Murata Machinery USa (Muratec), a leading manufacturer of game-changing industrial automation, celebrates its 50th anniversary across North america. Various activities are planned throughout 2024 to commemorate Muratec's golden year.
Operating as a subsidiary of Kyoto, Japan-based Murata Machinery Ltd., Murata Machinery USa provides sales, service, and support for the Muratec brand in the United States, canada, and Mexico, as well as overseas in Ireland. Muratec has a rich history of innovation and leadership in North america, revolutionizing the automation landscape with groundbreaking solutions that are often the first of their kind, the only ones available, or the world's fastest.
“Murata Machinery USa has been a beacon of excellence, driving industrial innovation and achieving continental success,” said Toshiyuki Komori, President and cEO, Murata Machinery USa . “Unwavering in our commitment, we aim to propel the Muratec brand of end-to-end automation to new heights across North america, helping customers maintain their competitive edge with automation.”
In May 1974, Murata Machinery Ltd. established Murata of america, Inc. in charlotte, Nc , initially focusing on textile
machinery. In October 1989, it acquired the Wiedemann Division from the Warner & Swasey company, creating Murata Wiedemann, Inc. The unified brand "Muratec" was introduced in October 1991. By June 2002, the company consolidated its U.S. subsidiaries, Murata of america, Inc. and Murata Wiedemann, Inc., into Murata Machinery USa , Inc. Throughout North america, Muratec expanded its automation portfolio to encompass material handling, machine tools, fabrication technology, and cleanroom automation solutions, showcasing a broadened range of offerings.
For over five decades, Muratec’s breakthroughs have marked many turning points in automation, helping our customers enhance their competitive efficiencies across diverse industries. Some of these significant innovations in automation advances include:
» Textiles: Muratec revolutionized textile manufacturing with Spinning, Winding, Twisting, and Texturizing Machines. This led to the invention of air-Jet Spinning, which utilized high-pressure air to enhance the texture and bulkiness of yarns at higher production speeds.
Other advancements supporting textile manufacturing included the automatic Winder that seamlessly linked with ring Spinning Machines. The game-changing VOrTEX machine was introduced in 1997 and evolved into the VOrTEX 870 in 2011, creating the world’s fastest spinning machine that eliminated roving and Winding with over 6,000 units installed globally.
» Logistics & automation (L&a): In the 1990s, Muratec revolutionized North american automotive Stamping with an integrated turnkey solution, effortlessly combining Die handling, Blank Processing, Stamping Warehousing, and Transport control. This streamlined processes and minimized waste by integrating automated Storage and retrieval Systems ( a SrS) and automated Guided Vehicles ( aGV), reshaping the automotive sector's logistics and material handling approach. Muratec positioned itself as a key industry influencer of versatile automation systems covering high-rise warehouses, unmanned transporting systems, robotic automation, and cutting-edge factory automation.
» clean Factory automation (cFa): a s a cleanroom industry leader, Muratec invented cutting-edge floor and overhead transport systems (OhTs) to optimize fabrication processes, maximize space, and ensure product integrity with minimal vibration. These solutions set industry benchmarks that smoothly interfaced with customer Manufacturing Execution Systems (MES)
and tools, establishing a new standard in boosting productivity, reliability, and operational excellence. Muratec is one of the world's largest semiconductor clean room automated manufacturers.
» Machine Tools Division (MTD): In 1980, Muratec revolutionized cN c machining with the MW25, the inaugural twin-spindle automated chucker lathe that seamlessly integrated automation with an industryfirst gantry loader. Then, in 1994, Muratec set a new industry standard by inventing the world's first electric servo motor cN c turret punch press. The MOTO rUM 2000 was known for its eco-friendly design, low noise, and highly productive hydraulic oil-less operation, inspiring numerous imitations and knockoffs. Muratec's machine tools, spanning turning, sheet metal fabrication, and automated handling systems combine high speed and precision through cutting-edge control technology.
In 2024, Muratec will mark 50 years of automation innovation with initiatives. In September, new innovative machinery will be introduced along with ten (10) cutting-edge machine demonstrations at the 2024 International Manufacturing Technology Show, Sept. 9-14, at Mccormick Place in chicago, Booth 338844. Discover Muratec’s diverse range of automation solutions engineered for use across various industries by exploring its newly revamped website at www.muratec-usa.com.
BidIndustrial.com, LLc
is a commercial & Industrial auction company for industrial machinery & equipment. We specialize in UNrESErVED auctions of heavy equipment & machinery, commercial & industrial inventories.
www.bidindustrial.com | (888) 777-9888
capital recovery Group, LLc
crG is a global private equity firm that creates liquidity through expertise, innovative solutions, and access to worldwide markets by revitalizing idle or marginally productive assets and liquidating surplus.
www.crgllc.com | (860) 623-9060
cNc Exchange
cNc Exchange, Division of Gray Machinery company, specializes in buying and selling high-quality, pre-owned cNc Swiss-type lathes, turning centers and machining centers and other types of industrial equipment.
www.cncexchange.com/ | (847) 537-7700
compass auctions
compass auctions provides support, advice & transparent communication throughout the auction process so you can make the most informed decisions. We host monthly industrial machinery & equipment auctions.
BTM Industrial is the one source for every aspect of Metalworking Surplus - Machinery, MrO/cNc Parts, Tooling, Material handling
www.btmindustrial.com | (616) 745-5953
cincinnati Industrial auctioneers, Inc.
Since 1961, we pay cash for used industrial and manufacturing equipment as well as conduct auctions on your behalf.
www.cia-auction.com | (513) 241-9701
comly is the oldest family-owned industrial auction company in the U.S. The comly family of auctioneers and real estate brokers has been specializing in industrial auctions for decades. certified a Sa appraisers.
www.comly.com | (215) 634-2500
www.soldoncompass.com | (423) 702-6180
Denver Breaker & Supply
Denver Breaker and Supply was established in 1984 and has always had a “customer First” approach of doing business. They provide new and reconditioned electrical equipment and guarantee the finest quality and best prices you can find in the business.
www.denverbreaker.com | (800) 544-7375
For 50 years, country Boys auction & realty, Inc. has specialized in the auction & liquidation of all types of industrial machinery, heavy equipment, and real estate throughout Nc , Sc , & Va
www.countryboysauction.com | (252) 946-6007
Glenn a . Winternitz, LLc
With a history of four generations as auctioneers, Glenn a . Winternitz, LLc brings the knowledge and experience necessary to navigate these challenging economic times. We are knowledgeable in what we sell!
www.winternitzauction.com | (773) 290-1827
harris auctionsSpecialists in Surplus a sset Management. We utilize online timed auctions, live webcast, and live on-site auctions, and have an aggressive marketing system to reach a wide audience of bidders.
www.harris-auctions.com | (713) 462-5800
We are auctioneers and appraisers who provide advice on the proper method to liquidate a firms’ assets and accurate appraisals by senior certified appraisers for banks, financial institutions, partnerships, estates, and business owners.
harris Machine Tools, Inc. has been an international leader in the used metalworking marketplace for over 44 years. Our team has worked to earn an outstanding reputation for quality, service, and integrity.
www.harrismachinetools.com | (713) 462-5800
henderson auctions is one of the oldest equipment auction firms in existence and is recognized as a leader in the industry. We specialize in heavy construction machinery, truck and trailer, mobile home, travel trailer, industrial equipment, and real estate auctions.
www.heathindustrial.com | (855) 884-3284
heritage Global Partners, Inc. is a full-service auction and asset advisory firm in 25+ Industrial sectors, globally.
Subsidiary of heritage Global Inc (Na SDaQ: hGBL)
www.hGPauction.com | (858) 847-0659
Joiner Sales corp has over 46 years of experience in providing market leading Industrial auctions and appraisals in canada. We are a family team of experienced industrial auctioneers and machinery appraisers!
www.joinersales.com | (604) 852-8711
www.hendersonauctions.com | (225) 686-2252
Our decades-long expertise in industrial/ commercial valuations & liquidations allow us to optimize the value of any distressed/ nonperforming/surplus asset. We customize our services for businesses of all sizes.
integra-as.com | (888) 243-6161
Since 1948, we have supplied quality, late model used tool room, production and cNc machinery to Manufacturers in the US and abroad. We assist our clients with tooling up or replacing existing capital equipment. auctions, Liquidations and appraisal Services.
www.stevensmachinery.com | (248) 926-8400
Since 1948, we have supplied quality, late model used tool room, production and cNc machinery to Manufacturers in the US and abroad. We assist our clients with tooling up or replacing existing capital equipment. auctions, Liquidations and appraisal Services.
www.stevensmachinery.com | (248) 926-8400
Moecker auctions Inc is a trusted company in Florida. Our team of experienced, accredited professionals have successfully delivered state-wide auctions, appraisals, and liquidations with accountability.
www.moeckerauctions.com | (954) 252-2887
Link auctions has unrivalled knowledge & expertise in auctioning Industrial a ssets. Our principals have more than 100 years of combined experience valuing equipment & customized programs for auctioning assets.
www.linkauctions.com | (631) 847-5530
Whether it is one piece of equipment, a fleet, or an entire company, Motleys Industrial utilizes auctions, brokerage, cash buyouts, and appraisals to exceed expectations for all your buying and selling needs.
www.MotleysIndustrial.com | (804) 486-4550
We are an industrial auction and appraisal firm that has been in business for over 30 years. We specialize in commercial, industrial assets and business liquidations in Oregon, Washington, Idaho and california.
www.PIauctioneer.com | (541) 913-7455
raar Group USa LLc auctions, Machine Tools, Power Generation Equipment, Motors and Transformers.
www.raargroupusa.com | (310) 487-3800
resell cNc is proud to be the leading Used cNc Dealer in today’s global market for used cNc machinery. resell cNc also provides you with a unique, trusted, and timed online auction platform to buy and sell surplus equipment effortlessly.
www.resellcnc.com | (844) 478-8181
Prime Machinery is one of the nation's most trusted quality used machinery dealers, specializing in buying and selling vertical horizontal boring mills, cNc machining centers, cNc turning centers, lathes, EDM’s & fab equipment.
www.primemach.com | (516) 922-7977
In business for over 70 years, led by the 2nd generation, rabin is a family-held auction and real estate investment company, which acquires and sells industrial facilities and equipment around the world.
www.rabin.com | (415) 522-5700
resell cNc auctions provides you with a unique, trusted, and timed online platform so you can buy and sell surplus equipment effortlessly! resell cNc is also the Leading Used cNc Dealer in today's global market.
www.resellcnc.com | (844) 478-8181
SIGMa auction has developed a system that will assess your surplus equipment and then help you turn your assets into immediate liquidity. We offer a no-stress solution to turn your idle equipment into profits.
www.sigma-auction.com | (812) 618-2048
Westbrook a sset management is a full-service industrial auction and liquidation company. We offer a wide range of programs for sellers to quickly turn their surplus machinery and equipment into cash.
www.westbrook-auctions.com | (800) 899-8182
"Our Promise: Professional solutions for industrial businesses. Selling your factory? We sell industrial factories and assets. Selling your business? We bring buyers and sellers together."
www.workingmancapital.com | (416) 847-7336
Our Mission - to provide the highest quality services possible, continuously educating, training and conducting ourselves in a manner that reflects integrity and keeps our client's goals and interests Priority One.
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National Leading asset Disposition Services Firm, Serving all Industrial Sectors. auctions conducted Throughout the US/caN/MEX. Global reach with Buyers from over 75-countries. Specializing in complex Facilities, Entire Plants, Multi-Locations. Since 1894!
www.Winternitz.com | (847) 272-0440
aaron Posnik & co., Inc. www.posnik.com
abbott Machine company www.abbottmachineco.com
action Machinery co., Inc www.actionmachinery.com
Gerlach companies gerlachauctions.com
Infinity asset Solutions www.infinityassets.com
J & M Industrial www.jmindustrial.com
Machinesused.com www.machinesused.com
Williams & Lipton www.williamsandlipton.com
Winternitz Industrial Auctioneers & Appraisers
2516 Waukegan road, Suite 385 Glenview, IL 60025 charlie@winternitz.com www.Winternitz.com
aaa auction Service, Inc. www.aaaauctionservice.com
aaron Industrial Services www.aaronauctions.com
aaron Posnik & co., Inc. www.posnik.com
abamex auction www.abamex.com
adam’s auction & real Estate Services, Inc. www.adamsauctions.com
air Works consignment auction www.airworksauction.com
alderfer auction www.alderferauction.com
alex Lyon & Son auctioneers www.lyonauction.com
all In Industrial www.allinindustrial.com
allSurplus allsurplus.com
aMcbid.com www.amcbid.com
american auctions & appraisals, Inc. www.americanaai.com
american auctions, Liquidations, appraisals, Inc. aalainc.com
anderson auction & realty www.andersonauctioneers.com
apex auctions, Inc. www.apexauctions.com
ar International, LLc www.ar-int.com
arizona auctioneers LLc www.arizonaauctioneers.com
asset Management Group www.amgrouponline.com
asset Sales, Inc. www.asset-sales.com
asset Services www.assetservices.ca
aTEc www.atec-inc.com
atlanta Liquidation LLc www.atlantaliquidation.com
atlantic asset Management Group, Inc. www.atlanticremarketing.com
atlantic auctions, Inc. www.atlanticauctions.com
auction america, Inc. www.2bid4stuff.com
auction associates, Inc. auctionassociatesinc.com
auction Solutions, Inc. www.auctionsolutionsinc.com
auctioneer Phil Jacquier, Inc. www.jacquierauctions.com
auctions International www.auctionsinternational.com
aucto www.aucto.com
aumann auctions www.aumannauctions.com
Bambeck auctioneers, Inc. www.bambeck.com
BcL auction www.BcLauction.com
Ben higgins auctioneers www.higginsauctions.com
Bentley & associates LLc www.bentleysauction.com
Bid-2-Buy.com www.bid-2-buy.com
Bid-Master auctions bid-masterauctions.com
BidIndustrial.com, LLC 4753 E. Falcon Dr. - Ste. 2 Mesa, aZ 85215 info@bidindustrial.com www.bidindustrial.com
BIDITUP auctions & appraisals Worldwide www.biditup.com
Big Iron www.bigiron.com
Bill Evans auction Service www.billevansauctionservice.com
Bill Forbes & associates, Inc. www.billforbes.com
Bill hall auctioneer, Inc./Bill Johnson auctions www.billhallauctioneer.com
Bill Klassen auctions Ltd. www.billklassen.com
Black horse auction LLc www.blackhorseauction.com
Blackbird asset Services, LLc www.blackbirdauctions.com
Blackmon auctions www.blackmonauctions.com
Bodnarus auctioneering www.bodnarusauctioneering.com
Boldbids, L.L.c www.boldbids.com
Bradley’s auctions www.bradleysauctions.com
Brian Testo associates, LLc btesto.com
Bright Star realty and auctions, Inc. www.brightstarauctions.com
BTM Industrial 2051 harvey St. Muskegon, MI 49442 sales@btmindustrial.com www.btmindustrial.com
Bunch Brothers auctioneers, Inc. www.bunchbrothers.com
c.M. company www.cmauctions.com
ca Global Partners, Inc. www.cagp.com
Capital Recovery Group, LLC 1654 King Street Enfield, cT 06082 info@crgllc.com www.crgllc.com
caspert auctioneers & appraisers www.caspert.com
century Services, Inc. www.centuryservices.com
charleston auctions www.charlestonauctions.com
chupps auction www.chuppsauction.com
cIacPcc, Inc. www.ciacpcc.com
Cincinnati Industrial Auctioneers, Inc.
2020 Dunlap Street cincinnati, Oh 45214 info@cia-auction.com www.cia-auction.com
cLT auctions www.cltauctions.com
coleman & Patterson www.colemanandpatterson.com
Comly Auctioneers & Appraisers
1746 Winchester road Bensalem, Pa 19020 auctions@comly.com www.comly.com
commercial Industrial auctioneers www.commercialindustrialauctions.com
Compass Auctions
3114 Freeman ave. chattanooga, TN 37406 info@soldoncompass.com www.soldoncompass.com
corporate assets Inc. www.corpassets.com
Country Boys Auction & Realty, Inc.
1211 W. 5th Street Washington, Nc 27889 ddunn@countryboysauction.com www.countryboysauction.com
crescent commercial corporation www.c3.com
cunningham & associates, Inc. www.cunninghamauctions.com
curran Miller auctions & realty, Inc. www.curranmiller.com
Danbury Global Limited www.danburyauctions.com
Decosmo Industrial auctions www.diauctions.com
DeMott auction co, Inc. www.demottauction.com
Dickensheet & associates, Inc. www.dickensheet.com
Don Lewis Machinery & Equipment, Inc. www.donlewis.com
Don Smock auction co., Inc. www.dsaauctions.com
DSL commercial www.danburysales.com
Duckwall & company, Inc. www.duckwallauctions.com
Dukes auction Group & Equipment Sales www.dukesauctiongroup.com
Ed Dunn auctions & appraisers www.epdauction.com
Ehli auctions www.ehliauctions.com
Equipment hub www.theequipmenthub.com
Equipment Marketers & appraisers (EMa) www.equipmentmarketers.com
EquipNet auctions www.EquipNet.com/auctions
Erkelens & Olson www.salesandauction.com
Fahey Sales www.faheysales.com
Farm & home realty www.fhrealtyandauction.com
Fischer auction co., Inc. www.facauctions.com
Fleming & company, LLc auctioneers www.flemingauction.com
Ford Brothers Inc. auctioneers www.fordbrothersinc.com
Fox auction co. foxauctioncompany.com
Frey & Sons auctioneers www.freyandsons.com
Furlo auction Service www.furloauction.com
Furrow auction company www.furrow.com
G-2000, Inc. www.g2000inc.com
Gallivan auctioneers & appraisers www.njgallivan.com
GaP Machinery gapliquidators.com
George auction Service& real Estate, LLc www.georgeauction.com
Gerlach companies gerlachauctions.com
Gibbs Machinery company www.gibbsmachinery.com
Glenn A. Winternitz, LLC 1401 Lunt avenue Elk Grove Village, IL 60007 glenn@winternitzauction.com www.winternitzauction.com
GoIndustry DoveBid www.go-dove.com
Golden State Industrial auctioneers gsiauctions.com
Gordon Brothers commercial & Industrial, LLc www.gordonbrothers.com
Government Liquidation www.govliquidation.com
Grady auctions & realty www.gradyauctions.com
Grasswood auctions www.grasswoodauctions.com
Great Lakes auction co., Inc. www.greatlakesauction.net
Grossman, Inc. www.grossmaninc.com
GrS appraisal & auction Services www.grsauctions.com
harbor Machinery, Inc. www.harbormachinery.com
Harris Auctions
24 Greenway Plaza, Ste. 624 houston, TX 77046 sales@harris-auctions.com www.harris-auctions.com
harry Davis, LLc www.harrydavis.com
hartland Machinery auctioneers www.hartlandmachinery.com
Heath Industrial
2100 Stonington avenue hoffman Estates, IL 60169 auctions@heathindustrial.com www.heathindustrial.com
Henderson Auctions
13340 Florida Blvd., PO Box 336 Livingston, La 70754 auctionoffice@ hendersonauctions.com www.hendersonauctions.com
Heritage Global Partners
12625 high Bluff Drive, Ste. #305 San Diego, ca 92130 ndove@hGinc.com www.hGPauction.com
hess auctioneers, LLc www.hessauctioneers.com
hilco Global www.hilcoglobal.com
hilco Industrial www.hilcoind.com
hilpipre auction company www.hilpipre.com
hMI asset Sales www.harbormachinery.com
hoffman auction Services www.lhoffmanauctions.com
hyper aMS LLc www.hyperams.com
Industrial asset recovery Group LLc www.industrial-recovery.com
Industrial auction Services, LLc www.ind-auctions.com
Industrial auctioneers association www.industrialauctioneers.org
Industrial recovery Services www.irsauctions.com
Infinity asset Solutions www.infinityassets.com
Innovative Machine Solutions inmachinesolutions.com
InPlace auction LLc www.inplaceauction.com
Integra Asset Solutions 2000 center Drive, colab Suite hoffman Estates, IL 60192 info@integra-as.com integra-as.com
Investment recovery Services www.irsauction.com
Ironside Machinery ironsidemachinery.com
James G. Murphy auction www.murphyauction.com
Jeff Martin auctioneers, Inc. www.jeffmartinauctioneers.com
Johnson Properties www.johnsonproperties.com
Joiner Sales Corp.
103a - 31120 Peardonville rd. abbotsford, Bc V2T 6K7 info@joinersales.com www.joinersales.com
Jones Swenson www.jonesswenson.com
Joseph Finn co., Inc. www.josephfinn.com
KD capital auctions LLc www.kdauctions.com
Key auctions www.keyauctioneers.com
King auction & realty co. Inc. www.bidkingauctions.com
Lawler auction company www.lawlerauction.com
Lee Stevens Machinery Auctions, LLC
48985 Wixom Tech Drive Wixom, MI 48393 info@stevensmachinery.com www.stevensmachinery.com
Link Auctions
315 Walt Whitman road, Ste. 309 huntington Station, NY 11746 mathew.koster@linkauctions.com www.linkauctions.com
Lippard auctioneers www.lippardauctions.com
Liquidity Services www.liquidityservices.com
Loeb auctioneers www.loebequipment.com
LTc auctions LLc www.ltcauctionsonline.com
M. Davis Group www.mdavisgroup.com
Maas companies, Inc. www.maascompanies.com
Machine Tool Bids, LLc www.machinetoolbids.com
Machinery Network auctions www.machinerynetworkauctions.com
Machinesused.com www.machinesused.com
Matt Presley auctioneers mpauctioneers.com
Maynards Industries www.maynards.com
Midstate Machinery www.midstatemach.com
MMI - Machinery Marketing International www.mmi-direct.com
Moecker Auctions, Inc. 1885 Marina Mile Blvd. - Suite 103 Fort Lauderdale, FL 33315 info@moeckerauctions.com www.moeckerauctions.com
Motleys Industrial 3600 Deepwater Terminal rd. richmond, Va 23234 industrial@motleys.com www.MotleysIndustrial.com
MrI auctions, Inc. www.mriauctions.com
Myron Bowling auctioneers, Inc. www.myronbowling.com
N. T. arrington auctioneer & appraiser www.arringtonauction.com
Nassau asset Management www.nasset.com
New Mill capital, LLc www.newmillcapital.com
Niagara Worldwide www.niagaraworldwide.com
NrI Industrial Sales LLc www.nriparts.com
Pacific Industrial Auctions and Appraisals LLC 34570 hwy. 58 Eugene, Or 97405 info@piauctionsales.com www.PIauctioneer.com
Perfection Global perfectionglobal.com
Plant & Machinery, Inc. www.pmi-auction.com
Platinum asset Services www.platinumassets.com
PPL Group LLc www.pplauction.com
Premier asset recovery Group, LLc www.premierarg.com
Premier Machinery auctions, LLc www.premiermachineryauctions.com
Pressbid auction, LLc www.pressbid.com
Prestige Equipment auctions www.prestigeequipment.com
Quaker city auctioneers, Inc. www.quakercityauction.com
RAAR Group USA LLC PO Box 3476 redondo Beach, ca 90277 rick.raargroup@gmail.com www.raargroupusa.com
Rabin Worldwide, Inc. 21 Locust avenue - Suite 2a Mill Valley, ca 94941 info@rabin.com www.rabin.com
Resell CNC Auctions
2600 Maitland center Parkway, Suite #275 Maitland, FL 32751 sales@resellcnc.com www.resellcnc.com
revelation Machinery auctions LLc www.revelationmachinery.com
rick Levin & associates, Inc. www.ricklevin.com
rJM auctioneers www.rjmauctions.com
robert Levy associates rlevyinc.com
roller auctions www.rollerauction.com
rosen & co., Inc. www.rosenandcompany.com
rosen Systems, Inc. www.rosensystems.com
Salvadore auctions & appraisals, Inc. www.siaai.com
Schneider Industries www.schneiderind.com
SIGMA Auction
424 East Inglefield rd. Evansville, IN 47725 twitte@sigma-auction.com www.sigma-auction.com
SMc, LLc www.smccompany.net
Steeves & company, Inc. www.steevesco.com
Stokes auction www.stokesauction.com
Stone Auctioneers & Appraisers
61 Lakeview Lane carrollton, aL 35447 auctioneer@stoneauctioneers.com www.stoneauctioneers.com
Strand Industrial auctions www.strandindustrialauctions.com
Stronghold Equipment co. www.strongholdequipment.com
Tauber-arons Inc. www.tauberaronsinc.com
Taylortec, Inc. www.taylortec.com
TcL asset Group, Inc. www.tclassetgroup.com
The Branford Group, LLc www.thebranfordgroup.com
Thomas Industries www.thomasauction.com
Thompson auctioneers www.thompsonauctioneers.com
Three Sixty asset advisors www.360assetadvisors.com
Tiger Group www.soldtiger.com
Tranzon www.tranzon.com
United asset Sales www.unitedassetsales.com
Wausau auctioneers Sales corp. www.wausauauctioneers.com
Westbrook Asset Management
23501 Mound rd. Warren, MI 48091-2048 info@westbrook-eng.com www.westbrook-auctions.com
Wester auction & realty www.westerauction.com
Williston asset Management www.WillistonaM.com
Wilson auction & realty co. www.wilsonauctionltd.com
Winternitz Industrial Auctioneers & Appraisers
2516 Waukegan road, Suite 385 Glenview, IL 60025 charlie@winternitz.com www.Winternitz.com
Capital Corp.
120 adelaide Street WestSte. 2500 Toronto, ON M5h 1T1 info@workingmancapital.com www.workingmancapital.com
Worldwide Industrial, LLc www.foxworldwideindustrial.com
Yellow Tag auctions, LLc www.yellowtagauctions.com
american Breakers americanbreakersca.net
Denver Breaker & Supply 4901 Ironton St. Denver, cO 80239 sales@denverbreaker.com www.denverbreaker.com
Select Equipment company www.selectequipment.net
The Electric Barn www.electricbarn.com
Balboa capital corporation www.balboacapital.com
cMa auctions www.cmaauctions.com
GE Industrial Finance www.gecapital.com
Grinkmeyer Leonard Financial www.grinkmeyerleonard.com
Innovative Lease Services, Inc. www.ilslease.com
US Bank www.usbank.com
520 Machinery Sales www.520machinery.com
a. Green company, Inc. www.agreenco.com
abbott Machine company www.abbottmachineco.com
absolute Machinery, Inc. www.absolutemachinery.com
action Machinery www.action-machinery.com
action Machinery co., Inc www.actionmachinery.com
adams Machinery co. www.adamsmachinery.com
advanced Machinery companies advancedmachinery.com
alan ross Machinery corp. www.alanross.biz
aleco Machinery Sales, Inc. www.alecomachinery.com
allis Tool & Machine corp. www.allistool.com
allways Precision Inc www.centerless.com
alma Machinery co., Inc. www.almamachinery.com
alternative Machine Tool, LLc www.alternativemachinetool.com
altman Machinery, Inc. www.altmanmachinery.com
aM Metalmaq, Inc. www.ammetalmaq.com
aSI Machine Tool www.asimachinetool.com
automatics & Machinery co., Inc. www.automatics.com
Belmont Machinery company www.belmontmachinery.com
Belter Machinery co., Inc. www.beltermachinery.com
Beta Die casting www.beta-online.com
Bid Specialists www.bidspecialists.net
Blackhawk Machinery corp www.blackhawkmachinery.com
Blades Machinery www.bladesmachinery.com
Blumberg Machinery company www.blumbergmachinery.com
Bradbury Group www.bradburygroup.com
Broaching Machine Specialties co. www.broachingmachine.com
Buck’s Precision Machine Tools www.buckspmt.com
centra corporation www.centracorp.com
century Machinery co., Inc. www.centurymachinery.com
certified comparator Products www.certifiedcomparator.com
champion Machinery, Inc. www.championmachinery.com
chapman associates www.chapman-usa.com
charleston annex, Inc. www.charlestonannex.com
clark Machinery Sales www.clarkmachinerysales.com
cleveland Machinery Sales, Inc. www.clevelandmachinery.com
CNC Exchange
75 E. Palatine rd. Prospect heights, IL 60070 sales@cncexchange.com www.cncexchange.com
cNc Indexing & Feeding Technologies www.cncindexing.com
cNc Machines.Net www.cncmachines.net
complete Machinery Sales, LLc www.completemachinery.com
compumachine canada www.compumachine.ca
concept Machine Tool Wisconsin, Inc. www.conceptmachine.com
D & D Industries www.danddindustries.com
DB Machinery www.dbmachinery.com
Dean Machinery International www.deanmachinery.com
Diamond Jack Machinery, Inc. www.diamondjackmachinery.com
Die cast Machinery LLc www.diecastmachinery.com
DiPaolo cNc retrofit Ltd. www.dipaolocnc.com
Ditter Industries www.ditterindustries.com
Eagle Machine Tool corporation www.eaglemachinetool.com
Easton Machinery, Inc. www.eastonmachinery.com
Efficient Manufacturing Technologies, corp. www.werkzeugschleifen.de
Elite Machinery Inc www.elitemch.com
Equip Seller www.equipseller.com
Equipment recovery corporation - Erc Machine Tool auction www.ercsurplusequip.com
Equipment Trading co., Inc. www.equipmenttrading.com
ET Balancing, Inc. www.etbalance.com
Ex-Factory, Inc. www.exfactory.com
Fabricating Machinery Solutions www.fmscanada.ca
Fastenal company www.fastenal.com
Federal Equipment co. www.fedequip.com
Federal Equipment Div./PME Technologies, Inc. www.federalequip.com
Fh Machinery www.fhmachinery.com
Fives Bronx, Inc. tube-pipe.fivesgroup.com
FL Sales www.flsales.com
FP Miller company www.fpmiller.com
Frain Industries www.fraingroup.com
Frank Bacon Machinery Sales co. www.frankbacon.com
Freedom Machinery co., Inc. www.freedommachinery.com
Gahr Machine company www.gahrmachine.com
Galaxie corp. www.galaxiecorp.com
Gallery of Machines www.galleryofmachines.com
GaM Gear www.gamweb.com
Garant Machinerie www.garantmachinery.com
Gch Machinery Div., Inc. www.grindersclearinghouse.com
Gibbs Machinery company www.gibbsmachinery.com
Global Machine Brokers, LLc www.globalmachinebrokers.com
Globus Technologies www.globustec.com
Gold Industrial Machinery, Inc. www.goldmachinery.com
Goldstein Gear Machinery, Inc. www.goldsteingearmachinery.com
GPI Equipment co. www.gpiequipment.com
Graff-Pinkert www.graffpinkert.com
Great american Equipment co. www.gaec.com
Green Industrial www.gibuys.com
GrW high Precision Bearings LP www.grw.de
harbor Machinery, Inc. www.harbormachinery.com
hariton Machinery co., Inc. www.haritonmachinery.com
harmonic Drive LLc www.harmonicdrive.net
Harris Machine Tools, Inc. 24 Greenway Plaza, Suite 624 houston, TX 77046 sales@harrismachinetools.com www.harrismachinetools.com
hayden Machinery www.haydenmachinery.com
hcI www.hcimachines.com
hGr Industrial Surplus www.hgrinc.com
hildebrand Machinery company, Inc. www.hildebrandmachinery.com
hindley Machine Tool Sales www.hindleymts.com
holland Equipment hunters, Inc. hollandequipment.com
Industrial Surplus, Inc. www.industrialsurplus.com
Innovative rack & Gear www.gearacks.com
ITL Machinery Services www.itlmachinery.com
J.L. Lucas Machinery company, Inc. www.jllucas.com
Jamestown Machinery, Inc. www.jamestownmachinery.com
JBM Technologies, Inc. www.jbmtechnologies.com
Jordan craig Machinery www.jordancraigmachinery.com
Joseph Freedman company, Inc. www.jfrecycle.com
Kaste Industrial Machine Sales www.kaste.com
Kaufman Mfg. co. www.kaufmanmfg.com
Kearney Machinery & Supply, Inc. www.kearneymachinery.com
Keith Machinery corp. www.keithmachinery.com
Kempler Industries, Inc. www.kempler.com
Ken Bergman & associates www.haberleusa.com
Koepfer america, LLc www.koepferamerica.com
Lee Stevens Machinery 48985 Wixom Tech Drive Wixom, Ma 48393 info@stevensmachinery.com www.stevensmachinery.com
Lilly Machinery, Inc. www.lillymachinery.com
LS Walker Machine Tools, Inc. www.walkermachinery.com
Machine Tool affiliates Inc. www.mtaindy.com
Machine Tool repair & Sales, Inc. www.machineryselection.com
Machine Tool Specialties www.machinetoolspecialties.com
Machinery International corp www.machyintl.com
Machinery Management LLc www.machinery-management.com
Machinery Values, Inc www.machineryvalues.com
Machinery Works, Inc. www.machwksinc.com
Machinesused.com www.machinesused.com
Machnet www.machnet.com
Manufacturing Solutions
Maverick Machinery co., Inc. www.maverickmachinery.com
McKean Machinery Sales, Inc. www.mckeanmachinery.com
MDa Precision, Inc. www.mdaprecision.com
Meadoworks, LLc www.meadoworksinc.com
Merrifield Machinery Solutions www.merrifieldmachinery.com
Metalfab, Inc. www.metalfab.us
Midwest Tool, Inc. www.sellusedmachinery.com
Milford Gundrilling assoc., LLc www.milfordgundrilling.com
Mohawk Machinery, Inc. www.mohawkmachinery.com
Mohr corp. www.mohrcorp.com
Myers Technology, LLc www.myerstc.com
N&r Machine Sales www.nrmachinesales.com
Naab Sales corporation www.naabmachinery.com
National Machinery Exchange www.nationalmachy.com
Nationwide Machinery Sales, Inc. www.nwmachine.com
New century Machine Tools LLc www.ncmt.com
New England Gear co. www.newenglandgear.com
Norman Machine Tool Ltd. www.normanmachinetool.com
North american Machinery Sales www.northamericanmachinery.net
O’connell Machinery co, Inc. www.oconnellmachinery.com
Orca Machine Tool, Inc. www.orca-inc.com
Pearl Equipment company www.pearlequipment.com
Peiffer Machine Div., ressler Enterprises, Inc. www.peiffer-machine.com
Pennsylvania Equipment, Inc. www.paequip.com
Performance Machine Tools www.permach.com
Piselli Enterprises, Inc. www.pisellient.com
Plasti-Mach corp. www.plastimach.com
PM Machines www.pmmachines.com
Premier Equipment LLc premierequipment.com
Presses For Industry www.pressesforindustry.com
Prime Machinery, Inc. 7 high Street - Ste. 214 huntington, NY 11743 sales@primemach.com www.primemach.com
Productivity, Inc. www.productivity.com
Quantum Precision Group www.quantumprecisiongroup.com
r & J Machinery Sales, Inc. www.rjmachinerysales.com
regal Equipment, Inc. www.regalequipment.com
Resell CNC
2600 Maitland center Parkway, Suite #275 Maitland, FL 32751 sales@resellcnc.com www.resellcnc.com
roberts Machinery Sales, Ltd. www.robertsmachinery.com
roskelley Machinery corp. www.roskelley.com
ross Machinery Sales, Inc. www.rossmachinery.com
rubber city Machinery corp. www.rcmc.com
rudolf Bass, Inc. rudolfbassinc.net
ryan Machinery co. www.ryanmachineco.com
S & G Press and Machinery Sales www.sandgpress.com
Sabito Machinery, Inc. www.sabito.com
Schuler Group www.schulergroup.com
Scott Machinery & Supply www.scottmach.com
Shub Machinery www.shubmachinery.com
Sierra Victor Industries www.sierravictor.com
Small Tools, Inc. www.smalltools.com
Smart Machine Tool www.smartmachinetool.com
SMF and Machine Tools, Inc. www.smfmachinetools.com
Smith hamilton, Inc. www.smithhamilton.com
Southern Fabricating Machinery Sales, Inc. www.southernfabsales.com
Southern Minnesota Machinery Sales www.sominn.com
Spirit Machinery, Inc. www.spiritmachinery.com
Standard Industrial Machinery co., Inc. www.standardindl.com
Star SU LLc www.star-su.com
Sterling Machinery Exchange www.sterlingmachinery.com
Sunbelt Machinery, Inc. www.sunbeltmachinery.com
Surplus Solutions, LLc www.surplussolutionsllc.com
T & S Machine Tool Sales, Inc. www.tnsmachine.com
T. r. Wigglesworth Machinery co. www.wigglesworth.com
Team Machine Tools, Inc. www.teammachinetools.com
The Book thebooklm.com
The Machinery center www.machinerycenter.com
Timco, Inc. www.timcoinc.com
Tramar Industries, Inc. www.tramarindustries.com
Turner’s Machinery www.turnersmachinery.com
Union Standard Equipment www.unionmachinery.com
United Textile Machinery corp. www.unitedtextile.com
Universal automatics www.universalautomatics.com
Universal Metalworking Equipment www.ume-inc.com
Universal Tube & rollform Equipment www.utubeonline.com
UPM, LLc www.universalpress.com
US Equipment co. www.usedequipment.com
Used cNc Inc. www.usedcnc.com
Used Solutions, Inc. www.usedsolutions.com
Vander Ziel Machinery Sales, Inc. www.vanderzielmachinery.com
Victory Machinery Exchange, Inc. www.victorymachinery.com
Warehouse Equipment and Supply co. www.warehouseequipment.com
Weir Enterprises, LLc www.weirenterprises.com
Wenco Machinery www.wencomachinery.com
Wheeler Machinery Sales, Inc. www.wheelermachinery.com
Wire & Plastic Machinery corp. www.wireandplastic.com
Wisconsin Metalworking Machinery, Inc. www.wismet.com
WorldWide Electric corporation www.worldwideelectric.net
Yoder Machinery www.yodermachinery.com
a & a Machinery Moving, Inc. www.aamachinery.com
american heavy Moving & rigging www.americanheavymoving.com
arco Machinery Movers www.arcomachinerymovers.com
Bennett Motor Express, LLc www.bennettmotorexpressllc.com
clover Machinery Movers www.clovermachinerymovers.com
DFW Movers www.dfwmovers.com
Emmert International www.emmertintl.com
hWP rigging www.hwprigging.com
Intermountain rigging & heavy haul irhusa.com
Mighty hook, Inc. www.mightyhook.com
Miller Transfer www.millertransfer.com
Pedowitz Machinery Movers www.pedowitz.com
rite Industrial Movers, LLc www.riteindustrialmovers.com
Todd’s Specialized rigging www.toddsspecializedrigging.com
TrueFreight Logistics www.truefreight.com
VIP Transport www.viptransport.com
ZMac Transport www.zmactransport.com