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Put in the Work

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Ask for Input


When did everything get so serious? Seriously. Sure, we get it. We all have responsibilities—there’s homework to do, deadlines to meet, errands to run, chores to finish, bills to pay, exercise to get in. But we can’t let all this keep us from enjoying life. We’re allowed to have a little bit of fun. So we have two options to consider, and frankly, we think they are both good ones. First, we can switch up our mindsets and choose to find more fun in our responsibilities. Instead of thinking, “Ugh, I need to go to the gym,” how about saying, “I love going for a run because I get to be outside, see people and nature, and feel great when I’m finished”? See, exercise just got a whole lot more appealing. The second option is about carving out space for adding new and fun experiences to your life. Think you and your family can find a few extra minutes for something fun? Are you already smiling just thinking about it? That’s how powerful and important having fun truly is. Fun matters.

THIS WEEK... Get Goofy

There’s a question we used to ask on a regular basis. It’s not that “Why?” question we threw at our parents or guardians or that your children throw at you now. Isn’t life cruel that way? It’s the “Can you play today?” question. Sound familiar? Our guess is that you might have heard your children ask this question of their friends a few times but you have not uttered those words in quite a while. Well, that’s all about to change, because this week, we want you to GET GOOFY. Yes, we are asking if you can play today. When is the last time you let loose and played a fun game with your family? What game was it, and why was it so fun? When is the last time you threw a family dance party or played charades? The options are endless, as long as you are willing to get goofy with it. Just let your children pick the game or activity if it helps. They will have you laughing in no time. Whatever you end up doing, have a blast playing and connecting with one another. You can even go one step further and offer participation trophies for making the time to play with you this week. However you go about it, we’re happy to know you are getting wacky and playing games, being creative, and having fun together. Getting goofy matters.

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