Usi ng Musi c to Support Chi ldren and Young People PartofsoundLI NCS’
An I nteracti ve,fun and thoughtprovoki ng workshop from soundli ncsthatengagesparti ci pantsi n explori ng answersto: •Whatdoesmusi c do and how do weknow? •how can musi c fiti n wi th whatialready know and do? •wherecan igo for morehelpand i nformati on?
201 6 Thursday 1 7November Thursday 1December Thursday 8December
201 7 Thursday 1 9J anuary Thursday 26J anuary thursday 2february thursday 23february thursday 2march thursday 9march thursday 1 6march thursday 23march
for morei nformati on or to si gn upfor the sessi onspleasevi si tli ncs2learn or emai l i nfo@soundli ncs. org.