2010 Annual Review
One simple prayer “lord, “l ord, even as we enjoy the super super Bowl football game, help us be mindful of those who are without even a bowl of soup to eat.” This prayer inspired the first Souper Bowl of Caring collection in 1990, which totaled $5,700 for food banks in South Carolina.
cOllected since We BeGan Since 1990, more than $71 million has been collected in dollars and cans for hunger-relief organizations across the United States. 100% of the money collected was
donated directly to the charity of the participants’ choice.
$10 milliOn
cOllected tO help tackle hunGer in 2010
acrOss Our natiOn, the dOllars add up Each year, every youth group, school, business or individual that participates in the Souper Bowl of Caring gives 100% of the donations they receive to the charity of their choice. No money comes to the Souper Bowl of Caring to pay for operational expenses. The following information illustrates how the participating groups chose to distribute their donations in 2010:
F IN 20 LIE 10 RE
2010 stats
Youth Participation Number of groups reporting
Total raised Total cash Total cans charity type l l l l l l l
264,026 12,871
hOW much Was cOllected
“You can see the difference directly in your community and again throughout the nation when all of the little numbers come together.� - Youth Volunteer
Food Bank / Food Pantry Other Haitian Relief Soup Kitchen Local Crisis Ministry/Emergency Shelter International Aid / Hunger Programs Homeless Shelter
$ $
10,079,844 5,013,067 5,066,777 lbs tOtal
$ 7,447,546.58 $ 539,074.73 $ 337,803.11 $ 295,896.94 $ 256,016.33 $ 242,588.69 $ 190,765.31
$47,264 $10,883 $21,263
$23,931 $39,875
$140,456 $14,016
$116,414 $12,855
$225,352 $139,500
$196,641 $281,871
$92,520 $147,899 $19,186 $48,880 $9,361
$173,805 $317,002
$40,822 $16,649
$449,938 $30,981
$169,779 $80,174
$375,031 $8,905
2010 tOtals By state
meet tWO Of the mOre than 260,000 yOunG peOple WhO make it happen
ashley mullican yardley, pa
melissa daiGneault tampa,fl
“I had no idea that my life was about to change.”
“This has been the most empowering experience for me.”
Ashley has raised thousands for people in need in her area and built relationships with soup kitchens and homeless shelters. She shares her knowledge of the local hunger issue through newspaper articles and radio and television interviews.
“During a presentation I was giving a woman recalled that growing up, she and her brothers often fought over one can of tuna,” Melissa says. “The woman said there were no organizations to provide service to them and they felt no one cared.”
“Thanks to Souper Bowl of Caring and my position on National Youth Advisory Board, I have found what I am called to do,” she says. “Once you open your eyes and see that there are people in need in your own community, that’s where the helping starts. No matter what age you are, where you come from, what you do and don’t have, anyone can make a difference.”
Melissa made it her personal goal to raise awareness of the many hardships families are facing, and how each one of us can make a difference. “I have seen firsthand how Souper Bowl of Caring has enriched many people’s lives, including my own. Each day I am learning how to better serve Souper Bowl of Caring so I can help many struggling families across the United States.”
this is Our missiOn We use the enerGy Of the super BOWl tO mOBilize yOuth in a united natiOnal effOrt tO care fOr peOple in their lOcal cOmmunities WhO are hunGry and thOse in need.
this is hOW We accOmplish it Throughout the year we communicate with our participants to show them the positive impact they are making. Each fall, we provide them with a free kit of resources to make their collection more successful. Our website, www.souperbowl.org, serves as a meeting place for hundreds of thousands of youth across America who are interested in working together to tackle hunger. It is our most comprehensive and effective tool for mobilizing people who want to make a positive impact in their communities. www.souperbowl.org
We create programs that introduce young people to community service and inspire the next generation of philanthropists: service Blitz - young people volunteer at their chosen charity on the Saturday before the big game. natiOnal yOuth advisOry BOard - gives select students from across the nation opportunities for leadership as they help our efforts grow.
hats Off tO tO texas!
Though usually in competition, the leading grocers in the major markets of Texas are following the lead of America’s youth involved in the Souper Bowl of Caring by working together. These grocers have initiated an annual three-week food drive, which has raised $12 million in cash and food over the past four years for hunger-relief agencies throughout their state.
this is Our visiOn
transfOrm the time arOund arOund the super BOWl intO intO the natiOn’s larGest larGest celeBratiOn Of GivinG and servinG.
GivinG 100%
100% Of the mOney cOllected GOes directly tO the charity Of the participant’s chOice. nOne Of this mOney cOmes cOmes tO tO sOuper BOWl Of carinG carinG headquarters. We rely On dOnatiOns frOm fr carinG peOple like yOu tO help us GrOW GrOW this mOvement. mOvement.
cOmmitted tO carinG it has been another tough year for nonprofits. Many have had to change their current model of giving. At the same time more Americans find themselves needing food for their families, the lines at food pantries and soup kitchens are longer, and financial contributions to these organizations aren’t keeping pace. souper Bowl of caring remains committed to ensuring 100% of the food and funds collected goes directly to charities in communities all across America, taking nothing to cover our own administrative costs. 2010 sBoc expenses:
program services
$386,774 (63%)
$ 80,016 (13%)
$144,777 (24%)
We maximize every dOllar
For every $1,000 donated to the Souper Bowl of Caring for administrative expenses, we are able to mobilize 2,500 young people who in turn generate $14,750 for the charity of their choice.
yOur dOnatiOn helps Help us cover program costs and ensure this movement survives and continues to grow. Please consider a gift to the Souper Bowl of Caring.
these dOnatiOns helped mOre than 260,000 yOunG yOunG peOple fiGht hunGer in america the generosity of these caring donors supported the administrative costs of the 2010 souper souper Bowl of caring, caring, allowing 100% of the Super Bowl weekend collections to benefit local charities fighting hunger and poverty in communities across the country:
thank yOu! $20,000 and over Memorial DrivePresbyterianChurch, Houston, TX SeAco, Inc. SouthCarolina Bank andTrust TheRobert andJaniceMcNair FoundationandHoustonTexans Foundation $10,000-$19,999 Bobo, Mr. andMrs. Billy J. Continental AmericanInsurance Eastminster PresbyterianChurch, Columbia, SC TheJohnS. andJames L. Knight Foundation UnitedMethodist CommitteeonRelief Zvejnieks Foundation $5,000-$9,999 ChapmanFamily CharitableTrust, Dr. andMrs. Scott B. Boyd Dana Beck Fancher Missions Committeeof First PresbyterianChurch, Dunedin, Fl Johnson, Mr. andMrs. W. W. Lexington’s RaceAgainst Hunger PresbyterianHunger Programof thePresbyterianChurch(U.S.A.) Smith, Rev. Dr. andMrs. Bradley D. Tuller, Mr. & Mrs. W. P. DuBose $1,000-$4,999 Andreen, Mr. James K. andMrs. Melanie Bender, Mr. EdwardH. andMrs. Tracy B. Bennett, Mr. andMrs. Paul Bierbaum, Mr. andMrs. Clark Black, Jr., Mr. andMrs. Charles M. Bramlett, Dr. andMrs. C. L. Buchanan, Mr. andMrs. W. D. Burress, III, Mr. JohnW. Cates, Mr. andMrs. James M. Chaplin, Mr. andMrs. AlecH. Dixon, Mr. andMrs. Gus M.
Dixon, Mr. andMrs. OsmundW. Dorn, Jr., Mr. andMrs. Henry H. DuBose, Jr., Mr. WilliamP. DuBose Durrett, Rev. Dr. andMrs. Mark Edmunds, Jr., Dr. andMrs. Thomas B. First PresbyterianChurch, Raleigh, NC Foster, Jr., Mr. andMrs. Robert W. Fuller, Mr. andMrs. Jerry Gohean, Dr. andMrs. Robert J. JacksonvilleJaguars, Ltd. Keenan& Suggs, Inc. KennethShuler’s School of Cosmetology Lake, Mr. andMrs. J. Gilmour Margaret Hulvey Wright Trust McGregor PresbyterianChurch, Columbia, SC Meadow, Dr. andMrs. DavidJ. Nelson, Mullins, Riley andScarborough, LLP Nyland, Dr. andMrs. James J. Owen, Mr. andMrs. Franklyn Peterson, Rev. Dr. andMrs. David Rawson, Rev. Stewart Seabrook, Dr. andMrs. MarchE. SecondPresbyterianChurch, Indianapolis, IN SouthernFirst Bank Stursberg, Mr. andMrs. Douglas E. ThePamFoundation Thornton, Dr. andMrs. Al Tuller, Jr., Mr. andMrs. WilliamH. Tuller, Mr. F. Norman Walker, Jr., Mr. andMrs. Charles M. Wolfe, Mr. andMrs. Jack W. Woollen, Mr. TomandMrs. Velva $250-$999 Anderson, Mr. andMrs. Joe ArnoldCompanies Arnold, Rev. Dr. andMrs. AlanF. Asmer, Jr., Mr. andMrs. Peter F.
Avery, Ms. Kay Ball, Jr., Mr. andMrs. Charles E. Besley, Mr. andMrs. WilliamG. BrabhamFenceCompany Bridge-MUMCYouthGroup, Wixom, MI Brown, Mr. andMrs. Frank Catawissa AvenueUnitedMethodist Church, Sunbury, PA CornerstoneUnitedMethodist Church, O’Fallon, MO Coulter, Dr. andMrs. Billy First Citizens Bank Goch, Mr. andMrs. Ron Griffin, Ms. ElizabethD. Gwynn, III, Mr. andMrs. PriceH. Helms, Ms. KatherineD. Hill, Mr. andMrs. JohnA. Hoffman, Mr. Chris Holderman, Ms. CarolynM. Holmes, Rev. Dr. andMrs. William Jenkins, Dr. andMrs. SpenceJ. Jowers, Jr., Dr. andMrs. GreggG. Kirby, Mr. andMrs. KevinA. Martin, TheHonorableandMrs. James. G. McDowell, Mr. andMrs. Tom Memorial DriveUnitedMethodist Church, Houston, TX Meredith, Mr. John Moser, Mr. andMrs. William Oldenburg, Rev. Dr. andMrs. Douglas W. Rawson, Dr. andMrs. WilliamS. Richardson, Dr. andMrs. Rhea RutledgeUnitedMethodist Church, BeanStation, TN SCBTTrust Asset Management Schraibman, Mr. andMrs. Michael Scott NylandMemorial Fund Shive, Rev. Dr. andMrs. RonaldL. Shuler, Mr. andMrs. FranklinG. Smith, Mr. andMrs. BradT. Softdocs, Inc., Mr. Robert SpringValley YouthActionCouncil
St. Malachy CCD, Tamarac, FL St. Paul LutheranChurch, BatonRouge, LA Swinson, Ms. Julie TheLord’s Foundation Tuller, Ms. Beverley Walkup, Mr. andMrs. WilliamB. Week of Compassion(Disciples of Christ) Westminster-by-the-Sea, Daytona Beach, FL Wilson, Mr. Jeremy $150-$249 Avinger, Jr., Mr. andMrs. Robert Bayport UnitedMethodist Church, Bayport, NY BlythewoodMiddleSchool, Blythewood, SC Caviness, Mr. andMrs. Doug Charity Gift Certificates Daye, Mr. andMrs. Dennis Mary & Martha’s, LLC MessiahLutheranChurch, Weatherford, TX Newmyer, Mr. WilliamD. Oliver, Mr. andMrs. G. Hampton Peabody Retirement Community PearsonMemorial Church, Trenton, NJ Poplar Tent PresbyterianChurch, Concord, NC RockledgePresbyterianChurch, Rockledge, FL Schweinsburg, Father andMrs. Rich St. JohnUnitedChurch, Columbia, MO St. Patrick Church, Canonsburg, PA UnitedChurchof Christ, Stanfordville, NY White, Mr. andMrs. Tom WoodlandUnitedMethodist Church, Windsor, VA $100-$149 Baker, Dr. Alva Barker, Mr. andMrs. WilliamC. Beard, III, Mr. andMrs. J. N. Bennett, Mr. andMrs. J. Mac Bethea, Dr. andMrs. Robert P.
Bierbauer, Mr. Charles J. andMs. SusanneM. Schafer Bower, Mr. andMrs. Mark Boyd, Mr. BenjaminB. Bristow, III, Mr. andMrs. Walter J. Brown, Mr. Taylor Burton, Mr. Jerry D. Chambliss, Mrs. JohnC. ChristianFellowshipCongregational Church, SanDiego, CA ChristianTemple, Baltimore, MD Coble, Mr. andMrs. WilliamL. Drewniany, Ms. BonnieL. First PresbyterianChurch, Burlington, NC FoodBank of Contra Costa & Solano GoshenUnitedMethodist Church, Milton, DE Grunsky, Mr. andMrs. Danny Hagan, Mr. andMrs. Michael Hardee, Mr. JohnN. Harkey, Mr. andMrs. W. B. Harris, Mr. andMrs. Charles H. Harrison, Mr. andMrs. J. W. Hefner, Dr. andMrs. StephenW. Helms, Mr. andMrs. DonaldS. Henderson, Dr. andMrs. F. W. HeritagePresbyterianChurch, Muskego, WI Hiott, Ms. Beverly Holland, Jr., Dr. andMrs. WarrenF. Humphrey, Mr. andMrs. E. L. International Orthodox ChristianCharities IrmoInsuranceAgency, Inc. Jones, Mr. Rodger Kolnitz, Mr. J. M. Law, Ms. Charlotte LimestonePresbyterianChurch, Gaffney, SC Locke, Mr. andMrs. Sidney S. LutheranChurchof theRedeemer, Maywood, NJ McArthur, Mr. andMrs. JohnB. McCants, Mr. andMrs. JohnL. McDow, Mr. andMrs. WilliamC.
McMenemy, Mr. andMrs. Jim Merritt IslandPresbyterianChurch, Merritt Island, FL Moore, Ms. Lisa Morrison, Mr. Mark andRev. Mary Murphy, Jr., Mr. andMrs. James B. O’Neal, Mr. andMrs. Wane Patty, Jr., Mr. andMrs. A. R. Prickett, Dr. andMrs. DaltonS. RanchoBernardoCommunity Presbyterian, RanchoBernardo, CA Rice, Dr. andMrs. Joe Richardson, Mr. andMrs. DonaldV. Shellenberger, Ms. Dawn Smith, Mr. DonaldF. Sorensen, Dr. andMrs. Andrew SouthPlains PresbyterianChurch, Keswick, VA St. Marks PresbyerianChurch, Altamonte, FL StarrsvilleUnitedMethodist Church, Covington, GA Stradtman, Mrs. MarilynM. Stribling, Mr. Dave Sundby, Mrs. Ken Taylor, Dr. andMrs. WilliamG. St. Vincent dePaul-St. Mary’s Conference, Corvallis, OR Tighe, Mr. JohnH. Voss, Dr. Frank andDr. Tracy WarrentonPresbyterianChurch, Warrenton, VA Wilson, Mr. andMrs. Russell Woollen, Dr. andMrs. Hayes $50-$99 Balthazor, Mr. andMrs. Mike Boyds PresbyterianChurch, Boyds, MD Brown, Mr. andMrs. Wayne Crosswell, III, Mr. andMrs. H. H. DeCost, Mr. andMrs. LaneC. Dennis, Ms. Theresa D. Eastminster PresbyterianChurch, Cinncinnati, OH Ford, Mr. andMrs. Daryl Fuller, III, Mr. andMrs. Rawley H.
Glenn, Mr. andMrs. Ben GoodShepherdUnitedMethodist Church, Park Ridge, IL Grant, Mr. andMrs. JohnJ. Greater St. Paul AMEChurch, West Columbia, SC Gregory, Mr. RalphN. Hendricks, Mr. andMrs. Lloyd HeritageUnitedMethodist Church, Biloxi, MS Hubbard, Mr. andMrs. WilliamC. Laney, IV, Mr. andMrs. EdwardW. McInnis, Mr. andMrs. William Pleasant Hill Baptist Church, Pouncey, Mr. andMrs. WilliamT. Powers, III, Mr. G. T. Powers Rawson, Mr. WilliamandMr. McBride ResurrectionLutheranChurch, Sandusky, OH St. James PresbyterianChurch, La Porte, TX St. John’s Episcopal Church, Knoxville, MD St. Luke’s UnitedMethodist Church, Quantico, MD Trinity UnitedMethodist Church, Webb, IA UnitedChurchof Nelson, Elkland, PA Vanderweit, Mr. Randall S. Vaughn, Mr. DavidA. Welch, Ms. Robin Wells, Dr. JohnA. Williams, Dr. andMrs. LelandH. Williams, Mrs. Hal R.
n at i O n a l a d v O c at e s
BOard Of directOrs
president & mrs. George h.W. Bush 41st President of the United States
mr. lee Bussell Chairman and CEO, Chernoff Newman Columbia, SC
president & mrs. Jimmy carter 39th President of the United States the hunt family Owners, Kansas City Chiefs Jim & meg irsay Owners, Indianapolis Colts Gene & Jerry Jones family Owners, Dallas Cowboys John k. mara President & CEO, New York Giants Janice & Bob mcnair Chairman & CEO, Houston Texans the Jerry richardson family Owner/Founder, Carolina Panthers J. Wayne & delores Barr Weaver Chairman & CEO, Jacksonville Jaguars
sister ann cassidy Teacher, St. Peter & Paul Elementary School San Francisco, CA miss melissa daigneault Youth Representative Odessa, FL mr. Brad edwards Athletic Director, Newberry College/Former NFL Player Columbia, SC mr. Gus dixon (Vice-Chair) Attorney and Partner Nelson, Mullins, Riley, & Scarborough, LLP Columbia, SC mr. robert hill, Jr. (Treasurer) CEO, South Carolina Bank and Trust Columbia, SC mr. chris Goodall Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Continental American Insurance Columbia, SC
BOard Of directOrs
ms. June h. kim (Secretary) Executive Secretary World Hunger and SA&D Programs United Methodist Committee on Relief General Board of Global Ministries New York, NY mr. John meredith Business Director, Greenberg Traurig Houston, TX miss ashley mullican Youth Representative Yardley, PA rev. dr. dave peterson (Chair) Senior Pastor, Memorial Drive Presbyterian Church Houston, TX mrs. Wendy sherman Teacher, Blythewood Middle School/SBoC Founding Youth Blythewood, SC rev. dr. Brad smith (Founder and Chairman Emeritus) Senior Pastor, Eastminster Presbyterian Church Columbia, SC mr. ron swinson Partner, CB Richard Ellis Columbia, SC
BOard Of directOrs
mr. duBose tuller President, SeAco Asphalt Emulsions Columbia, SC mrs. velva Woollen Community Volunteer Charlotte, NC
O u r c a r i n G s ta f f leadership & development tracy Bender President and CEO stewart rawson Director of Development communications Jamie clark Director of Communications, Multimedia sheree muse Director of Communications, Recruitment caroline stephens Director of Communications, Retention
field directors (part-time) cristina curtis Barbe North Texas Director Julie falcon South Texas Director emily heeg Florida Director & NYAB Coordinator support staff (part-time) melanie andreen Controller kay stursberg Office Manager
p r O u d ly s u p p O r t e d B y
PO Box 23224, Columbia, SC 29224