D u š a n L ilić
PORTFOLIO academic works
C O N TEN T cu r ricu l u m v i t a e
m u seu m o f c o n t e m p o r a ry a rt in Buen o s Aires :
corn er ho t e l :
t rim o B O X C YC L E :
soci al h o u s i n g f o r c h a n g e:
reg i on al r a d i o a n d T V b u ilding:
acad em y o f f i n e a r t s n e w building:
d raf t s an d h a n d c r a f t s :
Tying the artspace
Playing with volumes Base for cyclists
Growing community
Office, studio, comunication Urban space for learning Ideas archive
c u r r ic u lum v i t a e
Dušan Lilić, M.Arch
Basic info place of birth
Niš, Serbia
date of birth
Bulevar Nemanjića 69/34, 18000 Niš, Serbia
e - mail
Education 2012 - 2013
Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture (GAF) - University of Niš Master of architecture - M.Arch
2008 - 2012
Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture (GAF) - University of Niš Bachelor of architecture - B.Arch
2004 - 2008
Gimnasium “Svetozar Markovic”,Science and Maths Stream,Niš, Serbia
Awards 2013
I place, International XXII Urban Planing Exhibition, category - student’s works, Niš, Serbia
Honourable mention for site adequate solution - Trimo urban Crash international student competition, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Honourable mention - Anual exhibition of interior design student works, Niš, Serbia
Participation in competition for new Radio-Television of Vojvodina building and complex
2013 - 2014 2013 - 2014
Participation in competition for Palić spa and hotel complex design . Participation in international competition “Houses for Change”
2012 - 2013
Participation in international student competition “ Trimo urban Crash”
Participation in competition for best student work, newspaper Večernje Novosti
Exibitions/workshops 2013
International XXII Urban Planing Exhibition, Niš , Serbia
Trimo urban Crash workshop - I place for Abidjan family house solution, Ljubljana, Slovenia
International XXI Urban Planing Exhibition, Leskovac , Serbia
Architecture triennale - Days of architecture, Niš, Serbia
Participation and catalog design for anual exhibition of student interior design works part of “Night of museums” cultural event, Niš, Serbia
Participation and logo design for workshop “Ornament - past or future”, Niš, Serbia
Workshop “Brand the city - animate city center”, Niš, Serbia
Workshop “Housing models for XXI century”, Niš, Serbia
Other activities 2013 2012
“Days of Oris” architectural conference, Zagreb, Croatia . International scientific conference “Architecture of deconstruction -the spectre of Jacques Derrida”, Belgrade, Serbia
ASK 2011 - congress of students of architecture from ex - Yugoslavia, Podgorica, Montenegro
Skills PC
MS Office AutoCad (2D drawings and 3D modeling) 3dsMax+ Vray Adobe Photoshop Adobe Illustrator Adobe InDesign Hand drafting and model making
Serbian - native English - advanced German - basic
B driving licence
AC-CA competition entry and studio project at GAF Niš, 2012. in colaboration with Milan Brzaković m e n t o r s : p r o f A l e k s a n d a r M i l o j k o v i ć , p r o f M i l a n Ta n i ć , M a r k o N i k o l i ć Buenos Aires, Argentina
m u s e u m o f c o nt e mp o r ar y ar t:
Ty i n g t h e a r t s p a c e The design of Museum of Contemporary Art is completely determined by synthesis of the two basic ideas - to create a facility that adequately complements the already existing urban structure, and, in the same time, meets the functional and aesthetic requirements of the project. Space for the construction of the museum is situated in a framework of strictly formed array of objects of the similar size and height, located near the river. From the lateral side, form of the new museum building follows volumes and dimensions that exist in the close surrounding, while it transforms towards middle, creating structure which makes an impact of visual unity, not only of new building, but also visual unity of broader urban grid. Also, the stepped form, used to accomodate all necessary facilities of the museum, form a visual transition between the lower buildings along the river and slightly higher buildings in the background. New museum building, with its form complexity and functional possibilities, stands as attraction and recognizable meeting point of the close surrounding and the wider city environment.
site plan
concept creation
function diagrams: COMUNICATION: - stairs and horizontal comunication - emergency / service staircases - elevator shafts
PUBLIC: - auditorium - cafeteria - souvenir store
EXHIBITION: - exhibition and multipurpose space
SERVICE: - restrooms - administration - plant room - loading and storage area
level + 1 plan
level + 1 plan
level + 2 plan
cross section B-B
cross section A-A
B a c h e l o r ’s t h e s i s p r o j e c t a t G A F N i š - p u b l i c b u i l d i n g s d e s i g n , 2 0 1 3 . m e n t o r s : p r o f M i l a n Ta n i ć , p r o f A l e k s a n d a r K e k o v i ć , p r o f S o n j a K r a s i ć Niš, Serbia
c o r n e r ho t e l :
Playing with volumes Corner hotel is 5 star hotel located in central urban core of Niš. Location is surounded with existing intersting and bold forms and objects, dating from 50s’ and 60s’ modernist period and 70s’ brutalist movement. Existing buildings could be devided in to 3 groups: ones which forms elongated street fronts, ones which forms horizontal compact volumes, and high-rise residental towers. Following that urbanistic and architectural composition, new building is created with respect to existing environment, and with intention to introduce new values. It rises up to the same hight as surounding buildings in the same street, and it has visualy bold markers in form of compact volumes placed and organised so that they make logical and interesting relationship with objects of similar form and size. Looking from the back side, white volumes dominate with their size, trying to deal with residental tower’s form.
site location
site surrounding analysis
1_introducing elongated main building volume - street facade
2_introducing horizontal compact volumes
3_introducing attic level
draft sketches
preliminary handmade models
ground floor plan
longitudinal croos section
level + 1 plan
level + 2,3,4 plan
attic level plan
main street elevation
Urban Design project at GAF Niš, 2012 - 2013. Tr i m o U r b a n C r a s h s t u d e n t c o m p e t i t i o n mentors: prof Petar Mitković, Milena Dinić Ljubljana, Slovenia
tr im o B O X C Y C L E:
Base for cyclists: The main idea of forming the boxcycle, by joining 3 modular containers, is to achieve simple and yet for urban space very recognisable shape. Despite being simple box, object can transform its shape depending on time of use. In the wintertime it acts as a monolith closed capsule, a kind of shelter from bad and cold weather, while in the summertime it stays open, forming a kind of an open pavilion. As a open pavilion, boxcycle consists of 4 boxes surrounded by open space. Boxes, with their spatial position, tries to follow existing, and also create new, dynamics in close surrounding of busy street. The main functions are placed inside these boxes, while the open interspace around serves as visible entrances. Object, placed on the pavement, is easy to construct, accessable for both cyclists and pedestrians, aims to become new meeting point and reason for other citizens to use bike instead of car.
concept creation: 3 ISO containers
winter: closed capsule
summer: open pavilion
BO X CYCL E a s a p a rt o f t ra ffic flo w
exploded axonometric view
floor plan
cross section
function diagram
H o u s e s f o r c h a n g e c o m p e t i t i o n e n t r y, 2 0 1 3 - 2 0 1 4 .
Niš, Serbia
s o c ial h o us i ng f o r c ha ng e:
Growing community: The project deals with problems of Roma population living in bad conditions of slum neighbourhoods, in the city of Niš, Serbia. For those living in the worst conditions, construction of the new community is planned. New community will include, primary, new family homes - designed as a ground level housing units, in order to meet the usual dwelling habits of Roma population. New housing units will also have acces to the common social space - in form of pedestrian streets and pathways with green areas. Within the new typical housing unit, the main building element is housing “subunit”. That way, typical housing unit can vary in size and can be upgraded in future, all accordingly to the users needs. With its function and structure arrangement, housing unit offers privacy to the users, but in the same time acts like a part of more broader social community.
function diagram
structure development typical housing unit (of maximal size)
“subunit� exploded axonometric view
C o m p e t i t i o n e n t r y f o r n e w R T V Vo j v o d i n a b u i l d i n g , 2 0 1 4 . in colaboration with Milan Brzaković Novi Sad, Serbia
re gion al r a d i o a nd T V b uild ing :
Office, studio, comunication New building of regional Vojvodina Radio and Television is placed in suburban area of Novi Sad, on the southern bank of Danube, on the location where it can pose as a important visual mark. The volume of new Vojvodina Radio and Television building emerged as fusion of spatial forms typical for administrative, office facilities and large television studios. Office spaces are organised along the building envelope, while 5 TV studios of different sizes, are grouped in one part of the building, close to the other technical facilities. In between these two functional groups are corridors and comunications organised as a gallery space, which give special feeling of airness in the building. Placed a little behind the main facade, public entrances on the north and east side of building are made visualy more recognisable. Volume of the largest TV studio forms a bulge on the southern side of building. The greatest part of building is covered with double glass facade, where inner envelope is composed of transparent, as well as coloured (RGB) glass panels, while outher skin is completely transparent.
axonometric view:
level +3
ground floor plan level +2
level +1
level +2 plan cross section E - E ground level
level -1
“Urban blocks as space for Academy of fine arts” - master thesis work at GAF Niš, 2014-2015. m e n t o r s : p r o f M i l a n Ta n i ć , p r o f L j i l j a n a Va s i l e v s k a , p r o f A l e k s a n d a r K e k o v i ć Niš, Serbia
ac ade m y o f f i ne a r t s new b uild ing :
Urban space for learning Creating the new space for Art Academy in Niš, was in essence, a process of modeling an urban block. New building uses all available area of the urban block in the central urban core. Building volume is elevated to the maximal height of 22m, following city regulations, and urban morphology of the closest surounding. Aditional reductions in volume was made in order to achieve adequate conditions for natural sunlight. As final step in modeling of urban block, the new object is fragmented into several volumes - of smaller and bigger sizes, which tries to make corect relationship with near objects, which varies in size. Academy functions betwen two diferent urban ambients - busy street on the one side, and quiet waterfront on the other. Internal organisation of academy follows communication scheme, and puts different art departments in their right place, depending on their demand for natural light or sound insulation, as well on their mutual interdependence. Spaces are organised in “city - like” way - with coridors and halls acting like streets and squares, and classrooms and closed spaces acting like urban blocks or independent buildings. In that way, the border between building interior and city was erased, and academy become place for interactive education.
location surrounding:
site area: urban block curent condition
river waterfront atmosphere
busy street atmosphere
concept creation:
1_defining site area using available area and leaving multistory residental building
site location
2_defining urban block form
organising built structure allong the block borders and forming two inner courtyards
3_modeling urban block volume
adjusting building heights after surrounding buildings and letting sunlight inside the block space
4_building fragmentation
splitting building into several smaller and bigger volumes in order to meet up with near surrounding
3D model of an urban block
hand drawings
handmade model
multipurpose hall
library space, with entrance to the green roof
academy hall - space for cumunication and exhibitions
inner courtyard
ground level plan
cross section B - B
function analysis:
level +4
level +3
level +2
level + 1
detailed view: double facade section
ground level
cross section D - D
level - 1
dr afts an d ha nd c r a f t s :
Ideas archive
student dormitory concept
waterslide tower sketch
interior of apartment living area
small housing unit study
open marketplace study
draft model for compact passive house
PET factory conceptual drawing
Thank you. Dušan Lilić soulnlilic89@yahoo.com +381643226470