Guide To Invest In Pure Gold Coins For Beginners Investments are always a tricky choice, and there are many things that you have to consider before embarking on them. A little research can help a lot in this aspect. The first thing that you should keep in mind that no one is an expert in the first go, and you have to learn as you proceed. However, doing a little groundwork before investing in any portfolio helps to take an informed decision. In case you are wondering regarding the point from where to start then look at the right way of procuring an investment. The strategy applies to pure gold coins that you may procure for investment. A trusted source One of the foremost thing that you should consider while investing in coins is the source. Ensure that you are buying it from a reliable vendor who can provide you with certification and other documents of its authenticity. In case you are a first-time buyer then shy away from individual sellers. Check the credentials of the coin in case you have to buy from them. There are regulatory bodies that can help you to find the authenticity of your prospect purchase. One of the safe podiums here is online sites that provide hallmark and certified coins. For a variety in designs Going for collector's coins may seem a little risky in the first move. The best way is to go for bullions, which are a safe and authorized source. In case you are looking for pure gold coins that add up to collector's pride then online sites are a convenient way to go for the same. Online sites do not charge a high premium for them, and you can get the best deal out of them. The premium is the profit of a dealer, as these sites have a large user base and a clear process, they ensure that you do not have to shell more in terms of premium. Store them right Once you have procured the coin, be careful in their storage. You can keep them in bank locker for a minor rent. However, it is not advisable to store a large amount of this precious metal in your home. The incidents of robbery and theft can leave them unsafe. In case you have a safe vault in your home, you can risk the same. However, a little bank rent can assure high safety, and you do not fall prey to incidents of robbery and assaults in the name of gold. Safety in handling These coins are made of pure gold, and that makes it soft. They are not a hard metal and can get scratches if handled with negligence. The best way to store pure gold coins is in a safe container. You can have separate boxes for each of them. The other option is to wrap them up in fine pieces of cloth or paper. It ensures that they remain as good as new. Use them as an anchor in your investment portfolio but do not go all out for gold. A little variety is necessary to get a comprehensive advantage of an investment.