A creative combination: Colors, taste and doll cake
Cakes have always been an important part of every celebration and hence their shapes, sizes, tastes and colors have always been experimented with. Like for weddings, cakes often come in the shape of a bride and a groom or for kids’ birthdays they come in the shape of a toy or a superhero etc. A doll cake is also born out of a similar concept of special cakes for special occasions where the cake is shaped and sized like that of a Barbie doll. These doll cakes are extremely popular with little girls and teenagers who love watching their favorite Barbie in the form of a cake. The most interesting aspect of a doll cake is how good it looks as that is what captures the attention of the buyer in the first place. Unlike a normal cake, doll cake emphasizes on looks and design as well as the presentation. The usual look of a doll cake is the lower side which is shaped in the form of a gown or a dress and which is the major part of the cake. All the decorations, be it flower shaped or anything else are incorporated mostly into this lower part of the cake. Like any other special delicacy, doll cakes too can be experimented upon a lot in terms of both taste and design. Taste wise, doll cakes come in common tastes such as strawberry (a very common flavor for doll cakes since the color pink is very suitable on them), vanilla which gives the doll cake a serene, blue look and other typical flavors such as chocolate, pineapple etc. Other than these, doll cakes also come in unconventional tastes such as blackcurrant which gives a cake a purplish color and makes it look much more attractive, butter cream which is deep blue in color and compromises on neither taste nor looks. Since doll cakes are mostly reserved for special occasions, bakeries can come up with ample time and ideas to design cakes which are absolute in terms of both taste and looks. Color is a quotient in doll cakes and a rather important one. Pink finds prominence as Barbie dolls look well suited for the color. In recent times, other colors such as violet, blue, several shades of green and many other colors have found favor among bakeries when it comes to doll cakes. The reason behind this is that people always prefer variations and as more such cakes are looking better with colorful experimentation, people prefer having such cakes rather than the mundane color combination going on for years. As far as occasions are concerned, doll cakes are fit for a number of them, be it birthday parties or weddings. Kids’ birthday parties see doll cakes being loved by them as do grown up women during weddings and similar such occasions. Mostly though, it is kids who love doll cakes and hence it is on their popular demand, such cakes are ordered and enjoyed thoroughly by people of all ages as they gorge on a mouthful of the delicacy.