THIS ONE IS FOR SPRING… Sho! Welcome to it. Phewww….How time flies. Seems just like yesterday when we dropped our 1st issue and here we are, at it again and going strong with our 3rd issue dropped just on time for Spring. First and foremost, let me thank my friends who have given wings to this project. From the guys who took their time out to contribute within our 1st issue to the guy who is actually through the pages of this issue. Without your support and feedback, this project would have been a “flop”. So with that in mind, this is not my project but our project. Sho! Is something we all own, that is why your contribution, feedback and support is of huge value to us...Keep it up guys :-) Spring is in the air and what better way than
Produced, Published & Owned By to have the young talented Deejay Ceega on our cover story. The timing was right for us Soul KulCha ADVERTISING
ho! The Music Marketing Newsletter/Magazine consider its sources to be reliable and verifies all the Information. However reporting mistakes do happen even though the information contained is verified. So readers using the Information contained, do so at their own risk.
to have a one no one with him, as this young man has been making some serious waves within the dancefloor this year all over Mzansi. If it is not his weekly mixtape series simply titled “Meropa Sessions” making us dance, then it is his mixing skills and on point song selection he brings to his set when playing a live set.
As stated before, this issue is “simply for Spring” and out with the old and in with the new. What we did with this is a 1st and will never go down again, but anyway it had to be done. “On the Spot” this month we feature a The publisher, authors and contributors reserve their “Hip-Hop Deejay”, yes that’s right a “Hiprights in regards to Hop Deejay”, and it will be clear to you as to copyrights of their work. why we brought him on-board. No part of this publication may be As per usual we hold the ship down with our copied in any form or by usual monthly features, on “BrandIt” this any means without prior issue we discuss in depth what it takes to be written permission by start “an independent music record label”. Spring is here, so enjoy….Sho! the Publisher.
CONTENTS Contributors
2 Editor's Word
Ceega Dj D Double D Casperonity Mafoka
5 Cover Story 8 Sho!5
Sva Pioneer Dj Institute
10 On The Spot 14 BrandIt 22 Your Connexionz
eega Wa Meropa, born Sipho Tshabalala. This very much talented young Deejay was born in a town called Bethlehem in the province of the Free State, South Africa. Surprising enough, very little is known about the Free State sound and deejays as there have been a handful of “Deep House Deejays” originating in that part of South Africa. With the talented Ceega in the game, all of that is bound to change as the Free State province is firmly represented by this young talent.
It is a known fact that, ever since being introduced to his mixtape series “Meropa Sessions” I hustled hard to get Ceega to lace up a guest set my show “SoulKulcha”. Sad to say that my show is no more and getting Ceega to do a guest set for that show now seems like an impossible mission. So, I guess having a “one on one” with this talented young man would do for the time being, that is up until I find my way back to radio and then start hustling him for a guest mix feature again!!!
If I recall correctly and I stand to be corrected as “old age” is finally creeping up on a brother:-). I first came across some of his projects last year while still doing some hustle for my radio show “SoulKulcha” which was back then housed by a South African internet based radio station called “House365Radio”. The project that got me listing and noticing Ceega’s talent and passion was his weekly mixtape series simply titled “Meropa Sessions”. Little did I know that this weekly mixtape series has been Mzansi’s best kept secret since the year 2012. I might be ashamed to say that, I caught on a bit late, but matters is that finally, I caught on. Yes, since that day I have never looked back and still enjoying his sounds.
To be honest what really impressed me about Ceega was his “work ethic” and the amount of “hard work” placed in his project. Believe me, I know having a weekly mixtape series that has about on average 50 000 regular downloads takes a lot to get done. I tried and that was only for two months and that soon made way for a monthly mixtape series. This young talented Deejay has truly made sure that “we don't listen to bad music”...
nterviewer: Who is Ceega and where is Ceega from?
Interviewer: Who have you worked with so far in your musical journey?
Ceega: Ceega is just a nickname guys gave me in high school and my birth name is Sipho Tshabalala. Ceega is from a town called Bethlehem in the Free State province
Ceega: Ever since the beginning of my musical journey, I have preferred working alone. So currently I am working “solo” and should there be growth in my musical journey, I will take the opportunity of working with another artist so as to grow as a musician.
Interviewer: Growing up, what kind of a childhood you had my man? Ceega: I would say, I had a fairly normal childhood and I grew up in the township. Spent most of my childhood with cousins like most “kasi kids” and had one thing in common, the love for music and we were inspired by our uncle who used to play drums for the late Lucky Dube.
Interviewer: Any current music project you are involved with and what has Ceega got in-store for us?
Ceega: I am so excited man about the future and I am currently working on releasing my debut compilation Deep House Music compilation which is Interviewer: Ceega, when did you notice that you due to be released before the end of this year. Interviewer: How would you describe your set to had love for House Music and what sparked that someone who has not yet had the honour to hear love for House Music? “Any musical influences” you play. that might have played a part in your journey? Ceega: Growing up, I listened to a lot of “Kwaito Ceega: With me playing from the heart is the only way to go. I only play music Music” and it was when my late which I feel the masses can brother started to collect Deep “ I listen to Deep house music relate to and that is Deep and House Music and then I was Soulful House music. introduced to the sounds of Deep most of the time.” House. It has been a long musiInterviewer: Any future or planned musical cal journey and it started way back in High School projects Ceega is involved with, like what do hope back in early 2000's and continued all the way the future holds for the brand Ceega? through to Tertiary (ICESA City Campus Durban). Ceega: We can not predict the future my brother Interviewer: What kind of music do you listen to but I am hoping that my brand "Ceega Wa when you are chilling? Because House Deejays Meropa" will grow into a household name as time Producers tend to draw inspiration from other goes on. musical genres… Ceega: I get a lot of inspiration from listening only to Deep House Music most of the time. Personally I believe in sticking to the sounds I am familiar with and that is Deep House Music.Yes! There are times when you would find me giving other music genres some listening to and one of those times is maybe when I am hanging out with friends or loved ones and it is then that I find myself listening to other musical genres. But when I am on my own, I listen to Deep House Music most the time.
nterviewer: Career highlights my man, what have been your Career highlights so far?
Interviewer: Where and how can we get hold of Ceega and his projects?
Ceega: Highlights of my career so far… that is a very big question my brother. It looks like things just keep getting better in this musical career of mine, so I have no doubt if you ask me the same question in a a few years I hen be having more highlights to add to the list! So far, I have been blessed to do what I enjoy and what I believe to me God given talent. That highlight is more than enough for me at the moment.
Ceega: To get hold of “Ceega Wa Meropa”, here are my details in full: Cell: 0739844001 BBM pin: 2B98EBAC Facebook Name: Ceega Wa Meropa Facebook Page: https:// www.facebook.comMeropaSessions email: Interviewer: What brought the idea of having your own (Mixtape Series “Meropa”) and how is it going so far?
Ceega: I started the “Meropa Sessions” “I have been blessed to do what I enjoy mixtape series way back in and what I believe to me God given talent.” the year 2012.It was just an idea of releasing weekly mixtapes and I have kept the format and the idea as it was originally. To be brutally honest, I never thought the “Meropa Sessions” mixtape series would grow to be as big as it is at the moment. And for that I am thankful for the support I have received over the years. Interviewer: Believe me, I know that this is a very difficult industry you have chosen. With that in mind, what has been the hardest thing you have ever experienced in this industry and how did you overcome it? Ceega: Yean indeed that is so true my brother, this is a very difficult industry to be a part of and whether you doing good or bad there will always be both positive and negative people having input in what you are doing. As for the negative people,I always try by all means necessary to avoid and at times ignore them and their negativity and do what I believe is right for me and my musical journey. I am very positive about what I am doing and I do believe and know that it works for me hence the growth shown by my brand.
On the spot
eptember, and we at it again with our 3 rd Issue. We just had to do things differently for this one and put “on the spot”, a Hip-Hop Deejay/ Producer. Yep, I know, I know that I am huge “huge house–head”, but for me Hip-Hop is where it all started and that was way back even before the love of “Kwaito and House Music” took over. So, from time to time within this monthly feature we will profile artists and musicians from other musical genres and put them “On The Spotlite” so as to know a bit more about them and their chosen musical genres. Who else to start that off, than the massively talented and hardworking Dj D Double D...
Just a brief introduction on this hugely talented and hardworking artist. Dj Double D is a Hip Hop Dj who started like most Deejays, in his bedroom playing around with music. He then began furthering his studies in Music at “The Academy of Sound Engineering” in 2014 and has completed a Pro Dj Course at “The Pioneer Dj Institute” that is where I met the dude. His mixes have been played on well-known South African Radio Stations such as 5Fm, 94,7 Highveld, UJ Fm, VOW Fm, Dj D Double D also plays regular sets in nightclubs around the country and has recently been back in Mzansi, fresh from his tour in the UK.
nterviewer: Who is Dj D Double D and where is Dj D Double D from?
Dj D Double D: I am a Hip Hop Dj from “The North” in Johannesburg. Interviewer: Your love for Hip-Hop, when did you notice that you had love for this music genre and what influenced you to choose this path? Dj D Double D: I have had an interest in Hip Hop since I started listening to it when I was in Primary School. Hip Hop interested me because it is a music genre that I feel every person can relate to in some way. To me, Hip Hop is more than just a music genre, it is a lifestyle. Watching music videos of Hip Hop Deejays on YouTube inspires me, because as a Hip Hop Deejay there is so much room for creativity. Interviewer: Who do you look up to and what inspires you through your musical journey? Dj D Double D: The Artists / Deejays I look up to are AKA, Da L.E.S, Ryan The Dj, Dj Speedsta Dj Milkshake, Dj Dimplez Dj Pauly D. The way in which these guys have climbed the ladder of success over the years and each of their unique styles inspire me through my musical journey. Interviewer: Cdj’s, TurnTables, Controllers, which one do you prefer and why my man? Dj D Double D: I prefer TurnTables, but when it comes to a more portable solution, the Pioneer DDJ SX Controller is my preference. I enjoy playing off CDJs when available.
Interviewer: . I heard through the grapevine that you fresh from the UK, what were you up too over there and how is their Hip-hop and nightlife scene over there? Dj D Double D: Yes, being in the UK was a great experience! I was there to expand my horizons and bring the beats that moved their feet. In the UK, the nightlife scene buzzes and it is very well established. Hip Hop is popular over there and it is only but growing.
Dj D Double D And Tall A$$ Mo
Dj D Double And AKA
nterviewer: Mzansi Hip-hop is on the rise my Interviewer: What can we expect in the future from man, do you agree with that? And what are you Dj D Double D? bringing to the game? Dj D Double D: You can expect some original muDj D Double D: Yes, Definitely! Mzansi Hip Hop sic and tracks, featuring at large events and pushing is growing at an alarming rate. I want to bring a Hip Hop in new creative ways. new flavour to the Mzansi Hip Hop Scene in Interviewer: Any advice for aspiring Hip-Hop tracks I plan to release and my sets in the clubs. I Deejays out there my man? also want to encourage people to support local Dj D Double D: Never lose sight of your dreams Hip Hop more. and don’t let anyone tell you those dreams are imInterviewer: Currently which musical projects is possible. It is important to be professional at all Dj D Double D is busy with or what are you hus- times. Stay humble and never forget why you began. tling on my man? There are a lot of deejays out there, so you have to Dj D Double D: I do not want to say too much keep pushing past the limits and be as creative and yet, but people can expect an original single from unique as possible. me in the upcoming months, as well as a few oth- Interviewer: Where can we get hold of you man? er exciting things I am working on. Dj D Double D: You can get hold of me on my Interviewer: So far in your musical journey, what official website. can you include is being your highlights? Twitter: @DjDdoubledD. Instagram: Dj D Double D: The great relationship I have @djddoubled. Facebook : DjDdoubleD101 and formed with Pioneer Dj Institute and having my mixes featured on 5Fm.
ho! we on our 3rd Issue now and we feel we got this thing on lock by now. So it is time to get down to the business end of things by now, I mean the “real business end”. By that I am referring to what this magazine was build upon. I hear some questions as to what we were built upon. Well, we were built upon two simple aspects and they are to “educate and unite” simple as that and no additions needed to it.
To provide the much needed answers, I did a little research myself and also what would I be without my trusted friends who so happen to be professionals in the topic at hand their was they all run their own “Independent Music Labels”.
I mentioned, I did a little research and this is how I shortened a definition of an “Independent Music Label”. “An “Independent Music Label” is any music recording label that operates without the On that “educating tip”, on “BrandIt”, we discuss funding of the organizations of the major music labels. Typically, major in full length “Independent labels are global in scale Music Labels". What it does and operate their own an artist mean they are distribution and saying they are publishing companies. independent or they want to “Independent Music be independent? What is an Labels” however, tend to “Independent Music Label”? What does it take to “built upon two simple aspects and they are either work with other smaller companies, either start an “Independent Music to educate and unite” in long term partnerships Label”? And many other or in smaller contractual relationships for their questions related to being independent, will be distribution and publishing, although many seen through within this feature. “Independent Music Labels” pay for the Often we hear artists or musicians saying that they distribution services that major labels have to want to be independent or some of them saying offer”. Well, that definition of an “Independent they own or run an “Independent Music Label”. Music Label” was not mine, I must come out Once the word “independent” gets mentioned, that straight before any hating is directed towards me. is where I get lost. So I figured, if I am getting lost Now let us get the help of “pros” in this game and just imagine how many of are on that same ship. I see how they have to tackle this matter... hope this feature provides the answers.
keif Record Interviewer: In recent years, there has been a Entertainment steady decline in recorded music sales. Are there Label (PTY)(LTD) any other streams in which an independent music label can generate revenue from besides music Interviewer: Can you please briefly explain what sales? you guys do? Casperonity: Skeif Record Entertainment Label PTY(LTD) is a small developing business which is registered with the law of companies act. We started Skeif Records to build one of the best entertainment companies in South Africa, we are not there yet but our work all over the country proves how dedicated and ambitious we are. We shoot music videos for both signed and unsigned artists, documentaries, dramas and movies and educational programmes with Jumpco Media. We also hosts or do events to promote unsigned talented youth out there.
Casperonity: Yes, if you are in the business world you to be business wise and business minded and don't focus on one thing. We know most but least of independent labels tried but failed when it comes to selling their own product but if you have backup plans and life time goals, you have to be sure by making wise business choices. It's a lifetime investment. Interviewer: In terms of costs involved in starting an independent music label, is it a costly exercise and how did you come with capital to start up your label?
Casperonity: It is costly and we had to take time Interviewer: In your case what made you to start to raise the money for registering the company doan Independent Music label? ing all the necessary paper work and documentaCasperonity: We started Skeif Records because of tion like SARS, bank accounts, department of lathe potential we see in our youth across the coun- bour and so forth. try especially those who really need to be helped Interviewer: When starting an Independent Music like in rural and peri-urban areas. As we are one of Label, what does one need? In terms of the independent individuals in life we sacrifice equipment? everything, families, good time coz we know what Casperonity: Having a record label operative, you we do and our mission and vision are driving us to need an office which has a computer with all your that goal we want to reach. papers, contracts and presentations, an office is the Interviewer: With music sales going the digital most important tool of the company. route, does this helps or act against the growth of Interviewer: How can one get hold of you or Independent Music Labels in “Mzansi�? Skeif Record Label Entertainment, should there be Casperonity: Yes it does through innovation and more information needed? advanced technology it is much easier to Casperonity: Facebook Page is Skeif Record market, promote and sell your brand and the most Label&Entertainment,Twitter:@skeif_label important thing is know your target. Email: Linkedin : Skeif Interviewer: How long has your label been Records WhatsApp: 0717985130 Personal operational, and how many artists if any are you Facebook acc :Casperonity Skeif SA Mafoka working with? Twitter : Casperonity_SA YouTube: Skeif label Casperonity: We have been operating for two and half years now. We have two signed artists Jozi Bush and Casperonity Skeif S.A.
ife Aimer Productions (PTY)(LTD)
Interviewer: Can you please briefly explain to a person who might not know what an independent music label is?
Interviewer: Marketing is a very important in any kind of “Hustle”, what tools do you use to get your brand out there to the masses?
Sva: In our days social media seems to be taking over and it is one platform that I count on. But we at Life Aimer Production mostly use “Street Promotions” distribute flyers and posters. We also make use of platforms such as these, magazine Sva: An “Independent Record Label” is a music features, radio interviews and so on. label operating without the funding of a major Interviewer: Established Music Labels are music label, starting almost everything from known to have better and bigger financial budget scratch with nothing at hand but pure talent and a allocation for their projects and artists whereas solid business mind. with an Independent Music Label, that is not the Interviewer: In your case what made you to start case in most occasions. So how does an Independent Music Label compete with its an Independent Music label? established counterparts and how does it attract Sva: It was motivated by my style of hustling, the the necessary talent and skills needed in every way I push myself. It was way back in 2010 when “hustle”? I compiled my 1st realise and I Sva: Established labels use money wanted to push things myself. to get all their projects going so That was the birth of the record they have that advantage, while label. independent labels put in work Interviewer: What could you say with talent purely as their driving are the “pros and cons” of being force. We on the ground and we part or of running an independent use that to our advantage and that music label? is what we beat them on. They can “It was motivated by my style Sva: Will have to start with the not achieve that. of hustling, the way I push “pros”, as it is a very nice journey Interviewer: Do you think going myself”. being an unknown as no one exthe Independent Music Label pects too much but our quality and Route is the way to go for musicians in “Mzansi” skills has been our X-factor in all our projects. It is and if so why? our own unique way of getting things done, which I call it “The Life Aimer Style / Way”. Well, on Sva: Yes we are, provided one is business minded the flipside there are “cons”. Through this and I not, then it will be a waist of time effort and journey we come across individuals who energy which would have been put into something exclusively believe in known names while else / project. forgetting that everything starts on the ground up Interviewer: How can one get hold of you or Life before it can blossom up. So at some point people Aimer Productions, should there be more inforbuy faces so that has been one of the biggest mation needed? obstacle we be facing when approaching so people Sva: One get hold of us through our Website: or organisations or even knocking through some, Twitter: @lifeaimer, doors for assistance. In all to me the “pros” do out Facebook: Life Aimer Productions, Email: weigh the “cons”, and besides we do this for the and Contacts: 083 350 8149. love of it.
1. Do a proper research on what you want to do, 1. First and foremost, research should be the first thing on your mind. nothing beats the internet, use it. 2. Do things the correct way, register your 2. Be smart and always be disciplined in your ways. hustle. 3. Be part of the “Power Circle”, meaning stick 3. Stay humble on your hustle, open your ears to those with the same or more or less with for suggestions and advices and always stay grounded. the same vision as your. 4. Administration, we all hate it is vital you keep 4. Be presentable when always when you go out your paper work in order and sorted all the for your hustle. time. 5. The most important thing, I would say is to 5. Nothing beats “belief in one’s self and have belief in your brand and to also live abilities”, believe in yourself and plan be a your brand and to always be your brand leader of your own destiny as we all know where ever you go. good things comes to those who work hard.
riday Sessions have become between Deejays around Jozi.
popular If you are not a student and would like to join. Buy a memebership card for only R150 Per Pioneer Dj Institute have decised to make it Month. official. This Friday, every Friday from 2pm . Why come? It is a warm up session for Deejays All students, past and current are welcomed to playing Friday Nights. Meet new Deejays and jam on the open decks. Pioneer Dj Institute promoters, exchangemusic and hang out with always have new toys to jam on #Effects unit industry Deejays. No bookings essential, just #Keyboards #CDJ’S #Mixers #Turntables pitch with your music. Here is what wen down...
ioneer Dj Workshop #1 is what went down in the month of August in Pioneer Dj Institute situated in Edenvale, Jozi. This is a series of monthly Deejay Workshop held down by the Pioneer Dj Institute.
With this being Pioneer Dj Institute’s official 1st Deejay Workshop this year they brought they had Dj Shameless and the talented Dj D Double D both on decks and as part of the panel. And this what went down...
Your Connexionz
HOUSE AFRICA Email : SHEER PUBLISHERS 356 Oak Avenue, Ferndale, Randburg, Johannesburg Email : Tel : +2711 438 7000
DJ MIX CLUB Shop 2, Blairgowrie Plaza Conrad Drive, Cnr Susman, Randburg Email : Tel : 011 886 9113 / 9291
Dj4Life Shop 3 Forest Décor Centre Cnr Forest Road & Sunset Boulevard Fourways Email : 079 118 0355 SOUL CANDY MUSIC GROUP Tel : 160 Eloff Street Ext, Village Deep Johannesburg Cape Audio Pioneer Dj Academy Email : 122 Victoria Road, Woodstock, Cape Demos : Town Tel : 011 689 7900 Tel : 021 448 3838 Fuse Dj Academy SOUL CANDI INSTITUTE OF 41 Pimm Street, Newtown MUSIC Johannesburg 79 La Rochelle Rd, Springfield Tel: 011 726 2131/2 Johannesburg Email : The Scratch Lab Dj Training Facility Tel : 011 689 7939 3rd Floor, Woodstock Exchange 66 Albert Road, Woodstock PIONEER DJ INSTITUTE Email : Shop 7, 45 Van Riebeeck Rd Tel : 087 351 0828 Edenvale, Gauteng Email: Cape Audio Collage Tell : 011 028 2184 Unit 8B, The Waverley, Mowbray Cape Town Email : Tel : 021 448 8383/4 MULTI RACIAL RECORDS Studio 26 Duncan Yard, 1210 c/o Prospect & Duncan street Hatfield, Pretoria *To be listed in “Your Connexionz”, contacts us at Email :* Tel : 012 362 6235
Soul KulCha Soul Kul-Cha is a Music Marketing Solutions Provider which was founded in the year 2014.This unique business offers Marketing Services directed specifically to the Music Niche Market.
What We Do
Artist Management
Artist Marketing
Music Venue / Event Marketing Music Business Marketing
Contact Us 078 793 9934 @SoulKulcha @SoulKulcha
078 793 9934