M a de Sp e c i a l For :
M a de Sp e c i a l B y:
Gregory E. Lang
Congratulations! I feel very lucky to see you get your diploma today. Success to you on the road ahead! May 10, 2015
O t h e r book s by Gr e g ory E . L a ng: Wh y a Daugh t e r Ne e d s a Mom Wh y a Daugh t e r Ne e d s a Da d Wh y a S on Ne e d s a Mom Wh y a S on Ne e d s a Da d B e c au s e You A r e My S on B e c au s e You A r e My Daugh t e r Wh y I L ov e Gr a n dm a Wh y I L ov e Gr a n dpa Wh y I C ho s e You Wh y I L ov e You Wh y My H e a rt St i l l S k i p s a B e at P l ay Foo t si e Un de r t h e Ta b l e Wh y I Ne e d You Wh y We A r e a Fa m i ly Wh y We A r e F r i e n d s B ro t h e r s a n d Si s t e r s Si s t e r s Si m pl e Ac t s Th a n k You, Mom Th a n k You, Da d
Gregory E. Lang
M a de Sp e c i a l For :
M a de Sp e c i a l B y:
To Meagan and Linley. May the legacy you leave be salt and light for those you love.
Copyright © 2013 by Gregory E. Lang Cover and internal design © 2013 by Sourcebooks, Inc. Cover design by Chris Norton/Sourcebooks, Inc. Cover image © Ocean Photography/Veer Placeholder photographs by Gregory E. Lang, except as noted below Internal images © Andresr/Dreamstime.com, pp. 6, 9; Arenacreative/Dreamstime.com, p. 49; Cdonofrio/Dreamstime.com, p. 41; Haveseen/Dreamstime.com, p. 53; Mcininch/Dreamstime.com, p. 37 Sourcebooks and the colophon are registered trademarks of Sourcebooks, Inc. Put Me In the Story is a trademark of Sourcebooks, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means including information storage and retrieval systems—except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews—without permission in writing from its publisher, Sourcebooks, Inc. Published by Put Me In the Story, a publication of Sourcebooks, Inc. P.O. Box 4410, Naperville, Illinois 60567–4410 (630) 961–3900 Fax: (630) 961–2168 www.putmeinthestory.com First published by Cumberland House, an imprint of Sourcebooks, Inc. Printed and bound in the United States of America LSI 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
· i n t roduc t ion ·
his book is in
your hands because someone, likely a loving parent or two, maybe a mentor or grandparent, is proud of the moment to which you have arrived— your graduation. Be it from high school, undergraduate college, vocational or professional school, or whatever the case, you have met the challenge, you have passed the test, you have proven your worthiness and ability and shown your potential, and you are about to enter a new stage in your life, a stage where you can bring to bear the benefits of what you have learned thus far. Before you is a free and diverse world, and within it a waiting opportunity to become a part of something larger than yourself—an opportunity to right wrongs, mend wounds, create something fabulous, or discover something astonishing. No matter what the opportunity may be for you, at its core is the call for you to use your gifts in a way that makes a difference. And I promise you, when you choose to make that difference, be it for one person or a nation, you will have begun to define your good legacy. The time between now and then is your journey, and this book was given to you by someone who loves you and wishes to assure that you travel safely. Do, and remember to call home now and then.
Smile at everyone. When you do, so many more people will begin smiling at you.
Make time now for those who love you. You never know how much or how little time you might have to give later.
Forgive and forget. There’s no point wasting time remembering the wrongs committed against you.
Look over your shoulder occasionally to see where you have been. Don’t forget where you’ve come from.
Stretch your limits once in a while. You may find you have more range than you thought.
Love knows no schedule. Be patient. Seize it when it comes along.
Make a fool of yourself once in a while. Being serious all the time is exhausting.
Remember that with age comes wisdom. Befriend someone older and learn a thing or two.
Reciprocate every act of kindness and pay it forward.
There is a lot to see in this world. Go see it.
There’s a big difference between needs and wants. It will serve you well to know the difference.
Be understanding of your parents’ fears as they grapple with letting go of you. It is just another sign of how much they love you.
Always share the spotlight. No one ever accomplished anything good all by themselves.
Believe it or not, someone is looking up to you. Be a good example.
Walk away from a fight, even one you could win. That’s real strength.
Set goals. Write them down. Pursue them. Reward yourself when you achieve one. Then set a new goal.
Rather than wait for others to come to you, go to them.
Be thankful for what you have and waste none of it.
Worry more about doing the right things than if you’re doing things for the right person. The latter results only in doing the right thing less often.
Never pull away from a hug.
Learn the art of conversation. Practice it often.
Be a humble winner and a gracious loser.
Always remember your way home, and be sure to go back there every once in a while.
Leave a legacy that inspires.
A thousand little things add up to one big thing: a happy, fulfilling life. As you journey into the world that awaits you, here are some suggestions, thoughts, and words of wisdom for the road ahead.