2011 Community Report

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2 01 1 Co m m u n i t y R e p o Rt

AJ Mitchell - Jacksonville, FL 2011 - 2012 SBoC nyAB member

SO SIMPLE. SO GOOd. eveRyone CAn do Something to help people in need ON SUPER BOWL WEEkENd. thAt iS the Big ideA Behind SoupeR Bowl of CARing.

AgAin in 2011, MORE thAN 260,000 yOUNG PEOPLE ACRoSS AmeRiCA – fRom the SmAll town of new enteRpRiSe, pennSylvAniA to the BuSy City of houSton, texAS – demonStRAted the tRuth of thAt ideA And the SpiRit of tRue Community.

they hELd SOUP POtS tO COLLECt MONEy, gAtheRed donAtionS of food in theiR SChool ClASSRoomS And volunteeRed hAndS-on At loCAl hungeR-Relief ChARitieS on SupeR Bowl weekend.

theiR eneRgy And Commitment united the nAtion, AS otheRS weRe inSpiRed By theiR exAmple to give And SeRve FOR PEOPLE IN NEEd in theiR CommunitieS.

SOUPER BOWL OF CARING 2011 Community Repo Rt

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COMMUNIty the latest figures show 17 million households (1 in 7) in the united States are food insecure, the highest number ever recorded in our nation. s

in 2011 our participants and their supporters made an impact on the lives of millions of hungry families, as dollar-by-dollar, can-by-can, their collections totaled $9.5 million for hunger-relief in America.

SoupeR Bowl of CARing At woRk

your support for Souper Bowl of

Since Souper Bowl of Caring began in 1990 with a simple act of caring from a church youth group in South Carolina, more than $81 million has been collected from participants in all 50 states. Just as it was on that Super Bowl weekend in 1990, 100% of the money collected today is given directly to hunger-relief charities in local communities.

p. 0 4

Caring in 2011 empowered the youth of FIRS FIRSt t PRESBytERIAN PRESBytERIAN ChURCh IN EL dORAdO, dORAdO, ARkANSAS ARk ANSAS to make a difference in their community.

2011 At A GLANCE ParticiPation youth participation 262,762 _________________________________________________________________ number of groups participating 11,869 collection totals total Raised $9,553,987 ___________________________________________________________________________ total Cash $5,187,337 54% ___________________________________________________________________________ total Cans 4,366,650 46% ___________________________________________________________________________ totals By GrouP Congregations $5,324,636 55.70% ___________________________________________________________________________ Schools $518,074 5.40% ___________________________________________________________________________ Businesses $71,114 .74% ___________________________________________________________________________ Civic groups $207,392 2.17% ___________________________________________________________________________ grocery Stores $3,309,393 34.63% ___________________________________________________________________________ individual $1,087 .01% ___________________________________________________________________________ other $122,291 1.28% ___________________________________________________________________________

receivinG charities* food Bank / food pantry $7,366,319.20 77.05% ___________________________________________________________________________ no Charity listed $494,358.19 5.17% ___________________________________________________________________________ other $458,533.63 4.80% ___________________________________________________________________________ Soup kitchen $457,282.69 4.78% ___________________________________________________________________________ local Crisis ministry/emergency Shelter $307,773.19 3.22% ___________________________________________________________________________ homeless Shelter $215,229.58 2.25% ___________________________________________________________________________ international Aid / hunger programs $194,398.39 2.03% ___________________________________________________________________________ haitian Relief $28,583.87 0.30% ___________________________________________________________________________ home Building/Repair $20,778.04 0.22% ___________________________________________________________________________ Charity has no type $13,686.53 0.14% ___________________________________________________________________________ hurricane Relief $2,656.26 0.03% ___________________________________________________________________________ tsunami Relief $649.20 0.01% ___________________________________________________________________________ *Charities receive 100% of every dollar collected on their behalf. p. 0 6




in 2011 the green Bay packers

texas has the fourth highest rate

how they make the soup in texas.

won Super Bowl xlv to become

of food insecurity in the nation.

the main ingredient is a unique

the nfl Champions. the city of

their Souper Bowl of Caring

partnership between the leading

green Bay was also a winner, as

collection ranks first in the

grocery stores in the major

32 groups participating in Souper

nation, with $4.5 million donated

markets, accented by the local

Bowl of Caring collected close to

to hunger-relief charities in local

media and enriched with

$12,000 for local

communities in texas in 2011.

participation from schools,

hunger-relief in the area.

Arkansas, mississippi, georgia and

civic organizations, businesses

north Carolina also rank in the

and individuals. then 53,954

top five states with significantly

youth involved stir it up as they

higher than average food

set an example for the nation in

insecurity rates.

the fight against hunger.

SOUPER BOWL OF CARING 2011 Community Repo Rt

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Alabama..................................6,128........................ $79,233

montana ....................................645........................ $19,290

Alaska .........................................162............................$7,416

nebraska................................ 1,454....................... $54,365


nevada .......................................861........................$30,532

Arkansas ................................... 657........................$33,452

new hampshire......................347.........................$15,585

California ..............................2,506.......................$147,393

new Jersey .......................... 6,556...................... $170,579

Colorado ............................... 5,039.........................$75,031

new mexico ............................... 151.........................$20,221


new york ............................... 9,991.....................$222,908

delaware.................................... 175........................ $21,206

north Carolina .....................8,901...................... $328,193

district of Columbia ............... 79.......................... $12,212

north dakota ..........................529....................... $24,907

florida ................................. 25,835.....................$353,980

ohio .......................................5,757..................... $224,033

georgia.................................. 5,684......................$160,492

oklahoma................................. 763......................... $33,147

hawaii .......................................... 62..........................$5,909

oregon ................................... 1,664....................... $46,850

idaho .......................................1,003......................... $13,019

pennsylvania .....................43,779..................... $584,472

illinois..................................... 5,542..................... $263,657

Rhode island ........................ 1,097.........................$16,022

indiana.....................................2,155...................... $154,374

South Carolina.................. 13,069..................... $429,100

iowa ...................................... 2,354...................... $103,873

South dakota ..........................203........................ $10,045

kansas .................................... 1,258....................... $54,868

tennessee .............................2,871.......................$118,065

kentucky.................................1,874........................ $54,891

texas ....................................53,954.................... $4,187,158

louisiana .............................12,849........................$34,738

utah ........................................1,728.........................$21,289


vermont ..................................... 128.........................$10,573

maryland................................. 1,918........................ $114,214

virginia ..................................4,989..................... $234,779

massachusetts ...................... 4,411......................$106,889

washington ............................ 946......................... $49,110

michigan ................................2,927...................... $124,796

west virginia........................ 1,584........................$79,598

minnesota ............................. 4,287.......................$131,206

wisconsin.............................. 3,615...................... $179,507

mississippi ..............................1,297.........................$26,416

wyoming ...................................481.......................... $8,526

missouri ................................. 5,487....................... $115,825

Numbers accurate at time of print.

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Ivey Dyson - Waukomis, OK 2011 - 2012 SBoC NYAB Member


$1,000 = $19,000 for hunger-relief in America

2011 - 2012 SBoC NyAB Members: luke huston - Brownsburg, in, ; Cassie waters - Chapel hill, nC; Albert Cornado - fort worth, tx; dava donaldson - elyria, oh


SoupeR Bowl of CARing At woRk


Mobilizing youth to give 100% to charities while taking nothing for our own funding is a serious commitment. we do it for many reasons, including our belief that young people are empowered when they donate directly to the charity of their choice. through the generous support of individuals, families, corporations and churches we are able to keep Souper Bowl of Caring going strong with a national staff that is small and efficient. our staff of four full-time and eight part-time people creates and distributes free resources that help make our participants’ collections a success. our staff communicates throughout the year with hundreds of thousands of participants including youth and the community leaders who organize them through our website (tacklehunger.org), printed newsletters, email and social media campaigns. we also create programs like Service Blitz that introduce youth to hands-on volunteer experiences in their own communities. our leadership programs, National youth Advisory Board and National Student Alliance, use students as ambassadors for SBoC in their communities while teaching and inspiring them to become our nation’s next generation of community leaders and philanthropists. we maximize every dollar donated to us for our administrative expenses, leveraging it to organize young people in the fight against hunger. FOR EVERy $1,000 dONAtEd tO SOUPER BOWL OF CARING WE EMPOWER yOUNG PEOPLE tO COLLECt $19,000 FOR hUNGER-RELIEF IN AMERICA.

2011 SBoC OPERAtING ExPENSES $358,806








program Services

your commitment to Souper Bowl of Caring enabled St. JOhN’S EPISCOPAL ChURCh IN MONtCLAIR, NEW JERSEy to donate every dollar they collected to the montclair human needs food pantry.

that’s a powerful return on your investment.

SOUPER BOWL OF CARING 2011 Community Repo Rt

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COMPASSION for many youth, participation in Souper Bowl of Caring is their first volunteer experience. our service and leadership programs maximize the enthusiasm they feel when they become part of the nation’s largest youth-led weekend of giving and serving. By giving them more opportunities to lead in their communities, we hope to inspire a lifetime of philanthropy. SERVICE BLItz we encourage participants to devote Super Bowl weekend to Souper Bowl of Caring, committing Saturday to serving and Sunday to giving. through Service Blitz, youth volunteer hands-on at their chosen charity on the Saturday before the big game. this gives them exposure to poverty, hunger, homelessness and injustice in their own communities, and provides a first-hand look at the people who need them and the impact they can make.

in 2011 you helped youth from hOLSEy ChAPEL CME ChURCh IN FItzGERALd, GA participate in the Jacksonville, fl Service Blitz, where they enjoyed breakfast and a pep rally before traveling across town to the mission project to prepare boxes to deliver relief to haiti.

NAtIONAL yOUth AdVISORy BOARd (NyAB) high school sophomores, juniors and seniors can take their dedication for community service to the next level by applying for a position on our NyAB. we select 12 representatives from across the nation to serve as role models for others in their community and national spokespersons for Souper Bowl of Caring. they give voice to our mission while gaining invaluable opportunities for decision-making, leadership, travel and training. NAtIONAL StUdENt ALLIANCE (NSA) our newest student leadership program, the NSA, enables students of all ages to play a significant role in their communities through Souper Bowl of Caring. using their energy and enthusiasm to encourage others, participation in nSA is a great way for students to connect with others who are passionate about tackling hunger in their communities.

thANkS tO yOUR SUPPORt Adair will carry the leadership skills she learned through nyAB with her to college this year and beyond. “Souper Bowl of Caring gives youth like me the opportunity to make a positive impact on the community.” – Adair Bramlett Columbia, SC 2010-2011 nyAB member

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CItIzENShIP With participation in all 50 states, and a goal to reach more young people each year, we will continue to increase support for our volunteer forces. we have strategically placed five field directors in nfl cities where we have a strong foundation and support from the nfl team. our long-term goal is to have these community liaisons on the ground in each of the 32 nfl markets. Everything is bigger in texas, but it wasn’t always that way for Souper Bowl of Caring. in 2003, a total of 50 churches collected $17,000 for local charities. that same year, a generous contribution from houston texans owner Bob mcnair enabled us to hire a South texas field director to grow participation in the city. in 2004, when houston hosted Super Bowl xxxviii, the community pulled together to collect $250,000 for hunger relief, a significant increase from the previous year. in 2011, houston collected $2.1 million for hunger-relief charities during Souper Bowl of Caring.

with your help in 2011, nicholas Armstrong, a member of our 2010-2011 nyAB became the face and voice for Souper Bowl of Caring in houston, texas.

houston’s success serves as an example of how the community liaison model is helping us engage more youth in the fight against hunger, while teaching citizenship and philanthropy. the result is Souper Cities, including Austin, tx; Charlotte, nC; Columbia, SC; dallas, fort worth, tx; houston, tx; and Jacksonville, fl, where Souper Bowl of Caring field directors are on the ground building partnerships that get communities involved. our newest Souper City is indianapolis, in, host city of Super Bowl xlvi in 2012.



thAnk you


houston texans owner Bob mcnair and his wife Janice (pictured here) continue to support the work of Souper Bowl of Caring. in 2011 they matched gifts of $77,000. Since their first generous contribution in 2003, gifts from the mcnair family have totaled $150,000.

dava donaldson - Elyria, Oh 2011 - 2012 SBoC nyAB member


thAnk you











foundeR’S CiRCle, CReAted to honoR the geneRoSity And Commitment of SoupeR Bowl of CARing’S foundeR, the Rev. dR. BRAd Smith. foundeR’S CiRCle memBeRS hAve ContRiButed $100,000 oR moRe to SoupeR Bowl of CARing SinCe the oRgAnizAtion BegAn.



“Souper Bowl of Caring is attractive to us because 100% of every dollar donated on Super Bowl Sunday goes directly to charity. The youth who participate choose the charity—and that brought us to the table. The sheer commitment of the organization’s leadership and staff to sharing God’s love with the less fortunate clinched our continued support. This ministry has grown exponentially because of their commitment and dedication, and we’re convinced contributions on Super Bowl Sunday will reach the billions someday.” – Marit and Bill Bobo The 2011 - 2012 SBoC nyAB Members

$50,000 and over The Robert and Janice McNair Foundation and Houston Texans Foundation $20,000 and over Continental American Insurance/AFLAC Memorial Drive Presbyterian Church, Houston, TX Phillips Family Foundation, Houston, TX SeAco, Inc. The Leon Levine Foundation, Charlotte, NC Weekley, David and Bonnie $10,000-$19,999 Blue Cross Blue Shield of South Carolina Bobo, Marit and Bill Eastminster Presbyterian Church, Columbia, SC Jacksonville Jaguars, Ltd. Kansas City Chiefs SCBT Zvejnieks Foundation, Columbia, SC $5,000-$9,999 Anonymous Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Lexington’s Race Against Hunger Poarch, Mr. and Mrs. Donald L. Smith, Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Bradley D. Tuller, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. William H. Tuller, Mr. and Mrs. W. P. DuBose Woollen, Mr. and Mrs. Tom $1,000-$4,999 Barbier, III, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Bender, Mr. Edward H. and Mrs. Tracy B. Black, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Black, III, Mr. and Mrs. H. Cooper Bramlett, Dr. C. Lynwood

Bramlett, Mrs. Sharon Bryant, Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Buchanan, Mr. and Mrs. W. Davis Burress, III, Mr. and Mrs. John W. Chapel in the Palms, Navy Support Facility Diego Garcia Coggin, Mr. and Mrs. Michael Croyle, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dallas Baptist Association Dixon, Mr. and Mrs. Gus M. Dixon, Mr. and Mrs. Osmund W. Dominy, Mr. and Mrs. David R. Dorn, Jr., Mrs. Henry H. Doty, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. DuBose, Mr. William P. Durrett, Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Mark Edmunds, Jr., Dr. and Mrs. Thomas B. Elsenbrook, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas I. Fash, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Ronald D. First Presbyterian Church, Raleigh, NC Foster, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Fox, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fuller, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Giles, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Gohean, Dr. and Mrs. Robert Jay Guthrie, Mr. and Mrs. Gary Hartman, Mr. and Mrs. John Holloway, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Keenan and Suggs, Inc. Kenneth Shuler’s School of Cosmetology Littleton United Methodist Church, Littleton, CO Meadow, Dr. and Mrs. David J. Miertschin, Mr. and Mrs. Mark Nelson, Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Nelson, Mullins, Riley and Scarborough, LLP Nettles, Mr. and Mrs. Larry Nora and William Smith Foundation S oUPer BoWL oF Car In G 2011 CoMM uniT y RepoRT

p. 17

Overdyke, Mr. and Mrs. Jere Presbyterian Hunger Program of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) Rausch, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Rawson, Rev. Dr. Stewart Sardis Presbyterian Church, Charlotte, NC Seabrook, Dr. and Mrs. March E. Second Presbyterian Church, Indianapolis, IN Shandon Presbyterian Church, Columbia, SC Spring Valley Presbyterian Church, Columbia, SC Stursberg, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas E. The Connectional YPD of the AME Church The Kroger Company Foundation, Cincinnati, OH The Wolfe Family Foundation, Columbia, SC Thornton, Dr. and Mrs. Al Tompkins, Mr. and Mrs. Jason Tuller, Mr. F. N. Vinson, Ms. Pam Walker, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Webb, Mr. and Mrs. Curt Woo, Mr. and Mrs. Don $250-$999 Agee, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Andreen, Mr. and Mrs. James Arnold, Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Alan F. Asmer, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Peter F. Atkinson, Mr. David J. and Mrs. Nancy B. Avinger, Jr., Dr. and Mrs. Robert L. Barnhardt, III, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Barnhardt, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Birdwell, Mr. and Mrs. Steven R. Black Barn Brand Design - Joe Long Brabham Fence Company Brabham, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Breetz, Mr. and Mrs. William Budias, Mr. and Mrs. Ivo Cain, Mr. and Mrs. William L. Cargill, Lauren and William Carolina First Chaplin, Mr. and Mrs. Alec H. Coulter, Dr. and Mrs. Billy Disasa, Rev. and Mrs. Amos Dootson, Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Ekdahl, Mr. and Mrs. John A. First Baptist Church, Honea Path, SC Friedman Foundation, Houston, TX Gates, Mr. T. Thomas and Mrs. Sherard Anne Gibbs, Mr. and Mrs. James Glenn, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Glenwood Lutheran Church Youth, Glenwood, MN Griffin, Dr. Elizabeth D. Gwynn, III, Mr. and Mrs. Price H. Hagan, Mr. and Mrs. Michael Hefner, Dr. and Mrs. Stephen W. Helms, Ms. Katherine D. Hill, Mr. and Mrs. John A. Hoffman, Mr. Chris Holderman, Ms. Carolyn M.

Hollander, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald W. Holmes, Rev. Dr. and Mrs. William Hope Lutheran Church, Floodwood, MN IIDA Carolinas Chapter James, Mr. and Mrs. Mark M. Jenkins, Dr. and Mrs. Spence J. Kirby, Mr. and Mrs. Kevin A. Lake, Mr. and Mrs. J. Gilmour Larsen, Mr. and Mrs. C. Locke, Mr. and Mrs. Sidney S. McDowell, Mr. and Mrs. Tom McGregor Presbyterian Church, Irmo, SC McMillan, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Memorial Drive United Methodist Church, Houston, TX Miller-Valentine Walsh Fund Moore, Ms. Lisa Mount Vernon United Methodist Church, Wichita, KS Mullican, Mr. and Mrs. William Mullins, Mr. E. Wade Myers Park United Methodist Church, Charlotte, NC Neglia, Dr. and Mrs. William J. New Oxford Emory United Methodist Church, Oxford, PA Nexsen Pruet, LLC Oden, Ms. Nancy Oldenburg, Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Douglas W. Owen, Mr. Franklyn Phillips, Mr. and Mrs. Grant R. Rawson, Dr. and Mrs. William S. Reppert, Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Riggins, Mr. and Mrs. William B. Salinas, Mrs. Julie Swinson Satcher, Mr. and Mrs. Robert SCBT Trust Asset Management Schraibman, Mr. and Mrs. Michael Scott Nyland Memorial Fund, Columbia, SC Shuler, Mr. and Mrs. Franklin G. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey V. Sublette United Methodist Church, Sublette, KS SystemTec Taylor, Mr. James The Lord’s Foundation, Inc., Jacksonville, FL Truluck, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Tuller, Ms. Beverley Turner, Mr. and Mrs. Patrick W. United Methodist Committee on Relief Vincent, Mr. Robert M. Von Kolnitz, Mr. J. M. Week of Compassion (Disciples of Christ) White, Mr. David and Ms. Ann Sanders Cargill Wilson, Mr. J. G. Young, Mr. Jeffery Zimmerman, Mr. and Mrs. Robert $150-$249 Anderson, Dr. Suzanne M. Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Averyt, Mr. and Mrs. Gayle O. Baggett, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Robert A.

Ball, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Batesburg-Leesville Presbyterian Church, Batesburg-Leesville, SC Beard, III, Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Boyd, Mr. Benjamin B. Bryant, Mrs. Anne S. Gravely Caffe Ventures, Inc. Central Florida Presbytery, Orlando, FL Chikhliker, Mr. and Mrs. Tushar Christ Lutheran Church, Niantic, CT Clark, Ms. Earla J. Cox, Mr. Latan C. Daigneault, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Dillon, Mr. Brent S. East Helena United Methodist Church, East Helena, MT Edwards, Mr. and Mrs. Brad Gardner, Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Grunsky, Mr. and Mrs. Danny Hardee, Mr. John N. Hendricks, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hinds, Ms. Donna P. Hiott, Ms. Beverly Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, Somerset, NJ Homer Wesley Chapel United Methodist Church, Homer, LA Kitchens, Mr. and Mrs. Clifton J. Laval, Ms. Jennifer Long, Ms. Emily McInnis, Mr. and Mrs. William McTier, Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Meredith, Mr. and Mrs. John Mood, Mr. Francis P. Morrison, IV, Mr. Mark H. and Rev. Mary A Mundy, Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Murphy, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. James B. Poplar Tent Presbyterian Church, Concord, NC Reliance Gethsemane United Methodist Church, Seaford, DE Rockledge Presbyterian Church, Rockledge, FL Schweinsburg, Father and Mrs. Rich St. Mary’s Parish, North Grafton, MA St. Vincent de Paul-St. Mary’s Conference, Corvallis, OR Stradtman, Mrs. Marilyn M. Sunil, Mr. Jose Voss, Drs. Frank and Tracy Willard, Mr. and Mrs. Grant Zimmerman, Mr. and Mrs. Lee $100-$149 Barker, Mr. and Mrs. William C. Beatty, Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Belding, Ms. Elizabeth Ann Bierbauer, Mr. Charles J. and Ms. Susanne M. Schafer Bourne United Methodist Church, Bourne, MA Burton, Mr. Jerry D. Caviness, Mr. and Mrs. Doug Chambliss, Mrs. John C. Chetek United Methodist Church, Chetek, WI Church of Our Lady, Columbus, OH Cook, Revs. John and Susannah Corley, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne

Darte Consulting Group, LLC Devine United Methodist Church, Devine, TX Dickerson, Mrs. Anne S. Dixon, Ms. Augusta Mason Domer, Mr. Jack Drewniany, Ms. Bonnie L. DuBose, Mr. and Mrs. Carrol J. Elek, James and Constance Floyd, Mr. M. Dale Giammalva, Ms. Sally S. Greenwood, Ms. Tina Gwinn, Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Halligan, Mr. and Mrs. William F. Helmling, Mr. and Mrs. Rolland Helms, Mr. and Mrs. Donald S. Henderson, Dr. and Mrs. F. W. Hill, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Howard, Ms. Delia Ray Humphrey, Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Jordon, Mr. William Keller, Ms. Gail Kluiters, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Laney, IV, Mr. Edward W. Law, Ms. Charlotte Limestone Presbyterian Church, Gaffney, SC Lochead, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur J. Markham Wood Presbyterian Church, Lake Mary, FL McArthur, Mrs. Barbara McCants, Mr. and Mrs. John L. McClam, Mr. and Mrs. Mark H. McEntire, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. R.C. Merritt Island Presbyterian Church, Merritt Island, FL Morrow Travel Newsome, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Oliver, Mr. and Mrs. G. Hampton O’Neal, Mr. and Mrs. Wane Pertile, Mr. and Mrs. A. Alejandro Prickett, Dr. and Mrs. Dalton S. Pullen, Ms. Donna Rancho Bernardo Community Presbyterian, Rancho Bernardo, CA Robinson, Ms. Laura Schmitt, Jay and Wendy Sesser First United Methodist Church, Sesser, IL Smith, Mr. Donald F. Southern Realty Development Corporation St. Kilian Parish, Cranberry Township, PA St. Marks Presbyterian Church, Altamonte Springs, FL Stephan, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stribling, Mr. Dave Sundby, Mrs. Ken Taylor, Dr. and Mrs. William G. Tedeschi, Mrs. Kathryn The Acupuncture Clinic Thomason, Mr. Kyle Thweatt, Mr. Richard Tighe, Mr. John H. Wayman, Mr. and Mrs. Jon Trinity United Methodist Church, Webb, IA

Wells, Dr. and Mrs. John A. Wilson, Dr. Faye Wood, Ms. Beth C. $50-$99 Aldersgate United Methodist Church, Carrollton, TX Alexander, Rev. and Mrs. Jerry Ames, Ms. Kimberly Amick, Mr. and Mrs. Brian Barany, Mr. and Mrs. Matthew J. Blumenthal, Ms. Jennifer Cheek Boyds Presbyterian Church, Boyds, MD Bradley, Ms. Alice Brazos, Ms. Condra Briegs, Mr. Fred Bristow, III, Mr. and Mrs. Walter J. Burk, Mr. Patrick Butler, Dr. Pierce Chapman, Ms. Monika Coker, Ms. Kristin Cotty, Mrs. Amelia D. DelGiodice, Ms. Tina Emulsion Arts, Inc. Fales, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Finlay, Ms. Mary Fleming First Baptist Church, Malden, MA First Presbyterian Church, Homewood, IL First Presbyterian Church, Irwin, PA Folline, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Read Garcia, Mr. Joel Gregory, Mr. Ralph N. Hall, Mr. and Mrs. Kevin A. Harris, Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Holland, Dr. and Mrs. Warren F. Hollander, Mr. and Mrs. William G. Holy Trinity Orthodox Church, Willimantic, CT Jeffersontown Presbyterian Church, Louisville, KY Kerner, Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Kerner, Mrs. Virginia F. Lavender, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. W. Thomas McAfee, Maj. and Mrs. Darwin McDougall, Mr. John O. McLean, Ms. Jodie W. McMenemy, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Menchaca, Ms. Anna Marie Munsell, Mr. Jason Nelson, Ms. Stephanie K. O’Farrell, Ms. Dolores Our Lady of the Lake, Green Lake, WI Pope, Ms. Eleanor C. Pulido, Mr. and Mrs. Emil C. Rawson, Mr. William and Mr. McBride Reames, III, Mr. and Mrs. James F. Reynolds, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Ristow, Ms. Christina Rodriguez, Ms. Connie Saint Jude Parish Community, Londonberry, NH Seigler, Sr., Mr. and Mrs. Rallie M.

South Mississippi Conference of the United Methodist Church St. Malachy CCD, Tamarac, FL Staeudle, Mr. and Mrs. Kurt Stuart, Mr. and Mrs. Fred D. Trafton, Mr. William Vinroot, Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Williams, Dr. and Mrs. Leland H. Williams, Mrs. Hal R. Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Yamada, Mrs. Kathleen Zion Christian Church, Beaverdam, VA under $50 Abbatiello, Mr. Thomas Ashley, Dr. James P. Barker, Mr. Max Langston Begley, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Curtis A. Bellini, III, Mr. and Mrs. John J. Biggar, Ms. Jean Bolivar United Presbyterian Church, New Florence, PA Bomgren, Ms. Ann Boulder Mountain View United Methodist Church, Boulder, CO Bradshaw, Ms. Cynthia W. Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Taylor Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Brunson, Mr. J. Y. Burbage, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Burns, Ms. Barbara Butler, Ms. Sandra J. Canary, Mr. and Mrs. Pat Case, Mr. Jonathan Catherall, Drs. Don and Kim Center Harbor Congregational Church, Center Harbor, NH Chapman, Dr. Desmond Cliff, Ms. Ansley Cooper, Rev. and Mrs. Richard M. Dawson United Methodist Church, Wichita, KS Dietz, Mr. John Dougherty, Mr. Jeffrey Dozier, Mr. and Mrs. Ronald G. Dustin, Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Ellzey, Mr. Larkin B. Epworth United Methodist Church, Atlanta, GA Estrella, Mr. Ernesto Ewing, Ms. Lynn F. Few, Mr. James First Presbyterian Church, Freedom, PA First United Methodist Church, Brenham, TX Food Bank of Contra Costa and Solano Geddes, Ms. Amy Gerak, Mr. Terence Gest, Mr. Stephen Goodrich, Mr. and Mrs. George Grace Episcopal Church, Anderson, SC Grigg, Ms. Suzanne G. Han, Mr. Sang Chul Haupt, Mr. and Mrs. Jerome W. Heil, Mr. and Mrs. Bradley

St. Thomas More Church, Cherry Hill, NJ Strausser, Ms. Sandre K. The Womens Literary Club Thomas-Gaines, Ms. Brigette Thorstenson, Mr. Kenneth Trinity English Evangelical Lutheran Church, Appleton, WI Trinity Presbyterian Church, Travelers Rest, SC Tuller, Ms. Anne C. Turnbull, Ms. Lola United Methodist Church, New Richmond, WI Ward, Dr. and Mrs. John L. Ward, Mr. Jesse Warton, Ms. Angela K. Webb, Ms. Dorothy Webster, Ms. Brenda S. Weight, Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Whitehouse Chiropractic Center Williams, Mr. Charles W. Williamson, Mr. and Mrs. Jason M. Wilson, III, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh W. Wolf, Mr. and Mrs. Gregory F. Wussler, Mr. Donald

thAnk you


Helms, Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Hicks, Mr. and Mrs. Kempton Hildebrand, Mr. and Mrs. Kim P. Hopkins, Mr. and Mrs. John W. Howard, Mr. Roger Howell, Ms. Kathryn Howle, Mr. Jeff Hubbell, Dr. Jeffrey J. Imhoff, Mrs. Delores A. Johnson, Pastor Ron and Lorene Jordan, Ms. Elizabeth Jordison, Ms. Jean Kernodle, Jr., Dr. and Mrs. H. B. King, Ms. Peggy Klym, Mr. and Mrs. David Knapp, Ms. Barbara Knowles, Ms. Amber Kramps, Mr. and Mrs. F. Krum, Mr. William Mahoney, Ms. Janine Maltezos, Mr. Chris Martin, Mr. and Mrs. Jason Mateja, Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Matthews, Ms. Katherine Mattingly, Mr. and Mrs. Timothy L. McDow, Dr. W. L. McKenzie, Dr. Gregg W. Mealing, Mr. and Mrs. Bret M. Menking, Mr. and Mrs. Brian Milan Community United Methodist Church, Milan, NH Mims, Ms. Beverly D. Molnar, Mr. Brian Moninger, Mr. and Mrs. Robert O. Moore, Sr., Mr. and Mrs. Willie Moore, Mr. Tony Morgan, Mr. Tom Moyer, Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Mulvey, Ms. Elizabeth Murdock, Ms. Angela M. Muschett, Mr. and Mrs. James L. Nagy, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Neal, Mr. and Mrs. John Michael Norton, Ms. Barbara Oelwein Area Council of Churches Perlman, Mr. and Mrs. Tracey R. Pinkham, Ms. Deanna Powers, III, Mr. G. T. Ranck, Mr. Andrew Ravenel, Ms. Virginia Richwood Presbyterian Church, Richwood, KY Rogers, Ms. Susan Rogillio, Mrs. Chris Skoog, Mr. and Mrs. Jay Smith, Mr. and Mrs. John Smith, Ms. Morgan E. Smith, Ms. Callie Soja, Ms. Gloria St. Stephen’s Orthodox Catholic Fellowship, Philadelphia, PA

in the summer of 2010, our longtime supporter Blue Cross Blue Shield of South Carolina made an amazing offer to transform the office space (generously donated by wright wright properties in South Carolina) our small staff calls headquarters. like an extreme makeover Souper Bowl of Caring style, their crew moved us out and within a week made the place over from top to bottom. here is a list of people we’d like to thank for taking us from before to after. Blue Cross Blue Shield of South Carolina Brown’s installation Black Box mcwaters mcw aters parsons Brinckerhoff thomas and Cindy palmer palmer milliken Sherwin williams williams Bill gulledge Richard Creed BCm Sunz up window window fashions fashions



Janice & Bob McNair Chairman & Ceo houston texans

Mr. Michael Coggin, Secretary/treasurer SCBt greenville, SC

J. Wayne & delores Barr Weaver Chairman & Ceo Jacksonville Jaguars

Miss Melissa daigneault national youth Advisory Board odessa, fl

Jim & Meg Irsay owners indianapolis Colts

Gene & Jerry Jones Family owners dallas Cowboys

the Jerry Richardson Family owner / founder Carolina panthers

John k. Mara president & Ceo new york giants

the hunt Family owners kansas City Chiefs

Mr. Gus dixon nelson, mullins, Riley, & Scarborough, llp Columbia, SC Mr. Brad Edwards Retired nfl player newberry College Columbia, SC Mr. Chris Goodall, Chair Continental American insurance Columbia, SC Mr. dwight hollier Retired nfl player Southeast psych Charlotte, nC Ms. June h. kim executive Secretary, world hunger and SA&d programs united methodist Committee on Relief general Board of global ministries new york, ny Mr. John Meredith greenberg traurig houston, tx Miss Ashley Mullican national youth Advisory Board yardley, pA Rev. dr. dave Peterson, Past Chair memorial drive presbyterian Church houston, tx Mrs. Wendy Sherman, Vice Chair Blythewood middle School Blythewood, SC Rev. dr. Brad Smith founder & Chairman emeritus eastminster presbyterian Church Columbia, SC Mr. duBose tuller SeAco, inc. Columbia, SC Velva Woollen Community volunteer Charlotte, nC

p. 2 2

oUr CarInG STaFF LeaderShIP and deveLoPmenT Tracy Bender president and Ceo Stewart rawson Director of Development CommUnICaTIonS nancy atkinson Communications Coordinator Zenica Chatman Director of Communications Jamie Clark Director of Communications, Multimedia Caroline Stephens Director of Communications, Retention (through 2010) FIeLd dIreCTorS Cristina Curtis Barbe north Texas Director Carolyn dederer indiana Director Julie Falcon South Texas Director emily heeg Florida Director & nyAB Coordinator Gerri Fieno north Carolina Director SUPPorT STaFF melanie andreen Controller (through May 2011) rick Schmiedeker Controller Kay Stursberg office Manager

George Bailey - houston, TX 2011 - 2012 SBoC nyAB Member

MISSION using the energy of the Super Bowl to mobilize youth in a united national effort to care for people in their local communities who are hungry and those in need.

VISION transform the time around the Super Bowl into the nation’s largest celebration of giving and serving.

pRoudly SuppoRted By

po Box 23224, Columbia, SC 29224 tacklehunger.org

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