in a beautiful country, I know that for many of you this is not an easy assignment. The operational tempo here is high and your families are far away. This makes it even more important that we, as a command, build a family here – respect one another, look out for one another, and move forward each day with a desire to do our best – for ourselves, our teammates, our families, our Nation. I am encouraged by the professionalism and enthusiasm I’ve seen already. I am excited to see what we will build and where we will go TOGETHER.

~ Skipper Klug

Team Souda, although we are living Page 5

Η Γωνιά της Τριάδας

Ομάδα Σούδας, Η σύζυγος μου η Tiffany και εγώ, είμαστε ενθουσιασμένοι που θα γίνουμε μέλος αυτής της εξαιρετικής ομάδας! Είτε είστε μέλος του στρατιωτικού και πολιτικού προσωπικού των Η.Π.Α., είτε Έλληνας εργαζόμενος, μέλος του προσωπικού των εργολάβων ή μέλος οικογένειας, είστε απαραίτητοι για τη συνεχή επιτυχία της Αμερικανικής Ευκολίας Αεροπορικής Βάσης Σούδας και ανυπομονούμε να σας συναντήσουμε και να σας γνωρίσουμε. Είμαστε ενθουσιασμένοι και ανυπόμονοι να μάθουμε περισσότερα για τον Ελληνικό και τον Κρητικό πολιτισμό, ενισχύοντας παράλληλα τις φιλίες και τις συνεργασίες που ήδη υπάρχουν με τις γειτονικές κοινότητες της περιοχής που φιλοξενείται η Ευκολία. Θα κάνω ότι μπορώ για να οικοδομήσω σχέσεις φιλίας και εμπιστοσύνης σε αυτό το όμορφο νησί και αυτήν την υπέροχη χώρα. Το να είμαι Διοικητής σας, είναι μεγάλη τιμή και μεγάλη ευθύνη. Την τιμή αυτή και την ευθύνη τις παίρνω σοβαρά. Page 6

Δεσμεύομαι να αναπτύσσω συνεχώς την επαγγελματική σας εμπειρία, διασφαλίζοντας παράλληλα ένα ασφαλές εργασιακό περιβάλλον και μια ευχάριστη ποιότητα ζωής. Μπορώ να καταλάβω από τις μέχρι τώρα αλληλεπιδράσεις μου, ότι είστε αποφασισμένοι να εκπληρώνετε τις ευθύνες που απαιτεί απο εσάς η εργασία σας. Μαζί, θα αναλάβουμε την ήδη εξαιρετική εγκατάσταση υποστήριξης για τις ένοπλες δυνάμεις μας και θα την κάνουμε το ΚΟΡΥΦΑΙΟ κέντρο υποστήριξης στην περιοχή. Θέλω να ξέρετε πόσο σημαντικοί είστε για την εθνική μας άμυνα. Οι Ηνωμένες Πολιτείες βασίζονται στη βασική υποδομή που παρέχουμε από αυτήν τη στρατηγική τοποθεσία στην Ανατολική Μεσόγειο: το αεροδρόμιο παντός καιρού, την εγκατάσταση προβλήτας βαθέων υδάτων, τις υπηρεσίες ανεφοδιασμού υλικών και καυσίμων. Με τη σειρά μας, επιτρέπουμε την παροχή υποστήριξης στο στρατιωτικό προσωπικό σε όλες τις περιοχές ευθύνης της Ευρωπαικής, Αφρικανικής και Κεντρικής Διοίκησης

(European, African, and Central Command) οι οποίες είναι κρίσιμες για τις επιχειρήσεις, την διαχείρηση κρίσεων και εκτάκτων αναγκών καθώς και για την διεξαγωγή ασκήσεων. Το γεγονός ότι υπάρχει η Αμερικανική Ευκολία και ότι έχουμε πρόσβαση σε αυτούς τους ζωτικούς πόρους και υπηρεσίες, οφείλεται στο ότι η Ελλάδα και οι Ηνωμένες Πολιτείες έχουν κοινή δέσμευση για τη διατήρηση της ειρήνης και της σταθερότητας στην περιοχή, όπως αποδεικνύεται από τη Συμφωνία Αμοιβαίας Αμυντικής Συνεργασίας μεταξύ των δύο χωρών μας. Ενώ συμφωνίες όπως αυτές συμβαίνουν σε στρατηγικό επίπεδο, στην Αμερικανική Ευκολία έχουμε την τύχη να συνεργαζόμαστε με τους Έλληνες ομολόγους μας, τόσο σε επιχειρησιακή όσο και ιδιαίτερη βάση. Έχουμε το προνόμιο ότι μπορούμε να γνωριστούμε και να μοιραστούμε γνώσεις και εμπειρίες που συμβάλλουν στην αύξηση της στρατιωτικής διαλειτουργικότητας και ετοιμότητας. Πιστεύω ακράδαντα ότι από αυτό το σημείο υπεροχής αρχίζουμε πραγματικά να κατανοούμε και να εκτιμούμε τις διαφορές και τις ομοιότητες μεταξύ των ενόπλων δυνάμεων

μας ΚΑΙ των πολιτισμών μας, και ανυπομονώ να συνεργαστώ με τους Έλληνες ομολόγους μου για να προσφέρουμε περισσότερες από αυτές τις εμπειρίες στις στρατιωτικές μας κοινότητες. Ομάδα Σούδας, αν και ζούμε και εργαζόμαστε σε μια όμορφη χώρα, ξέρω ότι για πολλούς από εσάς αυτή δεν είναι εύκολη αποστολή. Ο ρυθμός λειτουργίας εδώ είναι έντονος και οι οικογένειές σας είναι μακριά. Αυτό καθιστά ακόμη πιο σημαντικό εμείς, ως στρατιωτική μονάδα, να συνεχίσουμε να χτίζουμε μια οικογένεια εδώ, να σεβόμαστε ο ένας τον άλλον, να προσέχουμε ο ένας τον άλλον και να προχωράμε κάθε μέρα με την επιθυμία να κάνουμε το καλύτερο δυνατό για εμάς, τους συναδέλφους μας, τις οικογένειές μας και το Έθνος μας. Με ενθαρρύνει ο επαγγελματισμός και ο ενθουσιασμός που έχω ήδη δει. Είμαι ανυπόμονος να δω τι θα χτίσουμε και που θα πάμε όλοι ΜΑΖΙ.

' Klug ~ Διοικητής Page 7

Change of Comm

Photos by Nicholas S.

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Capt. Odin J. Klug relieved Capt. Rafael C Naval Support Activity Souda Bay during

mand Ceremony

. Tenorio, Public Affairs

C. Facundo as commanding officer of a change of command ceremony, July 29.

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Master-at-Arms Third Class Terryl Freeman

Boatswain’s Mate Third Class Joseph Johnson

Master-at-Arms Third Class Quanshanae McConico Master-at-Arms Third Class Dakota Mendez Master-at-Arms Seaman Blue Richison Navy Achievement Medal

Master-at-Arms First Class Dylan Boyd

Master-at-Arms Second Class Dwight Bailey

Master-at-Arms Second Class Matthew McGhin Master-at-Arms Second Class Jonathan Scholl Master-at-Arms Second Class Jorge Tobias Flag Letter of Commendation

Air Traffic Controller Second Class Henry Waterman

Aviation Boatswain’s Mate Launching And Recovery Equipment Airman Ellelia Black Letter of Commendation

Aviation Boatswain's Mate Aircraft Handling Airman Apprentice Francisco Sanchez Sailor of the Quarter

Boatswain’s Mate Second Class Rebecca Brook Junior Sailor of the Quarter

Master-at-Arms Third Class Zach Fears Blue Jacket of the Quarter

Air Traffic Controller Airman Trevor Barrett Small Craft Qualification

Master-at-Arms Second Class Robert Millard Page 14

Master-at-Arms Second Class Jerry Perry

Senior Civilian 2nd Quarter Mr. Michael Tyburski

Civilian Length of Service Awards Ms. Irene Antiparioti (10 Years) Mr. Joshua Spivey (10 Years)

Mr. Jonathan Torrez (10 Years) Mr. Scott Tucker (10 Years)

Ms. Audrey Champagne (15 Years)

Mr. Georgios Papantonakis (15 Years) Mr. Garvin Purtteman (15 Years) Mr. Richard Valentine (15 Years)

Mr. Georgios Vogiatzis (15 Years) Ms. Styliani Charissi (20 Years)

Mr. Ioannis Karampetsos (20 Years)

Mr. Georgios Koutsouklakis (20 Years) Mr. Vassileios Poulakis (20 Years)

Awards at Quarters Ceremony Photo by Nicholas S. Tenorio, Public Affairs

Navy Capt. Rafael Facundo, NSA Souda Bay’s commanding officer, recognized Team Souda’s Sailors and civilians for their outstanding achievements during an awards ceremony at the Fitness Center on July 21.

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Master-at-Arms 1st Class Trevor Guevara Reenlistment Ceremony Photo by PS1 John Braun, Admin Department


aster-at-Arms 1st Class Trevor Guevara (right) received his Certificate of Reenlistment from Chief Warrant Officer 2 Timothy Thurman, NSA Souda Bay's administration officer, during his July 1 reenlistment in front of Building 1.

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Master-at-Arms 1st Class Curtis Jackson Reenlistment Ceremony Photo by MA1 Tia Yau, Security Department


aster-at-Arms 1st Class Curtis Jackson (right) received his Certificate of Reenlistment from Ensign Christopher Gibbs, NSA Souda Bay's security officer, during his July 12 reenlistment in the Building 58 training classroom.

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Master-at-Arms 1st Class Luke Robart Reenlistment Ceremony Photo by Nicholas S. Tenorio, Public Affairs


aster-at-Arms 1st Class Luke Robart (left) recites the U.S. military oath of enlistment administered by Ensign Christopher Gibbs, NSA Souda Bay's security officer, aboard a harbor patrol boat near the NATO Marathi Pier Complex on July 14. Robart, a native of Plainwell, Mich., said the Navy has given him many opportunities and allowed him to travel to great places, and that he is looking forward to the next chapter in his Navy career.

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Master-at-Arms 2nd Class William Osortocastro Reenlistment Ceremony Photo by Nicholas S. Tenorio, Public Affairs


aster-at-Arms 2nd Class William Osortocastro (right) recites the U.S. military oath of enlistment administered by Ensign Christopher Gibbs, NSA Souda Bay's security officer, aboard a harbor patrol boat near the NATO Marathi Pier Complex on July 14. Osortocastro, a native of Ossining, N.Y., said he is looking forward to advancing his career in the Navy and more opportunities to travel the world.

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Master-at-Arms 2nd Class Joseph Sherwood Reenlistment Ceremony Photo by Nicholas S. Tenorio, Public Affairs


aster-at-Arms 2nd Class Joseph Sherwood (left) recites the U.S. military oath of enlistment administered by Cmdr. Michael Mosi, executive officer, Naval Support Activity Souda Bay, on July 15. Sherwood, a native of Mount Airy, Md., said he reenlisted in order to continue his pursuit of a career as a limited duty officer in the Navy.

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Master-at-Arms 2nd Class Elijah Stowers Reenlistment Ceremony Photo by MA1 Tia Yau, Security Department


aster-at-Arms 2nd Class Elijah Stowers (right) recites the U.S. military oath of enlistment administered by Chief Warrant Officer 2 Timothy Thurman, NSA Souda Bay's administration officer, during his July 22 reenlistment in front of Building 1.

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MA1 John Cameron MA1 Riley Orzechowski Reenlistment Ceremony Photo by MA1 Tia Yau, Security Department


aster-at-Arms 1st Class John Cameron (left) and Master-at-Arms 1st Class Riley Orzechowski recite the U.S. military oath of enlistment administered by Lt. Joshua Matias at the NATO Marathi Pier Complex on July 26.

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Come On In USS Forrest Sherman! Photos by Nicholas S. Tenorio, Public Affairs

The Arleigh Burke-class guided missile destroyer USS Forrest Sherman (DDG 98), homeported at Naval Station Norfolk, Norfolk, Va., arrived at the NATO Marathi Pier Complex for a scheduled port visit on July 15. USS Forrest Sherman is on a scheduled deployment in the U.S. Naval Forces Europe area of operations, employed by U.S. Sixth Fleet, to defend U.S., Allied and Partner interests. Supporting the Fleet: Equipment Operator 3rd Class Isaiah Smith, assigned to Naval Support Activity Souda Bay, places a concrete barrier to control access to the Arleigh Burke-class guided missile destroyer USS Forrest Sherman (DDG 98) upon the ship’s arrival to the NATO Marathi Pier Complex in Souda Bay, Greece,on July 15.

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Live Fire Simulator Training Story and photos by Nicholas S. Tenorio, Public Affairs


irefighters from Naval Support Activity Souda Bay Fire & Emergency Services participated in a first-of-its-kind live fire simulation training for instructors at a new training facility located at the Hellenic Air Force's 115th Combat Wing on July 25 and 26. The training enabled veterans of the fire department to safely participate in live fire simulation training, which they will then administer to the entire 60-person department. “The firefighters participating in this training will be the training cadre moving forward,” said Logan Rodgers, assistant chief of training at NSA Souda Bay. “We’ve got 60 firefighters, both local national and U.S. Come fall, when it cools down a little bit, every one of the firefighters will be running through a daytime and nighttime evolution.” NSA Souda Bay invited Javier Arellano, battalion chief at Naval Station Rota, Spain, to facilitate this training; he regularly conducts similar training for Naval Station Rota Fire & Emergency Services. “This training system allows the firefighters to safely observe and control what’s going on inside the burn room, said Arellano. “Firefighters are able to see how the fire grows, how it develops, and how it behaves depending on the intervening actions we decide to take.” The NSA Souda Bay Fire & Emergency Services maintains 24/7 readiness to respond to medical, structural and flight line emergencies while also seeking to prevent such emergencies through inspections and education.

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“When we talk about the readiness of our people, this training facility really provides the next level of depth to our training,” said Rodgers. “We obviously don’t get to do this all the time, so the more often we get to do it, the better.” The training facility will be utilized by both the NSA Souda Bay Fire & Emergency Services and the Hellenic Fire Station, which maintains a station at the 115th Combat Wing. “Our end goal is to be able to have seamless mutual response with the Hellenic Fire Station,” said Rodgers. “We’re excited for the opportunity to be able to train with them, but in order to do that, we needed a facility like this.” Firefighter Michael Tsikoudakis, assigned to Naval Support Activity Souda Bay Fire & Emergency Services, participates in live fire simulation training for instructors at a training facility located at the Hellenic Air Force's 115th Combat Wing, on July 25 and 26.

Firefighters Michael Tsikoudakis (left) and Manolis Prasakis, both assigned to Naval Support Activity Souda Bay Fire & Emergency Services, in full gear during the training.

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Souda Spotlight: Mass Communication Specialist 3rd Class Karri Langerman Broadcaster

American Forces Network Souda Bay By Nicholas S. Tenorio, Public Affairs. Photo by MC3 Caroline Lui

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ass Communication Specialist 3rd Class Karri Langerman, a native of Milwaukee, Wis., is a broadcaster for the American Forces Network Souda Bay, who arrived at command in April. She holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Global Communication from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. Prior to enlisting in the Navy, Langerman lived in Europe teaching English as a second language for two years in Paris and three years in northern Germany. What inspired you to join the Navy?

What has been a career highlight here?

I needed a fresh start on life when I left Germany. I was sitting on the balcony of my brother's house in Chania — who at the time was assigned to NSA Souda Bay as an Aviation Ordnanceman — when I decided to follow in his footsteps and join the navy.

My favorite part of the job is working with the NSA Souda Bay leadership on the Friday morning radio show. They provide such great insight into everything and are absolutely fascinating to speak with.

What do you do at NSA Souda Bay? I'm the morning DJ on 107.3 AFN The Eagle! What role does your office/department play for NSA Souda Bay (in other words, how does your work contribute to overall operational readiness)? We have our two radio shows, from 6-10 a.m. and 3-6 p.m., where we're playing music, talking about things going on around base, command information and other interesting things. This summer we've also been doing video coverage of around base, as well as touristic areas around Crete. What is your favorite thing about the work you do at NSA Souda Bay? I love how much I get to interact with and get to know all of the other Sailors around base. Talking to people and hearing their stories is one of my favorite things, so being able to do it as my job is very rewarding.

When not at work, what do you enjoy doing? My favorite thing to do is travel. There is no better feeling than getting off a plane in a new country, ready to experience everything that it has to offer. What is something you enjoy about living in Greece and/or something you have learned about Greece since living here? I absolutely love the food here. I love all the fresh ingredients. It’s all always so good. What is something else you want Team Souda to know about you or the work you do at NSA Souda Bay? That everyone should download the AFN Go App to have easy access to all of your favorite AFN stations, gas prices, traffic updates and so much more!

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Souda Spotlight: Eirini Hatzidaki

Management & Program Assistant NAVSUP FLCSI Souda Bay By Kostas Fantaousakis, Public Affairs

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irini Hatzidaki, a native of Chania, was hired by NAVSUP FLCSI Souda Bay as a management and program assistant in their business office in November 2021, but she’s been a member of Team Souda since 2006, when she was hired by the Navy Exchange.

What is a typical day at the office?

What is your favorite thing about your job?

Every day is different with new challenges ahead. We are responsible for the preparation of letters, memorandums, notices and other office documentation. We serve as records management coordinators for the department. We also coordinate with the Visitor Control Center to obtain access for our members and visitors. We provide check in and/or check out assistance to department employees. We receive and deliver official mail. We prepare the TDY (temporary duty) travels for our members. We as government purchase card holders are responsible to purchase supplies and services for our department. As an alternate telephone control officer, I ensure access to phone systems for our department personnel in Souda Bay and Athens. My senior coworkers in the office have been coaching and mentoring me and patiently answering all of my questions daily. I am so happy and grateful being there with them.

That every day is a challenge for me. Not just because I am learning new things, since I am only 8 months here at this office, but also because I believe that quality of customer service is of utmost importance. Our members have just moved to a new place and they need to adjust so it is very important for them to get help in order to do that. I know that they feel homesick and sometimes it is difficult for them to adjust to a new place so we are trying to make their life a bit easier.

What role does NAVSUP play at NSA Souda Bay? NAVSUP provides logistics, business and quality of life services to U.S. Naval, Joint and Allied customers throughout Greece and the Eastern Mediterranean. We operate NSA Souda Bay's fuel services, hazardous material center, cargo and transportation services, material support and logistics support center. Our personal property team handles the movement of household goods and personal vehicles. Our customs team supports property transfer and tax relief needs and our postal team manages the secure movement of mail.

When you are not at work, what do you enjoy doing? I love gardening, treating my own flowers. Also I love spending time with my crazy puppy, Suzy, trying to train her. I enjoy cooking for family and friends. My favorite kind of music is hard rock, heavy metal and I love going to concerts whenever they are available. Another activity that I enjoy is going outdoors and picking up greens and herbs from the mountains. For example, I collect thyme and a popular Greek herb called “throumpi”, it’s like a mix between thyme and oregano. I use the herbs in my cooking or give them to my friends. What do you want Team Souda to know about your office and NAVSUP? That we are here to support them in the best way possible. Whatever issues they encounter we are here to provide assistance, advise and guide them. We are always willing to go the “extra mile” to support our members.

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Souda Spotlight: Christy Eschenbacher

Fleet Readiness Director Morale, Welfare & Recreation By Nicholas S. Tenorio, Public Affairs

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hristy Eschenbacher, a native of McMinnville, Tenn., is NSA Souda Bay’s Fleet Readiness Director where she oversees the base Navy Morale, Welfare, and Recreation program and the Minoan Taverna (Galley). She has worked for MWR for 16 years and holds a Master’s degree in recreation, sports and tourism. Prior to joining NSA Souda Bay, Christy was the Community Recreation Director for NSA Mid-South. What do you do at NSA Souda Bay? I oversee the Galley and all the MWR programs at Souda Bay to provide quality of life programs to our service members. My team makes sure that we are meeting the needs and wants of our community as best as we can. Why did you want to work for the government? And why did you want to work at NSA Souda Bay? I love the mission. I love getting to support our service members and provide morale boosting activities and trips for them. I love the idea of helping to create positive memories for our Sailors. I, of course, love being able to live on a Greek island, but I love how much more involved we get to be when working at our overseas locations. What has been a career highlight here? Getting to coordinate and execute all the logistics to support the USS TRUMAN when it was in port on two occasions. It was so rewarding to see sailors walk off the brow and see music and food and entertainment waiting on them.

What is something you have enjoyed about living in Greece? Something I have enjoyed is getting to spend time with the locals and learn more about their very rich and old culture, and be able to delve more into the mythology. Does MWR only provide services and activities for active duty Sailors? MWR offers services and activities for everyone with base access! While some programs -- like the Liberty Center -- are only open for junior Sailors, other programs like outdoor recreation can be enjoyed by all. We also offer familyfriendly and child-oriented activities like the summer reading program. Upcoming events and activities are published in the plan of the week and our monthly MWR magazine, The Discover!. What would you like Team Souda to know (about you or your work)? My door is always open. If you have ideas, questions, comments, concerns. Everyone is welcome to reach out and talk to me. I love chatting!

When not at work, what are you doing? What are your hobbies/interests? I am eclectic in my hobbies and interests. I may be reading a book, doing some wood work, painting, hiking, rock climbing, playing video games, or jamming to Dolly Parton.

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Monthly Health Check-In By LCDR Thomas VanBrunt, Senior Medical Officer

For more information/appointments, please call DSN 624-4710 / commercial 011-39-095-56-4710 or email usn. sigonella.navhospsigonellait.mesg.hp@ Stay Safe in the Summer Sunshine: There are two things to focus on during these scorching summer months: HYDRATION and SKIN CARE.


eam Souda, I have two topics I want to discuss in your monthly health check-in: Lifestyle and Nutritional Support: Have you been trying to change your life: mind, body, and soul? Are you tired of hitting that plateau every time you start a new program? Need specific diet/exercise goals? Ready to be free of tobacco? Not getting enough sleep? Did you know that you have access to a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist and Certified Wellness Coach through virtual health capabilities? Through virtual classes and individualized appointments, you and your health promotions team can create a plan to get after all of your health and wellness goals. Page 32

When it comes to water intake, most days we find ourselves depleted before we even get started. Whether it is from sun exposure, caffeinated or alcoholic beverages, or high intensity workouts, it doesn’t take much to get behind the hydration power curve. For the temperatures here in Souda Bay, the best bet is to carry at least 1 Liter of water per hour of outdoor activities you plan to

enjoy. In general, keeping a large bottle of water on your desk and finishing at least that amount by the end of the day can help you prepare your body for potential strenuous activity later. Don’t get caught outside without your high-quality sunscreen with an SPF30 or higher. At this point, we all understand the importance of protecting our skin. Doing so can reduce the risk of developing skin cancer and keep you looking young by guarding against premature aging and wrinkles. It’s always best to cover-up when possible: wear a hat, summer-weight long sleeve gear and some sweet shades.

As always, we at Medical are available and ready to field your questions surrounding current global health events and evidencebased health practices. Optimizing your well-being and quality of life is our focus; never hesitate to reach out EARLY and OFTEN! Give us a call at DSN 266-1590 / commercial 282-102-1590 or stop by to see us in Building 19.

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AFN Souda Bay Broadcasts Live from MWR's Deadlifts & Donuts Event

Story and photos by American Forces Network Souda Bay

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n July 20, American Forces Network conducted the station’s first live, onlocation broadcast in nearly eight years. The AFN team took their show on the road to broadcast live from MWR’s Donuts & Deadlifts competition at the Fitness Center. The show was the culmination of a months-long process to bring the previously dormant remote broadcast kit back online. AFN Souda Bay’s Chief Engineer, Interior Communications Electrician 1st Class Derek Alfaro, said although the process was a long one, in the end it was worth the effort. “I love to take pride and ownership of all my equipment and being able to restore this capability for Souda Bay Sailors is one of my greatest accomplishments.” If you have an idea where AFN should broadcast their next live radio remote, call the Station at DSN 266-1427 / Commercial 282-102-1427.

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CHAPLAIN'S CORNER By LCDR Joshua Hickman, Command Chaplain

are to wake up early, practice gratitude, meditate, walk, engage in self-reflection, cultivate stillness and continue to learn. Waking up this morning, the first one was on my mind, so I’d like to share more with you about this one.


lease allow me to introduce you to Stoicism and Stoics’ daily habits as they can improve your life and are a tradition for leaders in the Navy.

Habit 1. Wake Up Early – According to Ashley Richmond in her article, “7 Powerful Stoic Habits That Will Improve Your Life” on, “Waking up early is the first step in living a good life. The morning is the perfect opportunity for stillness. For time with yourself, with your thoughts, to reflect and to plan. The morning sets the trajectory for your entire day, and therefore we must spend it well.”

Medal of Honor Recipient Vice Admiral James B. Stockdale was a student of Stoicism who studied the Greek philosopher Epictetus and others. The words of Epictetus and Marcus Aurelius, and the philosophy of Stoicism, sustained him during his many years in captivity as a prisoner of war in Vietnam. Stoicism can provide you with answers and guidance on death and suicide, and help you deal with anger, anxiety and loneliness from a non-specific-to-religion perspective. There are 7 Stoic Habits that are good little rules to live by on daily basic. They Page 38

Vice Admiral James B. Stockdale Photo source: Defense.cov

work – as a human being. What do I have to complain of, if I’m going to do what I was born for – the things I was brought into the world to do? Or is this what I was created for? To huddle under the blankets and stay warm?”

During my first year in the Navy, I was reluctant to get up early. I got up just early enough to be on time to muster. I promised myself that I would do physical fitness in the afternoon or at lunch. After a year of struggling to find time to work out, I dedicated myself to getting up earlier to keep a physical fitness routine. Over 20142015 I completed 20 half marathons and fulfilled my life long-distance runner’s dream of completing a marathon. Though I am slower now and age and injuries have sidelined improvement upon that dream, I still get up early and exercise. You can find me on an elliptical in the gym most mornings.

If you want to learn more about philosophies like Stoicism, then the Chapel is a great place to start. We are getting supplies of multiple books and writings from Greek philosophers for you to check out, as well as many copies of Marcus Aurelius’ Meditations. Stop by and see us in Building 53!

Philosopher Marcus Aurelius wrote, “At dawn, when you have trouble getting out of bed, tell yourself: “I have to go to Page 39

Holidays in Greece: August 15 Story and photos by Kostas Fantaousakis, Public Affairs

A traditional Orthodox painting of the Assumption of Mary, as drawn on the exterior of a church in Aroni, Crete.


ugust 15 is one of the largest religious celebrations in Greece after Easter and Christmas. It is a national holiday dedicated to the Assumption of the Virgin Mary (in Greek: Koimisis tis Theotokou). Churches throughout Greece celebrate the holiday with traditions which vary from place to place. The formal religious ceremony is held during the day, with mass and prayers in the morning and in the evening. Each town’s icon of the Virgin is adorned with flowers and ribbons and carried around the streets, so that everyone can touch it. Greeks of the Orthodox faith prepare themselves by fasting for 14 days, from August 1-14. The fast is joyfully broken on Page 40

the 15th. The essence of the celebration is that everyone is welcome and treated like family, participating body and soul in the commemoration period. The Sacred Church of the Megalohari, located on the island of Tinos, is a site of religious pilgrimage. It is dedicated to an icon discovered in 1823 after Sister Pelagia, a nun, had a vision: the Virgin Mary herself appeared in a dream, showing her the icon’s location. This icon is renowned for its miraculous and curative virtues, and the church was built to honor it. The Holy Icon is considered older than the Byzantine period.

The Church of Panagia Evangelistria on the island of Tinos, where the Holy Icon is located, is one of the most famous Orthodox Christian tourist destinations in the world. Pilgrims come here to crawl on their knees up the stairs to reach the Holy Icon. Image source: Archdiocese of Athens (

There are several churches that are dedicated to the Assumption of the Virgin Mary in Crete. The closest ones to NSA Souda Bay in the Akrotiri peninsula are located in Aroni (left) and Chorafakia (right). Page 41

Community Outreach: Stavros Beach Clean-Up

Photo by MC2 Ezekiel Duran, USS Forrest Sherman (DDG 98)


ailors assigned to the Arleigh Burke-class guided-missile destroyer USS Forrest Sherman (DDG 98), participated in a community outreach event to clean up Stavros Beach on July 17. Forrest Sherman is the flagship for Standing NATO Maritime Group Two, a multinational integrated task group that projects a constant and visible reminder of the Alliance’s solidarity and cohesion afloat and provides the Alliance with a continuous maritime capability to perform a wide range of tasks, including exercises and real world operations in periods of crisis and conflict. Thank you Forrest Sherman for supporting the local community and helping preserve the scenic environment

Clothing Donations Delivery Photo by Kostas Fantaousakis, Public Affairs


olunteers from NSA Souda Bay delivered clothing donations to the Hordaki Community Center on July 25. The Center's representative thanked Team Souda for its generosity and commitment to supporting the local community.

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Community Outreach: Yardwork Project

Photos by LCDR Joshua Hickman, Command Chaplain


n July 9, volunteers from NSA Souda Bay participated in a beautification project at the Daily Care Center for Children and Young Adults of Chania. A park and garden were cleared of invasive weeds and vines making it more friendly and welcoming for the boys and staff to use. Thank you to Public Works Department for your logistical support and for providing most of the volunteers. If you are interested in volunteer opportunities, contact MAC Kathleen Cottle, Chapel Chief, at 266-1204, or 282-1021204.

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American Idol com

Story and photos by MC3 Karri Langerma

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n Idol comes to Souda Bay


other base employees. They played a mix of their own original songs in addition to some well-known crowd favorites. Marlene and Harmon sought to provide NSA Souda Bay with an experience reminiscent of a Nashville show. Petty Officer Jacob Vernier attended the live the event and said that it was a great event to bring people from every corner of base together. He also said The pair embarked on an acoustic tour in that he looks forward to more events and early July with Navy Entertainment, traveling opportunities like this in the future. around European bases with one mission: Navy Entertainment provides quality, live to bring a little piece of home to deployed Sailors as well as those currently stationed entertainment for Sailors stationed overseas and on deployed ships at sea; assists abroad. CONUS locations with talent referral and “I’m just going to play it like I’m back home,” production of shows; and partners with said Harmon, who regularly plays intimate United Service Organizations and Armed gatherings around Nashville, Tenn. Forces Entertainment when possible, to bring the largest number of shows to the most locations. The pair performed at the base club, The Anchor, and drew in a crowd of Sailors and usic is so powerful in the way that it can transport you, take over your being and just make you feel what you need to feel,” said Leah Marlene, American Idol Season 20 finalist, who came to Naval Support Activity Souda Bay with fellow contestant and Season 15 winner Trent Harmon on July 6.

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The Parting Shot...

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