540 Lake Center Pkwy #201 Cumming, GA 30040
404.723.3777 :: Cell 678.341.7400 :: Office
Crystal Bhurgri Realtor I welcome you to speak to anyone in your community and ask about the services I provide and exactly what kind of a realtor I am. While being a realtor is my profession, I pride myself on becoming a trustworthy resource to all of my clients during their purchase or sale and being available to you for any and every need or simple question you may have in the future. I can tell you about my marketing background and how I utilize technology to make sure that all the tools available to me are at your fingertips. I can tell you that I’ve lived here for almost 20 years now and have a vast understanding of the different area’s and what happens to their values on an annual basis. Yes, That is all very valuable and helps me be a better agent to you. All of that said, every client I’ve had finds the most value in having an advocate to help with the big decisions they face when buying, selling or renting a home. Negotiation, building a home from the ground up, vetting tenants for your investment home… Those are skills that we’ll collaborate on and you’ll walk away knowing you have someone that has your best interest at heart and that you can trust will all of your future needs.
Proud to be a 2016 Platinum Sponsor for Pujari of Atlanta Crystal provides incredible real estate support. You can be rest assured that she will always go to bat for you and her advise always centers around maximizing value for you. She has excellent work ethics and is extremely responsive. I would highly recommend her for any of your real estate needs. -Pujari Member, Sold in 2016
You went over and beyond your call of duty, just to help us. We couldn't possibly have found a better realtor! - Pujari member. Buyer in Lambert High School, 2016
BEST WISHES TO THE BENGALI COMMUNITY FOR DURGA PUJA CELEBRATIONS 2016! Just Ask Around! www.CrystalDreamHomes.com CrystalB@KW.com Visit my Website to Search Homes and See more Client Reviews!
Naveed Bhurgri
5696 Peachtree Parkway Suite A Norcross, GA 30092
Partner/Sr. Mortgage Advisor
(678) 343-5987 (678) 992-2675 (866) 300-5118
Cell Office Fax
Naveed Bhurgri Partner/Sr. Mortgage Advisor Thank you to my community of customers who allow me to service your financing needs and tell your family and friends when you’re satisfied! It is because of you that we are together successful. My commitment to my clients has always been to offer the lowest rates and fees, with exceptional service. I understand the importance of each transaction, and take pride in exceeding my clients expectations. Naveed Bhurgri - Partner, Bluestone Capital Group
Proud to be a 2016 Platinum Sponsor for Pujari of Atlanta “Naveed was fantastic—throughout the entire process there was never any question that he had our best interests at heart. We have recommended Naveed to all of our family and friends, and will continue to do so for years to come.”
~ Prabir and Sonia Nandi
Jumbo Loans/FHA/Conventional Loans Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac HARP Programs Second Homes/Investment Homes No Closing Costs Options Purchase/Refinance Loan Programs Tailored to Meet Each Clients Needs Most Competitive Rates/Fees in the Industry Outstanding Service with a Commitment to Excellence
Naveed Bhurgri NMLS # 169271, Bluestone Capital Group NMLS #153107 Licensed by the Georgia Dept. of Banking and Finance, GA License #21639
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Marietta, GA 30068 Tel: 770-971-SHIV (7448) Tuesday – Sunday 10:00 am to 8:30 pm Monday Closed Directions: From I-75 take exit 263 for loop 120. Go East towards Roswell. On 2nd traffic light, take a left turn on Lower Roswell road. We are on left in Eastgate Shopping center
শারদীয়া অঞ্জলি ১৪২৩ সার্ধশতবর্ষধর আর্িার্ে ভলিনী লনর্বলদতা মীরা ভট্টাচার্যধয েিোতা
"আলম লবশ্বাস েলর, ভারতবষধ এে, অখন্ড, অলবভাজ্য। এে আবাস, এে স্বার্ধ, এে সম্প্রীলতর উপর্রই জ্াতীয় ঐেয িঠিত।" উপর্রর উলিটি এে লবর্দলশনীর। নাম মািধার্রট এলিজ্ার্বর্ ননার্বি, জ্ন্ম ২৮ অর্টাবর ১৮৬৭ খ্রীষ্টার্ে আয়ারিযার্ন্ড। ইংিযার্ন্ড িালিত পালিত ও লশক্ষা সর্েও ভারত লিি তাাঁর েমধর্ক্ষত্র। তাাঁর লপতামাতা লির্িন র্মধপ্রাণ খৃ স্টান। জ্ন্মক্ষর্ণই লতলন তাাঁর মাতার ইচ্ছায় ভিবৎ নসবায় উৎসিীেৃত হন। পরবতী জ্ীবর্ন ভারতমাতার উর্ের্শয স্বামী লবর্বোনর্ের এে অনু পম উপহার। ১৮৯৫ খ্রীষ্টার্ের এে সন্ধ্যায় লতলন স্বামীজ্ীর্ে প্রর্ম নদর্খন। নসইলদনই ভািযলবর্াতা তাাঁর্ে উৎসিধ ের্রন স্বামীজ্ীর চরণপর্ে। লতলন নদখর্িন তাাঁর জ্ীবর্নর ধ্রুবতারার্ে। স্বামীজ্ীও লচনর্ত ভুি েরর্িন না তাাঁর মানসেনযার্ে। ভারতবষধর্ে ভার্িার্বর্স, লনর্জ্র্ে সম্পূ ণধভার্ব ভারর্তর নসবায়, লবর্শষ ের্র নারীজ্ালতর উন্নলতের্ে লনর্জ্র্ে লনর্বদন ের্র গুরুর নদওয়া "লনর্বলদতা" নাম সার্ধে ের্রন। স্বামীজ্ী তাাঁর আশীবধাণীর নশষ দুটি পংলির্ত বর্ির্িন— "ভলবষযৎ ভারর্তর সন্তার্নর তর্র নসলবো, বান্ধ্বী, মাতা -- তুলম এোর্ার্র।" লনর্বলদতার ভারত আিমন ২৮ জ্ানু য়ারী ১৮৯৮ খ্রীষ্টার্ে। লবর্বোনর্ের স্বর্ের ভারতবষধর্ে বাস্তর্ব রূপদান েরার প্রবি আগ্রর্হ লশক্ষা ও নসবার োজ্ শুরু ের্রন। লনর্বলদতার এেমাত্র উর্েশয হি ভারর্তর েিযাণ ও নসবা েরা। তাাঁর ভারত নসবা লিি সমগ্র মানব জ্ালতর নসবা। শ্রীরামেৃষ্ণ এবং স্বামীজ্ীর জ্ন্মভূলম ভারতবষধর্ে লনর্বলদতা স্বর্দশ বর্িই গ্রহণ ের্রলির্িন। বািবাজ্ার্র নবাসপাডা নির্ন বসবাস েরবার সময় লনর্বলদতা তাাঁর প্রলতর্বশী সার্ারণ মানু ষর্দর সু র্খ দুুঃর্খ সবসময় পার্শ র্াের্তন। ১৮৯৯ সার্ি র্যখন নেি নরাি েিোতায় মহামারী রূপ র্ারণ ের্র তখন স্বামীজ্ীর লনর্দধ র্শ লনর্বলদতা লমশর্নর সন্নযাসীর্দর সর্ে লনর্য় নসবা োর্র্যধ ননর্ম পর্ডন এবং ননতৃত্ব নদন এই োর্জ্। লতলন লনর্জ্ হার্ত ঝাডু লনর্য় মৃ তুযভয় উর্পক্ষা ের্র আবজ্ধনা পলরষ্কার ও নরািীর নসবা েরর্তন।
Sharodiya Anjali 2016 68
শারদীয়া অঞ্জলি ১৪২৩
বড লবস্ময় িার্ি র্যখন নদলখ স্বামীজ্ীর আদশধ অনু র্যায়ী নবদান্ত ও লবজ্ঞানচচধার সমন্বর্য় আদশধ ভারত ির্ড নতািার জ্নয ব্রতী হন লনর্বলদতা। লবজ্ঞান চচধার োর্জ্ ও ির্বষণায় জ্িদীশ বসু র্ে ঐোলন্তে সাহার্যয ের্রন। জ্িদীশ চর্ের স্ত্রী শ্রীমতী অবিা বসু , ও নবান িাবণযপ্রভা বসু র্ে অতযন্ত নেহ েরর্তন। লশোচার্যধয নেিাি বসু ও অবনীেনার্ ঠাকুর তাাঁর োর্ি ঋণী। ইলতহাস রচনার নক্ষর্ত্র লতলন সবধদা রর্মশ চে মজ্ু মদার, র্যদুনার্ সরোর প্রভৃলতর্ে নপ্ররণা দান ের্রর্িন। শ্রী অরলবে ও তাাঁর পত্নী মৃ ণালিনী নদবীও তাাঁর নেহিার্ভ র্নয হর্য়র্িন। রবীেনার্ ঠাকুরও তাাঁর সালন্নর্র্য আর্সন। ননতালজ্ সু ভাষচে বসু বর্ির্িন -- "ভারতবষধর্ে আলম ভাির্বর্সলি লবর্বোনে পর্ড, আর লবর্বোনের্ে আলম লচর্নলি লনর্বলদতার নিখায়।" লনর্বলদতা লনর্জ্র পলরচয় লদর্তন "রামেৃষ্ণ-লবর্বোনর্ের লনর্বলদতা"। ১৮৯৮ সার্ির ১৩ই নর্ভম্বর লিি োিীপূ জ্া। ঐ লদন ১৬ নং নবাসপাডা নির্ন লনর্বলদতার বাসভবর্ন নমর্য়র্দর স্কুর্ির প্রলতষ্ঠা হয়। শ্রীশ্রী সারদা মাতা পু র্জ্া ের্র স্কুর্ির আনু ষ্ঠালনে উর্বার্ন ের্রন। উপলিত লির্িন স্বামী লবর্বোনে, স্বামী ব্রহ্মানে, স্বামী সারদানাে প্রভৃলত মহাত্মািণ। লেিু লদন আর্ি ইউর্রার্পর ভারমন্ট নর্র্ে েিোতায় আর্সন নসর্িন্ডা মািধট। লতলন লনর্বলদতার ভাই লরচমন্ড ননার্বর্ির নাতলন। লদলদমার ভািবাসার নদশ ভারতবষধর্ে নদখর্ত আর্সন সর্ে তাাঁর নির্ির্েও এর্নলির্িন। নর্য মহাপ্রাণা রমণী লবর্দলশনী হর্য়ও ভারতর্ে মাতৃভূলম জ্ঞার্ন তার নসবায় জ্ীবন উৎসিধ ের্র নির্িন লতলন নশষ লনুঃশ্বাস তযাি ের্রন লহমাির্য়র নরার্ড। তাাঁর সমালর্র্ক্ষর্ত্রর উপর লনলমধত স্মৃলতস্তর্ে নিখা "এখার্ন ভলিনী লনর্বলদতা শালন্তর্ত লনলিত। " মৃ তুযলদন লিি ১৩ অর্টাবর ১৯১১ সাি। োলি, েিম, বই প্রভৃলতর্ে সর্ে লনর্য় তাাঁর্ে স্মরণ েলর, তাাঁর আশীৰ্ব্ধাদ নপর্য়লি বর্িই লনরক্ষর নই, সাক্ষর হর্য়লি শুর্ু তাাঁরই েৃপায়। সার্ধশত বর্ষধ ভলিনী লনর্বলদতার চরর্ণ আমার্দর শতর্োটি প্রণাম জ্ানাই।
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শারদীয়া অঞ্জলি ১৪২৩ ‘সবার উপরর মানুষ সত্য’ কল্পনা ব্যানার্জী 'এমন মানব্ র্জীব্ন রইল পতিি আব্াদ করলল ফলি স ানা' - াধক কতব্ রামপ্র াদ স লনর এই গান আমালদর হঠাৎ হঠাৎ নাড়া সদয় এই পর্যযন্তই। ্ িারপরই আমরা তব্স্মরলে চলল র্যাই। আতম তক? আতম সক? র্জাতন না। লেটিশ ব্লললেন "Know thyself" আপনালক র্জানািাই প্রকৃি জ্ঞান। রব্ীন্দ্রনালের গালনও খলুঁ র্জ পাই এরই অনরেন - 'আপনালক এই র্জানা আমার ফরালব্ না' - আত্মানাাং ব্ৃদ্ধি। কোয় ব্লল র্যা আলে তব্শ্ব ব্রহ্মালে িা আলে সদহ ভালে। তকন্তু অলব্াধ মানষ িার স ই ম্পলদর ন্ধানই র্জালন না। মানষ 'অমৃলির পত্র', অন্ধকার সেলক আললালক র্যাওয়ার কাোরী। তকন্তু সকন মানষ িার অন্তলরর ঐশ্বর্যয্ ও শদ্ধি ম্বলন্ধ অন্ধকালর? এই ন্দর পৃতেব্ী মানলষরই টৃ ি। একলকাষী প্রােী তব্ব্ি্লন মানষ হলয় র্যাব্িীয় ৃটির অতধকারী হলয়লে। মানষ িার এই ক্ষমিালক ভুলল োলক। িাহলল উপায় তক? প্রলিযলকর প্রকৃতির একিা তনর্জস্ব গতি আলে। স ই প্রকৃতি মলনর দ্বারা চাতলি। মন স্বভাব্িই চঞ্চল। প্রালের চঞ্চল অব্স্থাই মন। প্রাে পাুঁচ ভালগ তব্ভি - প্রাে, অপান, ব্যান, মান, উদান। এই প্রাে আরও চঞ্চল হলয় 'মন' উপাতধ ধারে কলর। ঐ মন আরও চঞ্চল হলয় - তচত্ত, ব্দ্ধি, তব্লব্ক, অহাংকালর পতরেি হয়। অহাংকার তনলয় মন র্যা আত্মার অাংশ শ্বা প্রশ্বা রূলপ তনগি্ হয়। ঐ শ্বা প্রশ্বা ই প্রােী র্জগলির আয়। আয় তনতদ্ ি োলক। সব্শীর ভাগ মানষ তনতদ্ ি পরমায় তনলয় তনতদ্ ি তকেু কম ্কলর এই মলনর চঞ্চলিার র্জলনয মানষ তনলর্জলক তচনলি পালর না।
ন্দর পৃতেব্ী সেলক তব্দায় সনয়।
আ লল মন একিা র্জলাশলয়র মি। এলি ামানয কারলেই িরঙ্গ ওলঠ। এই িরঙ্গগুতল আমালদর আত্মস্বরূপ দশলন ্ অন্তরায় ৃটি কলর। আললাতড়ি র্জলিরঙ্গ পূেচলন্দ্রর ্ সশাভা দশলন ্ অপারগ। মনলক শান্ত করা দরকার িলব্ই মানষ িার প্রকৃতি র্জানলব্। র্জানলব্ িার শদ্ধিলক, সদখলি হলব্ প্রকৃতি সর্যন মলনর উপর িরঙ্গ ৃটি করলিন না পালর। এই িরঙ্গগুতলই পঞ্চ কলমদ্ধন্দ্র ্ য় ও পঞ্চ জ্ঞালনদ্ধন্দ্রয়। পঞ্চ কলমদ্ধন্দ্র ্ য় - ব্াক্, পাদ্, পাতে, পায়, উপস্থ। পঞ্চ জ্ঞালনদ্ধন্দ্রয় হল চক্ষ, কে,্ দ্ধর্জহ্বা, নাত কা, ত্বক। এর ালে র্যি হয় মলনর গতি প্রকৃতি - মন, তচত্ত, ব্দ্ধি, অহঙ্কার ও তব্লব্ক। এই িরলঙ্গর আঘালি মানষ িার র্জীব্ন ব্যব্হাতরক প্রলয়ার্জলনই তনিঃলশষ কলর সফলল। মনলক ব্শীভূ ি করলি হলল িার অব্লচিন স্তলরর গভীলর প্রলব্শ করলি হলব্। স খালন সর্য কল তচন্তা ও াংস্কার পঞ্জীভূ ি হলয় আলে স গুতললক তব্নযস্ত কলর াংর্যি করলি হলব্, এিাই প্রেম স াপান তনলর্জলক র্জানার। ফতলি মনস্তত্ত্ব প্রেলমই অব্লচিন মনলক তনয়ন্ত্রোধীলন আনব্ার কালর্জ ব্ ্ শদ্ধি তনলয়াগ কলর। সচিনই অব্লচিলনর কারে। অব্লচিলনর কার্জ সচিনার তনম্নস্তলর হয়। সিমতন আর একধরলের কার্জ হয়, সচিনার উলি্ অতিলচিন স্তলর। এই অতিলচিন অব্স্থায় সপ ৌঁেলল মানষ মি হয় ও সদব্ত্ব লাভ
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শারদীয়া অঞ্জলি ১৪২৩ কলর। এই সদব্ত্ব লাভই আপনার স্বরূপ র্জানা ও অতমি শদ্ধিলক র্জানা। শ্রী শ্রী মদ ভগব্ৎ গীিালি শ্রীকৃষ্ণ িার তশষয অর্জন ্ লক এই জ্ঞানই তদলয়লেন 'মন্মনাভব্ মদভি মদর্যার্জী মাাং নমস্করু। মালম বব্ যত র্যলি ব্ মাত্মনাং মৎপরায়ে।।' (৯-৩৪) 'প্রেলম মন তদলয় মনলক "অমন" করলি হয়। পরলমশ্বলরর তনকি মপে্ কলর ব্দ্ধিলক পারললই ব্রহ্ম জ্ঞান লাভ করা র্যায়'। স্বরূপলক এই পলেই পাওয়া র্যায়।
মাতহি করলি
মানষ মালন র্যার মন শ্বাল োলক। শ্বা র্যখন ইড়া তপঙ্গলায় (ব্াম ও ডান নালক) িযন্মাত্র সেলক ষন্মার (spinal cord) মধয তদলয় আজ্ঞাচলে র্যায় িালকই ব্লল প্রকৃি শ্বা । াধারে তনশ্বা প্রশ্বাল র ইড়া তপঙ্গলার মধয তদলয় চলা - িা হল শুধ সব্ুঁলচ োকার র্জনয শ্বা । মানলষর তচৎশদ্ধির পতরচয় সপলি হলল শ্বা লক ষন্মা তদলয় চালনা করলি হয়। প্রলিযক মানলষর শ্বা ীতমি - limited। এই শ্বা ই কাল ব্া time। িরাাং 'any human is metamorphosed condition of time and this time has its own limitation' মনষয মালত্রই কাললর ঘনীভূ ি নশ্বর অব্স্থা এব্াং ময় তনলর্জর ীমায় ীতমি। মৃিুয ব্া সদহ িযালগর ময় ঐ িাইম ব্া কাল ইহ র্জীব্লনর দ্ধঞ্চি াংস্কার - ভালমন্দ ব্ তকেুলক তনলয় সদহিযাগ কলর। তচৎশদ্ধি র্যা mitochondriya cell িা অতি transparent (স্বচ্ছ)। আজ্ঞা চে পর্যযন্ত ্ গুলের স্থান (স্বিিঃ, িম, রর্জ) িার উপলর হস্রার তনগু ্ে। তচৎশদ্ধি ব্া mitochondriya cell তপিার ব্ীর্য ্দ্বারা মািৃর্জঠলর একলকাষী প্রােী হলয় হস্রালর োলক। স ই ময় একলকাষী র্জীলব্র সকান স্নায়র্জাল ব্া plexus হয় না। পূব্র্জলন্মর ্ াংস্কার অনর্যায়ী সোলমাল াম বিরী কলর। DNA/RNA সডলভলপ কলর cell তডতভশন (সকাষ তব্ভার্জন) কলর। মলয়র পতরব্ি্লন মািৃগলভ্ ঐ সকালষর চঞ্চল ভাব্ মূলাধালর আল । তস্থর ভাব্ হস্রালর োলক। ঐ cell সকানটি হাি্ (হৃদয়) সকানটি lung (ফ ফ ) সকানটি kidney liver (র্যকৃৎ) ইিযাতদ সদহর্যন্ত্র বিতর কলর। এই cell গুতল main cell এর অাংশ। প্রকৃি সখলা শুরু হয় র্জািক ভূ তমষ্ঠ হওয়ার পর। ভাব্
র্জািক ভূ তমষ্ঠ হওয়ার পর পরম তম্বৎ আদযাশদ্ধি ব্া তচৎ হস্রালর োলক অপর ভাব্ আজ্ঞাচলে োলক।
হস্রার সেলক আজ্ঞাচলে আল । এক
িখনই মলনর াংকল্প তব্কল্প বিরী হলয় নানা ভালব্র টৃ ি হয়। এই ভাব্লক ব্দ্ধি নালম অতভতহি করা হয়। এই ব্দ্ধি মন হলয় তব্রার্জ কলর। পর পর আল অহাংকার তব্লব্ক ও তচত্ত। মানষ তব্ভ্রান্ত হয় ও ব্যব্হাতরক র্জীব্লন অভযস্থ হলয় র্যায়। িার আত্মা ব্া শুভ ব্দ্ধি হয় িম াব্ৃি। িমা াব্ৃি মনলক তস্থর কলর আত্ম উপলতি হলল িলব্ই মানষ র্জানলব্ তনলর্জলক - িার অতমি শদ্ধিলক। মানলষর প্রােশদ্ধি র্যালক তচৎশদ্ধিও ব্লা সর্যলি পালর িার সখাুঁর্জ মানষ পায় না কারে িা সর্যাগমায়া মাব্ৃি। গীিায় শ্রীকৃষ্ণ ব্ললেন 'নাহাং প্রকাশ ব্ ্ য সর্যাগমায়া মাব্ৃিিঃ। মূঢ়হয়াং নতভ র্জানতি সলালকা মাম অর্জ অব্যয়ম্'।। (৭-২৫) ঈশ্বলরর ন্ধান মানষ ব্াইলর কলর তকন্তু ঈশ্বর মানলষর অন্তলর। স ই সিা ব্শদ্ধ ্ িমান। পঞ্চ কলমদ্ধন্দ্র ্ য় পঞ্চ জ্ঞালনদ্ধন্দ্রয় পঞ্চ প্রকৃতি ও five elements দ্বারা চাতলি মানষ - সর্যাগমায়ায় তনতিি উতত্তটষ্ঠি র্জাগ্রি প্রাপয ব্রান তনলব্াতধি।
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শারদীয়া অঞ্জলি ১৪২৩ সদলহর চক্ষ, কে,্ দ্ধর্জহ্বা, নাত কা, ত্বক, হাি, পা ব্ই আলে অতব্কল তকন্তু মৃিুয হলল স ই অঙ্গ প্রিযঙ্গ function কলর না। িাহলল সদলহ সকউ সিা তেল? র্যা মানষ সক র্জীব্ন তদলয়তেল। িাহল প্রােশদ্ধি ব্া radient energy। এই প্রােশদ্ধিলকই টঠক ভালব্ র্জাগ্রি করলি হলব্ র্যার ইদ্ধন্দ্রয় শদ্ধি সর্য ভালব্ তব্কতশি হয় এব্াং সর্য পতরমাে ব্ল ম্পন্ন হয় িার কালে র্জগৎ স ই ভালব্ই অনভূ ি হয়। তনলর্জলক র্জানার ব্া প্রােশদ্ধিলক র্জাগ্রি করালক জ্ঞানীরা সর্যাগ ব্ললন।লর্যাগ হলচ্ছ আত্মার ালে পরমাত্মার তমলন। এক ও অতদ্বিীয় ত্ত্বার অনভব্। আত্মা সক? আত্মা আতম - মানষ। পরমাত্মা সক? ব্রহ্ম - এক অতদ্বিীয় ত্ত্বার অনভব্ - a state of mind - অব্াঙ মান সগাচর। জ্ঞানী ব্া সর্যাগীগলের মলি সমরুদলের (spinal cord) দপালশ ইড়া ও তপঙ্গলা নামক দটি স্নায়ব্ীয় শদ্ধি প্রব্াহ ও ষন্মা নালম একিা শূনয নালী আলে। এই শূনয নালীর তনম্ন প্রালন্ত কলকেতলনী পদ্ম (মূলাধার) অব্তস্থি। এটি দ্ধত্রলকাোকার। সর্যাগীলদর রূপক ভাষায় ঐ স্থালন কেতলনী শদ্ধি তনতিি অোৎ ্ inactive হলয় আলেন। ঐ শদ্ধি র্জাগতরি হলল (প্রাোয়ান দ্বারা) েমশ উপলর উঠলি োলক। মূলাধার চে সেলক ষন্মার াহালর্যয স্বাতধষ্ঠান চে, মতনপর চে, অনাহি চে, তব্শুি চে অতিেম কলর হস্রার চলে উপনীি হয় ব্া তমতলি হয়। স ই ময় সর্যাগী ব্া দ্ধেয়া সর্যাগী তনতদ্ ি ব্যব্হাতরক র্জীব্ন সেলক মি হলয় মি ভাব্ ব্া তনর্জ শদ্ধির ন্ধান পায়। স্বামী তব্লব্কানন্দ িাুঁর আধযাদ্ধত্মক ব্যাখযায় ব্লললেন কলকেতলনীলক র্জাগ্রি করাই তদব্যজ্ঞান - জ্ঞানািীি অনভূ তি ব্া আত্মানভূ তি লালভর একমাত্র উপায়। এই দ্ধেয়া মানষই পালর। িার সশ্রষ্ঠত্বলক র্জাগ্রি করলি মানষলক সচিা করলি হলব্। অলনক ময় ব্ললি সশানা র্যায় একর্জন সশ্রষ্ঠ মানলষর সশ্রষ্ঠলত্বর পশ্চালি একর্জন নারীর অব্দান োলক। স ই নারী িার মা, স্ত্রী ব্া ভতি ব্া সকউ এক র্জন। এিা স্থুল ব্যাখযা। প্রকৃিপলক্ষ র্যখন মূলাধালরর কলকেতলনী র্জাগ্রি হলয় ষন্মার মধয তদলয় ষড় চে অতিেম কলর হস্রালর তমতলি হয় িখনই প্রতিভার প্রকাশ হলি োলক। পরুষ ( হস্রার) ও প্রকৃতির (কলকেতলনী) তমলন সমাক্ষ লালভর অনযিম হাতিয়ার। এিা াধনার ব্যাপার। র্জন্ম র্জন্মান্তলররও ব্যাপার। মানলষর সশ্রষ্ঠত্বলক র্জাগ্রি করলি মানষলকই সচিা করলি হলব্।
“We reap what we sow. We are the makers of our own fate. The wind is blowing; those vessels whose sails are unfurled catch it, and go forward on their way, but those which have their sails furled do not catch the wind. Is that the fault of the wind?....... We make our own destiny.” ― Swami Vivekananda
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শারদীয়া অঞ্জলি ১৪২৩ রবীন্দ্রনাথের দুটি ছ াটগল্প ‘লগলি’ ও ‘খাতা’ সু দলিণা ছ াষ মথনালবজ্ঞাথনর মথত লশশুর জীবনলবকাথশর ছিথে অনযতম দালয়ত্ব লশিথকর। একজন আদশশ লশিথকর প্রেম ও প্রধান সম্পদ হথে একটি ছেহপূ ণশ ভাথিাবাসায় ভরা মন। লশশু- াথের চালহদা, প্রবৃ লি, আথবগথক হৃদয় লদথয় অনু ভব করাই আদশশ লশিকতার মূ ি সতয। লশিথকর সহানু ভূলত, মমত্বথবাধ, সহথ ালগতাপূ ণশ বযবহারই লশশুর লবকাথশর সহায়ক। রবীন্দ্রনাে এই সতয হৃদয় লদথয় অনু ভব উপিলি কথরল থিন। ছসই সথে ল ি শশশথবর অলভজ্ঞতা। নমশাি স্কুথি পড়ার স্মৃলত। নমশাি স্কুথি াে ঢািাইথয়র কারখানায় ছ াট্ট রলবর ছসই িজ্জাহত, ােথদর অট্টহাসযমু খর ঠাট্টায় হৃদয় লবদীণশ করা ছচষ্টাকৃত মৃ দু হালসমু খ আমাথদর মনথক উথেি কথর। রবীন্দ্রনাে তাাঁর স্কুিজীবথনর ছসই লনরানন্দ মথনাজগথতর কো ‘জীবনস্মৃলত’-র পাতায় লিথখ ছগথ ন। নমশাি স্কুি প্রসথে বিথত লগথয় লতলন ছ হরনাে পলিথতর কো বথিথ ন, - তাাঁর কুৎলসত ভাষা, সংকীণশমনা লশিথকর অলবচার, অধধ শ, ছরাধ, পিপাতপরতা লবদযািয়থক লশশু রবীন্দ্রনাথের কাথ জীবন, ছসৌন্দথ শর সথে লবলেি ছজিখানা বা হাসপাতাথি পলরণত কথরল ি। পরবতী জীবথন ‘লগলি’ গল্পটিথত ছসই অপমানজজ্জ শ র, দুুঃখকাতর লদনগুলির স্মৃলতরই ায়াপাত থটথ । ছসই সহানু ভূলতহীন, লনমশম, লবভীলষকাস্বরূপ হরনাে পলিতই ‘লগলি’- গথল্প লশবনাে পলিত। ছগাাঁফ-দাাঁলড় কামাথনা, চুি াাঁটা হ্রস্বটিলক ু ক্ত মানু ষটি ােথদর শারীলরক শালি লদথয়ই িান্ত হথতন না; তাাঁর মু খলনসৃ ত তীক্ষ্ণ তূণ লশশু-আত্মা লবদীণশ কথর লদত। শদলহক লনপীড়ণ ও মানলসক অতযাচার- দুইই ল ি তাাঁর অস্ত্র। প্রহাথরর ছচথয়ও মানলসক লনপীড়ণ লশশু-লকথশার লনলবশথশথষ সব মানু ষথকই অলধকতর আহত কথর। অলধকাংশ ছিথেই লবদযািথয়র লশিক-লশলিকারা লশশুমথনর এই ম শাদাটিথক গুরুত্ব ছদন না। ‘লগলি’- গল্পটি ােবৃ লি ক্লাথসর দুই-লতন ছেণী নীথচর লশিক লশবনাে পলিতথক লনথয় ছিখা। ছগাাঁফ-দাাঁলড় কামাথনা, হ্রস্বটিলক ু ক্ত এই ছিাকটিথক ছদখথি বািকথদর অন্তরাত্মা শুকাইয়া াইত। লতলন ছকবি শারীলরক শালি লদথতন না। বািক
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শারদীয়া অঞ্জলি ১৪২৩ বয়থস ছস শালির প্রভাব ছবশীিন োথকনা। লকন্তু তাাঁর Practical Joke-এর লশকার লশশুটির মমশ ন্ত্রনা প্রায় লচরকাথির স্মৃলতথত ছেথক ছ ত। তাাঁর এই লনষ্ঠুর পলরহাথসর লশকার শশীথশখর নাথম ছ থিটি। তার শারীলরক অসংগলতথক লবদ্রূপ কথর সমবয়সীথদর মথধয ‘ছভটকী’- নাথম সথবাধন শলশথশখরথক কতটা মানলসক কষ্ট লদথয়থ , তা অনু ধাবন করার শলক্ত এই পলিথতর ল িনা। এই লশবনাে পলিথতরই অনযতম লশকার িলজ্জত, নম্র, অন্তমু শখী াে আশু। স্বভাবসু িভ, ভাথিামানু ষ এই ছ থিটিথক ‘লগলি’নাম লদথয় সমবয়সী সহপাঠীথদর কাথ এই নাম ছদবার সােশকতা বযাখা করথিন পলিত। এই নামকরথণর একটা পশ্চাদ পট ল ি। সমবয়স্কা সলেনীর অভাথব আশুর ছবাথনর ছখিার একমাে সেী ল ি তার দাদা। ু টির লদথন, ছ ার বষশার সময়, বাড়ীর গাড়ীবারান্দায় ছবাথনর ছখিা থর দাদা-থবাথনর গভীর আথিাচনা, লবষয়- পু তুথির লবথয়। “তকশ উঠিি কাহাথক পু থরালহত করা ায়।” ঠিক এই সময়, বৃ লষ্টর জনয আশুথদর গাড়ী-বারান্দার াথদর নীথচ আেয় ছনওয়া লশবনাে পলিতথকই আশুর ছবান ছপৌথরালহতয করার জনয অনু থরাধ কথর বসি। মস্বরূপ লশবনাে পলিতথক ছদথখই মু হূথতশ অন্তধশান কথরও আশুর ছরহাই ছমথিলন। ক্লাস থর সমবয়সী ােথদর কাথ লশবনাে পলিথতর টিপ্পনী সহকাথর নামকরথণর বযাখার সময় লনথজর িজ্জাথক ঢাকথত অনয ছ থিথদর ছকৌতুক-হাথসয আশুর ‘ঈষৎ ছ াগ ছদবার ছচষ্টা’ বড়ই হৃদয় লবদারক। “হালসথত হালসথত তাহার মু খ-কান িাি হইয়া উঠিি, আর বযলেত কথপাথির লশরা ফু লিয়া উঠিি। সমথবত বালকথদর উেলসত ছকৌতুক ডাক “লগলি লগলি” সহয করথত না ছপথর উেলসত অশ্রুজি আর লক ু থতই বাধা মালনি না।” রবীন্দ্রনাে লবশ্বাস করথতন, প্রাণথক প্রাণ লদথয় ল লন জাগাথবন লতলনই গুরু, লতলনই লশিক। স্কুথির কারখানা থর ‘মাস্টার কি’ লদথয় ন্ত্র বানাথনার প্রলরয়াথক লতলন লশিক বথি স্বীকারই কথরন লন। একটি চারাগা থক মাতৃথেথহ িািন করথি তথবই পথর ছস গাথ ফু ি ছফাথট, ফি ধথর। এই ছবাথধর অভাথবই লশিথকর পরাজয়।
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শারদীয়া অঞ্জলি ১৪২৩ ‘লগলি’- গল্পটি একটি ছ াট লশশুর লবদীণশ হৃদথয়র বযলেত স্মৃলতচারথণ ছসই পরাজথয়রই কালহনী। এই ‘লগলি’- গথল্পর িজ্জাহত, অপমানাতুর বািকটিরই সমথগােীয় ‘খাতা’- গথল্পর উমা। আশুর লনপীড়থণর ছচথয়ও তীক্ষ্ণতর নাবালিকা উমার উপর তার সাবািক স্বামীর মানলসক অতযাচার। উমার দাদা ছগালবন্দিাি, স্বামী পযারীথমাহন এবং উমা- লতনজথনরই খাতা ল ি। লিখথত লশথখই উমা েতে লিথখ ছবড়াথতা। বড়থদর সহাসয প্রেথয় অলবরি চিল ি ছসই ছিখা। প্রেম বাধা এি দাদার কা ছেথক। “লনজশন লেপ্রহথর” দাদার কালি কিথম দাদারই পালিতযপূ ণশ প্রবথের উপর কিম চালিথয় লিখথিা ছস- ‘ছগাপাি বড় ভাি ছ থি, ছস াহা পায় তাহাই খায়।’ পলরণাথম দাদার প্রহার এবং উমার বহু ত্ন-সলিত ৎসামানয ছিথখযাপকরথণর পুাঁ লজ ছকথড় ছনওয়া। এই গুরুতর িাজ্ঞনার কারণ বু ঝথত পারি না উমা। রন্দনরত উমাথক ‘লকলিৎ অনু তপ্ত লচথি’ দাদা িু লিত সামগ্রী লফলরথয় লদি। উপরন্তু লদি একটি িাইন টানা বাাঁধাথনা খাতা। এভাথবই উমার খাতা প্রালপ্ত। এই খাতাই হথয় উঠি তার লদনরাথতর লনতযসেী। লনমশি ছকৌতুথকর সথে গল্পকার লববরণ লদথয়থ ন উমার রচনা-পরম্পরার। অবথশথষ লবথয় ঠিক হি ন’ব থরর বালিকা উমার। বালড়র সকথিরই লনথদশ শ,- শ্বশুরবাড়ীথত লগথয় ছিখাপড়া করথত না বসার। দাদার সতকশ বাণী স্বামী পযারীথমাহথনর খাতার উপর কিম না চািাথনার। শ্বশুরবাড়ী সম্পথকশ ভীত, সন্ত্রি, রন্দনমু খর উমার সথে ছগি বাড়ীর দাসী লশ ( থশাদা)। লপতৃগৃ থহ ছেহ, ভািবাসার ছশষতম আেয়। লশ সথে লনথয় লগথয়ল ি উমার খাতাটি। ছিখথকর ভাষায় – “উমার লপতৃভবথনর একটি অংশ, তাহার অলতিলণক জন্মগৃ হবাথসর ছেহময় স্মৃলতলচহ্ন, লপতা-মাতার অঙ্কস্থিীর সংলিপ্ত ইলতহাস, অতযন্ত বাাঁকাথচারা কাাঁচা অিথর ছিখা। তাহার এই অকাি গৃ লহণীপনার মথধয বালিকা-স্বভাবথরাচক একটুখালন ছেহমধু র স্বাধীনতার স্বাদ।” এই বণশনায় গল্পকাথরর লশশুথচতনাসম্পলকশ ত ভাবনা সহথজই পাঠক হৃদয়গ্রাহয হথয় ওথঠ। এভাথবই এ-গথল্প সহজিিয ছিখক মথনর আত্মপ্রথিাপ, শশশব-সম্পলকশ ত লনলবড় অনু ভূলতর সথচতন প্রকাশ।
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শারদীয়া অঞ্জলি ১৪২৩ উমার দাদা ছগালবন্দিাি উমার স্বামী তৎকািীন নবযলহন্দু পযারীথমাহথনর ভাবলশষয। প্রসেত বিা ায়, ছসই বেথদথশ লহন্দু ধথমশর পু নরভুযত্থাথনর হাওয়া উথঠল ি। বলঙ্কমচন্দ্রই এই নবযলহন্দু ধথমশর উদগাতা পু রুষ। ধমশলজজ্ঞাসা ও সামালজক প্রথে লতলন মূ িত প্রাচীন লহন্দু ধমশ ও লহন্দু সমাজথক রিা করার পথিই ল থিন। সময়টা ব্রাহ্মধমশ আথন্দািথনর তৃতীয় বা ছশষ প শাথয়র ু গ। ছকশব ছসন, লবজয়কৃষ্ণ ছগাস্বামী প্রমু খ ব্রাহ্মসমাথজর ছনতৃস্থানীয়থদর লহন্দু ভলক্তবাদী আথন্দািথনর প্রমিতায় লহন্দু ধথমশর পু নরুজ্জীবনবাদী আথন্দািথন ছজায়ার আথস। া ‘আ শ সমাজ’, ‘লেওসলফকাি ছসাসাইটি এবং রামকৃষ্ণ-লবথবকানন্দ ও রামকৃষ্ণ লমশথনর প্রলতষ্ঠার ফথি রথমই প্রবি আকার ধারণ করথত োথক। সনাতন লহন্দু ভাথবর পু নুঃপ্রলতষ্ঠা লনথয় ছদথশর সবশেই আথিাচনা হথত োথক। লহন্দু সংবাদপে বেবাসী-র উথদযাথগ শশধর তকশ চূড়ামলন প্রমু খ কথয়কজন সনাতন লহন্দু ধমশ প্রচারক কিকাতায় আথসন এবং নানা স্থাথন বক্তৃতা ছদন। এই সময় শশধর তকশ চূড়ামলন-র প্রভাথব চন্দ্রনাে বসু , ছ াথগন্দ্রনাে বসু প্রমু খ লহন্দু ধথমশর ‘শবজ্ঞালনক’ বযাখা কথর খন ‘আ শালম’-র ছকািাহি তুথিল থিন, রবীন্দ্রনাে তাাঁথদর তীক্ষ্ণ ভাষায় বযেলবদ্রুথপ জজ্জ শ লরত কথরল থিন। ‘দামু ও চামু ’ (১২৯২), ‘আ শ ও অনা শ’ (১২৯২)- বযে রচনাগুলি এই উথেথশযই রলচত। লহন্দু সমাথজর বািযলববাহ ও অনযানয সামালজক কুসংস্কারগুলি লনথয়ও প্রলতলরয়াশীি লহন্দু সংস্কারপন্থীথদর সথে মসী ু দ্ধ শুরু হয়। ‘লহন্দু লববাহ’- প্রবথে (ভারতী ১২৯৪-আলশ্বন) বািযলববাহ-লবথরাধী মত প্রকাশ কথর লহন্দু লববাহ সবথে প্রগলতশীি সংস্কাথরর কো বথিথ ন। ‘খাতা’ গল্পটিথতও এই লহন্দু পু নরুজ্জীবনবাথদর লবরুথদ্ধ সূ ক্ষ্ণ লবদ্রূপ িিয করা ায়। এই লহন্দু ধথমশর পু নরভুযত্থাথনর মথধয লক ু পলরমাথন আধু লনকতা োকথিও ছসই সথে প্রাচীন প্রোথক আধু লনক লচন্তাপ্রসূ ত বথি চািাথনার একটা প্রবণতাও ল ি। এই রকমই এক নবয লহন্দু থনতা উমার স্বামী পযারীথমাহন। উমার বাবা মাথঝ মাথঝ উমাথক বাড়ী আনথত চাইথিও ছগালবন্দিাি পযারীথমাহথনর সথে ছ াগ লদথয় তার ‘প্রলতবেক’ হত। ছগালবন্দিাথির মথত এখন উমার পলতভলক্ত ছশখার সময়। এই সময় “মাথঝ মাথঝ লপতৃগৃ থহ পু রাতন লপতৃথেথহর মথধয আনয়ন কলরথি তাহার মনথক অনেশক লবলিপ্ত কলরয়া ছদওয়া হয়।” এই মথতর ছকাথনা প্রলতবেক ল ি না। প্রলতবেকতা ল িনা পযারীথমাহথনর লনজস্ব সংকীণশ লচন্তার আত্মপ্রকাথশও। লকন্তু এই দু’জনই হথয় উঠি উমার স্বাভালবক লবকাথশর প্রলতবেক। পযারীথমাহথনর লবথশষ লচন্তাপ্রসূ ত একটি ‘অলত সূ ক্ষ্ণ তত্ত্ব’ ল ি –
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শারদীয়া অঞ্জলি ১৪২৩ “স্ত্রীশলক্ত এবং পু রুষ-শলক্ত উভয় শলক্তর সলিিথন পলবে দাম্পতয-শলক্তর উদ্ভব হয়; লকন্তু ছিখা-পড়া লশিা োরা লদ স্ত্রীশলক্ত পরাভূত হইয়া একান্ত পু রুষ-শলক্তর প্রাদুভশ াব হয়, তথব পু ংশলক্তর সলহত পু ংশলক্তর প্রলত াথত এমন একটি প্রিয়-শলক্তর উৎপলি হয় া োরা দাম্পতয-শলক্ত লবনাশ-শলক্তর মথধয লবিীন-সিা িাভ কথর, সু তরাং রমণী লবধবা হয়।” এই তথত্ত্বর ছকাথনা প্রলতবাদ ছকউ কখনও কথরলন। লনথজর এই তথত্ত্ব লনথজই লবশ্বাসী বথি ছবানথদর কা ছেথক উমার ছিখার খবর ছপথয় ছস ‘লবথশষ লচলন্তত।’ কারণ তার মথত “পড়াথশানা আরম্ভ হইথিই নথভি নাটথকর আমদানী হইথব এবং গৃ হধমশ রিা করা দায় হইয়া উঠিথব।” তাই বাড়ী এথস বালিকা স্ত্রীথক লবদ্রূপ লমলেত ভৎসনা। উমা ভাথিাভাথব বু ঝথত না পারথিও মথনমথন ‘একান্ত সংকুলচত’, অতযন্ত িলজ্জত। বহুলদন লশশুটি তার প্রাণলপ্রয় খাতায় লক ু ই ছিথখলন। লকন্তু এক শরথতর সকাথির আগমনী গান শুথন বালিকাটি আর শধ শ রাখথত পাথরলন। গায়কথক থর ছডথক সংগীথত অপারদশী, সংগীতমু গ্ধ উমা গানটি খাতায় লিথখ লনথত িাগি। লতন লশশু ননলদনীর নজরদারী ও খাতা ছকথড় ছনবার ছচষ্টা খন বযেশ, তখনই তারা দাদাথক ছডথক আনি। স্বামীর কঠিন আথদথশ খাতাটি লদথত বাধয হি উমা। অপহৃত হি উমার ‘লপতৃভবথনর একটি অংশ’, ‘লপতা-মাতার অঙ্কস্থিীর একটি সংলিপ্ত ইলতহাস।’ িু লিত হি “অলতিলণক জন্মগৃ হবাথসর ছেহময় স্মৃলতলচহ্ন।” তার “অকাি গৃ লহণীপনার মথধয বালিকা স্বভাবথরাচক একটুখালন ছেহমধু র স্বাধীনতার স্বাদ”- ছকথড় লনি তার তোকলেত আধু লনক অনু ভূলতহীন পলতথদবতা। এরপর উমার খাতা খু থি লবদ্রূথপর সথে পযারীথমাহথনর পাঠ, লতনটি বালিকার উেলসত হালস। মানলসকআেয়শূ নয উমার মাটিথত মু খ গুাঁথজ ছচাথখর জথি ছভথস াওয়া। পাঠথকর ভাবনার প্রলতলনলধ হথয়ই গল্প ছশথষ মানলসক অতযাচার ও অপমাথন জজ্জ শ লরত লশশুটির পাথশ দাাঁলড়থয়থ ন ছিখক। িুি, রুদ্ধ লবদ্রূথপ লবদ্ধ কথরথ ন পযারীথমাহন সদৃশ তৎকািীন নবযলহন্দু থদর। “পযারীথমাহথনরও সূ ক্ষ্ণ তত্ত্ব কণ্টলকত লবলবধ প্রবেপূ ণশ একখালন খাতা ল ি। লকন্তু ছসটি কালড়য়া িইয়া ধ্বংস কথর এমন মানবলহধতষী ছকহ ল ি না।” গল্প ছশথষর এই উলক্তথত হয়থতা গথল্পর গঠন সংহলত িুি হথয়থ , লকন্তু এই উলক্তথতই প্রকালশত ছিখথকর লশশুমনথবাদ্ধা ছেহাতুর হৃদয়টি।
Sharodiya Anjali 2016 77
শারদীয়া অঞ্জলি ১৪২৩ ‘লগলি’ ও ‘খাতা’- দুটি ছ াট গল্পই দুই পলিত তো পলিতিনয হাথত মানলসক ধষশথণর লশকার আহত অপমালনত দুটি লশশুর গল্প। সমাজতত্ত্ব বা মথনালবজ্ঞাথনর লদক ছেথক এই আপাত লশলিত মানু ষ দুটির মানলসকতা হয়থতা লবথেষণ করা ায়। লকন্তু আমাথদর আথিাচনার স্বল্প অবকাথশ ছস সু থ াগ ছনই বিথিই চথি। তবু , গল্পপাঠক লহথসথব বিা ায়, মানলসক অনু ভূলতহীন দুই মানুথষর লবকৃত, অকারণ আত্মতৃলপ্তর বলি এই দুই লশশু।
Sharodiya Anjali 2016 78
শারদীয়া অঞ্জলি ১৪২৩ পথে যেথে ডক্টর ঝর্া ণ চ্যাটার্জী, অটটায়া, ক্যানাডা
পেরুর রার্জধানী লিমা পেটক্ মাচ্ু লেচ্ু যাবার সমটয় পেটন লক্ছু স্থানীয় পিাক্ আিোক্ার চ্মৎক্ার পসাটয়টার, স্কার্ণ , র্জযাটক্ট ইত্যালি লবক্রী ক্রার পচ্ষ্টা ক্রলছি। ত্খন পেটক্ই ঘটনাটা শুরু হটয়লছি। িুষ্টুলম ক্টর খযাোটনা, ভাি মানুটের মত্ মুটখ “এই আিোক্ার পসাটয়টারটা আমাটক্ ত্ু লম লক্টন পিটব বটিছ বটি অটনক্ ধনযবাি!” এই সব চ্িি সারা েে ধটর। পেটনর ক্াাঁটচ্র পডাটমর মধয লিটয় ত্ু োরলক্রীট-েরা োহাটের চ্ূ োর ছলব পনবার র্জনয ক্খটনা এলিটক্, ক্খটনা ওলিটক্ ছুটটাছুটট ক্রলছ, ত্ার মটধয পখয়াি ক্লরলন পয অটনক্ সহযাত্রীটির মটধয পসই এক্টট সুির্নণ মানুে আমাটক্ সমাটন িক্ষ্য ক্টর চ্টিটছ। এক্বার পডটক্ পিখাি ত্ার লনটর্জর ক্যাটমরায় আমার এক্টা ছলব। আটরা অনয সহযাত্রীটির ছলবও লছি। নাম জর্জটেস ক্রিাম, িুষ্টু হালস পহটস বিি “নাটমর িরক্ার পনই, ‘এই পয, পর্ান’ বিটিই আলম সাো পিব।“ হালস পেি, লক্ন্তু খযাোবার ভটয় বিটত্ োরিাম না পয আমাটির সমাটর্জ ঐ ধরটর্র ডাক্টা এক্ান্ত অন্তরঙ্গ ডাক্, এক্ান্ত অন্তরঙ্গ সম্পটক্ণর পিযাত্ক্।
মাচ্ু লেচ্ু পিখার স্বপ্ন আমার অটনক্ লিটনর। োহাটের মাোয় ইনক্াটির এই লবস্ময়ক্র সৃটষ্টর ধবংসাবটর্ে পিখটত্ সারা েৃলেবীর পিাক্ ছুটট আটস। আমরা লিমা পেটক্ ক্াাঁটচ্র পডাম পিওয়া পেটন মটনারম িৃর্য পিখটত্ পিখটত্ পেিাম ‘এটোয়া পক্লিএলিস’ এএর অে –ণ র্ুটন্ত র্জি -টবাধ হয় নিীর রূে বর্না ণ ক্টর) পের্টন, পসখান পেটক্ ঐ র্হটরর বাটস োহাটের পক্াটি লক্ছুটা েে উঠিাম। ত্ারের শুরু পহাি োইডটক্ অনুসরর্ ক্টর লত্ন ঘিা চ্োই-উত্রাই, পরলিং-ছাো োেটরর উবটরাখাবরা উাঁচ্ু লসাঁলে পবটয় ওঠা, নামা, ত্ার মাটঝ মাটঝ পেটম পেটম এই অসামানয ধবংসাবটর্ে মন আর িুটচ্াখ ভটর পিখা, আর পসই প্রাচ্ীন ইনক্াটির েলরক্ল্পনার ক্ুর্িত্া, বুজি ও িূরিৃটষ্ট অনুভব ক্রা। রার্জার পর্াবার ঘর, বীটর্জর ও খাবার র্জনয আিািা আিািা র্েযাোর, মা ধলরত্রীর,সূযটিটবর ণ ও ক্নডটরর মজির, বলির পবিী , পসচ্টনর ও োনীয় র্জটির বযবস্থা, োেটরর পিয়াটি ছাউনী বাাঁধার বযবস্থা – লবস্ময়ক্র। ওরা সূয পিবত্া, ণ মা ধলরত্রী এ“োচ্ামামা” – ঊবরত্ার ণ ও র্সটির পিবী), ক্নডর োলখ, েবত্, ণ এটির েূর্জা ক্রত্। পিবত্াটির সটন্তাটের র্জনয র্ি, র্সয, র্জীব-র্জন্তু, এমন লক্ ক্খটনা ক্খটনা মানুে বলি লিত্। েুটরাটা পিখবার মত্ র্ারীলরক্ ক্ষ্মত্া োক্টব লক্না এ সটিহ আমার লছি, ত্াই লত্ন ঘণ্টা েটর যখন োইড পনটম আসার ক্ো বিি, ত্খন িারুর্ খুলর্ হটয়লছিাম – স্বপ্ন সর্ি
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শারদীয়া অঞ্জলি ১৪২৩ ক্রটত্ পেটরলছ! ! ! োহাে পেটক্ পনটম এটস ওখাটনই এক্টট ক্াটর্টালরয়াটত্ িুেটু রর লনরােম্বর খাবার পখটয় বাস লনটয় সুমযাক্ পহাটটটি পেৌছিাম। পসলিন সটযযটবিায় পহাটটটির িরর্জার ক্াটছ িাাঁলেটয় সত্ৃষ্ণ নয়টন অেরূো, িুরন্ত নৃত্যর্ীিা নিীটটর লিটক্ ত্ালক্টয় ভাবলছিাম এক্টু ক্াটছ লেটয় পিখটি পক্মন হয়। পযন আমার ইটে েূর্ ক্রার ণ র্জনযই সহসা আলবভণাব পহাি ‘এই পয,টর্ান’-র। আমাটক্ বিি, ”এক্টু হাাঁটটত্ যাটব নিীর ধাটর?” বৃো বাক্য বযয় না ক্টর ো বাোিাম েটে। সযটে হাত্ ধটর আমাটক্ রাস্তা োর ক্রাি, ত্ার ের খরটরাত্া উরুবাম্বা নিীর ধাটর োটয়-চ্িা েে ধটর হাাঁটটত্ িােিাম োর্াোলর্। পছাট-বে োেটরর ওের লিটয়, ত্ার চ্ারলিক্ লঘটর নিীর পরাত্ না-বিা পক্ানও আটবটে উচ্ছ্বলসত্ হটয় উঠটছ, আর র্ািা পর্নার মটধয িুটক্াচ্ুলর পখিটছ, হয়টত্া-বা লক্ছু বিটত্ও চ্াইটছ – যলি আমরা হৃিয় লিটয় ত্া অনুভব ক্রটত্ োলর। েটের িুোটর্ র্ুটির োটছ উজ্জ্বি হিুি রটের পোক্া পোক্া র্ুি আর বে বে েটয়নটসটটয়ার োটছ র্ুটির মত্ রটেন োত্া। মাটঝ মাটঝ োলখটির নরম ডাক্ শুনটত্ োজে, ঘটর পর্রার োন। িু’এক্টা সাধারর্ ক্োর পবলর্ বলি লন আমরা, শুধু এই র্ান্ত, সুির েলরটবর্টুক্ু উেটভাে ক্রলছিাম মন-প্রার্ ভটর। পযন ক্ো বিটি ত্ার পরর্ পক্টট যাটব। ত্ার ের এখাটন ওখাটন, পহাটটটির ডাইলনং রুটম লডনার বা পেক্র্াে খাবার সমটয় ত্াটক্ পিখটত্ পেত্াম। প্রায় সব সমটয়ই এক্া। এক্টা পক্াটর্ লেটয় অটনক্ সমটয়ই সবার লিটক্ লেছন লর্টর বটস খাটে, ত্ার ের উটঠ চ্টি যাটে। অেবা িাউটে এক্া বটস বই েেটছ। পযন সবার মটধয পেটক্ও এক্িা। অেচ্ পেটন পিটখলছ – পমাটটই িার্জুক্ , পবরলসক্ বা অসামাজর্জক্ ধরটর্র পিাক্ পস নয়। এক্লিন ডাক্িাম, ঠাট্টা ক্টর বিিাম, “আমাটির পেটক্ অত্ িূটর লেটয় এক্িা এক্িা বটস খাে পক্ন? এখাটন পত্া এক্টা পচ্য়ার খালি েটে আটছ, চ্টি এটসা না আমাটির পটবটি।“ খাবার হাটত্ লনটয় উটঠ এি। হািক্া নানা ক্োর মটধয খাওয়া পর্ে পহাটিা আমার বাযবীর আর আমার। ‘এই পয, পর্ান’-র ত্খটনা খাওয়া পর্ে হয় লন। আমার বাযবী বিি ওর লক্ছু ক্ার্জ আটছ ঘটর, ও ত্াই উটঠ চ্টি পেি। আলমই ত্াটক্ পডটক্লছিাম, ত্াই সঙ্গ পিবার র্জনয বটস রইিাম। হঠাত্ লক্ মটন পহাটিা ত্ার র্জালন না, বিি “র্জাটনা, আমার স্ত্রী মারা পেটছ সাটে এোটরা বছর আটে, লক্ন্তু আলম এখটনাও ত্াটক্ আমার হৃিটয়র মাঝখাটন লনটয় সব র্জায়োয় ঘুটর পবোই।“ আলম বিিাম “লনশ্চয়ই পস অসাধারর্ পমটয় লছি।“ এর েটর আমার আর লক্ছু বিটত্ পহাটিা না। আটমলরক্ার পক্ানও এক্ র্হটর ওটির েরম সুটখর সংসাটরর েিে, ত্ার ের ওর স্ত্রীর ক্যান্সার ধরা েোর, সুিীঘ এবং ণ িুুঃসহ লচ্লক্ত্সার েটর আোত্-আটরােয, আর ত্ার েটর অপ্রত্যালর্ত্ ভাটব আবার পসই মারাত্মক্ পরাে লর্টর আসার ক্ালহনী, ত্ার পর্ে লিনগুটিার এবং পর্ে মুহটূ ত্ণর ক্রুর্ স্মৃলত্, - ক্ান্নার পরাটত্র মত্ উেটচ্ েেি ওর বুক্ ও মুখ পেটক্। আলম লনুঃর্টে শুধু শুনিাম। সব বিা হটি আলম বিিাম “ত্ু লম পয আমাটক্ পত্ামার এত্ লনর্জস্ব ক্ো বিটত্ পচ্টয়ছ, ত্ার র্জনয আলম সম্মালনত্ পবাধ ক্রলছ।“ ও আিটোটছ আমার হাত্খানা এক্টু ছুাঁটয় বিি “পত্ামাটক্ পিটখ প্রেম পেটক্ই বুটঝলছিাম ত্ু লম খাাঁটট, পক্াটনাও ক্ৃজত্রমত্া পনই পত্ামার মাটঝ। ত্ু লম র্জাটনা না পত্ামার মত্ সরি আন্তলরক্ত্া আর মায়াময়, সংটবিনর্ীি মন ক্ত্টা িুিভ। ণ আমার পসৌভােয আলম পসটা পিখটত্ পেটয়লছ।“ ওর েভীর িৃটষ্টর লিক্ পেটক্ পচ্াখ লর্লরটয় লনিাম, লক্ বিব পভটব
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শারদীয়া অঞ্জলি ১৪২৩ পেিাম না। এ পক্মন মানুে ? মাত্র এই ক্’টট লিটন, এত্ অল্প সমটয় পক্ন আমাটক্ ও এমন ভাটব পিটখটছ? “সযযা পবিায় এ পক্ান পখিায় ক্রটি লনমন্ত্রর্”? মাচ্ু লেচ্ুর েটর আবার যাত্রা শুরু। ক্ুসটক্া হটয় েুটনাটত্ যাব। ক্ুসটক্া সমুদ্র পেটক্ অটনক্টা উাঁচ্ুটত্ ১১,০০০ লর্ট। আমার ধারর্া লছি আলম ক্ষ্টসলহষ্ণু, লক্ন্তু আমার অবাধয, সমুদ্র-সমত্িবাসী র্রীর াঁ ু -নীচ্ু ঢািু লবটদ্রাহ ক্রি। প্রচ্লিত্ প্রলত্টেধক্ পক্াক্া োত্া পসবন সটেও লনুঃশ্বাটসর ক্টষ্ট র্হটরর মটধয উচ্ েটে চ্িটত্ োরলছ না – অেচ্ পক্ান লক্ছুই বািও পত্া লিটত্ চ্াই না। এমলন ক্টর পিখা পহাি ওখানক্ার ঐলত্হালসক্ চ্াচ্ণ , ইনক্াটির তত্রী অেূব সূ ণ যমজির ণ আর ত্ার প্রাচ্ীটরর ভগ্নাবটর্ে। ভূ লমক্টম্প এর অটনক্ েটর তত্রী ক্ত্ বালে-ঘর পভটঙ্গ েটেটছ, লক্ন্তু এখানক্ার আর মাচ্ু লেচ্ুর আসি স্ট্রাক্চ্ার আর্জও সেটব িাাঁ ণ লেটয় আটছ। আরও লবস্ময়ক্র লবেয় পহাি পক্াোও চ্ূ র্-বালি-সুরক্ী র্জাত্ীয় লক্ছুর বযবহার পনই। শুধু লবর্াি লবর্াি োেটরর ওের লবর্াি লবর্াি োের লনভুি ণ লহটসটব খাটে খাটে বসাটনা। পযন তিত্যটির জর্জেস োর্জি। লক্ ক্টর ঐ লবর্াি োেটরর ওেটর অত্খালন উাঁচ্ুটত্ অনয ভারী োেরগুটিা ত্ু টি বসাি পসটাও পভটব োই না। াঁ ু টত্, পবাধ এর েটরর েন্তবযস্থি েুটনা আরও এক্টু উচ্ হয় ১২,৫০০ লর্ট। লক্ন্তু ওখাটন আমাটির ক্লালন্তক্র হাাঁটা-চ্িার প্রটয়ার্জন হয়লন, আর এর মটধয হয়টত্া এক্টু অভযস্তও হটয়লছিাম অজিটর্জটনর স্বল্পত্ায়। আমাটির মটনারম পহাটটিটট এটক্বাটর পিক্ টটটটক্াক্ার ধাটর। পহাটটটির মাটঠ পিলখ আিোক্া আর িামা ঘুটর ঘুটর ঘাস খাটে। লবনা েলরশ্রটম, প্রাক্ৃলত্ক্ ভাটব ঘাস ক্াটা হটয় যাটে। শুনিাম এত্খালন উচ্চত্ায় পনৌটক্া চ্িার মত্ পিক্গুলির মটধয পিক্ টটটটক্াক্া সবটচ্টয় বে। নব্বুইটট ভাসমান দ্বীে আটছ এর মটধয। পিটক্র মটধয র্জন্মায় োটোটছর মত্ ‘রীড”এর্র, নি বা পবর্ু-বাাঁর্ ) – ত্াই লিটয় তত্রী দ্বীে। োক্া ধাটনর মত্ পসানািী রটের দ্বীটে পসানািী রীটডর ক্ুটটর, োটয়র নীটচ্ পসানািী রীটডর র্জলম, দ্বীটের ধাটর ঘন নীি র্জটি হািক্া পসানািী রটের রীটডর তত্রী পনৌটক্া। পস পনৌটক্া িাাঁে পবটয় চ্ািায় প্রধানত্ আলিবাসী পমটয়রা, ত্াটির েরটর্ ঝিমটি রটের িম্বা স্কাটণ আর ব্লাউর্জ, লেটঠ পনটম পেটছ িম্বা ক্াটিা চ্ুটির লবনুনী, ত্ার ত্িায় রটেন সূটত্ার পোো। সব লমলিটয় এ পযন এক্ রূেক্োর দ্বীে। অটনক্ লিন আটে েত্ু ে ণ ীর্জ আেন্তুক্টির অত্যাচ্ার পেটক্ োলিটয় বাাঁচ্বার র্জনয এখানক্ার আলিবাসীরা শুরু ক্টরলছি োটয়র ত্িার র্ক্ত মাটট পছটে ভাসমান দ্বীে েো, আর পসখাটন র্ালন্তটত্ বসবাস ক্রা। সম্পূর্ প্রাক্ ণ ৃ লত্ক্ েলরটবর্, এমন লক্ ‘পসািার েযাটনি’লিটয় এটির ‘এনার্জী’র প্রটয়ার্জন পমটট। মাছ ধরা, োলখ লর্ক্ার ক্রা এটির তিনজিন র্জীবন-যাত্রার অঙ্গ। আর এটির পমটয়রা টুযলরেটির ক্াটছ লনটর্জটির হাটত্ তত্রী নানা জর্জলনস লবক্রী ক্টর – সূটত্া বা আিোক্ার ের্ম লিটয় পবানা পছাট-বে ওয়াি হযালঙ্গং – পসগুটিা সূচ্ীলর্ল্প লিটয় সার্জাটনা, আর বযাে, পোো মাটটর েয়না, এই ধরটর্র েসরা। েুটনাটত্ পেৌৌঁটছাবার েটরর লিন সক্াটি আমরা ষ্টীমাটর ক্টর এক্টা ভাসমান দ্বীটে পেিাম। ওখাটন লক্ছুক্ষ্র্ ওটির র্জীবন-যাত্রার সব লক্ছু পিখা ও পর্ানার েটর আমাটির পছাট্ট রীটডর পনৌটক্া ক্টর টটটটক্াক্া পিটক্র মটধয ঘুরটত্ যাবার ক্ো। আলম োইডটক্ জর্জটেস ক্রিাম “ডুটব যাটব নাটত্া পনৌটক্া?” োইড পক্ান উত্তর পিবার আটেই আমাটক্ ‘এই পয, পর্ান’ বিি, “শুধু পত্ামার পনৌটক্াটা ডুবটব।“ আবার পসই খযাোটনা! আলম বিিাম “যলি সলত্যই লক্ছু হয় ত্খন পত্ামার খুব খারাে িােটব লক্ন্তু।“ লনলবক্ার ণ
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শারদীয়া অঞ্জলি ১৪২৩ মুটখ বিি “আো, পস রক্ম লক্ছু হটি আলম পত্ামাটক্ ত্ু টি আনব।“ ওমা, পনৌটক্ায় উটঠ পিলখ আমাটির পনৌটক্ায় পস আটে পেটক্ উটঠ বটস আটছ। খালনক্ েটর আর এক্টা দ্বীটে নামিাম, এক্টুখালন পক্নাক্াটার সুটযাে পহাি। ‘এই পয, পর্ান’ দ্বীটের মাটঝ লনটর্জর পক্না ওয়াি হযালঙ্গং পিখাজেি সবাইটক্, হঠাত্ েযাটক্টটর মটধয পেটক্ এক্টা ভারী সুির মাটটর পেন্ড্যাি পবর ক্টর আমার হাটত্ লিটয় বিি “এটা পত্ামার র্জনয।“ এর েটর যোরীলত্ এখাটন-ওখাটন পিখা পহাটিা ক্টয়ক্বার। আমাটির এক্সাটে পর্ে বাটরর পেটনর টেে লছি ক্ুসটক্া পেটক্ লিমায় লর্টর আসার র্জনয। ভাটেযর পর্টর অপ্রত্যালর্ত্ ভাটব আমাটির সীট েেি োর্াোলর্। আইটির িু’ধাটর। বই েেলছি পস। হঠাত্ বই সলরটয় পরটখ আমাটক্ জর্জটেস ক্রি, “ত্ু লম আসটব আমার বালেটত্ পক্াটনা লিন, আমার সটঙ্গ পিখা ক্রটত্ ?” চ্ুে ক্টর ভাবিাম এক্ লমলনট। ত্ারের বিিাম,”েটের আিাে েটেই োক্, বযু ! লক্ন্তু আলম পত্ামায় ভুিব না।” শুটন পক্ানও উত্তর না লিটয় অলভবািটনর ভঙ্গীটত্ মাোটা এক্টু নুইটয় ডান হাত্ লনটর্জর হাটটণ র ওের পছাাঁয়াি। ত্ারের েম্ভীর মুটখ বিি “আমার আিোক্ার পসাটয়টাটরর লবিটা র্ীেেীরই োটব। লমটটটয় লিও লক্ন্তু।“ পেন পেৌৌঁটছ লেটয়লছি লিমা এয়ারটোটটণ । পক্উই লর্টর ত্াক্ািাম না আর, চ্াইিাম না েেটত্ পর্ান নাম্বাটরর পছাট্ট পসত্ু । আবার পয যার র্জীবটনর অর্জানা ক্ক্ষ্েটে ো বাোিাম। লেছটন েটে রইি ক্টয়ক্লিটনর ক্রুর্-মধুর স্মৃলত্। অেহীন, ণ না অমূিয? পক্ র্জাটন!
এই পিখার মটধয পিওয়া সব ক্’টট ছলব পিলখক্ার পত্ািা েল্পটট সলত্য আর ক্ল্পনায় পমর্াটনা।
Sharodiya Anjali 2016 82
শারদীয়া অঞ্জলি ১৪২৩
দুটি খু ব সহজ রান্না পূ জারীর পাঠক-পাঠিকাদের সাদে share করছি। এখন অদনদকই তেল ছি তখদে চান না, োাঁদের জদনে একটি হালকা তেল /ছি িাড়া তপালাও এবং বাাঁধা কছপর পাদেস।
1) তেি/লি ছাড়া ত ািাও উ করণ : পাাঁঠা মাংস ছেন পাউন্ড ,বাসমেী চাল ছেন তেদক চার কাপ গাজর, , ছবনস, আলু তিাট, তিাট কদর কাটা, এক কাপ টক েই , হাফ -কাপ কাাঁচা তপাঁ দপ বাাঁটা, কাাঁচা লঙ্কা বাাঁটা ১ tsp, কদেকটা আস্ত কাাঁচালঙ্কা , গরম মশলা গাঁদড়া ২ tsp , নু ন ছমছি আন্দাজ মদো | প্রেদম মাংসটাদক কাাঁচা তপাঁ দপ বাাঁটা , টক েই , কাাঁচা লঙ্কা বাাঁটা ছেদে মোছরদনট কদর কদেক িন্টা তরদখ ছেদে হদব। চাল টাদক ধু দে গরম মশলা গাঁদড়া মাছখদে ছনদে হদব। এরপর একটি তেকছচ তে মাংস ,মোছরদনদটর মশলা , চাল , সবছজ নু ন ছমছি এবং খু ব অল্প জল ছেদে ঢাকা ছেদে খু ব অল্প আাঁদচ বছসদে ছেদে হদব। ছমছনট চছিশ লাগদব রান্না হদে।
2) বাাঁধাকল র ায়য়স তহাল ছমল্ক এক গোলন /হাফ & হাফ আধ গোলন, বাাঁধাকছপর ছিেদরর কছচ পাো কদেকটি, ছচছন ৪ কাপ, তিাট এলাচ কদেকটি, তেজ পাো ২, তগালাপ জল ১tsp
প্রেদম বাাঁধাকছপর পাোগদলাদক একটু বদড়া,বদড়া কদর তকদট ছনদে িাাঁছপদে রাখদেনা হদব ।দুধটাদক ছচছন আর তেজ পাো ছেদে ফু টিদে িন করদে ছেদে হদব । দুধ ছকিু টা িন হদে তগদল বাাঁধাকছপর পাোগদলাদক দুদধ ছেদে তফাটাদে হদব। ছমশ্রণটা িদনা হদে এদল আাঁচ তেদক নাছমদে,এলাচ গাঁদড়া কদর ছেদে হদব আর তগালাপ জল তমশাদে হদব । তরছিদজটাদর কদেক িন্টা তরদখ ঠান্ডা কদর পছরদবশন করদে হদব ।
Sharodiya Anjali 2016 83
শারদীয়া অঞ্জলি ১৪২৩
লিমকলির রসা, স্বাতী দদ িু জ া িার্বজের আজমজ ঘজরায়া ভািমন্দ রান্না করজত সর্ার কমজর্শী ইজে কজর | দ াটজর্িার দেজকই মাজয়র হাজতর রান্না করা আমার খু র্ লিয় "লিমকলিররসা" | আ জক এই দরলসলিটা সর্ার সাজে দশয়ার করিাম |
উিকরণ :
মশিা দফাড়জে লদজত হজর্ | দফাড়জের গন্ধ দর্জরাজি , দিাঁ য়া , আদা, রসু ে কুলি লদজয় হািকা আাঁি দু লমলেট োড়ািাড়া কজর , েু ে হিু দ স্বাদ মতে লদজয় কড়ইশুটি লদজয় লদজত হজর্ | আর্ার লমলেট খাজেক োড়ািাড়া কজর ধজে গুজড়া, টজমজটা কুলি লদজয় একটু কষজত হজর্ | তারির ভািাজো ফু িজকালি ফ্রাই িযাজে লদজয় আাঁি অল্প কজর কষজত হজর্ | দখয়াি রাখজত হজর্ যাজত ফু িজকালি গজি ো যায় | মশিা দেজক যখে দতি দর্জরাজর্ , তখে উির দেজক আিাদা কজর রাখা দফটাজো লিম দেজি লদজত হজর্ এর্ং দসই সাজে সমাজে োড়জত হজর্ যাজত লিজমর ঝু ড় ঝু জড় ভা া টা ঠিক ভাজর্ হয় | লমলেট লতজেক ির ভা া হজয় দগজি উির দেজক একটু দির্ু ররস , দকয়ে দিির , লঘ, গরম মশিা লদজয় একটু দেজড় োকা লদজয় রাখজত হজর্ | লিমকলির রসা এর্ার ততরী | িলরজর্শজের সময় ধজেিাতা কুলি, কাাঁিািঙ্কা লদজয় সাল জয় লদজি দতা আর কোই দেই | রুটি, িজরাটা এমেলক সাদা ভাজতর সাজেও এই লিশটি ভািই িজি|
ফু িজকালি মাঝারীএকটা, কড়ইশুটি হাফ কাি, লিম 2 টা, লিয়া কুলি এক কাি ,আদাকুলি এক িা িামি, রসু ে কুলি এক িা িামি , টজমজটা কুলি এক কাি, ধজেিাতা কুলি হাফ কাি, ধজে গুজড়া, , েু ে, হিু দ, দির্ু র রস, গরমমশিা গুজড়া, লঘ, িাইট অলিভ 2 দটর্ি িমি, দফাড়জের েয সাদা ল রা, দত িাতা 2 টা , দগাটা গরম মশিা, শুকজোিঙ্কা 2 টা |
িেজম ফু িজকালি িু জমা , িু জমা কজর দকজট ভাজিা কজর ধু জয় একটু উষ্ণ েু ে জি ভালিজয় রাখজত হজর্ | দসইসাজে একটা কাজি আন্দা মতে েু ে, এক দটর্িিমি দুধ, কাাঁিািঙ্কা লদজয় লিম দুজটা ভাজিা কজর দফটিজয় আিাদা কজর রাখজত হজর্ | এর্ার ফ্রাইিযজে িাইট অলিভ অয়ি দুই দটর্ি িমি লদজয় , দতি গরম হজি সাদাল জর, দত িাতা, শুকজোিঙ্কা , দগাটা গরম
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শারদীয়া অঞ্জলি ১৪২৩ The Electoral Nursery School Class of 2016 1
Deepanita Jotirmoye Chakraborty
Georgy Bushy2 1990 went by Killed American soldiers and made families cry When the opposition came out to pay3 Georgy Bushy ran away. Germany reunified; Alles war sehr gut4. Why did Georgy strike Iraq For following suit? Kuwait was rightfully theirs Before imperial affairs The empire struck back Vader Bush led the pack We learned our lesson in ninety-two And send the BU_ _ SH_ _ to the loo. The Clintonian era, great clothes, great hair. Strong economy and savoir-faire. Then George W., H.W.’s son Captured his inheritance in 2001 In no time, regrets came round 1
Imaginary children’s version of the Electoral College.
Adaptation of Mother Goose’s Georgy Porgy.
Pay comes from the Latin ‘pacare’ to make peace.
German for “All was very good.”
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শারদীয়া অঞ্জলি ১৪২৩ When the World Trade Center came toppling down Papa had stirred the hornet’s nest Sonny got stung with all the rest Flying over oceans, new Americans arrived With brains and talents to build better lives Setting new heights to achieve and dream Now hollow hearts just cry and scream Georgy kicked them out “Terrorist!” was his shout. When a shoe responded on his snout. Georgy W was still H. W.’s favored son5 Stole more American lives and away did run He held hands with criminals, supporting their capers. They were in a big hurry forgetting their papers Our country was beat We faced defeat, While Georgy went dancing through the street. Inauguration , January 2005 Hardly a soldier even alive. For the land of the free and the home of the brave Kicked their bravest and finest into a grave. Georgy’s grave misdeeds send soldiers to heck Leaving families alone to clean up the wreck Criminals and profiteers reap the benefits Who made the mistakes? No one admits. Liberty and life Became poverty and strife We longed for peace to purse happiness But W. hurled US into a mess 5
See Mother Goose’s Tom, Tom, the piper’s son.
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শারদীয়া অঞ্জলি ১৪২৩ In the belly of the beast Guzzled the Middle East While Georgy sat and had a feast. USA reached a new milestone in 2008 We hoped that everything would be great Terrorism, poverty, disease, crime, polluted air. Require more than two terms to repair. In 2016, we saw brother JEB Trying to lure US into his web Our veterans suffering PTSD Our children struggling with their ABC And what about our economy? American families cried out in pain: No more BU_ _ SH_ _! No! Never again!
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শারদীয়া অঞ্জলি ১৪২৩ The Cartesian Candidate: A Play in One Act Deepanita Jotirmoye Chakraborty Scene: Auditorium of a state university. The place is packed with students, community-at-large, supporters, and journalists, plus a couple of hecklers who sneak inside. HOST: (Attractive Caucasian male; Anderson Cooper-ish) I would like to introduce our next presidential candidate who went from the Schoolhouse to the House of Representatives and is now seeking the White House. After graduating from high school, she was the first Indian American to represent our state in the Miss America Pageant. She went on to graduate from college with a degree in Education and returned to her alma mater as a math teacher. After ten years in the school district, she won her first election representing her congressional district. [Burst of loud clapping, cheering, music, and foot stomping.] CANDIDATE: (Asian female. Late thirties. Exceptionally beautiful, intelligent, classy, and poised.) Thank you. Thank you, ladies and gentlemen. Thank you very much. I understand most people would say, I am happy to be here or I am proud to be here, etc… but I am not [Very silent.] Ladies and gentlemen, I am humbled to be here; humbled by the responsibility that You The People, are entrusting to me. When I am President, I will respect your volition and serve the United States of America incisively and earnestly. Let’s have our first question. (Points to First Journalist.) FIRST JOURNALIST: (Overweight average looking blonde.) You say you are a feminist. Why did you continue to support Bill Clinton after his conduct with women? CANDIDATE: The great philosopher and mathematician Rene Descartes (1596-1650) stated that the greatest minds are capable of the greatest vices as well as virtues, therefore someone who is not a good spouse can still be a good leader. For example, Bill Clinton and unfortunately Gary Hart never got a chance. What if he had been elected president in 1988? Imagine 1990 without the first Iraq War. Imagine the World Trade Center still standing; imagine no reason for any war in the Middle East. Imagine an economy still growing; a country still prosperous. Imagine our fallen soldiers, sons, daughters, spouses, sweethearts, fathers, mothers, sisters, and brothers still alive. We don’t have to imagine if we can put down our egos, prejudices, hatred and walk a mile in our opposition’s shoes. They have feet too. Instead of alienating them, let’s put the nasty gridlock aside and work together. SECOND JOURNALIST: (Very sexy Latina): You always discuss your concern for minorities and consider yourself a minority however Asians are over represented in education and the public sector. How can you understand the needs of the underrepresented minorities like Hispanics? CANDIDATE: Descartes also said that no one believes that he /she has adequate wealth, power, etc. they often desire more even if they have an abundant amount of those things. However, everyone believes that he /she has adequate good sense and do not desire more good sense than they have. In that respect, I am an underrepresented minority because I do desire more good sense. I want to get a sense of how you feel…to know what you think, because good sense or intelligence is no good if one does not know how to apply it. I don’t want to apply your tax dollars for what I consider important. I want to apply your tax dollars for what you consider important. If you pay higher taxes, you should expect better services. Those who prefer tax cuts would rather rely on private programs. In any case, those services and programs have to be available whether from the public or private sector. We cannot digress one hundred years for that did not work, nor can we appropriate a dole in place of motivation and hard work.
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শারদীয়া অঞ্জলি ১৪২৩ THIRD JOURNALIST: (African-American, attractive male.) You are different from your party and your opponent’s. You support a woman’s right to get an abortion. But you also support capital punishment. You support the Second Amendment, but you also support gun control. You don’t belong anywhere; you are different all the way. CANDIDATE: In spite of some differences, we still have a lot in common: we all love the United States of America. We have a common goal: as Descartes stated, it is better to walk slowly down a straight path toward your goal than to run in circles around it. Let’s take that walk together, let’s work together, let’s understand each other because we all want a stronger economy, national security, good education for our children… [Popping sound like fireworks, no one realizes that shots have been fired. Candidate looks confused and tries to smile.] Good education for our children…healthy children. We all want to be healthy, happy, and free... [Candidate staggers.] Free to dream, free to accomplish, free to prosper... [Candidate staggers.] Free to prosper, free to be... free to be…free to be... [Candidate collapses.]
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শারদীয়া অঞ্জলি ১৪২৩ they came to a conclusion that only Butch could figure it out as he had sixth sense. Butch was taken to that house. As soon as he came near the front door he saw two Siamese cats sitting on the door steps, but his master and his friend behaved as if the steps were all clear. Butch was scared because the cats told him that they would tear him apart if he moves a single step toward the house. They did not hear their silent words. When they tried to enter the house, they almost stepped on those cats. So the cats moved. They forced Butch to enter the house. Butch would not. Anyway they forced him in. Butch started shivering with fear. These cats started to become bigger and bigger. This was a new experience for Butch. He saw balloons can be made bigger and bigger not cats. This scared him even more. He could not help but to wet the carpet. Every room he was taken into those two Siamese cats followed him with a dirty look on their face. Finally, he heard from his master ‘my dear friend, this house is haunted, do not stay here’.
The sixth sense Pradip Kumar Mitra I am a dog. I don’t think humans believe in stories told by dogs. They believe all kinds of other stories, if told by men like horror stories, ghost stories, and true stories. Children even believe in fairy tales. But I need to tell you a story anyway. My name is Meky. You are wondering why this name. Actually I come from a remote place in India. The language my master spoke was Bengali and in that language meky means ‘not real’. They always told among themselves that I was not a pure bred. I really do not know the meaning because I felt that all dogs are same, only thing is that they look different like humans and they are of different sizes, like humans too. Another thing they said around me all the time that ‘dogs have sixth sense’. I do not know what that is either. I knew ‘Butch’. He told me that he was a German shepherd. He told me one day that there was a big discussion about a house which they thought had suddenly turned into ‘haunted’ with ‘cat ghosts’. Finally,
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শারদীয়া অঞ্জলি ১৪২৩ because he left the body in one of the vet’s office. Now with this fine body he could float around in air and move from place to place instantly. This scared Angel even more and she could not help but wet the floor. Her mistress came home and could not figure out that why did she do that? So she took her to the vet. The vet thought that she must have been getting some infection. But alas, how could Angel tell anyone what had actually happened.
Otis Pradip Kumar Mitra Very recently, I heard from Angel another scary story. Angel is a ‘Labrador’. For almost two years he came to know another dog named Otis through her master’s family. Angel lived in Binghamton, NY. Otis was quite senior. When she met Otis in Shrewsbury, MA, Otis was about eleven years old. Due to old age he could not quite compete with Angel in action. Matter of fact, Angel never even heard him bark. But they often talked to each other whenever the two families got together. She heard them say that Otis has bad arthritis.
COMMENT: Both stories are real. The night when Angel wet floor, it was the same night Otis died in vet’s office.
One day Angel was inside the house in Binghamton. She knew that Otis could not go anywhere now. His master either kept him home or in a kennel. Angel was trying to take a nap. Suddenly she heard a barking. The sound was not very familiar. She opened her eyes and looked. What she saw was very scary. Otis was standing right in front of him. She asked him- ’how did you get here? Otis told her that it was very easy now to move around anywhere
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শারদীয়া অঞ্জলি ১৪২৩ Experience of Tantrik Power Nishit Ghosh, Kolkata The first incident took place over forty years back. I was working in Telco as their officer-in-charge of the Customs Clearance Department for quite some time. After the transfer of my Maharashtrian boss, a Bengali gentleman came in his place. Right from day one, we developed mutual dislike for each other. The dislike culminated to such a pitch that in order to save my self-esteem, I sent in my resignation letter. One copy went straight to the GM, and the other to my boss. I gave them a month’s notice for my release. I was waiting for the acceptance of my resignation. While waiting, one day I visited the Customs House on an official purpose. While having a cup of tea with the Assistant Collector, Mr. Mukhopadhyay, I told him about my resignation and the circumstances leading to this drastic decision. Mr. Mukhopadhyay expressed his sadness and suggested I see his gurudev, Mr. Sudhir Kumar Mitra, who was an officer next door in the Central Excise building. Mr. Mukhopadhyay insisted I see the man right away. He even spoke to his gurudev and requested him to see me. I walked to the next building and easily located his office. A beara asked me to wait. After a few minutes I was ushered inside his room. After exchanging pleasantries, he asked me to tell him all about my problems. I sat opposite to him and narrated my situation. He heard everything, asking me a few questions. In the middle of my narration, he kept looking at the wall behind me for about a minute. I stole a glance to see that it was a full size picture of Mother Kali that he focused his attention to. Thereafter, Mr. Mitra gave me a physical description of my boss and asked me if he was correct? When I confirmed it, he again lapsed onto silence for a while. Then, to my surprise, he uttered “Don’t bother, your resignation will not be accepted, and on the contrary your boss will have to quit his job”. Then, he dismissed me saying he had official works to attend. Although he was the gurudev of Mr. Mukhopadhyay, for whom I had a lot of respect, I could not put my trust on his assurance, which I accepted with a pinch of salt.
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শারদীয়া অঞ্জলি ১৪২৩ But lo and behold, within a few days I received a telegram from my Deputy GM asking me to see him. When I met him he categorically told me that my resignation could not be accepted by the management, and they were taking action to make me independent of my boss. This was done urgently. After some time, my ex-boss was sacked most unceremoniously. The second incident took place around 1999. I was working as an Executive Director for a well-known Clearance House. One morning, a certain gentleman, Mr. Iyer, visited my office from Delhi. He told me that had been referred to me by a friend of mine in Delhi customs. Mr. Iyer was about my age. He narrated his business which so far was being executed through the Bombay port. Since the cost of clearance of goods from the Bombay port, and transferring them to Delhi was much higher than doing the same from Calcutta, he ordered his next consignment to be shipped to the Calcutta port. The incoming shipment was due at the local port in a few days, and requested me to handle the customs clearance. Mr. Iyer stayed in Kolkata for a few days till his consignment arrived and was dispatched to Delhi. He was very pleased with my work, and made arrangement to do the same every six months. So every six months he came down to Calcutta for clearance and stayed for seven days. This continued for two years and we got quite friendly. During his week-long visit, he would visit my office every day, and we went out to lunch together. On Sunday mornings during his stay he would visit my house. On one occasion, his customs clearance got very complicated due to insufficient documentation. My team members could not handle it so I personally had to go to the dock with Mr. Iyer. By the time the physical clearance went through, it was way past lunch time. There was no restaurant in the surrounding so I decided to take him to my home. I was looking for a taxi but nothing was available. Being diabetic, I was worried of getting hypoglycemia. Suddenly a shared taxi came across, but it would not take us to our destination, but only up to Ballygunge Phari. Mr. Iyer and I decided to avail this taxi, as finding another transport from Ballygunge Phari would be much easier. As we got off from the cab, “The Kwality” restaurant came into view. I decided to eat there before heading home. The restaurant was quite full but we
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শারদীয়া অঞ্জলি ১৪২৩ managed to find a table. I ordered for a scotch and soda and a non-vegetarian item, while Mr. Iyer chose a vegetarian dish and a cold soda. After eating a few spoons of food and drinking a few sips, I felt much better and looked around us. At the table just right of me was a gentleman sitting alone. Before him on the table stood six glasses containing six pegs of whisky. He was busy drinking. The man seemed to be in his forties, and looked very unassuming. Mr. Iyer, sitting across me, was also eyeing him. I ordered a second scotch. When the waiter came to my table to serve it, I saw the man from the next table went to the bathroom. Taking this opportunity, I asked the waiter if he knew this person. The waiter replied that the man was indeed a regular customer who came there twice a week, and ordered three rounds of drinks. Each round consisted of six pegs of whisky. After finishing all his drinks, he would leave in a very soberly manner. After the man returned to the table he looked straight at me and asked in Bengali if Mr. Iyer was my friend. I replied “yes”, but also asked why he wanted to know that. The stranger replied, “Ask your friend to enjoy life to the fullest extent now as he will only live six more months”. Iyer did not comprehend Bengali but suspected that the man was talking about him. I did not tell him what the drunken man said. Before Mr. Iyer and I left the restaurant, the man gave me his visiting card, which reads ‘Mr. S.K. Mitra, Tantrik’. The next day, Mr. Iyer left for Delhi. Over six months had gone by. One day I suddenly remembered that Mr. Iyer’s next shipment must have been due by now, and was surprised not to hear from him. I rang up his home number in Delhi. The person who answered put me on hold. A few moments later a lady came on the line and asked my identity. When I told her who I was, she started crying over the phone and said that Mr. Iyer died suddenly in his sleep. The date of his death was exactly six months after our encounter with the tantrik.
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শারদীয়া অঞ্জলি ১৪২৩ WHAT GOES UP, MUST COME DOWN Rajib Roy On my way back to India with my in laws, do you know who found one silver lining in the cloud of my father-in-law breaking his hip and therefore, being transported in wheelchairs? My mother-in-law!! And she admitted to the same after we reached India. You know why? Because, she got to use the elevators (lifts, as my friends from India would say) at every airport!! You see, I had gone to India to get them from there in April. And on the way back, I was determined to modernize my mother-in-law's outlook. I had simply refused to let her use the elevators. Instead coaxed her to take the escalators (the moving steps). I carried all their handbags myself. Still, I would hold her hand firmly to help her step on and step off the moving escalator. I was absolutely determined to break her fear of moving escalators. Unfortunately for myself, I failed miserably. In that and in getting her to get rid of her saree and wear a little more comfortable Indian clothes (from mobility point of view) while in the US. But the process of trying to get her to get used to escalators was absolutely hilarious. I knew I was in trouble when in Kolkata itself, she revolted at the sight of the moving staircase, let alone the prospect of stepping onto one! Given her familiarity with the world where the steps were stationary and the people were moving, her reaction was somewhat as jarring as the first time humankind was told that the sun was stationary (and frankly, doing fine!) while we were the ones hurtling at an uncontrollably high speed through vacuum. By the time we reached Dubai, trying to get her on to an escalator was like trying to get a cow to climb downstairs (which, I am told they are incapable of and certainly oppose vigorously if asked to do so). First, I lied through my nose and told her that there were no elevators in Dubai airport. And
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শারদীয়া অঞ্জলি ১৪২৩ then I willingly, patiently waited till everybody from the plane cleared the escalator. We had, after all, five hours to kill. Then I took her to the escalator. Her attempt to try it by herself was as gingerly as it could ever get. She would get in front of the staircase, look around, see that somebody - about a hundred yards - give or take a couple - away was headed towards her and would immediately step aside to let that person go!! Mind you... hundred yards!! No less!! Eventually, she ran out of excuses. She stepped up to the base of the staircase and kept on staring at the steps as one after the other new steps kept emerging from the abysss - seemingly endlessly. You could see that in her mind, she was taking a deep breath and going "Okay, I got this. I got this. It is the next step that is coming. Well, no, the next to next. Yes, yes, wait wait... let's make it the next one. Or maybe the next to next one. That is it. The next one. Here it is. Yep! that is the one! Oops, it is too far away now!!! Dang it! Next one!! I wonder if anybody is looking at me." At this point of time, I held her hand and simply stepped on to the next moving step. She was forced to walk with me. Now, when I say "walk", what I mean is that her legs took the step. The upper body had not quite realized this obvious betrayal by the legs. Resulting in her leaning backward completely, pretty much at the same angle as the steps were emerging - further deepening her belief that moving escalators were not meant for the civilized world. If getting up was that onerous, you can only imagine what stepping out was like. She realized that she did not have a choice. She HAD to get down. In her mind, there was a nanosecond of window of opportunity and if she missed that by even as much as a whisker, she would be swallowed whole by the underground or wherever those steps were vanishing to!! I literally pushed her off the step. In the flight to US, I explained how she was becoming too conscious of herself. Even if she did not get off, she would be nudged out. And there
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শারদীয়া অঞ্জলি ১৪২৩ were three steps that become flat before they vanished. All she needed to do is just walk. Just walk naturally, and she would not even notice. All through the flight, she must have thought about my words and mentally prepared herself. When it was time for her to move off the moving escalator at the DC airport train station, she was all prepared. And by all prepared, I mean she had one leg up and two hands up ready to pull off a high jump at the first cue. As we approached that line where the steps and ground meet, she was a veritable picture of a contemplative crane vaguely trying to take a jujitsu stance on one leg!! But she made it. She stepped off. Or rather jumped off - landing that other leg with the satisfaction befitting something in the lines of "one step for a woman, a giant leap etc etc etc". In all that momentary satisfaction, she had given complete short shrift to - at her own peril, I might add - Newton's law of inertia. You don't get off a moving escalator and stop there to survey the landscape around with great satisfaction. Newton was there to push her forward with his whole might of first law of motion. And in case Newton was slipping in his duties, a whole herd of passengers were there behind her to jolt her forward. Once again, I had to quickly step in and hold her arm firmly. Eventually, we reached our Atlanta home. Partly pushed, partly pulled, but mostly dragged. Once home, Sharmila showed them the whole set up. They had their own guest quarters in the main living floor. In case, they wanted more privacy, she had another bedroom and bathroom set up downstairs. Not knowing if stairs would be too much of a bother at their advancing age, Sharmila asked "siri-tey osubidhey hobey"? ["would stairs be a hassle?"] There was an immediate cloud of fear come over my mother-in-law's eyes. Completely startled ("peeley chomkey gelo"), she jumped out of her skin and yelled "toder-tao norey?" ["Yours moves too?"] You can then only imagine the smirk on her face as she glanced at me at every airport on our way back as the person helping my father-in-law with the wheelchair took us to the nearest elevator!!!
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শারদীয়া অঞ্জলি ১৪২৩
Memories of B.E. College A.N. Sengupta Before you start protesting I must tell you that I am well aware that B.E. College has recently transformed into IIEST (Indian Institute of Engineering Science and Technology), after being briefly known as BESU (Bengal Engineering and Science University). But to me, an old-timer, reminiscing over the nostalgic memories, the name “B.E. College” somehow seems to be closer to my heart. As a young boy I had heard of Shibpur Engineering College, that being the popular name of B.E. College and was in awe of the apparent exclusiveness of this seemingly unattainable institution. Only the rich and privileged ones could dare enter this bastion of high-tech education, with the sure knowledge of being posted in high positions after graduation. In the entire country there were only three other such exclusive colleges of engineering: one in Pune, one in Roorkee, and the other in Chennai. Well, enough of history. In 1951, after I passed my Intermediate Science Examination, I was rather aimless about the next academic move. Just then, one of my closest friends returned from Kolkata and announced, “I have brought an application form for B.E.College for you also”. That was a momentous turning point. I could not afford to go there, yet I did apply and even passed the written admission test and the follow-up aptitude test. Now the fun begins. I made it to the interview. It was a large oblong room with a high ceiling in the impressive main building of the college. There was a long and shiny table. The Principal was sitting at one end. Two rows of impressivelooking gentlemen took seats on either side. I was asked to sit at the other end facing the Principal's spectacled gaze. Well, I felt like the proverbial sacrificial lamb.
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শারদীয়া অঞ্জলি ১৪২৩ After very brief niceties, I was asked a series of questions relating to electricity, since I had applied for admission to Electrical Engineering. I came from a town with no electricity and promptly and quite consciously gave all wrong answers. As I wished to disappear like Sita, the Principal asked, “Do you have a hobby?” “Drawing.” “Can you draw a picture of this gentleman in two minutes?” “Yes, sir.” Did I know that the next two minutes would change my life forever? The Principal offered me a slate and a pencil. As soon as the two minutes were over, he took the slate back. Looking at my sketch, he flashed a big smile and declared, “If you want to be considered for Electrical Engineering, you will hear from us. But if you want to be in Architecture, you are in.” Well, was he talking about agriculture? I had never heard of architecture till that moment. The Principal patiently explained it all to me and assured me that the prospects are extremely bright for Architects in the newly independent India. Well, since a bird in hand is better than a hundred in the bush, I chose to be “in”. Later I found out that the hapless subject of my twominute sketch was the Head of the Department of Architecture. When I arrived in our campus for the first semester, to my surprise I was put up in a military barrack, along with thirteen others. Yes, a military barrack. Architects are part-artists and part-engineers and certainly not fighters. But I could not argue the case at that time. Perhaps the Administration wanted us to learn military discipline starting with day one. But that was not to be. Here I met my classfriend, Mihir Kiran Ghosh, one of the most remarkable human beings. He was a product of Belur Bidyamandir and showed it through his poise, knowledge of Yogas, and daily meditation in the midst of a crowd so to say, He was princely in looks, played the flute and sang well. That was not all. He also performed magic-tricks and would hypnotize a few of our mutual class-friends with ease. We shared rooms in the second and third years also. It is needless to say that he influenced me a great deal and it was anything but militaristic. Now a bit of post script. After gradation he learned Manipuri Dance, fell in love with his guru's daughter, and together they performed on noted stages in Kolkata while maintaining his architectural practice.
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শারদীয়া অঞ্জলি ১৪২৩ You are naturally in total darkness about the college environment. Well, at about 300 acres, the campus was neither too large, nor too small. Every corner of the campus, including the barracks I just talked about, was within a very easy walking distance from the central main building. And walk we did for every task. As a result we got to know the then 650 students' faces, if not their names. This knowing paid off when I looked for a suitable apartment- mate immediately after registering at M.I.T. here. Sure as anything, I soon ran into a face I had known at B.E.C. And together we found an apartment to share with one of his friends. But back to our campus. It was situated to the north of the Ganges (also locally known as “Hooghly River”) and west of the famed Botanical Gardens. We took advantage of both often, since where else would you find two such calming yet exhilarating places virtually at your doorstep? Visiting these with our friends helped bonding with the help of Mother Nature. At night, the imposing clock tower, with its reflection in the lake at its base, stood as a sentinel for the entire campus. The images are unforgettable. Our department was housed in its entirety in the middle section of the third floor (second floor, as per the Indian system of counting floors) of the imposing main building (photo below, photographer unknown). There were wide staircases on either side. We negotiated the stairs with almost a sliding motion, while wearing wooden sleepers. Alas, today I have to measure each step even while walking. Ours was an enormous columned hall which housed some one hundred large drawing tables for the five years. In those days, there were no computers and hence no computer-aided drawing or design (CAD). Often, here we spent two-thirds of our 24-hour days, leaning over the drawing tables and slept on any free table under a fan in full speed, whenever we wanted to have a break. Sounds dreary, doesn't it? It was anything but, since we were passionately engaged in creating designs for buildings. We competed but also admired each other’s creations and not so infrequently lent a helping hand too. Spending five years in this one large hall with one mission turned us into brothers, into life-long friends, who remained friends even after six long decades. But for one unusual happening in our department I would not be here as early as 1958. India's independence had just begun. U.S.A. made all possible
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শারদীয়া অঞ্জলি ১৪২৩ gestures to help the infant democracy. One such move was the creation of “The Technical Co-operation Mission,” through which teachers would visit each other’s country. Thanks to this, we had as many as three American architects teaching us. Our library was flooded with American books and journals on architecture. Even though I, hailing from a small town, had no practice of speaking English till 1951, we all became fluent in American English in no time. One memorable gesture from our professors was to bring food and drinks to the department in the dead of the night, when we would be working on our designs and drawings. In 1958, I sailed, yes sailed *, to U.S.A. with the mission of teaching architecture in this country. My American English went a long way in my students' understanding me and viceversa. I reciprocated our professors' gesture by bringing food and drinks to my students here in the dead of the night. Even though my first year was spent in a military barrack, the second and third years were in shared rooms with two others and the final two years in single rooms and all in regular hostel buildings. Boys being boys, you can well imagine the mischief that took place in the hostels. I shall mention two small ones and then a more elaborate one. First the smallest one. One of our friends was in the National Cadet Corps. He used to go home on weekend nights wearing his khaki uniform and upon return late at night would take off his boots and kick the mosquito net. The net would fall and he would fall asleep. Now we had a wicked idea. One evening we turned the net upside down, so that it would be blocked by the corner strings, instead of falling. When he came back and kicked the net it did not fall of course. He was utterly confused at first but soon realized what had happened and without saying a word, put the net back the way it should be. Through it all we, his roommates, pretended to be fast asleep, but silently laughed as hard as we could. Now the second small one. Since there was no question of insecurity, no one locked the door to his single room while sleeping inside at night. One fine night when it was all quiet in my hostel, a rather co-operating cow was marched in to the hostel and put inside one hapless boy's room, which was then duly locked from outside. The confused cow must have started exploring and put its large head inside the mosquito net. I leave the rest to your imagination.
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শারদীয়া অঞ্জলি ১৪২৩ Now the elaborate one. This happened during one of our annual India tours to study historic buildings. We were a group of around thirty boys, all occupying one single railway compartment or one single hotel room. Imagine, all thirty in one room. Naturally every single square foot of horizontal space was covered with a sleeping bag. It was one such night in a hotel room. In the dead of the night, when everyone was asleep, or were they, a woman in sari was quietly ushered in. She was led to one of the boys, the deliberately chosen one. She started kissing and caressing him. He was in utter disbelief and started cursing everyone for stooping so low. As you can well imagine not one single individual was asleep. They were having the greatest laugh in the world but without making a sound. The boy bolted out of the room and locked himself in the bathroom. And the woman, in reality one of the short-statured boys dressed in a sari, changed to his proper dress and joined the chorus of loud laughter. Before you decide that we were playing only mischief I like to add that we used to have entertainment of a sublime kind too. Every year, in Spring, there would be the Reunion, lasting three to four days. A huge tent used to be put up on the central open space, called the Oval. The highlight of the reunion used to be music, dance and dramas performed by the best of artists from Kolkata, including those from the film world and the theater world. Hemanta Kumar, Sandhya Mukherji, Dhananjoy, Utpal Datta, Pannalal, Dwijen and of course Shombhu Mitra are some of the names which come to my mind readily. There were many others but alas some 65 years since have erased some names from my mind. We now come to the final episode. All students used to have what was known as “mess duty.” Two students would be responsible for one week for managing everything concerning the meals, starting with the menu, ordering the grocery and maintaining the meal schedule. There used to be keen competition to outdo others in terms of what was served within a fixed budget, which reflected what each student paid for one month to cover four meals a day. Well, it was 35 Rupees per month. One week it was the turn of me with another boy. We decided that we will treat all the students with “mishty doi,” but not any “mishty doi” would do. It had to be the famous “poyodhi” of “Jalajog” restaurant on Rashbehari Avenue in southern Kolkata. Two long bus-rides away. I still do not how we did it, carrying
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শারদীয়া অঞ্জলি ১৪২৩ two large “harees” (earthen containers) each, all the way back to the hostel, after changing buses at Howrah Station, and bringing them back unbroken. It is needless to say that all were pleasantly surprised. We won the unwritten competition. In Sanskrit it is said, “modhureno shomapoyet,” meaning one should end a feast with sweets. So I end here with the thought of one of Bengal's most favorite dish, “mishty doi.” * In those days everyone came by ship. I sailed from Mumbai, landed in Marseilles in France, and crossed Europe by train, English Channel by a ferry, and England by train. Thereupon I sailed from Southampton by a smaller version of the Titanic and landed in Montreal. From Montreal I took greyhound buses to New York and finally to Raleigh, N.C. The entire trip cost Rs. 3000/- and took one month. I wrote a detailed article on this trip for “Pratichi” several years ago.
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শারদীয়া অঞ্জলি ১৪২৩ YOUTH ISNPIRATION :
Born to Sing Baishali Datta When I first set my eyes on this amazing young talent, Sounak Das, he was just a few months old. Little did I realize that the cute baby boy I held in my arms was a future virtuoso. As the years rolled by, Sounak matured in to a good-natured and respectful young man, excelling in both academics and music. Sounak has always been a straight ‘A’ student, finishing high school as a Salutatorian with numerous awards and accolades. And there are a large array of recognitions and awards resides in his musical resume as well. While attending Briarlake Elementary School as a third grader in 2004, on the advice of the music teacher, Mrs. Westbrook, Sounak did an audition with Atlanta Boy Choir and was placed in a training choir under the tutelage of Maestro David White, the director of the Atlanta Boy Choir. He pursued western classical song, but he also imbibed vocal lessons in classical Indian music under Mrs. Debasri Dutta, who encouraged him to sing Rabindra Sangeet and Nazrul Geeti too. For most of his early school years, starting from 3rd grade through 8 th grade, Sounak was an esteemed chorister for the Atlanta Boy Choir. Later, in high school, he performed for Georgia Boy Choir as one of the founding members, under the same conductor, Maestro White. He started his choir singing as a soprano, but as his voice matured, he moved to alto and eventually became a tenor. His solo voice grew even more sophisticated after training with Mr. Clark Harris. From the tender age of 12, Sounak has performed internationally with Boy Choir travelling to such countries as Ukraine, Russia, the Czech Republic, Austria, England, China, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Estonia, and later with the University of Michigan Glee Club to South Africa. His musical performances also took him around the United States to Massachusetts, New York, Vermont and so forth. He had the rare privilege of performing in some of the most distinguished concert venues, including the prestigious Carnegie Hall. Today, he is a student at the University of Michigan, pursing dual degrees in Biomedical Engineering and Musical Arts (Voice Performance). Presently, he is the tenor section leader in the University of Michigan Men’s Glee Club. Sounak is endowed with an impressive musical repertory from a myriad of composers, including Scarlatti, Schubert, Schumann, Mozart, Brahms, Boehm, Handel, Wolf and many more. He is a gracious and modest young man. He is grateful to his musical gurus, and always emphasizes their impact on his musical career.
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শারদীয়া অঞ্জলি ১৪২৩ On a lazy, summer afternoon, I had the privilege of sitting down with Sounak and his mother Sutapa for a friendly tête-à-tête. The milieu exuded cheerful bonhomie. The following is the excerpt of the conversation: Baishali: How did your music start? How old were you? Sounak: I started singing at home along with the tapes that we had around the house. I formally started singing western classical at the age of nine, when I joined the Atlanta Boy Choir. Baishali: At this point I turned to Sutapa to learn more about it. Sutapa: Sounak started singing at the age of two and half years mostly after hearing songs from audio tape, CD and TV. Though he started picking up Bengali and Hindi tunes first, he was always thrilled to sing western songs from TV children show or school. Barney song was his favorite when he was a toddler. Baishali: How did your home life influence your music? Sounak: My mother absolutely loves music, and as far as I can remember, she has always sung around the house. She encouraged me to actively pursue instrumental and vocal studies, and had introduced me to the world that is Indian Classical music. Furthermore, she would be involved in productions during the pujas, and would frequently have me participate in them as well. Baishali: What is your specialization in music? Sounak: My specialization in music is late baroque, classical, and early romantic art song, as well as oratorio work. That is to say, I sing a lot German art song, and I do opera-like works (usually telling some kind of religious story) that don't have any staging. Baishali: Tell me about your formal training in music. When did it start? How did it impact your music? Sounak: I started training formally when I started singing with the Atlanta Boy Choir. Since then, I've sung with choirs, including the Georgia Boy Choir, the Chamblee High School Advanced Mixed chorus, various festival choirs, the University Choir at the University of Michigan, and the University of Michigan Men's Glee club. I did not start seriously training as a solo singer until my junior year of high school, when I began studying under Mr. Clark Harris Clark really did so much for me. He was a fantastic teacher and coach, and I wouldn't have been able to get as far as I have without him. I also got a chance to study under Professor West and
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শারদীয়া অঞ্জলি ১৪২৩ Professor Emeritus, George Shirley (who is a fantastic pedagogue - he himself was one of the first African Americans to sing on the stage of the Metropolitan Opera House, and his most famous student, David Daniels, currently teaches at University of Michigan but also performs all around the world and is arguably the best countertenor in the world that's alive right now). I started doing harder theory studies in my junior year as well, which has helped me sing by giving me a way to analyze music that's not only the text (certain musical lines have specific meanings and learning about them is helpful). Additionally, I've started studying musicology (history and analysis of music) for the last two years, which is important for informing my art. Baishali: How did your training in Indian music influence your music as a whole? Sounak: Indian music gave me a really good frame of reference for my theoretical studies. The swara system does a really good job of keeping you "oriented" in a scale - that is, finding where you are in reference to the base note (tonic or sa). The raised and lowered notes that you do in some contexts for the rags (rather than just doing ragas in Bilawal scale, you do different ones too) helps build mental flexibility and is good training. Additionally, some of the ornamentation that you do in Indian classical helps you get control of your voice, and because your vocal chords are muscles, the more you practice, the bigger it gets. Baishali: When was your first public performance? Sutapa: Sounak’s first public performance with the Boy Choir was in December 2004 to sing Christmas carols as soprano with training choir. The concert was held at Peachtree Road United Methodist Church, Buckhead, GA. He was in 3rd grade. Baishali: Now tell me about your musical tours. Sounak: My first domestic tour started at the age of 10, we went to Baltimore with the Intermediate Choir, and international tour started at the age of 12. The first tour was in Ukraine and Russia. I have also performed in Czech Republic, Austria, England, China, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Estonia, and recently South Africa. When we travelled with the choir, we would usually stay a few nights with host families in all the places, with the exception of China and England. Baishali: Which country did you find most striking and why? Sounak: All countries have their own characteristics. I found Estonia very striking. When I visited, they still had the narrow gravel streets, an old world charm. When they freed themselves from the Soviet block—music was a big part of the independence movement. There were lines of people, they all sang, and that was their form of protest. There are a lot of choirs
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শারদীয়া অঞ্জলি ১৪২৩ who go to Estonia to sing because they have such a rich musical history. So for me going there and singing in some of their churches was very, very special. Baishali: Where did you have maximum number of audience? Sounak: That was in China. The concert halls had more than two thousand people. Baishali: Which places did you visit in China? Sounak: We visited Beijing, Shanghai, Xi'an, and Kunming, as well as various smaller towns around China. Baishali: Tell me about your experience in England. Which places did you visit? Sounak: We visited London and got to sing in St. Paul's Cathedral. We were choir in residence at the Christ Church College of Oxford University and the Wells Cathedral in Wells, Somerset, England. Baishali: How did those travel experience bring awareness of other cultures? Sounak: A big part of knowing other culture is to see how people live on a day to day basis. The home stays abroad allowed us to do that. When we visited new places we will go into people’s houses who were very nice. They would take us in at least, in groups of two, sometimes in three or four. Usually, these families had boys our age, and usually somebody in the house spoke at least a little English. There was once an exception, when there was a language barrier. It happened in a city called Karlstad in Sweden. That was a very interesting experience. I was staying with a German immigrant family. The man of the family only spoke a little English, the children only spoke German. The boy I was staying with (roommate), who came in from Japan for a year, did not speak very much English. Baishali: Tell me about your experience when you performed in Carnegie Hall. Sounak: Our experiences in Carnegie Hall was fantastic - just thinking about all the other people that have performed on that stage is fantastic. I wasn't overly impressed by the physical location (it's certainly not the biggest or most acoustically live place I've sung), but the history really does impress you. Baishali: What about your academics? What are you pursuing now? Sounak: I am currently a candidate for a BSE in Biomedical Engineering and a BMA in Voice Performance. I'll also be pursuing a minor in electrical engineering. I am particularly interested
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শারদীয়া অঞ্জলি ১৪২৩ in the intersection of computing, electronics, and biology - there is a lot of things that we can do with bio-electrics, and I look forward to exploring more of these. Baishali: How do you balance your excellence both in music and academics? Sounak: It's hard balancing both - honestly, it's been hard sometimes maintaining a good balance. It takes a lot of forethought and planning - planning ahead and not procrastinating is the key to success. The good thing though is that when you're pursuing fields that are as different as music and engineering, doing one often acts as a little bit of a break from doing the other. Baishali: What advice do you have for the children in our community? Sounak: The best advice that I can give people is find something that you're passionate about and pursue it - people in this country appreciate when people have other passions, and it really helps if you can be really good at what you're passionate about. You can do more than one thing, but remember that sometimes it does involve time sacrifices elsewhere - whether that's occasionally missing school to play tennis or go on tour, missing out on nights of sleep or hanging out with your friends, or having to sacrifice doing what you want to do for a little bit while you prepare for your next exam. The important thing is just to go for it - and it's never too late to start. Just remember that sleep, hang-out time with friends, physical health, and mental health (which we sometimes neglect) are important too - you're only young once, but you get older so much quicker if you don't take time to breathe occasionally, and life's hard to see as worth living if you don't enjoy at least sometimes.
In China
In England
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শারদীয়া অঞ্জলি ১৪২৩
Rishima Saha Age: 5 Years
During this summer, I visited Ruby Falls with my Parents, my brother Rishaan, Grandma and my cousins Piyush and Ayush. On Thursday, we started our journey in the afternoon by car and reached there in the evening around six pm. We checked in a hotel. We played a lot in the evening with my cousins then watched a movie at night after dinner. My uncle, aunty and another cousin Rishav joined us the same evening at the hotel. Next morning, after shower, we quickly finished our breakfast and got ready to go to the Inclined Railway which was a real fun. At first, I was enjoying while the train was going up, but later I was scared when as it was coming down. I was tightly holding my daddy's hand, but the train came down really slow. Then we’ll had our favorite flavored ice cream. I chose my favorite strawberry.
Our next stop was Ruby falls. Daddy drove us to the top of the hill, then we walked to the Ruby Falls gate. Our tour guide asked us to follow him. We followed him through the tunnel of rocks, the tunnel was very narrow to pass two people at a time, so we had to wait for the other groups to pass. After about 45 minutes, finally we reached in front of the falls. It was really beautiful, water was falling from a height and there were lots colored lights. After 3-4 minutes, it became dark. Then we came back outside by following our guide. I loved Ruby Falls. We came back to hotel that evening. Next, we went to our favorite place in the hotel, "The swimming pool" where we spend our whole evening. We didn’t want to get out of the pool but daddy asked us to have dinner together. So we all followed his words and at night again we saw a new movie. Next day, after having lunch we started our journey of coming back to home. We reached Atlanta in the evening and our joyful holiday was over.
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শারদীয়া অঞ্জলি ১৪২৩ Calvin’s Day Out… Name: Shayna (Payra) Banerjee Age: 7 years Once there was a puppy. His name was Calvin. Calvin saw his owner go outside. Calvin wanted to go too but Calvin did not know where his owner was going. Calvin followed his owner. He was almost lost when his owner found him. ”Silly puppy” he said, petting him. “You almost got lost. Well that is ok coz today is pet day in 4th grade. So good thing I found you!” Anyway Calvin’s owner went to his school. Before he went in, he put Calvin in his backpack. When he went home he put Calvin down. His mom was happy to see Calvin. She told her son, “I have been looking everywhere for Calvin. Thank you for finding him.” Her son replied, “You are welcome!!!”
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শারদীয়া অঞ্জলি ১৪২৩ Kitty Hawk Anandita Mitra 8 Years
I am going to tell you about my visit to Kitty
Hawk this summer. Do you know what Kitty Hawk is famous for? It is famous because two young brothers from Dayton, Ohio named Orville and Wilbur Wright made and flew the first airplane from Kitty Hawk. Kitty Hawk is located on the Outer Banks of North Carolina. We visited the Wright Brothers National Memorial They have a little museum. When we entered there was a talk and presentation going on about the Wright Brothers childhood, family, and how they failed several times before they finally made the model that could last a long time. The exhibits at the museum tell us about the life and work of the Wright Brothers and their glider model.
The first powered flight
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শারদীয়া অঞ্জলি ১৪২৩ When we went outside we had to walk a little and we saw the numbers 1,2,3,4. Do you know what the numbers 1,2,3,4 stands for? It stands for the distance the plane flew. On December 17, 1903 the Wright Brothers were ready for their second attempt. Orville’s flight was the 4th one and the last flight of the day. It was very impressive it went 852 feet in 59 seconds.
After we checked out the 1,2,3,4, we walked up Kills Devils Hills where they have the memorial. We took pictures with the statues of the Wright Brothers and the first model of the airplane made by them. We also saw the campground they stayed in. It was an amazing experience!
The memorial at Kills Devil Hills,NC
Wilbur Wright (April 16, 1867 – May 30, 1912) Orville Wright (august 19,1871—January 30,1948)
If you want to go to the Wright Brothers National Memorial please ask me and I would love to be your guide. (https://www.nps.gov/wrbr/learn/historyculture/thefirstflight.htm).
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শারদীয়া অঞ্জলি ১৪২৩ Srinika Dutta Age: 8 years
SPRING Spring is here
Time to cheer. Art, art, art is fun. You can make art out in the Sun. Also, you can make art out at night to see the stars shine. Make a world out of art. Think big, think small, think about art everywhere. Art is fun so play with art. Art makes you a good thinker. So, have fun with art.
Time for playing Time for planting. Bee buzzing everywhere. Flowers' buds Are bursting open. Falling rain Spilling on flowers, Deer finding new homes. Wind brushing off My shoulder.
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শারদীয়া অঞ্জলি ১৪২৩ Summer Trip to Panama City Beach on that night we did one last thing, we walked on the beach in the moonlight.
Sahana Mandal Age: 8 years
On the last day we had lunch outside and then headed home. It was my brother’s first trip to the beach and he loved it.
We usually go to India in summer but this year we stayed in Atlanta. This year we went on some small vacations and among them Panama City beach was my favorite trip. It took six hours to get there from our home. We started very early morning and reached there at about 1 PM. We took our lunch outside and checked into the hotel. Our room was in 12th floor. It was amazing view of ocean from the balcony. Me and my brother was super excited. On the second day right after breakfast we ran to the beach and jumped in the water. The weather was so beautiful, sunny. The color of the water was beautiful, it was aqua. We made some sand castles in beach, my brother kept putting water on top of sand castles. We made fish and turtle sand sculptures. After a while we got really tired so we came back to the hotel. In the evening we went outside and walked in Pier Park. I drank my favorite juice pina colada in a half cut hollow pineapple. It tastes awesome. Then we rode an electric car and roamed around the city. It was a great experience. The next day we rode on a big boat that took us deep inside the sea. We saw a few dolphins; they were swimming in the water. It was almost time to end our trip so
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শারদীয়া অঞ্জলি ১৪২৩
Playing Anik Dey 9 Years
Playing is really fun! You wouldn’t want to be done, You would want to run, Play basketball and have fun.
Swing high and jump down, Play your own game like “tag” and run. Don’t have to eat anything like buns, It’s okay to get cuts and burns.
Playing is all about fun! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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শারদীয়া অঞ্জলি ১৪২৩
Artwork: Ayona Ray 11 Years
Artwork: Aarshia Datta 8 Years
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শারদীয়া অঞ্জলি ১৪২৩ Sleeping Under the Starfish Deeya Datta Age 12 Years
A whale shark breezes past an indignant stingray above my head. Although the tunnel lights are turned off for the night, the distant illumination of the Ocean Voyager exhibit is enough for me to observe the marine life through the 8 inches of acrylic. The clear material goes around the top of the tunnel in almost 180˚. There are steel frames reinforcing the material every 7 feet of so, successfully supporting the thousands of gallons of water and the myriad of sea life above it. The tunnel has a solid, opaque floor and a transparent top so that visitors are completely surrounded by aquatic lifeforms at eye level. A school of fish shoot by as I yawn. I, along with my girl scout troop and my mother, am spending the night at the Georgia Aquarium. After such a tiring day, you’d have thought that everybody would be knackered. This was true for about half the girls, but the rest were wide awake, either chattering away to whoever would listen, or doing God knows what on their phones. I was part of the second half, as I was conversing lazily, with my friend, Haley, but I could slowly feel myself joining the former of the two as the day’s events sluggishly caught up with me. The evening started off with Haley, her father and sister picking up my mother and I. We rode down to our designated meeting place to check in with the rest of the troop. After everybody had showed up, we regrouped and organized,
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শারদীয়া অঞ্জলি ১৪২৩ and our congregation of five began the tedious drive to the aquarium. While Haley and I remained relatively relaxed, her little sister was bouncing with anticipation the whole time. It was like sharing the backseat with a time bomb. We arrived after approximately an hour of travel, speed walking to the orientation room to drop our belongings and catch up with the rest of the girls. After doing so, we were briskly ushered to the cafeteria to eat dinner before the commencement of the tour. Upon finishing our meal, our tour began. Our first stop was the ice wall. The ice wall was a self-explanatory object. We were instructed to attempt to keep our hands on the wall for as long as possible. The maximum length of time any of us was able to keep out hands on it was a bit under 30 seconds. The tour guide explained that our vulnerability to the cold was due to the fact we lacked the thick blubber that protects arctic, aquatic mammals. The guide, a woman named Cris, introduced us to many marine exhibits, some of which began to blur together after a minute or two. One of the exhibits that stuck out to me was a shallow water touch pool in which we were allowed to gently caress starfish, sea anemones and sea urchins. After 70 minutes, Cris led us through a set of double doors to a room with a tangle of pipes, tanks and a smattering of dials. Using a wall length poster, she began to take us through the water purification process. Noticing a few of the girls looking inattentive after the basics of it had been covered, Cris beckoned us to follow her down a long corridor into a colossal chamber. It contained a prodigious pool that was 20 feet on the shallow end and was brimming with life. Whale sharks, eels, fish, stingrays and a plethora of other organisms thrived. This very pool was located above the tunnel that we would be sleeping in. Cris declared we should get down to our sleeping area, but told us she’d swing by one extra stop on the way. As we strolled down the hall, the lights began to slightly dim until we stepped into my personal favorite room: the jellyfish
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শারদীয়া অঞ্জলি ১৪২৩ exhibit. One window had hundreds of miniscule jellies frantically pulsing in order to move an inch or two. Behind the ceiling to floor glass next to it were 3 dozen larger jellyfish with stingers up to 6 feet long. I gaped at their hypnotic movement till Cris signaled it was time to go. We padded back to the orientation room to retrieve our belongings. Our troop then raced to the tunnel to set up our bedding on the mats and get ready for bed. After taking three headcounts, the chaperones went to ‘bed’ and the lights were gradually turned out, although the older girls were awake for a substantial amount after. Morning came impossibly soon; we were all hastily distributed muffins and ordered to pack up. After an hour of sleep addled clamoring, everyone was packed up, dressed, alive and ready for the last segment of the guided tour: a 4D movie. Instantaneously following the end of the movie (a humorous Ice Age short film), our tour came to an end. The troop unequivocally determined that we would sweep through the gift shop then watch the dolphin show on our own. The gift shop left me looking like an aquarium advertisement as I had bought and changed into a dolphin shirt, and adorned myself with several pieces of water themed jewelry. The dolphin show was educational and leisurous, but at the same time, a bit of a letdown. Our assemblage had read the signs that said, “First Ten Rows are in the Splash Zone” and situated ourselves in the fourth row, but exited almost drier than when we had entered. Having done everything we could think of, the rest of the scouts piled into one of their parent’s minivans and passed out before all of them had even boarded. Our group wove our way to the elevator, marched to our vehicle, crowded in and began the tedious trip home.
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শারদীয়া অঞ্জলি ১৪২৩ AN UNBREAKABLE BOND Ishani Saha Age: 13 Years
Everyone has a story behind how they found their best friends. This is my story. It was my sixth grade year and I didn’t have any friends in my classes. Honestly, I was okay with it because I came to learn, not socialize. One day I walked into my science class and I choked reading what it said on the board: “Grab partner scientists! Its lab time!” Everybody ran around looking for familiar faces. However, I knew no one in that class. My teacher noticed that I wasn’t sitting with a partner. She paired me up with a girl who seemed a little scary. My first impression of this girl wasn’t the best. I found her to be a very reserved person who was way too cool for me. So obviously I was a little intimidated by her. Our teacher instructed us to open the packet and begin the lab. We both sat in silence for a few minutes before I made the first move. “Um, hi? I’m Kiara. I’m pretty sure we need to talk for this lab.” She looked at me and smiled,” I’m Drishti.” We spent the rest of the period laughing and measuring each other’s heads (this was part of the lab). The bell interrupted our conversation. We both stood up and I said,” My next class is across the hall. What about yours?” Drishti looked at me excitedly,” We have that class together!” After that day, we became inseparable. We had four classes together and we sat near each other in all of them. We shared everything with each other, our interests and our dislikes. We had become a big part of each other’s lives. One fateful day when we were watching people walk into our language arts class, I noticed a new face. Suddenly, I felt a tap on my shoulder. “Kiara, it’s a new student!” Drishti said quite loudly. The girl shyly looked towards us. “Hey, come sit with us!” I yelled. This earned me a look from Naomi and Tia. She slowly walked towards us, a little startled. “Hello, I’m Kiara and this is Drishti.” She looked at us and replied,” I’m Navya. I just moved here from Iowa.” Then, she sat down next to us. Not long after, Navya, Drishti, and I became really close. We stuck to each other like magnets. We called ourselves best friends. Our friendship was based on honesty and trust. In our friendship there was always more of “we” than “I”. We couldn’t hide anything from each other.
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শারদীয়া অঞ্জলি ১৪২৩ I think we have an unbreakable bond. How do I know that? Well, for me an unbreakable bond is when all of you could be miles apart but never have a moment of silence when you meet. Or if you need to rant about something, they are always ready to listen and console you. When you are discouraged, they give you the strength and determination to help you accomplish. No matter how much you try to hide it, they know when something is wrong and are always ready with your favorite song or movie to lift your spirits. Even if you have known each other for a few months, it seems like you have known them forever. You know that you could trust them with your life and you can’t live without them. It’s as if they were sent by an angel to save you from your worries. When you are with them you feel like you can escape from all the monsters that chase you. They accept you for who you are and never judge you. You feel elated every time you see them, and any time you are away from them, you feel deflated. No matter how far they are always there for you. The bond between my friends is unexplainable, but all I know is that its unbreakable.
Artwork: Urjoshi Kar, Age -13 Years
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শারদীয়া অঞ্জলি ১৪২৩
WE Aratrika Kar, Age: 13 years
Mirrors surround me. Closing me in, yet so far away. I’m reflected. But it doesn’t matter. All I see is a dark silhouette of a girl. She steps forward. I see her reach out a shaking hand that shatters the glass. I try too. I really do. But when I look down, my fingers refuse to part, My arms refuse to move They stay there- unmoving and frozen- trapped in the reality I tried so hard to escape. She’s gone. The girl. The one who had smashed the glass. Or maybe she’s still there. Maybe she’s waiting for me. For me to finally break out of my shell and join her. For me to grasp her strong hand: full of power and will. I wish she knew how hard it tried, How hard I pushed myself until I could reach no more. But for that I need a connection between me and her. Something I want but don’t have. I was wrong. The girl’s still there; watching me out of the corner of her eye. I stare in jealousy and envy as she wholeheartedly laughs with her friends,
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শারদীয়া অঞ্জলি ১৪২৩ people I had seen from far away, but never had the courage to befriend. I hear someone sob- a tortured cry of despair. I realize it’s me. I realize everyone’s gone. Only me and the girl. Through misty eyes, I raise my arm and see her do the same. I wait. She waits. Slowly, I touch the glass with my hand, mirrored by the girl. Our hands join. “I” becomes “we”. Together. We feel a spark. A connection.
Artwork: Shaktik Bhattacharyya Age 11 Years
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শারদীয়া অঞ্জলি ১৪২৩ My Angel Srija Sengupta, Age: 15 Years (Inspired by Virginia Woolf’s “Professions for Women”)
My Angel came to visit me
Pulled me against her so that there was no
And told me to be soft
As she was
And suddenly I saw her as what she really
She told me to be kind
As she was
And my mind cleared from all the extra fuzz
“For my dear child, heed this too
Her lips were red with the blood of
Soft, kind words are what the world expects
of you,”
And her feathers were smoothed down with
Why? I asked.
their tears
“Because you are young,” she said
Her teeth were sharp, like a vampire
As she smiled toothily with lips so red
Hungry for my dreams, I feared
“Because you are a girl,” she soothed
So I took my pen that lay in my idle hand
As her wings shimmered with feathers so
And wrote her away, the dreadful thing
Because soft, kind words are not what I’m
“So bend, dear child, please do
made of
Soft, kind words are all you’ll ever amount
Rough, real words are what I’m meant to
And so she brought her hands to my face
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শারদীয়া অঞ্জলি ১৪২৩ Social Media: The Illusion Of Privacy Udisha Bhattacharyya Age: 16 years
Police cars swarm around the teenage girl’s house and screams can be heard louder than the sirens of the cars. The teenage girl feels intense regret. No, this is not reality; this could not possibly be happening to her. Her whole future is in ruins, solely because she did not think before sharing sensitive information on one of her social media accounts. As demonstrated by this case, privacy is a major issue in the contemporary world, and needs more awareness to prevent privacy issues from happening in the future. To put into a larger context, social media usage grew 35% in Europe and 56% in Asia from 2006 to 2009. From this growth, social media is slowly but surely becoming an integral part to teenage life. With this, there are more privacy issues arising which cause terrible social effects on these teenagers, and these issues must be prevented. On social media, privacy is defined as “a behavioral construct connected to an individuals’ attempt to protect themselves and their personal information from undesired exposure”. Poor privacy on social media causes detrimental social effects especially on teenagers. Deceptive privacy policies and psychological causes catalyze the detrimental social effects like unintentional information-sharing to occur. To combat this, it is imperative to incorporate more parental mediation and legislation from Congress. Admittedly, some argue that most teens in the contemporary world are already aware of the privacy settings on their social networking sites. In fact, a study conducted by Pew Research center shows how 60% of teen Facebook users keep their profiles private, and most of these users are very confident in their ability to manage the settings. Seemingly, this is supposed to convey how teenagers are responsible enough to be private online. Not only that, but teens have found ways to further protect themselves on social media through methods such as blocking unwanted followers, encrypting messages through inside jokes, and providing false information when signing up for the social networking site. These methods signify an increase in desire which should result in a decreasing amount of issues about privacy online. Even though it may seem as if most teens are already aware of how to be private on social media, it is still true more teens still practice poor privacy on social networking sites, causing detrimental effects on them. To prove this, it is important to note that there is a waning interest in teens for creating Facebook accounts since they “dislike the increasing number of adults on the site”. Logically this makes sense because no teenager would want to post personal information concerning relationships or friend drama if they know that people of authority to them such as parents or other adults watch what they post. Additionally, the Electronic Privacy Information Center complains how since 2006, Facebook has changed its privacy policy, resulting in “less user control over who gets access to personal information”. With the waning support for Facebook and its questionable privacy policy, it is safe to say that the Pew study of teen Facebook users is not as valid. As for the argument of how teens use methods to protect their privacy, it is important to remember whether the best interest of these teens is to be more private or some other motive. For example, teens often provide their false age when they sign up for social media sites because some of these sites offer more functions to older people or some sites have “age stipulations in their terms of use”. These teens provide the false information not to be safer, but to be able to access their social networking site. All in all, although it may seem as if teens are figuring out how to be more private on social media, the truth is that the issue of poor
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শারদীয়া অঞ্জলি ১৪২৩ privacy still remains and needs to be solved before it causes further problems on the teenage population. Poor privacy is an issue worthy of analysis of its causes, effects, and solutions. Some of the causes that result in poor privacy on social media are deceptive privacy policies on social media sites and psychological causes in the social media user. To best understand how poor privacy can negatively impact social networking users, one should first look at these causes. Deceptive privacy policies have been seen in multiple instances where the social media site shares information to undesired people while the user does not know this information is being shared due to unclear policy statements of the site. However, these people remain defenseless since even if they sue these social media sites for unfairly sharing their private information, the sites will point to their small print privacy policies and claim that they are legally safe. A Cambridge study in 2009 of twenty nine social media sites showed that many of these sites did not make their policy clear enough to users when they signed up . Along with unclear privacy policy on social media, users often times simply do not desire or care to read the privacy policy. This can be proven by a 2009 study of two thousand social networking users worldwide where only forty-five percent of them say that they read the privacy policy. The significance of this is that the cause to disclosure of private information on social media can be attributed to both the social media site for creating unclear privacy information and also the user for not caring to read the privacy policy. Another cause to poor privacy on social media is psychological causes. This is related to the mind and how the user perceives their capability to be a responsible social media user versus the reality. One of these psychological causes is the development of psychological skills in teens. Since they are still growing up, their cognitive and social skills are still developing. As such, the way these teens make decisions, they are unable to take other factors into account and so it is more difficult for them to recognize “how privacy information will be used”. Yet still, through factors such as peer pressure and wanting to fit in, these teens still sign up for social media with the false idea that they know everything about it already when actually they forget to take poor privacy into account. Therefore, fake confidence from experience can lead to poor privacy on social media. Hsuan-Tin Chen, who has a PhD related to these studies, says that as users become more immersed in social media “they become less concerned about privacy and more willing to share personal information”. However, even these experienced users can be in threat as social networking sites make privacy settings “hard to find, difficult to understand, and cumbersome to adjust”. Therefore, experienced users and teens should be taught of privacy risks and settings on their social networking sites to be safer online. To summarize, causes to poor privacy on social networking sites like deceptive privacy policies and psychological causes can result in major detrimental impacts. Poor privacy on social media can have detrimental impacts such as the sharing of personal information to advertisers or marketers and the sharing of information to college admissions or employers. While the site does not directly tell its user, social media sites are notorious for secretly using the user’s personal information and giving it to advertisers and marketers in order to “craft personalized messages for users” and thus give these advertisers an advantage over other ones. The problem here is that the user has no voice in their own information being publicly distributed since the social media site does it without their consent, or if the user tries to sue against this, the social networking site will pull up a small piece of their privacy policy that the user did not read. This is a major issue that many are not aware of, since a Pew Research Center study shows how only 9% of teenagers show concern for this third party access. Therefore, it is crucial that social networking users are made aware of this third party access to their personal information since they both have a right to know as well as a
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শারদীয়া অঞ্জলি ১৪২৩ motive to be more concerned about undesired sharing of their personal information by the site. Similar to the third party access being one of the detrimental effects of poor privacy on social media, another harmful impact of poor privacy is the sharing of information to college admissions or employers. Teenagers in high school especially often forget how much their future could be greatly impacted through what they post online. In fact, Kaplan Test Prep’s college admissions survey shows how colleges are now using social media as one of the ways to select students since the survey found that 87% of them use Facebook and 76% of them use Twitter, with 35% of applications being negatively impacted by social media. This illustrates how crucial it is for teenagers to actually think before they post on social media. Additionally, Jobvite’s 2013 social recruiting survey found that 93% of college recruiters use candidate’s online presence as part of the selection process, and saw a negative trend between selection and people who post about illegal drugs and a positive trend between selection in people who post about volunteering and charity donation. This signifies that teenagers should not post anything too personal because that may negatively impact their future and leave a scar in their reputation and competency in the eyes of colleges or employers. Posting on social media can have long-term social impacts such as the sharing such as the unwanted sharing of personal information to advertisers or marketers and the unwanted sharing of personal information to college admissions and employers. With these impacts, it is crucial that one uses certain methods to protect against poor privacy on social networking sites. Even with the detrimental impacts of poor privacy on social media users, there are still methods to protect against poor privacy. Two of these methods are increased parental control and increased legislation. With parental control, the reason this method should be effective is because parents are known as the best socialization agents since they ideally are able to control or moderate the influence of other socialization agents like peers and mass media. However, this is not always the case since teenagers are known for not listening to their parents, thinking that they do not know as much about technology and social media as the parent. Some ways parents can help are either by setting rules to control their child’s media usage or discussing the undesirable aspects of social networking. Along with parental mediation, increased legislation can be another method as some governments develop regulatory measures to control privacy threats. For example, measures have been taken such as the Gramm Leach-Bliley Act to protect privacy in money-related information and the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act which protects user’s information about their health . Additionally, lawsuits have been filed against certain social media sites. In fact, the Associated Press says that in 2009, Facebook users in California “filed suit against the firm accusing it of violating self-privacy”. While they were not successful, this shows that privacy is becoming an increasingly larger issue that people are protesting about since they themselves have been harmed from deceptive social media as well as the deceptive nature of their own minds sometimes. In short, some of the methods to protect against poor privacy on social media are increased parental control and increased legislation. To conclude, poor privacy on social media can cause ruin in the present teenage population. Deceptive privacy policies and a sense that one is an experienced social networking user can cause the undesired sharing of information, and some effects to poor privacy are the sharing of information to marketers and college admissions. Some ways to prevent poor privacy are increased parental control and legislation. Social media is like a double-edged sword. While it is useful for quick sharing of information, sharing too much of this information causes harm. As social media evolves perhaps the human mind should learn to evolve and adapt to it with better privacy.
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শারদীয়া অঞ্জলি ১৪২৩
UNLOCKED Shayak Chaudhuri, Age:16 Years
My first breath of fresh air in high school came with my acceptance to Walton’s A Cappella choir. During my time as a lowly freshman/blossoming Mannerchor singer, I never took much interest in names like “Camerata,” “Bel Canto,” and “A Cappella.” Then came the first concert in the fall. I deeply admired the flow, harmony, and the serenity of the voices of the young men and women who relied on nothing but themselves to produce heavenly music; I was entranced. For many months, I obsessed over possibly joining A Cappella, the most advanced choir in Walton High School, and I felt as inspired as a young Hercules belting “Go the Distance” in the light of a golden sunset. In the spring of 2015, when they announced that auditions will be held, I confidently signed up. Although some of my peers had said that the auditions would be difficult, I was unfazed. Of course, I was not merely driven by eagerness and joy; I signed up because I needed to prove my skills and experience to myself. Prior to the auditions, I wasted no time in practicing and learning the notes on a music sheet given by my conductor. I also was assigned an essay in which I had to explain why I, a mere speck of dust in the cosmic wind, wanted to join this exclusive group. Once the essay was complete, I was given a chance to try out. After a smooth audition, I felt proud of myself for putting my voice to the test. Then came the feverish wait for the results, during which I checked the website every day between episodes of nervous button-mashing on the PS3 controller. You can imagine my excitement when the decision was finally released: I had been deemed worthy. Once upon a time, shyness had shoved a cork in my mouth...but that time has passed. A Cappella has erased my misgivings and amplified my passion for singing. Much to my enjoyment and the possible chagrin of others, I can launch into song without hesitation. The most unforgettable moment of my chorus career has been the Robert Shaw Chorale Celebration where we collaborated with other choirs. Hearing my own voice intertwining with so many others, all floating upwards and outwards to resonate along the walls - it felt like magic. I believe that with each soul comes a key. My voice is my key. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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শারদীয়া অঞ্জলি ১৪২৩ 21 SIGNS YOU’RE A PUJARI KID Ananya Ghosh Age: 17
1. You’ve scavenged every vending machine in the entire school for loose change and free snacks. 2. You’ve made at least 2498753 unsuccessful attempts to guess the W-Fi password. 3. You’ve crashed a Berkmar High School basketball game wearing full-fledged Indian attire (Saalwars and heels, Punjabis and those weird shoes you get on the side of the street from India). 4. You’ve used the handicap elevator as an epic hiding spot and turned it into an exclusive clubhouse. 5. You know your way around Berkmar High School almost as well as you know your way around your own school. 6. You’ve tried Indian lemonade at picnic, spit it out, then drank some more. 7. You think you’re a daredevil because you crossed the yellow safety line at Lake Lanier. 8. You miss the days when random companies would come and give out random decks of cards, hand sanitizers, notebooks, etc. 9. You bring all your homework to Pujo and end up doing none of it. 10. You secretly enjoy eating the kiddy lo mein noodles and chicken even though you later tell your parents you wish you could have eaten the ‘adult’ food. 11. You take off your shoes to run around and lose them somewhere. 12. You miss the Spiderman mural that people used to take pictures in front of. 13. You attempted to make the perfect cup of coffee while your parents were in the auditorium by trying 15 different sugar/creamer combinations. 14. You get into some weird friend drama at the beginning of Pujo that gets resolved by the end. 15. You’ve stolen an entire sleeve of Oreo’s from the jumbo box and have no regrets. 16. You’ve greeted at least six mashis/kakus you don’t know. 17. You enjoy Fungama even though you join ‘reluctantly’ every time. 18. You’ve joined a performer on stage without invitation. 19. You’ve always wanted to buy real snacks from the boarded up concession counter. 20. You discover something new about Berkmar every time you go. 21. You’re appreciative of the community that Pujari gives you and the friends it helped you make.
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Puja Decoration Team Malobika Deb Tumpa Bhattacharyya Abhijeet Hazra Ashoke Deb Abhishek Datta Soumya Bhattacharyya Tania Bhattacharyya
Puja Cultural Team Swati Dey Manas Dey
Puja Preparation Team Bulbul Banik Bishwanath Bhattacharyya
Chandana Bhattacharyya
Prabir Bhattacharyya
Sumona Banik
Chayan Chakrobarty Pranesh Chowdhury
Seemita Chakraborty Molly De
Sutapa Das
Soumya Kanti Das
Ruma Mitra
Antara Das
Puja Publication Team Jaba Chaudhury Sutapa Das Baishali Datta Gauri Sankar Datta Meera Bhattacharyya Soumya Bhattacharyya Special Thanks: Deeya Datta, Rakhi De
Pujari express sincere gratitude and thankfulness to: Mr. Girish Modi, Mrs. Jaba and Mr. Bob Ghosh, Mrs. Nandini and Mr. Ujjal Chakravartty, Mrs. Soma Datta and Mr. Sanjib Datta, Mrs. Payel and Mr. Prosenjit Dutta, Mrs. Debarati and Mr. Ambarish Mitra, Mrs. Arunima and Mr. Samik Saha and other anonymous donors for their generous support.
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OUR PROMISE Time Conscious
Dr. Toral recognizes each person as an individual with their own needs which has not only made her work a beautiful experience for the past 8 years but it also has allowed her to build a very caring environment for her patients and her staff to make her practice the best it can possibly be. She has been serving Cobb and Fulton area since 2009 and has been an active member of the community. She was graduated with Doctor of Dental Surgery from Loma Linda University, CA.
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At TruCare, we provide gentle, family oriented personalized dental care to meet individualized dental need for the adults and children of our community. In addition to general dentistry and cosmetic dentistry, we also provide Implant dentistry, root canal treatments, Invisalign and TMD treatment
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New Patient Special $99 Adult Exam
Includes Exam, X-Rays and 920 Marietta Hwy #330, Roswell, GA 30075 Regular Cleaning (prophylaxis). Offer good in absence of gum disease and for each family member. Cannot be combined with insurance plans or any other offer or discount
Our List of Sponsors/Advertisers DENTAL PRACTICE Carol Chang DDS Grady Dental Care Szikman Dental Group Toral DDS
TRAVEL Desh Travels
RESTAURANTS Ashiana Bukhara Gokul Sweets Madras Chettinad/Madras Mantra Moksha Sanjha Chulha Tava Touch of India
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BEAUTY SALONS Fantastic Sam’s (Shantanu Talukder)
FINANCIAL PLANNING, MORTGAGE & REAL ESTATE Bluestone Capital (Naveed) KELLER WILLIAMS (Crystal) Keller Wiiliams (Ayelet Gilad) Keller Williams (Stacey Schuler Cannon) Nations First (Tejas) Ping Mortgage Realty APS Shalin Financial Services
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3294 Peachtree Industrial Blvd., Suite: 1005, Duluth GA 30096 Phone: 678-473-9288 • Fax: 678-878-4433