Benefits of Using Intraday Brokerage Calculator for Trading
Though Excel has been traditionally used for calculating net profit in the equity and stock market but this is no more in use as a growing number of investors looking for easier methods have now started to prefer using intraday brokerage calculator instead of excel. These calculators certainly provide some distinct advantages over the traditional method as now the required results can be instantly produced and investors can also avoid those erroneous and messy calculations those have always been confusing and frustrating for them. As a matter fact an intraday or share brokerage calculator will allow investors to calculate a number of things like the amount of net profit, total brokerage required to be paid and also the taxes. In order to offer better flexibility in usage most of these new age brokerage calculators are multiuse, that means, they provide the users the maximum possible benefits and also helping them to save a considerable amount of time at the same time. Moreover anybody can use these tools anytime simply by going online and get all required results instantly and considering the present state of the market there is hardly anything that is easier than this. Of course in order to get the necessary results the user is required to provide the intraday brokerage calculator with all necessary inputs like purchasing or selling price, total number of shares and also the brokerage in order to get accurate results. For optimal use of share brokerage calculator having some knowledge about equity tax structure can be pretty helpful to come out with the most accurate results. STT or Security Transaction Tax, service tax, turnover tax, SEBI tax and stamp duty are some of the taxes included in the equity tax structure. Service tax is levied upon the brokerage amount charged by the broker. As there are so many things that investors are required to consider for coming out with the closest to accurate net profit figures having access to the right tools is of elementary importance. In a situation like this a share or intraday brokerage calculator can really prove to be invaluable. Among the different taxes just mentioned brokerage, and service tax always remains the same and cannot be changed by the trader or the investor. In stock and share trading breakeven price which is actually selling price subtracted from purchase price and these calculators also provide this to the users. By using an intraday brokerage calculator it is now really possible to simulate the breakeven price even in a post trade initiation scenario. In many of these situations it is also possible to overlook the brokerage charges quite easily for in intraday transactions brokerage costs is comparatively low most of the times as all selling and purchasing of costs is concentrated in a single day. Share brokerage calculators now certainly have made life easier for the traders as the data they are provided by the calculators are most of the accurate and reliable provided that the input data is also right.