How To Buy Table Tennis Table Online with the Right Accessories Pool games are fast gaining popularity with each passing day. It's a good pastime for many in the evenings. The pool games not only keep us fit through physical exercises, they also help to keep the intellectual faculty at work, as most of them involve intelligent input. Since exercising is only brisk, even the middle-aged people can do them and keep fit by avoiding very intense fitness regime that may hurt and cause injuries at this age. Concentration, agility and love for sports is what it takes to make one a good Table Tennis player. The sport has its origins in England, where it was played as an after dinner parlor game. Today the game is played worldwide. The game requires minimum two players and maximum four. Table tennis accessories include a table tennis bat, ping pong ball and a wide wooden table supplied with middle partition and netting. Earlier players would have to travel long distances to find good quality and branded Table Tennis accessories but now they are easily available on sports e-stores and to buy table tennis table online has become simpler. Game History: Table tennis was earlier considered as the game for the sophisticated and elite. Today it has gained much more popularity and the sport is played in most schools, colleges and even in offices as a recreational sport. The plus point and the key to its popularity is that the game doesn't require a lot of space. The whole setup can be arranged in 9 feet long and 5 feet wide area space. The dressing can be anything casual for recreation purposes and t-shirt, shorts and tennis shoes for a competitive one. Table tennis has been in the Olympic since 1988 with both singles and doubles with China being the dominant team so far with a total of 47 medals in 28 events. TT Accessories Table tennis rackets are laminated wooden bats with one or both sides covered with rubber. The wooden side of the table tennis racquet is known as the blade and it should essentially be around 6 inches. Many brands like Adidas, Butterfly, GKI, and Jeorex offer full table tennis kits including TT bats and TT balls. Donic TT bats come in a range of designs and the price starts at nine hundred rupees and goes up to three thousand. Most Donic Table Tennis bats have additional features such as PLS (Power Light System), AVS (Anti Vibe System) or ABP (Adjustable Balance Point). Buy tt table online another benefit of playing table tennis besides that it is fun and entertaining is that playing TT is good for keeping fit. It helps improve reflexes, tones and strengthens core muscles and overall is a good aerobic exercise. Even after years of being in this sport, Table tennis followers and players find it to be a learning experience. New tactics and techniques are always around the corner to entice and engage ones interest. Notwithstanding age and gender one can always raise their level by improving technique and strategies. Table Tennis is hence the sport for those who never stop exploring.