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Be Patient

“Family is a bond like no other.”


“If you always remember those who shaped you, they will never leave you.”


“My family gives me the path to follow. It is the foundation of who I am and what I strive to be every day.”

CHAD MATOIAN First cousin

“Family is that our three daughters love us so deeply and with no judgments or expectations other than that we love them back in the exact same way.”

BRADY MATOIAN First cousin

“Family is shelter from the storms.”

GEOFF BOGART First cousin

“Family is a crowded table. A place of belonging, security, support, acceptance, and inclusion.”

DANA WRONSKI First cousin

“My family is my life, and everything else comes second to me.”

DIANE MALCOLM Sister-in-law

“Families are like fudge…mostly sweet with a few nuts.”

STEVE MALCOLM Brother in-law

52 Weeks to Make a Positive Difference For You, Your Family, and Your Community

Matthew Emerzian

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