Soundscape Magazine - Issue 17

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Issue fe aturing desecration Basement torture killings foetal juice plus + our guide to the bands + one very hammered hammerfest review life. your your live. d. sound. your soun your

issue 17

April ‘16

int g cing ducin rodu intro

MOSH AGAINST CANCER Here at Soundscape, we love giving support to a good cause, so what better way to do this than with a whole issue dedicated to the festival?! Words: natalie humphries design: nadine ballantyne


ut on with association with Thrashmong and Pandemik, Mosh Against Cancer is a yearly charity festival in Liverpool that takes place in mid-May with one aim to raise as much money for a cancer charity as possible! Previously in aid of Cancer Research UK, the current charity they’re raising money for is Macmillan Cancer Support. This year, Mosh Against Cancer will be taking place at The Magnet on May 13 and 14, and tickets are onsale now! You can pick up day tickets or save a little bit of money by buying a weekend pass on Eventbrite: https://www.eventbrite. Still need help making up your mind? Well, hopefully we can help - we have interviews with the headliners and special guests for both days, as well as an interview with the organisers, a guide to all of the bands playing and even a special bonus review of what happened when we spent Hammerfest in the company of the wonderful people in Thrashmong! Thanks to Ian North, Alan North and Marc Mullin, as well as Desecration, Basement Torture Killings and Foetal Juice.

Facebook facebook.c om/ MoshAgain stCancerUK 16+ EVEN T


proudly pres shmong ent.. a r h .. &T k i m e d


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friday headliners

SATURDAY headliners

with special guests

Deified * austerymn * gorehead * omv * colpocleisis BIGGUS RIFFUS


NOVACROW * pandemik * exhumation



Tickets available from Follow us on facebook

in w iew rvie terv inte

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Welsh death metal bastards Desecration will be headlining the Friday of Mosh Against Cancer, and we can’t wait to see them again after the incredible show they put on at Eradication Festival last year! We caught up with them to find out more about what we can expect from the upcoming show.


o you’re going to be headlining the Friday of Mosh Against Cancer - what can fans expect from the show? Catchy death metal, the best of our music played a bit faster of course.

What are you most looking forward to about playing? We like playing our stuff in Liverpool and it’s been a while. We enjoy performing everywhere though so its just us Welshies having fun, enjoying a drink and doing our stuff. We are friends so we are hanging out playing music we like. Are there any surprises in store for the show? If I said there’d be none, that wouldn’t be a surprise, eh? I also saw you headline Eradication Festival last year in Cardiff. How will this show differ to that one?

Probably a slightly different set, and change of t-shirts.

You’ve played many different shows over the years, but what would you say the best one you’ve ever played has been? I’d have to say Bloodstock, although we have been lucky to play many great shows around the world in places like Russia, Mexico and Asia. What about the strangest or weirdest? Hmm, I don’t remember any weird ones but i remember our worst, we were the main band on a festival and everyone left when we started. That was in our very early days. Is there anywhere you’re yet to play that you’d like to visit? We really have played all over the place - we’ve been to Japan with our other bands but would really like to take Desecration over there one day.

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Photo: Aga Warkowska

Introducing basement torture killings


nuff grind outfit Basement Torture Killings will be headlining the Saturday night of Mosh Against Cancer and we can guarantee it will be a show to remember. Led by the sadistic female killer Beryl, the lineup is completed with original member and sadist Tarquin, alongside medical practitioner and human body experimenter Dr Krauss and the mysterious Faceless Killer. We caught up with Tarquin to find out what we can expect from their set!

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So you’re going to be headlining the Saturday of Mosh Against Cancer what can fans expect from the show? As always our show will be an intense in your face live murder ritual. This is our first time in Liverpool for some time and the first with our new line-up featuring our ever sadistic frontwoman Beryl. People can expect 40 or so minutes of blood splattered gore grind. How will this show differ to a ‘normal’ show of yours? This is our first time headlining in Liverpool so we will be playing a longer set and we are working on some new stage antics although these cannot be revealed at the moment. All shows are important to us but for this one we are extra hyped and can’t wait to hit the stage in support of such a good cause. What are you most looking forward to about playing? Every show we have played in Liverpool has been fantastic so the fact that we are able to bring the new lineup to perform at this amazing event is super exciting. Plus, I can’t wait to hang out with some of our friends who are playing as well. The most important thing about this show though is that the event makes lots of money to help in the fight against cancer. Are there any surprises in store for the show? I think that we will be unveiling a new song or two as we are in the middle of preparing for our next album so it would be good to try out a brand new song at the show. I know that Beryl has been planning a few surprises for

people as well but I can’t unveil them at the moment.

What would you say the best show you’ve ever played has been? There have been so many awesome shows that we have played. A couple that stand out is the show we did in London supporting Deicide as the crowd were insane! That said the Irish shows we did on our recent tour were also some of the best we have ever played. The reception was through the roof and I genuinely feel that the new lineup we have is exceptional. Each show we are doing is better than the last. What about the strangest or weirdest? One that stands out is the show we did at Vulgar Fest where our last vocalist became so dehydrated that he was unable to play. We ended up playing as a two piece to a packed venue, and it was a challenge to say the least. We have also had a strange show in Belgium where we played to a packed room who didn’t make a single sound throughout the show - not a clap a cheer or anything. We all thought they hated us, as soon as we finished they rushed to the merch table and bought almost everything we had. We have also had a few cases of fans being a little strange but that’s another story. Is there anywhere you’d like to play that you haven’t been to yet? There are many places we would still love to get too. We are still yet to undertake a full European tour and hit the big festivals and that is something that needs to happen. South East Asia, South America and the USA

All shows are important to us but for this one we are extra hyped... are also places where we have to go at some point. But in all honesty we just love to play so every gig is super exciting for us.

If you could play a show on your dream lineup, what bands would you want to play with? I’ve been thinking about this for a few days and there are still so many options. But if I had the chance to put together my ultimate festival it would look something like this: Metallica, Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds playing Murder Ballads, Carcass, General Surgery, Haemorrhage, Impaled, Macabre, Cradle Of Filth, Arkhon Infaustus and BTK wouldn’t be a bad one.

And finally, what’s in store for Basement Torture Killings for the rest of 2016? Well as I mentioned earlier we are in the process of completing our next album and our focus is very much on completing this at the moment and aiming for a late summer release. We are co-headlining Death To Cancer 2 in London and then off for a few euro dates and a mini tour with Dutch Gore Grind heavy weights Clit Eater. We are also going to be doing a couple of videos so its going to be busy for us.

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e c i u J l a t e Fo

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oetal Juice is a brutal death metal band from Bury, with a passion for the gory and perverted side of life - whose music includes influences of serial killers and necrophilia. No strangers to the UK underground, they have played shows with bands such as Anaal Nathrakh, Exhumed, Ghoul and Cancerous Womb to name but some, and have also toured with MAC headliners Desecration and Basement Torture Killings, We caught up with drummer Rob to find out more, along with what they’ll be bringing to Mosh Against Cancer.

So you’re going to be playing the Saturday of Mosh Against Cancer what can fans expect from the show? I think the fans can expect the usual carnage that they have come to expect at Foetal Juice shows. A lot of laughs and a lot of aggressive death metal. How will this show differ to a normal Foetal Juice show? I don’t think it will differ that much from a normal Foetal Juice show, we always give it our all and this show will be no different. We always try to play as many shows to make money for various different causes that mean a lot to us. Cancer is one of those grimnesses that everyone has to deal with at some point or another and its always worth getting as much funding for the cancer charities as possible. On our latest release we have got a song called Tumour Has It which is about males checking

their bollocks for cancer and was written to raise a bit of awareness to the cause.

What are you most looking forward to about playing? It’s a great festival, with a great line up for a great cause! What is there not to look forward to? We are really good friends with a lot of the bands that are playing as well and we don’t get to see them that often either so it will be a rather enjoyable piss up as well. Have you got any surprises in store? I don’t think we are the kind of band that has surprises (hahaha). We may have a new song or two to showcase from our upcoming album and I hope everyone will enjoy them. When it comes to live shows, what would you say the best one you’ve ever played has been? For me personally I haven’t got one show in particular that I can class as the best I have ever played as there are so many shows that I have enjoyed over the years. We have played all over the place with many friends and bands so its impossible to say one or even a number of shows that I can class as the best. What about the strangest or weirdest? We haven’t really played many strange or weird shows really. We have played the odd squat party and smaller personal shows for people. I suppose the strangest support act that we have had was at a squat party many years ago. It

was a guy on his own who played a keyboard with his feet whilst singing and playing the guitar. ’Twas quite surreal.

Is there anywhere you’d like to play, but haven’t visited yet? Everywhere! We haven’t really played many places over the years. We have done a number of European shows such as Obscene Extreme festival in Czech Republic and Extremefest in Germany as well as a number of gigs through Europe. We are always open to playing new places and events anywhere we get invited. If you could play a show with any artist, what would your dream lineup be? If I could chose only one artist to support it would have to be Enya. But if you would let me chose a few it would have to be, Vomitory, Cryptopsy, Severe Torture, Lock Up, Napalm Death, Myrkur (black metal Enya), Immortal, Desecration, The Afternoon Gentlemen, Famine, etc. etc. And finally, what’s in store for Foetal Juice for the rest of 2016? Foetal Juice are only playing a select few show for the rest of the year (Slam Fest (Leeds), Riff Fest (Bolton), Gutalax (Leeds), No Fun Intended (Leeds) and Speed Hating Fest (Manchester)) because we have been trying to write our debut album and get it release before the end of the year. We are booked in the studio late July/early August and have nearly finished writing the bloody thing!

in w iew rvie terv inte

A lot of work goes into organising an event like Mosh Against Cancer - contrary to popular belief, it isn’t just about drinking and partying as hard as you can (although that arguably goes in hand with the Thrashmong lot) so we took the time to get a behind-the-scenes look at how the event comes together.

How did Mosh Against Cancer first come together? Marc: It started like things always start, we were drunk! It was Alan’s idea, his brainchild. Alan: Our nan died and wanted to do something for her. A drunk conversation went too far and we decided to run with it. Marc: So we got in touch with a bunch of local bands and decided to put on an all dayer. I never actually thought we would do it. It’s usually just nonsense when we get drunk! Ian: 10 bands played, we raised about £750 and had a ball so we decided to do it again. Marc: And because we’re all men, it had to be bigger and better! Ian: And we are too fat to run a marathon and we have crossdressed too much for it to be funny any more, so we couldn’t really do anything else. How easy/difficult has it been to organise this year? Last year was the first time you put it on over two

days - has it been easier this year as a result? Marc: This year seemed a little easier band wise. We had them throwing themselves at us. Ian: It was quite difficult at times though. We hit a load of dead ends but then in early January it all fell in place. A lot of the bands were unable to commit due to possible tours or album recording but we have a very strong line up this year.

tour in Europe can cost us and it has in the past.

Definitely - the lineup is great! Marc: Everything but the headliners was easy to sort. Ian: It’s the headliners that was difficult. Mid-level bands we could do a week’s worth of shows.

I like The Magnet - I’ve only been to one gig there but it was a great little venue. So what’s the most rewarding thing about putting on Mosh Against Cancer? Ian: Becoming friends with bands you have admired for years, raising 1000’s for charity and spending time with some great people - take your pick. Marc: For me it’s knowing we’re donating to great causes that need the money so much. Also we get to see awesome bands for free every year! Ian: Sssssssssshhhhhhhhhh, that’s

Was it difficult to find the right sized bands then? Ian: It was easy to find the bands - we all know who we want. But availability and cost is an obstacle. With us being a one-show charity do, bands won’t make anything from playing so a paid

What about the venue? Obviously we’ve lost the Lomax now - what made you choose The Magnet over other venues? Ian: Krazyhouse is a legendary venue in Liverpool with history, but it was too big. The Lomax team/family seem to be moving to The Magnet so it seemed the logical step for us.

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not why we do it at all!!! Marc: Cat’s out of the bag now, lad. Has there anything that has been a bit more of a challenge with Mosh Against Cancer? Ian: I find turning down bands a challenge. Some really good bands want to play but if they are a small band from down south it would cost them and possibly not bring anyone through the door. Marc: Finding a nice spread across genres was quite a task. We could put on three days of thrash and three days of death no worries. Ian: We test them to see how good they are by asking them to post a video on the Thrashmong page ( Thrashmong-107849372582568). Only a handful do but they are normally pretty cool. MAC has also now branched out, with events in Coventry and Derby. How did they come about? Ian: Derby came from us going to Padfest (Paddy from Lawnmower Deth and Line of Fire’s show) and we said it would be an awesome venue for a MAC event. He said cool and, as with most things with us, we were drunk and put the wheels in motion. It also doubles up as my birthday bash so I normally end up really drunk. To be honest, it’s not really your birthday if you don’t get horrifically drunk! Marc: Wherever he goes, he gets horrifically drunk. Ian: I still like a small drink every now and again. But as for Coventry, that was a bit different. Chris Sams of Fat Angel Management got in touch. He manages Ballsdeep, who I’m a bit of a fan boy of, and asked about it. We

said go for it, as if our brand can help sell something for a good cause then fantastic. He has gone all out and put together a massive 4 day bill. Marc: Yeah, it’s only our name on the top but he’s done everything. He’s extremely professional and has put together a whopper of a festival. Which band are you most happy about getting involved with the festival this year? Marc: Desecration and Basement Torture Killings for me. I’m also throwing in a special mention for the Foetal Juice boys. I’m a massive fanboy of theirs. I’m looking forward to seeing what BTK bring up for us. They’re a bit special, them. Ian: I love power metal as you know, so Nightmare World. The headliners obviously. Foetal Juice and Footprints In The Custard are always fun too. We also have the best of the Liverpool scene in Deified, Inhabit and Exhumation, plus some tits called Pandemik who haven’t played a gig for over 20 years. Again, can’t just give one answer. Marc: Biggus Riffus too. Those guys are the tits. Ian: Then they should be called Biggus Tittus! What can people expect from the festival? Ian: Square dancing. Marc: Great bands at a great venue, surrounded by awesome people making a shitload of cash for worthy causes. And drunkenness. Lots of that. It wouldn’t be a Thrashmong event if there wasn’t a load of drunkenness! Marc: Hear hear! Ian: You can expect the best 2 day metal event in the calendar. Great fun

with a fantastic atmosphere and a few silly situations that we always end up in. Marc: Yeah it’ll probably get messy at some point. Ian: There will probably be some cross dressing too. Any messages for those who are still on the fence about attending? Ian: Get off the fence. Those things are expensive. Put a blanket on the floor or get a deckchair. Marc: There’s everything you could want at MAC. From power metal to SLAM. Ian: We have some fantastic bands, a shiny new venue and the chance to party with some new and old friends. It’s dirt cheap and all for a good cause. No one walks away disappointed. And anything else you’d like to add? Marc: This year is set to be the biggest one ever and we can’t wait for it!! Ian: I’d like to give a shout out to our sponsors as well. Chestnut Motors, Basement Apartments, Soapdog Printing and Low Flying Records. I’d also like to give a massive thanks to all that support us - yourselves, Nick from The Impact Zone on Radio Deeside and Squatter from TBFM. Marc: And John Matthews. He’s the boss. Ian: And a boo hiss to Cavey for going to Ibiza! Tickets http://w eventbri ww. 16+ EVE NT

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Lost, unsure and just want to mosh? Well, here’s a guide to the rest of the bands on the fest.


Located: Preston Solitary is a four-piece thrash band from Preston, who are currently signed to Copro Records, having released three albums with the label - two studio albums (including a reissue of their debut) and a live album. The live album, entitled I Promise To Thrash Forever was funded with a Pledge Music campaign (where they reached their target in just 21 days!) and it was released to mark the band’s twentieth anniversary. The band are now adding the finishing touches to their new album The Diseased Heart Of Society, which will be produced and mixed by Simon Efemey (who worked on Paradise Lost’s Icon and Draconian Times albums). Solitary are also no strangers to Mosh

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Against Cancer, having played at MAC Derby in the past, and if you’re into your thrash then there’s no question that you’ll love these!

snapped up) then you can visit the page here: https://www.kickstarter. com/projects/fitc/footprints-in-thecustard-the-descent-of-decency

Facebook: https://www.facebook. com/Official.Solitary/

Facebook: https://www.facebook. com/Footprintsinthecustardband/

Footprints In The Custard

Line Of Fire

Located: Manchester Footprints In The Custard is (in their own words) a ‘comedy punk metal’ band based in Manchester, so with a description like that, you just know they’re going to be good even if you aren’t familiar with the band! Formed in 2006, the band perform and write songs about various bodily functions, outlandish situations and bears - and their live shows include mankinis, tutus, inflatables and cream! The band are also getting ready to release their new album The Descent Of Decency and are funding it with a Kickstarter campaign - they’ve already passed their target, but if you want to pledge and get some sweet rewards, such as CDs, t shirts or even a hand-drawn doodle (sadly the green mankini has already been

Located: Derby

Line Of Fire is an old-school heavy metal band from Derby/Nottingham playing heavy downtuned metal with a bluesy Southern Comfort edge. No strangers to Mosh Against Cancer, this year they’ll be playing at ALL of the Mosh Against Cancer events across the UK and you can expect a great show from the guys - we were really impressed when we saw them at Hammerfest. The band have recently released their new EP Purple Sky, which is available for purchase from all decent online outlets including iTunes, Google Play Music and Amazon MP3, so you can no-doubt expect to hear some new songs in their set on the night! Facebook: https://www.facebook. com/lineoffire666/

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NightMare World

Located: London NightMare World is a power metal band from London that features the mighty Threshold’s guitarist Pete performing vocals. Having released their debut album In The Fullness Of Time last year to critical acclaim, 2016 sees the band taking their next step and Mosh Against Cancer sees the band performing their very first live show! Footprints in the custard ......................

It goes without saying that this is a band whose performance you definitely don’t want to miss -

this is going to be a special set for sure, and we can’t wait! Facebook: https://www.facebook. com/nightmareworld/


Located: St Helens Deified is a groove metal band from St Helens and here at Soundscape, we’re big fans of this talented outfit, having seen them live a couple of times - including their debut show which saw them headline the famous Lomax venue in Liverpool. Last year the band won the Merseyside Metal To The Masses competition, which resulted in a slot at Bloodstock Festival, and Deified show no signs of slowing down, having supported thrash legends Exodus in Liverpool earlier in the year - Deified is a band you need to keep an eye out for. Facebook: https://www.facebook. com/Crestfallenuk/

Deified ......................


Located: North-West Austerymn is an old school death metal band from the North-West of England. Having existed in various different guises, the band returned from hiatus in 2007 as Austerymn and after releasing two demos, in 2015 they released their debut album Sepulcrum Viventium via Mememto Mori Records (which can be purchased from their bandcamp page). As well as playing at Mosh Against Cancer, the band also have a show booked in Las Vegas in early June - not bad, huh?

Solitary ......................

Austerymn ......................

Facebook: https://www.facebook. com/Austerymn-447715821937969/

ll o bill e bi the n th on



Gorehead is a death/grind band from Manchester who specialise in extremely hate-filled and uncompromising music that isn’t without its own twist. The band are currently working on their debut album, which will hopefully see a release this year, and as their live shows are described as being a platform for the full Gorehead experience, you can bet that these will give you a show you won’t be forgetting in a hurry so make sure you’re down the front for this lot!

Colpocleisis is a brutal death metal band from Liverpool, featuring members from Kryocell, Pandemik and Exhumation. After releasing a demo in 2015, the band are currently working on their debut album which should be out some time this year so hopefully we’ll be treated to some new material from them when they play at Mosh Against Cancer!

Facebook: https://www.facebook. com/GoreheadOfficial/

Located: Warrington

Located: manchester


Located: Merseyside OMV is a hardcore street metal from Merseyside, who were formed in 2012 by frontman Richie after his release from prison, and their songs are about real-life experiences he encountered as a criminal - not glamorising it, but sending a message to stay away from that kind of life. Two years ago, the band released their fantastic album Loyalty & Honour, which even features a song written by notorious long-term prisoner Charles Bronson, and having played with bands such as Lawnmower Deth, Knotslip and fellow MAC band Line Of Fire, OMV are showing no signs of stopping any time soon. Facebook: https://www.facebook. com/omvmetalband/

Located: Liverpool

Facebook: https://www.facebook. com/colpocleisis/

Biggus Riffus

Biggus Riffus is a hard rock/metal band from Warrington. Formed last year, this band consists of five guys who are on top of their game and like to play live and loud as well as they possibly can, and featuring ex-members from Ocean Collective, Conan and Groan, there’s no doubting that they’ve got the live experience to put on a tremendous show. The band will also be releasing a new video soon, so keep your eyes peeled for that. Facebook: https://www.facebook. com/biggusriffus/


Located: Liverpool Inhabit is a metal/hardcore band from Liverpool. In 2014, they came second in the Band Royale competition and followed this up in 2015 by being crowned the winners, so this is clearly a band worth keeping an eye on.

Inhabit are also getting ready to put out their debut release in the form of a mini album called We Are One and if their previous successes are anything to go by, it should wind up being a great little listen. Facebook: https://www.facebook. com/inhabituk/


Located: liverpool Novacrow is a hard rock/metal/sleaze band coming from Liverpool and the Black Country. Forming in late 2013, the band is a four-piece that promises an energetic and erectioninducing live show - can’t say no to a description like that! The band has also recently released their debut EP, entitled Black Syrup, and you can purchase it from their website, as well as iTunes and Amazon. Additionally, they also released a music video for their track Fight The Horde last year, so check that out if you’d like a sneak peak for what you might be able to expect from their upcoming set.

Facebook: https://www.facebook. com/novacrowofficial/


Located: Liverpool Exhumation is a death metal band from Liverpool that formed in 2014. The band’s sound is influenced by bands such as Aborted, Cattle Decapitation and Blood Red Throne, and their style incorporates elements of groove, death, slam, progressive and more. The band will also be releasing their debut EP, entitled Sin Of Skin in the near-ish future, so

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make sure you watch out for that! Facebook: https://www.facebook. com/ExhumationBand/


Biggus Riffus ......................

Located: Liverpool Pandemik is a band that surely needs no introduction...but for those who may not be familiar with the band, Pandemik is a band from Liverpool who play regressive metal - a blend of thrash, death and groove. A staple of the Mosh Against Cancer festival (indeed, the band features two of the organisers!) in the past they haven’t quite made it to the festival, with Spice-demik and Pandamik (two excellent Pandemik tribute acts) thankfully filling in for them, who knows what’s in store for this year if they don’t make it to The Magnet...? Facebook: https://www.facebook. com/pandemikmetal/

Sodomized Cadaver Located: wales

Sodomized Cadaver is a Welsh death metal band. Their first gig was in London supporting Brutal Truth and they have shared the stage with many bands such as Malevolent Creation, Exhumed and Toxic Holocaust. They have toured the UK with fellow MAC band Desecration, as well as Christ Agony and 5 Stabbed 4 Corpses. They have two releases to their name - Vorarephilia and Verses Of Putridity. Facebook: https://www.facebook. com/SodomizedCadaver/

Novacrow ......................

Don’t forget to check out Mosh Against Cancer’s Facebook for further details and updates MoshAgainstCancerUK

li ew view revi ve re live

Hammerfest with Thrashmong Pwllheli 10-13/03/2016

This year, for the very first time, Soundscape Magazine accompanied Thrashmong to Hammerfest VIII in Pwllheli for a weekend of partying, dressing up as nuns, drinking shots... oh, and seeing some bands as well! What happened?

WE GOT VERY DRUNK! But seriously? We had a great time in the company of some absolutely excellent people - and a lot of those excellent people will also be at Mosh Against Cancer, so if that weekend is anything to go by, then you can bet that MAC is going to be a whole load of fun too!



ong proudly presen rashm t.... h T & k i m de


soundscape 17

friday headliners

SATURDAY headliners

with special guests

Deified * austerymn * gorehead * omv * colpocleisis BIGGUS RIFFUS


NOVACROW * pandemik * exhumation



Tickets available from Follow us on facebook

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