A branding strategy improves customer satisfaction translating to higher sales

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A Branding Strategy Improves Customer Satisfaction Translating to Higher Sales

A Branding Strategy is the one thing that you can own that nobody can take away from you. Technology will change. But your brand can go on and live. Branding Strategy creates a lasting value above and beyond all the other elements of your business." The importance and value of brand Strategy becomes apparent when an entrepreneur wants to sell his or her company or take it to Wall Street for a public offering or other infusion of capital. In the early 1940s a new marketing concept that was first proposed by Rosser Reeves of Ted Bates & Company. This theory states that campaigns that make unique propositions to the customer will convinced them to switch brands. This is a very logical way of thinking. Today the term is used in other fields or just casually to refer to any aspect of an object that differentiates it from similar objects. These UPSs was used as a basis for their marketing campaigns by many businesses. Emotions (with logic of course) are an effective Branding Strategy for altering consumer trends. It is known that some people buy emotionally and justify it with reasons. The Use of emotional appeals in the advertisements is sometimes known as emotional selling proposition (ESP). This theory has evolved in the 60's. Since then much other marketing branding strategy has appeared; OSP (organization selling Proposition), BSP (branding selling), MSP (me selling – putting the consumer in front) and in 2000 there was HBP (holistic buying). All these theories are highly diversified to match the different consumer behavior. There is not one-way of branding your products or services, rather it depends largely on the potential consumer profile. But with all these brand Strategy there is one common thread. They all address the consumer needs (N). So, in this respect if you can tap into your potential client need you can develop a compatible marketing strategy to fit your market. Today marketing experts say that you have to have one strong brand name, but your market has different needs that are changing with time. NSP (need selling Proposition) allows companies to be more flexible with their branding and marketing thus encouraging companies to always know their customers. Need (N) are the bases of all human actions, whether it be the need to eat, drink, love, accumulate knowledge or just have fun. If you are acting in a certain way, it is because you want to fulfill a specific need at that moment that will change the minute it is met. Most needs are spiral shape action where they need to be met again in the future, near or fare and not always in a same way. By knowing this you need to change, your branding and marketing strategy as often as your consumers changes their needs. So you can maintain the loyal base that our brand is based upon. Brand Strategy has changed through the years; people have changed as much. NSP is the future of selling.

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